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Oakville Beaver, 24 Nov 2004, C04

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C4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday November 24, 2004 To Place an Ad Call 905-337-5610 Fax: 905-632-8165 Email: classified@hattonsearch.com Mon. to Fri. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. BONUS! All classified ads also appear on www.oakvillebeaver.com Index: Real Estate 100-135 · Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure 200-239 · Community 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400-470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION Call: 905-845-9742 Ad submission by mail o r in person: Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville. O N L6K 2S4. D eadlines: M on., 5 p.m., for W ed. publication. W ed., 5 p.m ., for Fri. publication, Thurs., 5 p.m., for Sun. publication, Special Feature deadlines may vary. Payment: We accept cash, cheque. Interac, Visa, M asterCard, A m erican Express. Business accounts can be o p e n ed with an approved credit application available from your Sales C onsultant. CHECK YOUR AD T H E FIRST DAY 1 T RUNS to en su re the inform ation is correct. C ontact your Sales (xm sullant within 24-1 lours if an e r ro r appears. An e rro r in a Fri. publication must be rep o rted no later than M on., 5:30 p.m. houses for sale FIRST Time Buyers- Free list of homes available for under S1300/m o. W ith as little as zero down! Free recorded m essage 1 -8 8 8 -6 8 4 -9 5 0 9 ID # 4 0 51 P rudential Town Centre R e a lty _____________ S E L L P riv a te and S ave T housands. Results are guaranteed. #1 on Google. 1866-414-0017 www.fizbo ca houses for rent Think Home, Rent Minto 1229 Marlborough C rt Oakville O A K V IL L E D ow ntow n. R e n o v a te d . 3 -b ed ro o m s , large windows, bright spac ious. basem ent. Approx. lO O Osqft., 5 -a p p lia n c e s , separate entrance, parking. Utilities included. Immediate. 905-84^-8259 OAKVILLE Downtown. Large newly renovated 142-bdrm w/spectacular lake view. 121 Allan Street. 905-842-3076; 106 Alan Street 905-8494608 O A K V ILLE . Fourth/ Bridge Bright spacious basem ent $725/m o. includes utilities, c a b le , p arking. S ingle p ro fe s s io n a l. Im m e d iate . 905-337-8087. , O AKVILLE. Kerr/ Stewart. 2bedroom apartments, balcony. Jan. 1st. S950/m o. includes parking & utilities. Call 9 a m -. 6pm. 905-339-2437. O A K V IL L E . 2 -b ed ro o m b a s em e n t a p a rtm e n t, separate entrance. $950/mo. Inclusive No pe ts, no sm oking. A vail. J a n 1 /0 5 . 905-829-1721 O A K V IL L E - 199 Q u e e n M a ry E x c e p tio n a l value. Bachelor available im m ed ia te ly at $ 7 8 0 /m o hydro. Suites from $950/mo., utilities Included. C harm ing laHe 4 river v ie w s C lose to all amenities. 905-844-9006 O A KVILLE Newly renovated 1-b e d ro o m , c lo s e to all amenities. S875/mo.+hydro. 268 Reynolds Street. Jan.1. 905-338-8876 O A K V IL L E 2-b ed ro o m apartment, 2-blocks west of O akville P lace. $ 89 5 /m o . H e a t, hot w a te r, parking included. Im m ediate. 9 05 847-1138. 1 -B D R M b a s em e n t apt . Q E W / W inston C h u rch ill. N o n -s m o k in g / pe ts. F irs t/ Last Call 905-829-1857 B U R L IN G T O N , 1-bedroom b a s em e n t a p a rtm e n t, separate entrance, available J anuary, $ 75 0 /m o . negoti able. utilities included. Nonsmoker. No pets. First/last. 905-336-6701 B U R L IN G T O N Downtown S p ac io u s 2 -b ed ro o m a p t. C lean quiet building. Avail able Jan 1st. $856/mo 905336-1061; 905-630-0398 B U R L IN G T O N . 2 -b e d rooms- 384 St. Paul Street, D e c.1st. $ 8 7 l/m o . Includes utilities/ parking. 1-bedroom Jan. 1st. $802/mo. Call 5pm9pm. 905-639-7072 BURLING TO N . M aple Ave 143 bdrm, 1 month free, very s p a cio u s , w alk to lake Starting $750/mo. inclusive. 905-681-3564 B U R L IN G T O N hig hrise. $ 550 move in bonus. Large attractive 2& 3 bedroom s. C arpeted. No pets. Utilities included. Starting at $79 5 / mo. Im m e d iate / D e c./1 s t. 9 05-632-0961. Mon.-Fn . 108. Sat.. 9-5. Closed Sunday B U R L IN G T O N 3020 Glencrest Rd. 1 ,2 bedroom available Dec J JanV Immed iately. From S795/mo.Upscale quiet building dose to major shopping 905-632-0129 BURLINGTON- Lakeshore & M a p le . L a k efro n t view sl E xceptional v alu e . 1-b e d room available immediately. From $ 9 5 0 /m o ., utilitie s included. Pool, sauna. Near all amenities. 905-632-5258 BURLING TO N . 2-bedroom Clean, quiet, well maintained. E xcellent cen tral location. Parking $798/mo. hydro. D ec (N o doga). 9 0 5 -5 7 2 7631 905-664-2659 O A K V IL L E Bronte by the la k e . N e w ly re n o v a te d building & a p a rtm e n ts . 2 b edroom , $ 1 1 25 /m o n th inclusive. 1-parking. Avail able Jan/1 st 905-465-3428 D O W N T O W N B urlington, 1275 Elgin Street offering a re n ta l discount! 1&2 B edroom s A vaila b le Now. Freshly painted, (some with new kitchen c ab in e try ), spacious, well m aintained, q u iet with upg rad e d fire a la rm system for sate highrise living. 905-637-0321 DOW NTOW N O a k v ille Step out to shops and fine d in in g : B a ch elo r and 2 bedroom a p a rtm e n ts a v a ila b le sta rtin g from $ 7 7 5 /m o . N o le a s e / last m onth p a ym ent required. Non-smokers. 905-330-2770 D O W N T O W N O a k v ille - 1bedroom apartment or offices w/deck. $ 1 300/mo. inclusive. Also large 1-bedroom open concept. A /C , Jan /15th. $ 1 500/m o. Inclusive. 905844*8581 No pet/smokers S P A C IO U S 1, 2 and 3bedroom apartment in quiet, e x c e lle n tly m a in ta in ed building. Close to downtown. F ully re n o v a te d , new appliances, utilities, cable Included. From $ 75 0 /m o . 905-639-1960 ____________ FREE Rent for a limited time only! Oakville. Kerr/ Speers Rd. N e w ly renovated b a c h elo r. 1 4 2 -b e d ro o m s Close to lake, schools & all amenities, utilities & parking included. 905-339-1154 L A K E F R O N T B uilding in Burllngtonl Large clean 1 & 2 -b ed ro o m a p a rtm e n t, balcony. A v aila b le 2 33 8 Lakeshore Road. Call 905637-3447, 1-BEDROOM , loft apartment, re fin ish e d p riva te coach hou s e , w alk out doors to fen ce d b a c ky a rd , parking inc lu d e d . D ow ntow n Old W aterdo w n. M inu tes from 4 0 7 . Burlington, H am ilton and Bruce Trail. Call Dean 905-639-6684 or 416-360* 1443 BRIGHT spacious basement a p a rtm e n t 5 a p p lian ce s , near L a k es h o re/ A ppleby. $ 7 7 5 /m o . u tilitie s /c a b le Included. S uit single p ro fe s sio n a l, non-s m o k e r C ^ l Diane 905*333-0344 LAKE View & Park View! Old O a k v ille , c lo s e to lake. Shopping just outside front door! 2-bedroom. $1225; 1bedroom + den. $ 1200 1 bedroom from $985/m o. All inclusive. No lease, no last m onth d e p o s it. 9 0 5 -8 4 4 * 6952; 905-339-4645 BURLINGTON TOWERS 1 -B E D R O O M O A K V IL L E - S u n s et Dr Clean 3-bdrm. 1.5 baths, eat in kitchen. 5 appliances, main flo o r fam ily room , fen ced yard, garage. Non-smokers. A bs o lu te ly no pets. $1525/mo. + 416-484-1484 O A K V IL L E . Im m a c u la te new detached. 3-bedroom . 2.5 baths, finished basement, gas fireplace, fenced yard. 5 appliances. A/C. No smok ing/ pets. Dec. 1st. S1650/ mo. +utiliUes. 416-432-1188. O AKVILLE. 1 acre lot. Ford D riv e / U p p e r M id d le . 4bedroom s, double garage. $ 1 4 5 0 /m o . 9 0 5 -4 6 9 -9 6 9 4 ext.31 B U R LIN G TO N - 3 bedroom. 1.5 baths. 4 appliances. A/C. g a ra g e , fe n c e d . $ 1 3 0 0 ./ month +utilities Available m id D e c e m b e r. 9 0 5 -3 3 5 4823 ____________________ B U R L IN G T O N -3 bedroom , re c -ro o m , B rant S t 4 4 07 a re a . D riv e by 1334 Humphreys Cres. $1330/mo. 905-315-8062. cell: 905-3300743 O W N your own home! Rent to own. 100% Financing. No Money down. Self-employed. H a v e g o o d / bad credit Choose your program. Call Napoleon to plan your home ow ne rs h ip s trate g y . Napoleon Wilson Sales Rep. S utton G roup Inn o va tiv e Realty Inc. 905-681-2800 O A K V IL L E 3 -b ed ro o m b un g a lo w with g a ra g e , available immediately. Also townhouse available short term . C a ll Joe R upcich. B roker 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -0 3 6 3 Oakdome Realty Ltd. C O U N T R Y b ungalow . 3bdrm . south M ilto n . $ 1 1 0 0 /m o . S and y D alton 416-562-7626 _____________ U N F U R N IS H E D / Furnished 'M in t*. $ 1 4 0 0 & $ 1 5 0 0 c o m p le te ly re n o 'd units available Dec 1 Oakville Call Mark Kirton Sales Rep Royal LePage 905-847-8833 Are You A Loving Caregiver? Cumberland Village 3-bdrm townhome 4 appls. Eat-in Kitchen Basement 9 0 5 - 8 4 4 -7 3 3 2 SAVE $300. w ith 1 year lease! · Steps to O akville Place & Sheridan College · Easy access to GO Transit and QEW · Large Suites and Oversized Balconies C A LL TO DAY 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -8 5 8 3 raw burl ingtonttwes com ·Double Air M iles C - L # W ALK lo GO! 5 plex, Brant/ Fairvlew. Clean, attractive 1bedroom: $655/ mo.+ hydro. N ov./ Dec. No smoking or pets Parking. 905-528-7520 HO U SES bought fast. Any condition, any location. Need quick cash? Trouble selling? C alB B , 905-481-0289 /co m m e rc ia l space 1. 2 & 3 Bdrms from $899 905 2220 Marine Drive, Oakville 9 0 5 - Parking 632-2601 · Playground · Family oriented · Convenient location · Near schools Tw o a do rab le, w e ll-b e h a ve d ch ild re n se e k loving, e ne rge tic ca re g iv e r w h o e n jo ys cre a tive play, e d u ca tin g youn g m inds and a b u sy sched ule . 4 d a ys a w e ek. N o driving. E xp erience a n d re fe re n ce s required . R iver O a ks area. O akville. 8 2 5 -9 6 1 6 Call 905-338-1658 D o n Q u ixo te C o -o p e ra tiv e Maple Crossing Blvd. Burlington · 905-632-1428 2-Bedrooms. $ 1 ,122/m o. + utilities. 3 bdrm $1,198. + utilites Fridge, stove, laundry hook-up. garage, fenced y ard . P layground & laundry la c ilitie s . N ear shopping, schools & transit. Easy QEW access! No subsidy available. Great Family Living! OAKVILLE: New Townhouse available Dec. 15. Third Line/ D u n d a s . 3 -b ed ro o m . 2 .5 bathroom s. 4 a p p lian ce s , garage. A/C 905-827-9584 D E SK - executivo. credenza, bookcase 4matching chairs. L-shaped. solid wood cherry stain. New $25 0 0 , sacrifice $ 6 0 0 9 0 5 -6 8 1 -8 3 3 5 . 905637-4099 DIN INGRO O M , cherrywood. double p e d e sta l tab le . 8 chairs. Buffet, hutch, dovetail construction. Now. still in boxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrific.ng $2,600. 905-567-9459 D IS H W A S H E R , portable; M icrow ave; C om m ode for disabled; bod rail; bathtub hand grip, bath bench. 905634 -6 27 3 after 7pm. FR E E in-hom e estim ate: blinds, sh u tte rs , d rapes. Com e visit our showroom. 5109 H a rv e s te r Rd. Burlington 905-336-5341 FRIDGE 4 Stove. $200 /both Dining Table/ 4 chairs/ leaf/ rocking chair $ 20 0 .; C o m puter desk $100.; Vacuum, upright $ 2 0 . 905-332-7691 F R ID G E . GE side-by-side. w hite. 4-yrs. old. 27cu.ft.. e xcellent condition. $ 50 0 Call 905-827-8165 HOT Tub- Softub. new liner/ cover/ lid/ motor/ pump. Now condition Including chemicals. $2100. 905-845-9813 H O T T u b / Spa All selfc o n tain e d . all options, w/cover, 2 004 model, new. still in wrapper, cost S8900. saenfioe $4.100.905-304-7775 HOUSEHOLD .terns lor sale including office desk, dining table 4 chairs Call Nadine: 905-465-2404 IKEA bed, silver, metal frame double with mattress. $150; HP DeskJet 6 56 C printer $30 905-617-2595 K E N M O R E S ld e -b y-s id e Fridge. 22cu.ft.. ice/ w ater d ispe n s e r, 2 y ea rs new , brand new condition. $1100. 905-825-3349 KING piltow-top mattress set. New in plastic. Cost $1600. S a c rific e $ 4 5 0 . 9 0 5 -5 6 7 * 9459. Can deliver LO S E W eioht. Fast. S afe. E asy, w w w .new body.net C ode 4 0 5 0 Tel: 1 -7 8 0 785-2551 MATCHING couch, loveseat 4 chair, excellent condition. Asking $650. 905-469-8032 M A T T R E S S I8 - 5 0 S O FF R E T A IL ! Tw in set $ 22 5 Queen orthopedic pillowtop set. $ 2 9 5 . King pillowtop. $455.; Can deliver! Luxury Memory Foam Beds Pocket Coil available. lOyr warranty 905-632-0283 · M A Y TA G w asher 4 dryer, e xcellen t condition. $ 3 5 0 / pair. Call 905-845-7456. M O V IN G O v e rs e a s · com puters, w asher, dryer, frid g e, s to ve. N um erous items. 905-825-816t} MOVING sale- 8ft Olhausen pool ta b le . 4 bar stools couches, coffee table and much more 905-319-3074 MOVING Burgundy sofabed. loveseat, $250/pr. 2 cream/ burgundy w ing chairs. $400/pr; Pine kitchen table. $250; Hot tub. $2500; Gilded mirror. $200; Thule ski/bike roof rack for VW Jetta. $300.; C a m e l/ burgundy chenille sofa, $1500 905-847-7530. 416-704-8173 ____________ N E E D a new kitchen? beautiful white wood grain c ab in e try c/w frid g e, w all oven. sto vetop. and dishwasher. Less than 3yrs old Suits Med-large kitchen. Local d e live ry a v a ila b le . $4200 for all. Will break up package. Please call 905333-6959_____________ O F F IC E desk. 2 pedestal. 3 x6 , 5 draw er, grey. $60 M atc h in g hutch. $20; matching credenza, 2x6. 4 drawer. 2 door. $50; 4 filing cabinets. 2 drawer. $10/each; 2 pine end tables, $15/each; computer desk. 30x48. grey, $30. 905-338-0139 P E N W O O D entertain m ent unit, solid oak. lot's of space for electronics. Up to 30" TV. $14 0 0 new. sacrifice $750. 905-632-6729 P IA N O H O U S E Burlington 200 new / used Pianos and G ra n d s . Y a m a h a , K aw ai. Samlck, others www.pianos, ca 905-631-9259 P IA N O 'S good selection under 3K Buy and Sell. Steve 9 0 5 -6 3 1 -6 2 0 0 Halton Conservatory 3031 Hwy#5, Burlington P IA N O . H ig h -e n d , D igital Roland, 88 full-size keys. Sound ba n k / recorder. 3pedals, Paid $3400, asking $1800. 905-827-9628 P IA N O . U pright M ason 4 Risch. Dark cherry mahog any. e xc e lle n t condition. Regular tuning, $13 7 5 .obo. .Eric 905-319-6484 P IA N O tuning. Pianos: Refinlshed. Reconditioned from under 1K. C all The Plano Ooctor, 905-616-7244 P LA YC ENTRE (wooden). 2 fori areas. 2 slides. 2 swings, 2 rope iedders, rocket rider, m onkey bars. Factory stained. Brand new In box. Sells $1500; selling for $650 9 05-257-4390 ______ POOL tab le plus a cc e s so rie s . U s e d / New. B uy/ S ell/ Service. Choose from 5 0 tab les! 9056 1 6 -5 1 5 9 www.bllliard-serv lce.com S K A TE S , childrens, winter coats, childrens, like new. for sizes call 905-336-8852 S L E IG H Bed. oversized. O ak. Q ueen. 2 years new. includes new m attress. $350obo 905-631-0455 S N O W T ir e s - four Pirelli W inter Ice, 225 /60 R 1 6 low mileage, like new, $350. 905825-2819 S N O W Tires (4 ) on black steel rims, only 13,451km . Excellent condition. Rims genuin e , H onda, Tires G oodyear Ultra- Grip 195/ 65R15. $350.. RaleighGrand P rix 2 6 * fra m e . 12 speed racing bike. Good condition. $50 905-845-2522 S N O W T IR E S , 4 M lchelm Arctic Alpin 215/65R 15. 1/2 season old. Fit 2002 Toyota Sienna. $ 45 0 a l 905-3334964 S O F A B E D - pastel colours. $300. 905-690-0889 or 905632-2645 TE A K livingroom wall unit, $250. Cream colour recliner couch and lo v e s ea t. paid $30 0 0 . best offer. Millcroft area 905-331*9081 T R E A D M IL L - Sears ' Free S p irit*. W ith h e a rt rate monitor, like new. was $950. now $375. Call 905-681-2253 T V - 32". 1 yr. old. S ears. $250. Double bed w/ pillow top m attress 4 boxspring. w ooden h eadboard, fo o t board/ side rails. $500. 3pc. lighted wall unit/ entertain ment system, wood/ glass, paid $1300. $550.obo. 905* 639-5824 TW IN stroller and 2 car seat s ystem . P eg V ery good condition. Retails $1100.+. Asking $850 , 4 All Season tires. P185/65R14 new. best o ffer, furniture also 905465-0716 ` VILAS style dining room set. table with 2 chairs hutch and c orner cupboard $ 7 9 5 O .B .O .. Solid oak. round pedestal table with 4 pressed back chairs $ 4 8 5 O .B .O . 905-637-0053 W A L L u n it- Ikea Ivor unfinished pine with 2 glass doors, com pu ter desk. Approx. 10iongx7'high. was $950. now $400. 905^81-2253 W HEELCHAIR, Breezy 600. 1 -yr. old. cushion air infinity, cost $ 2 5 0 0 . asking $650; O pel w alke r Futura. cost $ 5 8 5 . asking $ 1 7 5 . 9 0 5 337-0103._________________ K l I ls a rtic le s w anted SMALL commerical units for rent New & beautifu lly finished. 7 6 9 s M 4 2 0 s f. Speers/3rd Line. O akville. Andrew 905-257-3973 R O YA L W indsor/ W inston Churchill Warehouse space a vailable. S 1/s q ft., with loading dock, forklift services. 416-823-7060. ·Live rig h t on the w ater overlooking Bronte Harbour and new marina! · Stroll to charm ing Bronte Village shops · Easy access to shopping, parks end transit 1 & 2 Bdrms from S1.075 CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING 1-Bdrm«lmmed. Sunken livingroom, window in kitchen, breakfast nook. R O YA L W indsor/ W inston C hurchill. S h ared office space. Boardroom, reception area, internet/ photocopier. S 395/m o u tilities. 4 1 6 823-7060 -fV wwwlminto.com | m in to 905- 637-9725 511 Guelph Line Burlington I Q u a lity L iv in g in O ak ville . Affordably priced 1. 2 & 3 Bedrooms WE OFFER.... Clean, well-maintained, secure home for you: Large suites with balconies. Laundry & parking Easy access to QtW.GO, shopping & schools. On-site mgrs Call today - No appt necessary -------- 75 \ ( Stew art S treet ) V 9 0 5 ^ 8 4 4 -4 2 9 4 y Great Value! Great Location! www rentersnews ca/go/ 75stewartst ^ -- 1297 /M a rlb o ro u Q h Q r t \ f 136!! ] \ W hite Oaks Blvd. / \g 0 5 -8 1 5 -1 6 2 $ / Luxury Living. Extremely large suites. wwy/ renters.news.ca/go/ 1297marlboroughcourt CENTRAL TO EVERYTHING 2-Bdrm-December Sunken livingrooms, windows in kitchens, breakfast nooks, 2 outdoor pools. 905-637-9725 $150,0004 Yearly: The best money making business that $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 . can buy. 2 5% R aises every y e a r. S ales experience required Limited territories. Call 1-8 6 6 -8 0 4 2434 $100,000++ first year. 10-yr. old com pany m arketing ·healthy coffee' ts now set to launch in North Amenca. Call 905-297-7071. M E D - M a riju a n a. Legal & e ffective C annabis Health products. O ntario dealers required. Call 902-865-6761 B R ITIS H Pub in Burlington for sale: fully equipped, good lease 416-934-2823 P R O M O T E your business opportunity to over 4 million adult re a d e rs in South Central Ontario. Book your a d v ertise m en t in over 60 M etroland com m unity newspapers with one phone call. Call for information on weekly word ad packages (internet listings included) 4 1 6 -4 9 3 -1 3 0 0 e x t.2 76 ; www. meuo land com_______ I , * ] , ] m o rtg ag e, lo an s WHITE OAKS BLVD. 3-bedroom townhouse. Private drive and garage. 4 appliances. Available January 1. Near Oakville Place and GO. A Class Agency. No agency fees. Life can be easier- hire a liv e -in N a n n y . H R P A O member, www northemleaf care.com 519-653-0702. L IV E -IN / O u t- C a re g iv e r required for 2 children, ages 3 4 4yrs. to start early January 2005. N.W Oakville. 905*469-1594. evenings. LIVE-IN nanny required for 2 y e a r old. E x p e rie n c e and references required. Please call 905-847-6166 511 Guelph Line Burlington A B S O L U T E L Y gorg eou s! E xtre m ely s pacious 1 10 0 s q .ft. 2 room w alko ut basement apartment. Backs onto ra v in e . Livingroom . d in ingro om , full k itchen , m orel High ceilings, huge windows, hardwood floor, 3a pplian ces. D e c .1st. Third Line/ Dundas. Approximately $1.10(ymo. 416-823-7060 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -0 2 5 4 2 -B E D R O O M townhouse at G len A b b e y , im m e d iate le a s e . $ 1 2 5 0 /m o . All appliances, easy access to G O , sch ools, shopping. C ontact H P C C : 9 0 5 *4 6 9 4 37 6 ,4 1 6-8 2 1*23 6 7 S O U T H W E S T B u rlin g to n Spacious 2-bedroom townhome w/garage, appliances, w /o to d eck. W alking distance to all am enities, including G O. Just seconds from Q EW 905-638-1099 BEAR Hugs Hom e Daycare T LC 4 fun learning curriculum. FT/ PT. Drop ins w elcom e. E C E / M A / First a id / C P R . M a n d a rin 4 English 905-616-7668 B R ITIS H -Trained caregiver 12-yrs. experience, offering quality home daycare. CPR. First Aid. All ages welcome. Im m ediate start available. A p p leb y / F a irv le w . 9 05* 681 -3 90 3 C H IL D Care* Happy Tim es for Kids is hosting an Open House on W ed Dec.1 from 6*8pm Check out why kids at this award* winning Glen Abbey school oven ask to go on weekends! Call 905-4652 4 8 9 or visit w w w .happytl mesforkids.ca SPACES available- Oakville3rd Line/B ridge. Nutritious m e a ls , c ra fts , sto rytim e. Infant/child C P R . First Aid. non-smoking. 905-469-0191 s '-- V jg 5 - 8 4 2 - 8 3 3 ^ / New basketball/tennis court & pool! www rentersnews ca/go/ 297queensave WOURE ABOUT OUR MOVE-W ALLOWANCE . Y O U D E S E R V E T H E B E S T 695 SURREY LANE APARTMENTS FULLY RENOVATED BURLINGTON TOWERS A P A R T M E N T S 1 ,2 & 3 bdrm. from $760/mo. Utilities included! Near Fortinos, Ikea, Bus B U R L IN G T O N e xe c u tiv e ond-unlt townhouse. Large 3bedroom. ensuite, 5 applian ces. near GO. fenced comer yard, g a ra g e . $ 1 3 9 5 /m o .+ Immediate 905-466-6305 B U R L IN G T O N e x e c u tiv e end-unit townhouse. Large 3bedroom, ensuite. 5 applian c es . w alk to G O . fen ced c o rn e r y ard . $ 1 4 9 5 /m o .+ A v a ila b le N o v ./1 9 th 9 0 5 466-6305 1,2& 3 B e d r o o m S u it e s Summer never ends with our indoor heated pool! On-site maintenance too. 905-639-0456 www.homestead.on.ca S SM O N EYSS 1 0 0 % 1st. 2nd and 3rd M o rtg a g e s . Bad credit OK. Call Ontario Wide 1-888-307-7799 A 5-yr O 4.8% . Also equity mortgage program s regardless of incom e or credit. Call Norm O 905*844* 1245 or visit us a l www. sindaircockbum.com T e l: 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -8 5 8 3 I www.burlingtontowers.com C A R E F R E E L IF E S T Y L E i I fu rn is h e d re n ta ls B U R LO A K SHORES 2-Bdrm - 4 Appl Prestige lake front property at reasonable rent 5370 Lakeshore Rd Unit #8, Burlington 1360 to 1422 Tyandaga Park Dr., BURLINGTON Park-like setting by golf course & QEW 2 Bdrm Townhomes Avail Immediately Call today to view: 905- 3 3 5 -3 0 0 1 E-mail: tyandaga@resreit.com HAVE A GREAT VIEW OF A GREAT LAKE! BRONTE H A R BO U R. C o m p le te ly new and upgraded 1& 2-B drm s. suites with lake views. Hardwood, ceramics, window coverings. Pool. Tennis«Secure underground parking. F o r in fo , c a ll * « ,, , ,, / ! TR A V E LSU ITES .N E T... Log on!!... 'N ew * 1-4 bedrooms/ baths. Furnished fully! 48++ locations! D a ily , W eekly. M onthly! From $ 4 9 .9 5 * / night "Guaranteed Lowest R e n t'- $ 1 0 0 ** S hoppin g 'S p r e e . V IS A /M C /A M E X . Page Us. 905-681-7355 B E A U T IF U L L Y lu rn is h e d e x e c u tiv e , 2 -b e d ro o m , 2bath. condo in Glen Abbey. The Aboretum overlooking ravine. W ill consider short/ long term. $ 20 0 0 ./m o. Call Janice, 416-953-1261 v m 1*1 services * senior 905-681-0355 2 4 3-bdrm (Finished base m e n t) Im m e d ia t e /J a n .1 .. B oth- H ardw ood flo o rs. 4 appliances, familyroom, parklike setting. Arlington Blvd., B urlington. 9 0 5 -6 8 1 -0 0 7 0 . www.pmonllne/viewit .ca A PPLE B Y M all- 2-bedroom c ondo re c -ro o m $ 1 0 2 0 / m o ****L ak e s id e P la z a - 3bedroom condo, 1.5 baths, recro o m , g a ra g e $ 1 0 6 5 / m o « M Off Guelph Line 3bedroom, 2 storey condo. 1.5 baths, rec-room S1040/m o. Albert McDonagh Ltd. 905* 6 32 -5 69 0 $800. Burlington Park Towers 2-BEDROOMS Beautiful 2-bdrm apis Irom $800 util. incl. 2386 New Street at Guelph Line Tel: 905-639-5761 Open 11-7, Mon.-Sat. C O R E Burlington Triplex. W alk to L akel 1-bedroom basement. Parking included. Laundry facilities. $850/mo.+ utilities. Jan. 1.05 9 05-6395461 S U P E R C le a n - C lose to O akville P lace M all and highway access. G reat for seniors & young couples. 2bedroom suite- Best Value at $1125. 905-845-7545 PRIM E Downtown Burling ton, Upgraded suites 1&2 Bedroom New w indow s. M odernized ele v ato rs . Scenic views. 478 Pearl. 477 E lizabeth: 9 0 5 -6 3 4 -9 3 7 4 . 905-632-1643 ____________ O A K V IL L E . B ach elor, apartm ent, open concept, above grade Kerr S t.. minutes from lake, close to GO. quiet 4-plex. New floors, laundry, freshly painted, Dec. 1st. 5615/mo. inclusive. 905-631-9915 NEWLY renovated 1. 2 & 3bedrooms (+den) (Reason able rates for 1-bdrm). Pool, w eight room , s au nas. 24 hour video su rv e illan c e . Oakville. 905-338-3342 N O R TH S H O R E Tow ers. 2 bedroom , Jan. 1-bedroom Feburary (+S 33. parking). Utilities included. No Pets. Quiet Building. Diane. 9am7pm. 905681 -1307* Burlington U N IQ U E park setting & extensive gardens, property backing on Tyandaga Golf C ourse, frid g e/ stove/ dishw asher, FP In som e units, patio & garden apt. s, locker room & in unit storage, hardwood, complex features. 1, 2 43*bdrm & 3 44-bdrm townhouses. 905-336-6379 TYANDAGA T e rra c e . B urlington. S itu a te d on private, park-like grounds. Freshly painted with private walk-outs to cedar hedged patios. 2 & 3 Bedroom s available now at 1440. 1450 & 1460 Tyandaga Park Drive. 9 0 5 -3 3 6 -0 0 1 5 ; 9 0 5 -3 3 6 * 0 0 1 6 In q u ire re: rental discount BURNHAM THORPE/ T ra fa lg a r. Top floor. 4bedroom bungalow, separate family/ livlngroom, garage, huge yard , $ l2 9 5 /m o . inclusive. 905-829-5856. COZY Bachelor apartment In North O akville hom e, $625/m o. S uita single professional non-sm oker. Available immediately. 905842-1537. FRIENDLY Staff- 1 bedroom suites only $975. Next to Sheridan College. 905-8457545 (Oakville) 905- 827-9169 w w w .o n tlm .c o m W A T E R D O W N - 8th Conn Self-contained apartment In house. 2 bedrooms. Immed ia te . $ 6 9 0 /m o inclusive except phone. 905-523-7717 after 5pm. W A T E R D O W N - C e n tra l location, walk everyw here 14 2 bdrms from $770/mo. 75 John St: 905-690-4454; 50 John St: 905-689-1647: waterdownrenters.com B R O N T E , O ak v ille near Lake. S 780/m o. Room y 1bedroom . P arking spot & utilities included. Dec.1 or Jan.1 possession. Call Gail Munro. 905-825-5895. O N -T H E -L A K E B ronte. Immaculate bright 1-bedroom +loft, laundry, cable, parking. Single executive S1500/mo. 905-827-2266 after 5pm B R O N TE / Lakeshore. New luxury 2-bedroom basement a p a rtm e n t. 1 2 0 0 s q .ft. Appliances, C/A. C/V. cable, separate entrance No pets. N o n-sm okers. S 10 0 0 /m o . Inclusive except telephone. 416-970-8069; 905-827- 5019. L O C A T E D at 291 St. Paul S tre e t. B urlington. 2bedroom , from $ 8 8 0 ./m o ., includes heat/ hydro/ parking. Dec. 1st. For appointm ent, 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -2 6 6 1 , W ell- m ain tained by Jordan & Williamson 1& 2B edroom s new ly renovated, hardwood, quiet. Close to schools, daycares & downtown. From S795/mo. Available now. Speers/ Kerr. 905-339-0668 FROM ONLY $ 70 0 Spacious 1&2 bedrooms In great fam ily building. Burlington, near Maplevlew. 905-333-9846. Noon-8pm 3055 G le n c re s t R d., Burlington. Centrally located, qu iet, w ell- m a in ta in ed , spacious* 1 bedroom s available now. 905-637-3921 GUELPH Line/ Woodward 2 bedroom apartments avail* able N o v ./ D e c ./ J a n .1 . $845/m o. Utilities Included. Clean, quiet building. 905632-4265 L A K E S H O R E e le g a n c e . W alk to Joseph Brant Hospital, excellent Lakeshore location. Suits d o c to rs , nurses, paramedics. Quiet, secure profe s sio n a lly managed, huge 1 bedroom suite, only $ 9 4 9 /m o . C all 905-637-8431 c fo w tn E A S T O ak v ille furnished acco m m o d a tio n . P riv a te e n tra n c e , p a rk in g , c ab le , laundry N on-sm okin g. Im m e d ia te . $ 4 9 5 /m o . inclusive. First/last. D ays, 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -2 1 1 1 , Evenings. 416-262-7394 shared accommodation RIVER Oaks. Professional, non-smoking, male to share large house. O wn m aster bedroom ,, ensuite + 0( 1106. Available immediately to right person Call 905-464-4278 O A K V IL L E - large, bright, upscale basement bedroom. S eparate entrance. Private and clean 3pce. ensuite and sitting room. Cleaning lady, c a b le , p arking included Shared kitchen/ laundry. No s m o k in g / p e ts. $ 6 7 5 /m o . 905-257-7285. PRIVATE bedroom +shared townhome. Newly painted/ decorated. Fully furnished/ equipped. Walker's/ Hwy #5. Minutes to 407/ QEW . $700 unfurnished bedroom, $750 furnished (all new); $200/ wk s hort term . U tilitie s and parking included. Available Dec.1. Female non-smoker only please. Jill 9 0 5 -3 3 2 7435 C A R E G IV E R experienced with elderly available day or night.. Burlington. Call Mavis. 905-631-7461 C A N A D IA N A Q u ie t, w ellmaintained lakefront building. Very spacious 1. 2 & 3 bed rooms available immediately/ O ct./ Nov. 5220 Lakeshore. Burlington. 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -5 4 8 6 (no dogs) NO room for C o m p an y ® C hristm as?? W e a re your accommodation alternative. Short-term Clean, spacious 1& 2 bedroom furnished suites at m uch d e s ire d lo c a tio n .... B urlington T o w e rs . 9 0 5 - 6 3 9 - 8 5 8 3 . www.corporatesuites.ca W W W . FU R N IS H E D C O R P O R A T E R E N T A L S .C O M modem upscale 3-bdrm. 2.5baths, fully equipped. Short/ Long term . O a k v ille /Burlington 905-616-3667 W W W .PR EM IERESU ITES.C OM Furnished 1-3 bedroom condom inium s and to w n h o u s es through out M ississauga, O akville and Burlington. 905-469-3330 COM PUTER desk and hutch, wood finish. $100, Computer cart, $50 . W ood dining set with 4 cha irs . $ 1 5 0 . 9 0 5 525-2459 FIREPLACE mantel- antique distressed-wood style. $100. C a ll T e rry 9 0 5 -6 3 7 -2 0 9 5 . 905-633-9463 T A B LE (sm all) 4 2 chairs, pine, good condition. $75. 905-632-2327 W OOD bench 8 Lx1.5,Wx3'H. Ideal for end of garage Very sturdy. Pick it up and its free! Call 905-845-5865 5200 LAKESHORE On the Water Appleby & Lakeshore. 2 BEDROOMS Freshly painted, Mature trees, Recently renovated corridors, Galley kitchens. Sparkling hardwood, Outdoor pool, patio W A N TE D - All China, Silver. C rystal. Te a Cups. Royal Doulton. Swarovski. Glass. J e w e lle ry . old toys, collec tib les , e states. C all John/Tracy. 905-331-2477 B E S T cash for all china, s ilv e r, je w e lry , furniture, paintin g, prints, old toys, cam eras, watches, clocks. Call 905-517-4352 FUR C oats, any size, any colour. Also Sterling Silver and Costume Jewellery. 905633-7531 WANTED- Upscale furniture, loveseats. occasional tables, le a th e r, curio cabinets, c h a n d e lie rs , diningroom, antiques, bedroom O ther fine quality pieces. Trading Places 905-815-1949. Open H ousb Mon.-Wed.-Fri. 10-4 & Sat.-Sun, 11-2 Ask About Our M ove-in Incentive! GEORGIAN COURT ESTATES 611 Surrey Lane, Burl. Immaculate 2&3 BRs, with full basements! Utilities included. Tel: 905-632-8547 ww w.realstar.ca GUELPH Line/ Upper Middle. Nottingham Avenue. 2 bed rooms. fridge, stove. $ 85 0 / mo. utilities, first/ last. Dec/ Jan. 1st No pets. 905-3367901 9-am-6pm Burlington O A K V IL L E - 3rd Llne& R e b e c c a - Large 3-b d rm townhouse. 1-1/2 bath, hydro and la u n d ry In c lu d e d . 2 parking spaces, $ 1 130/mo. 905-616-5636 O A K V IL L E - 3 B edroom townhouses available Im m ediately through January. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall a re a . L a k eshore Management. 905*876*3336 O A K V IL L E . U pper M iddle/ T ra fa lg a r. 3 -b e d ro o m s , 4 a p p lia n c e s , bro a d lo o m , new ly d e c o ra te d , g a ra g e , fin ish e d b a s e m e n t, n e a r s ch ools, tra n s p o rta tio n . $ 1 ,2 80 /m o . utilities. 905270-2693, 3 -B D R M tow n hom e on F ran cis R d .. Burlington. A p p llc an ce s . $ 1 ,1 0 0 . R eferences. C ontact M ark Mallalleu. 905-815-3312 BURLINGTON. One month free. Very spacious 243 bedrooms, private patio, parking, 4 appliances, Brant/ QEW . centraly located. AH amenities at doorstep. Easy access to ail highways. From $830^X3. 905336*9842 B URUNG TON- BJuefeikte Dr., 2 bedroom +den maisonette, 2 appliances, fenced backyard $90Q*mo + u*)e6. immedtateSOS3190789 ________ BURLINGTON- Neai' Appleby Go. 3-bdrm, 2.5 baths. C/A, 5 appliances. $120(ymo. +utiWbes. Aval. Now* 905627-5144 2-B E D R O O M townhouse. Finished basem ent, new windows 4 doors. Hardwood floors. Available Dec./Jan. SeoamonAea 905639-7806 NORTH Burlington, beautiful T h , 2 -b ed ro o m , FP . 5 appliances, Avail, now. Min. year lease. $ 965 utilities. Call 905-849-8431. Immediate. 905-681-7126 BACHELOR Basement Apt. for qu iet m ature person. Downtown Burlington $56 0 / mo includes H e a t/h y d ro . 905-730-1560 after 4pm A N T IQ U E C h in a - 70p cs . Leighton by Royal Doulton. Service for 10 incl. serving dishes. $500. 905-681-2253 A P P L IA N C E S -F rid g e s . S toves. W a sh e rs . D ryers. Like new. Spotless. Under warranty. 905-549-1911 BABY stuff!!! Evenflo On my Way* Stroller with snap n` go Infant s ea t. B lue patte rn fabric. G raco Pack n' play, G ra co B um per J um per, bedralis. Call 905-525-5670 BABY/ T o d d le r Items Including M o re g e a u crib, changetable. dresser. Perego T e n d e r and P ram , swing, toys, books... 905-829-2518 B E D , A m azing b a rg a in , queen orthopedic pillowtop set. new In plastic, warranty. $150. 905-567-4042 BEDROOM set. cherrywood. Bed, chest, dresser, mirror. 2 night stands. D o v e ta il construction. Never opened. Cost $8,000. Sacnfice $1900. 905-567-4042 B E D S, New Double $220.; Q u ee n S 240 c/w fram e; Futons; W a te rb e d parts; Refurbished Electronics; 905681-9496.905-563-6903 CARPET 4 Laminates. Truck load purchasing. Unbeatable .v a lu e P ro fes s io n al installations. 8mm. d ie . 20 yrear warranty. $ 1 .49/sq.ft. Call 905-633-8192 CARPET. I have 100% nylon 4 Stalnmaster carpet. Will do LR 4 DR for $ 389 Includes carpet, pad 4 Install (30yds). CallScott 905*633*8192. C A R P E T . I have s ev e ra l 1 ,0 0 0 yards of new Stalnm aster 4 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom 4 hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad 4 Installation (30 yards) Steve. 905-633-8192 C H E S T E R F IE L D and 2 matching chairs $900 O.B.O. E xc e llen t c ondition. 9 0 5 * 637-8283 CONFERENCE T a b le Beautiful. 3 seater. round, Ideal for home office, dark c herry w ood colour, solid w ood, paid $ 3 6 0 0 , asking $1200. Interested only! 905825-1987______________ C O U C H - G re e n le a th er, matching rocker recliner. 4 years old, excellent condition. $900 obo. 905-257-7180 Trafalgar Rd. & Whiteoaks Blvd. Extra Large 2-Bdrm Suites Available in beautiful Oakville bldg. Lrg balconies. Close to schools & professional services. Easy access to QEW & 403. Very reasonable. Call for appt to view 905-844-2646 or 905-845-0987 O A K V IL L E B ro n te / L a k es h o re. 2 *b e d ro o m s . b a lcony. 6 -p le x $ 8 5 0 /m o . +h ydro. R e fe re n c e s and credit check. A v aila b le Dec. 1st. 905-277-0509. O A K V IL L E M odern 1&2 Bdrms apts from S 845/m o 1265 6-llne: 905-842-8960; 190 Kerr St 905*845*1777; www.oakvillerenters.com D O W N T O W N Burlington 1bed ro o m , second floor, parking. $ 6 9 5 /m o **** New / Walkers, deluxe 2-bedroom ba s e m e n t. 4 a p p lian ce s . $725/mo.*« Albert McDonagh Ltd 905-632-5690__________ CfCTll firew ood HARDW OODcut/split, clean/neatly piled on skid. -^-Seeking retailer tosell bagged firewood. Cut-Rite Firew ood 1 -8 7 7 -2 6 8 -3 6 6 6 www.cutritefirewood.com P^^Wcondomlnlums 11*1"J for rent 1 -B E D R O O M condos for rent. Located In both Burlington & Oakville. Priced from S995-S 1100/mo Avail N o v .1 . C a ll D a vie s R eal Estate at 905-333-4347 P IN E D A LE Estate. Burling ton. 2-b edroom s. 2-b ath s , Indoor pool, fitness centre, billiard room. 24-hr. security. $ 1 1 0 0 /m o . +h ydro. 9 05* 332-5065.__________ A PPLEB Y/ Upper Middle. 2bed ro o m s , 5 a p p lia n c e s , grou nd floor. D e c .3rd. S l2 5 0 /m o .+ u tilitie s . C all Diane, 905-257-2260 B U R L IN G T O N M aple C ro s s in g . 2 -b ed ro o m s solarium , 1.5 bathroom s, underground parking, 24-hr. sec u rity, gre a t a m e n ities , $ 1250/mo. Days, 905-9710534; evgs., 905-309-4805 F R E E R ent for 1 m onthN e w / Appleby. 1 -bedroom den, sm all buildin g, 5 a p p lia n c e s . A /C , parking, $ 1090/mo. utilities. Dec. 1st. 905-63V 1 127. V IC T O R IA B .C .- c ozy 2 bedroom hom e in Fairfield G onzales B each. 5m ln. to dow ntow n, Inn er harbour, cook s tre e t v illa g e . Fully furnished, monthly/ weekly rentals Call 1-250-595-4084 or www.baysidecottage.org I lost & found B A S E B A LL glove (old) tan leather. Lost M onday Nov. 15, a re a of Thornlea Park B a se b a ll D ia m o n d . G re at s en tim e n tal value only. If found please return to office at Oakville Christian School or call 905-517-2823 or 4165 7 8 -8 5 3 8 no questions asked. Reward. FOUND: Black 4 white male cat. Walkers 4 New. We call Wally. Call 905-837-7325 FOUND: Cat. young, calico. New Street and Burioak area Call 905-637-1562 F O U N D : F e m a le brown tabby, Cavendish 4 Ingersoll. W e call Nicky. Call 905-637* 7325 F O U N D : G ray 4 white cat found Surrey Lane. W e call `Surrey*. Call 905-637-7325 FOUND: Large grey 4 white fem ale cat. 'S urrey Lane. W e call PC. Call 905-637* 7325 F O U N D : S et of keys. Headen Forest area. Call to identify 905-336-9067 F O U N D : S et of keys. Tow nsend and Blrchwood. Burlington. Call to identify. 905-333-1320 FOUND: Siamese cat found Upper Middle 4 Sutton. W e call Huckleberry. Call 905* 637*7325 ____________ FOUND: w hite cat. Cavendish 4 Guelph Line we call Snow. Please call- 905837-7325 B O X E R pu p p y - 6 months old. spayed, all shots 4 cage $1000. 905-844-6501 P U R E B R E D Pug- Female. l6 m o ., all shots, spayed. Asking $1000 obo. Everything included. Call after 6pm 905-631-6231 I pets, supplies boarding W * f | T | l cars for sale 1994 Plymouth Voyager van. 3L. A /C . PB. P S. good condition 235.000Km. S2500 As is. 905-632-7793 1994 Chrysler Intrepid ES, 207K. $1,200. 905-689-3276 or 905-928-3276 1992 Dodge Shadow hatchback, lady driven, new parts, certified tes te d . $ 28 5 0 /o b o . 681-8327 4-dr. many 4 E9 05 - OAKVILLE 1130 QueensAve Apartments avail Starling S800/mo Utilities included. Indoor pool/sauna, ravine setting, quiet building. 2001 Volkswagen Golf GLS, 5*speed. 4 door, silver/ black interior, heated s ea ts / mirrors, A/C, AM /FM /Cess, P/W. P/L. Cruise. 50.000km. $17,000. 905-469-0155 1990 BMW 325 I- auto, pw. heated seat. 250K. Asking $3000/obo. 905-331-6474 2 0 0 3 Inflnlti G 3 5 . P earl, B lack L eather. high p erfo rm an ce, like new. 69.000km , Under Warranty! S29.500 905-829-3794 2 002 Cam ry LE. excellent condition. 4cyl. new tires, brakes, 84.000km $16,900 daytime 905-837*5281 Eve 905*320*9979 1 993 M ercury T o p a z GS, 121.000km , 6 c y l. auto. air. p/windows, p/locks, cruise, good condition, certifiable as is. $ 1 5 0 0 O .B .O . 905-6327174 905-844-1106 O AKVILLE apartments, 1&2 bedroom a v a ila b le D e c.1 . 416-258-8596. 905-842*9275 O A K V IL L E D ow ntow n. R e n tal Inc e n tlv e sit R e n o vated 1 or 2-bedrooms, low rise quiet building. Hardwood floors. Large bright units, $ 7 2 5 *$ 8 0 0 /m o . (parking included). Deo Jan 905-277-4728 P R IV A T E B ach elor a p a rt m ent ab o v e g a ra g e In Oakville. Parking. $780/m o. In c lu s iv e . D e c .1 . C a ll for appointment. 905*616*2606 L A K E S H O R E & B ronte Exceptional value 1-bedroom S 895/m o.. 2-bedroom from S 1045/mo. utilities Included. C harm ing and new ly renovated. Close to Bronte Harbour and all am enities 905-825-0816 O A K V IL L E D ow ntow n. Renovated 1 4 2 bedrooms. V ery nice s m all building. 5745/mo., S795/mo. +hydro. Includes parking. D e c .1st. 905-469-0894 BRO NTE Creek, 3-bdrm, 2bath with ja c u z z i, gas fire p la c e , g ra n ite and hardw ood floor. P riv a te d rive w a y. $ 1 .6 0 0 /m o . inclusive. 416-803-4203 D O W N T O W N B urlington. 508 Pearl- 2-bdrm. $950/mo utilities Call Diana at 905* 631 -9 74 8 B R O N TE- basement apart ment . 2 bedrooms. 2 level. $975/m o Inclusive. Immed iate. Call 905-336-9088 B U R L IN G T O N :H e a d o n Forest. 2 storey, 3*bedroom 1.5 baths, garage. $1340/mo. Albert McDonagh Ltd. 905* 632-5690 >

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