A4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday A ugust 14, 2002 Registration August 24th-11 a.n>.-2 p.rp. Centre Court Hopedale Mall s the IN TE R E S TE D IN JO IN IN G A jfc o BOW LING LEAGUE! £ fo r you to choose starting from f M en's & Ladies' M ix o r Y o u th Come in and Test Drive our Custom Systems today! Laptops starting from r K m s e ii i i :> ; Bowling Starts First Week of September C o m e on in for a night of FUN !! Just call Hopedale Bowl a t 8 2 7 - 4 2 8 1 YOUTH BOWLING PROGRAM STARTS SEPTEMBER 7, 2002 r jH s499 9 92S25 Hampshire Gate off Dundas. just W est of Winston Churchill The Finest in Computer Audio 1 I Supervised youth bowling league for all ages, Be a part of Canadas largest participated sport 5-pin bowling - and learn from qualified adult instructors. The " Youth Bowling Council" is a nationally governed program that includes weekly instruction, and includes qualifications for tournaments (local/provincial/national), bowlin shirts, achievement crests, year-end banquet an awards presentation, and provides a FRIENDLY, competitive atmosphere. Join us in the fun, contact HOPEDALE BOWL today. (Prices include rental shoes and bowling). Lineage guaranteed every week. 11 I B §H B S H www.compuresource.ca (905 ) 829-2592 | Pre-School Program): Wednesday Mornings at I(M X ) a.m. O p tio n I: O p tio n 2: One game ( I ) at the cost of $ 3 .50 each week this will include the bowlers shoes also. Two games (2) at the cost of $ 4 .5 0 each week this will include the bowlers shoes also. REGISTRATION $20 · NEW BOWLERS $25 PIN MONEY - TWO INSTALLMENTS OF $20 SEPTEMBER 2002 - JANUARY 2003 For shoes th a t really fit kids. © i i Y O L L y has shoes for all your Back to School COME O U T AND JOIN A BOWLING LEAGUE. LADIES', MEN'S & MIXED LEAGUES STARTING UP IN SEPTEMBER. SIGN UP TODAY! needs including uniform, athletic & casual shoes. w w w .o llys h o e s .c o m 2600 yonge St. ·4X.6.4S7.3XOO S h e rw a y G arden* "YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD BOWLING CENTRE 416.622.6522 4*7 HOPEDALE SHOPPING CENTRE 1515 REBECCA STREET · HOPEDALE SHOPPING CENTRE ` OAKVILLE · 827-4281 locations pew C a n t in c r Cxp. A university study proved that children exposed to stimu lating games and activities in infancy scored higher in both math and reading at age 15. For over 20 years, parents and children have been playing with us. We know how to have a good time and help children learn and develop. Call today for a class schedule and a FREE playdate for new families. · Oakville * M ississa u ga * Meadowvale * Etobicoke * Bloor West Village FALL REG ISTRATIO N NOW! CALL 905-542-7529 GYMB0R66" 3 FREE FREE with computers C IJN C ) FREE Adult ENGLISH CLASSES Full-time, Part-time, Evening, Weekends H om e Study Program available CALL & REG ISTER TODAY!.'! Burlington, Halton Hills, Milton, Oakville Peel Region Program Inform ation: (9 0 5)270-6000 (905)875-3851 Shelley For more inform ation about the Fall Registration Call: ( 905 ) 845-3824 ext. 284 ·GOVERNMENT LICENSED ·CARING PROFESSIONAL STAFF · NUTRITIOUS BREAKFASTS LUNCHES & SNACKS PROGRAM CENTRES OFFERING LEARNING THROUGH FUN · TRANSPORTATION TO LOCAL SCHOOLS 842-4800 CREATIVE LEARNING CENTRE 1131 N o ttin g h ill G ate U n it 18 (G le n A bbey) Our 9th Season! · Plays · Musical Theatre · Choreography · Mime · Play Writing · Improvisation · Theatre Games · Stagecraft & More! · ANCASTER · BRANTFORD · BURLINGTON CAMBRIDGE · DUNDAS · OAKVILLE · STONEY CREEK Register now fir our Fall 2002-2003 programs! Auditions For our F a ll Productions. Roles for a ll ages/call for inform ation! Information A rt is t ic D ir e c to r : L ily S m a ll 905 - 628-9747 SPACES STILL AVAILABLE FOR SEPTEMBER 2002 IN OOR AFTERNOON PROGRAMS For more information Call Debbie Watson · Adele Dittrich ww w .g b tc .c o m o n s ta g e @ g b tc .c o m (905)825-3284 or (905)465-1055