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Oakville Beaver, 21 May 2003, B3

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday May 21, 2003 - B3 Psychic to appear at cafe By Paula Henriques OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF W hen I sat dow n with psychic reader Miki. I was hoping that she w ould see a future filled with riches and glory. It was not to be. A nalysing my palms, she told me the next best thing -- I would have a long life filled with happiness. She explained my life line was deep and long and after exam ining the other ingrained lines that intersected across my palms, continued to reveal things about my personality and life experiences that w ere surpris ingly correct: I had inflamed bowels (true - I have C rohn's Disease), that my personality and visual characteristics are more o f my dad's genealogy (they say I'm a spitting image o f my grand mother) and that I'm creative, impatient and sensitive (to deny it would be a lie). Bending my right wrist, she counted the few w rinkles and explained my soul was a fairly new one. She then held my engagem ent ring and saw my upcoming outdoor w edding as rain-free and that my fiance was truly "the one." I would also have tw o children. Ah. the future did look bright. Miki. who only goes by her first name, says she is a tenth generation clairv o y an t, w hose g ift w as passed down to all the w om en and one male in her family. "Just like people are bom with gifts like athletics or artistic talent. I was bom with a bit o f extra energy in this (intu itive) area." explains Miki, whose name is derived from the G aelic version of Michael. "All it is. is an overload o f instinct and intuition." Miki. who has appeared on television shows, radio stations and new spapers in the 36 years o f her career as a psychic, will be appearing at V innie's Cafe in Bronte tomorrow from 6 p.m. to close. Admitting she didn't grow up in a usual household. Miki said being close to the supernatural didn't fa/e her a bit. She said her first brush with the living dead was when she was 10 years old. W hile waiting in an empty bedroom for her mother, who m maintained homes parttime. Miki. playing with Barbies near an antique dresser with an oval mirror, remembers her mother walking into the room and suddenly grabbing her and moving out o f the way of the dresser. W hen Miki turned back, she saw the oval mirror fly across the spot where she had been sitting, then shatter against the wall. There Is an Alternative to Nursing Home Care. Harrison Smith · S pecial to the O akville B eaver Psychic r e a d e r M iki an aly ses B eaver re p o r te r P au la H e n riq u e s' h a n d s to p re dict h e r fu tu re . (It looks b rig h t.) You can m eet M iki in B ro n te T h u rs d a y evening. "My m other told m e the house was badly haunted." said Miki. who current ly lives in Toronto. But she explained that was her only bad experience with spirits. "It's not like the m ovie Poltergeist that's just Hollywood. It's the living you have to worry about, not the dead." Miki works with many m ethods of reading including Tarot cards, com m u nicating directly with the spirit world and palm reading. She also performs psychometry, a process o f reading via photographs or objects o f the living or deceased. She explained possessing the psychic gift is more than ju st having a hunch. It's actually seeing the person travelling their life journey, hearing m essages from spirits, and getting premonitions, she said. Though Miki only promises 98 per cent accuracy, it brought a small ray o f hope into my reading - maybe becom ing rich and famous was hidden som e where in the two per cent. To book an appointment to see Miki at Vinnie's Cafe tomorrow call 905-8259034. She will not read to those under 16 years o f age. A 15-minute reading costs $40. $65 for 30 minutes. $95 for 45 minutes and $120 for an hour. . /a m ilie s to d ay are in search o f m u ch n eed ed care for th eir se n io r fam ily m e m b e rs. S u n rise A ssisted Living is a resid en tial s e n io r living o p tio n th a t is a d esirab le altern ativ e to n u rs in g h o m e care. H ere, in a b ea u tifu l h o m elik e settin g , re sid e n ts enjoy s u p p o rtiv e h ea lth care fo r all th e realities o f ad v an ced age a n d th e p ro m ise o f n ew frie n d sh ip s, to o . S u n rise is a positive a n d lively se n io r living o p tio n , w h ere q u a lity o f life is as great a p rio rity as g o o d physical care. A truly better value am i a better life. C all to d ay to sch e d u le a visit. Ask a b o u t o u r in n o v ativ e R em in iscen ce p ro g ra m fo r th o se w ith m e m o ry im p a irm e n t. Hear classics at fundraising concert M erriam School o f M usic teachers C atherine A rcand-Pinette and Eileen Keown are doing their part to cure can cer. A rcand-Pinette. a m ezzo-soprano, and Keown. a pianist, are playing a concert o f classical music and musical theatre, and all proceeds will go to the Canadian C ancer Society. The show will include work by M ozart, Rossini, Sondheim and H am m erstein, am ong others. The event is at St. Paul's United Church. 454 R ebecca St. on Friday at 8 p.m. A dm ission to the show is by dona tion. For more inform ation, call 905274-0023. ___________ Su n r is e O f O a k v ille A S S IS T E D L IV IN G ' (9 0 5)3 37 -1 1 45 456 Trafalgar Road, Oakv ille, O n tario L6J 3H9 www.sunriseseniorliving.com J [ T A B R IC LX N D ) ON N ow , Bt* T s t m Tln: . I The O T M H Charitable Corporation invites you to join these sponsors in this worthy cause by either sponsoring or participating in the run or walk and by pledging donations via your colleagues and friends. All proceeds to the OakvilleTrafalgar Memorial Hospital (O TM H ) M atemal/Child Program. Medals and/or prizes for runners in Open, Masters. & Age Categories from 10-70+. Alriegistered participants in the Run or Walk will receive an Event T-shirt and are eligible for Draw Prizes. Registration and Pledge Information and Forms available in Oakville at: OTMH Main Lobby 327 Reynolds Street Oak-land Ford Lincoln 570 Trafalgar Road g Oak-land Ford Lincoln together with the Ford Mot or Company o f Canada presents Check out these Special Selections m HOME D E C O t: ASHBURNE JACQUARD PRINTS 140cm Our Reg 24 98 m NOW 8 49 m You Save 66%' NATURAL DECOR JACQUARDS 140cm Our Reg 14 98 m NOW 5 09 m You Save 66%' MANUFACTURER'S TRIM CIEAROUT Individually priced Now 66% Off Our Reg Price PRINTED HOME DEC ENDS 140cm Our Reg 5 98 m NOW 2 03 m You Save 66%' OUTDOOR PATIO COLLECTION 140cm Reg 12 98-14 98 m NOW 4 41-5 09 m Save 66%' 6 DAYS ONLY! MAY 20-25 Entire In-Store Stock! Check out these Special Selections m NOTIONS: VOGUE Individually priced 'START TO SEW KITS Includes 8" scissors, seam nppers, tape measure, dressmaker pins, sewing gauge needle threader, pin cushions, tracing wtieel. thimble & needle compact All in an attractive plastic travel pouch Great for the beginner sewer Reg 12.98 kit NOW $6 kit Check out these Special Selections or FASHION: The Running Room 1Si) LakesKor^ Rd. East On-line at: www.runn' Event Registratii Or call Aleta Mayer al (905)338-4351 e-mail: amayer@haltonhealthcare com / 3km Fam ily Wallt/DKm Run l i m i s ^ u n e t T f h F am er's Day RamarShira9 00 a.m. Run, 9:15 a.m. Walk 5.49 EA. Offer valid May 20-25.2003. Not valid with any other discounts. JACQUARD DENIM 150cm wide, 100%cotton Daisy/floral design Our Reg 16 98 m NOW 4 99 m GAUZES CRINKLES. PRINTS SOLIDS S FANCIES Large special assortment, individually pneed Now Reduced up to 55%Off Our Reg Prices The O T M H C h a r it a b l e C o r p o r a t io n t h a n k s m r F O L i o w i ^ spo n so r s fo r t h e ir o n -c o in g s u p p o r t : P R E S E N T IN G S P O N S O R S --------------------------------------------------------------------------- O P E N SU N D A Y S 12-5 140 Rebecca St. O AK V ILLE 844-7728 l3S 3iH i# f Oal Oak-land Ford Lincoln C O LD SPO N SO R GlaxoSmithKline D IEIIIK IIL II BftlM S M S group BR O N Z E SPO N SO RS llA K tIU X ITMMim M ADRTGAL masaccio r»wMnn [ P tM te e ls l E4BUTON C O M M U N IT Y SPO N SO RS Cooper Construction Lim ited · O 'C onnor M cLeod H anna. L L P · Stock Transportation Ltd.* Glen Abbey Dental Office · Dr. Elliott Ber, D D S · Intertex Textiles · O akinlle Blueprinting · West o f the C ity · Ludlow Medical Products Inc. · J A X E X International w w w .pipeline.ca/otm hclassicrunw alk

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