Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 8 Dec 2004, C03

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Tree ofLights sheds light on meaning of Christmas at IAH The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y D ecem b er 8, 2004 - C3 ASHLEA WESSEL / SPECIAL TO THE OAKVILLE BEAVER LIG HTS SYMBOLIZE HOPE: Clockwise, from top left, Evan Gaspar keeps himself warm at the recent Tree of Lights, a worldwide hospice event held at Ian Anderson House (IAH) hospice. Above, in back from left, John Hart, Tom Carter and Larry Rootes, and in front, Doug O'Connor, Brad Henry and T.J. Strachan sing Christmas carols with the Barbershop Harmony Society. Above right, Emma Hosein enjoys some hot apple cider while the carols are sung. Below right, "Van" Vandusen sings with the Barbershop Harmony Society while the Christmas tree is lit behind him. Below, Margaret Anderson, founder of the IAH hospice speaks of thank fulness and hope at the Tree of Lights ceremony. Below, left, even young Chloe SmithDickieson holds a candle during the carol service. m In te rio r Design W arehouse S an ta s S chedule Visit Santa at thefollowing locations L n m t m a s b a le g Continues... Oakville Place DECEMBER HOURS: Monday to Friday 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday December 24 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 9 a.m.-4 p.mj Enjoy special savings of M Hopedale Mall DECEMBER HOURS: Thurs. Dec. 9 Fri. Dec. 10 Sat. Dec. 11 Thurs. Dec. 16 Fri. Dec. 17 Sat. Dec. 18 4 p.m.-8 p.m. 3 p.m.-7 p.m. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 3 p.m.-7 p.m. 3 p.m.-7 p.m. 10a.m .-4p.m . Mon. Dec. 20 Tues. Dec. 21 Wed. Dec. 22 Thurs. Dec. 23 Fri. Dec. 24. 3 p.m.-7 p.m. 3 p.m.-7 p.m. 12p.m .-4p.m . 12p.m .-7p.m . 11a.m .-5p.m . H All Christmas Merchandise M a n y fa b u lo u s s i f t id e a s . 4155 Fairview St. Unit 16 (behind k fc ) G ive the G ift o f M u sic email info@interiordesignwarehouse.com Mon-Wed 10-5:30, Thurs-Fri 10-9, Sat 10-5:30, Sun 12-5 ! ? F A n n j ? . Voted Burlington's ··C H O IC E '* Best Interior Design/ Home Furnishings l i U M F O S T Store Every Year wmv Since 2000 YAM AHA SALE E N D S D E C E M B E R 23 rd O V E R 100 K E Y B O A R D S A N D P IA N O S IN S T O C K N O W ! MANY ITEMS LIMITED QUANTITIES. B O O K N O W F O R D E C E M B E R 24 D E L IV E R Y w w w .in te rio rd e s ig n w a re h o u s e .c o m J T f f j j NO MONEY DOWN NO INTEREST NO PAYMENTS J o u r n e y `T o `T h e M a n g e r < Bronte ` M.usicaC(Drama J? Tree <Event Tor The (Family `Friday, (December lOtfi - 7:30 pm Saturday, (December 1lth - 11:00 am Br o n t e A 2021 Bronte Road Oakville. Ontario Ph: 905.825.0230 A d v e n t is t CHURCH .S even th iw y Searchfo r tbe true meaning o f Christmas as we journey through the (Depression `Era, Italy during the (Renaissance, Victorian `England, a church in Austria, the manger o f Jesus and than bacf{to the 21st century. This contemporary message o f hope, joy e£ Cove ivilT inspire your wholefamify as you experience the true spirit o f this hofiday season. r I Y A M A H A D IG ITA LS List $1500 UNTIL JUNE 2005 Y A M A H A PIANOS List S4000 SALE *1288." O V E R 40 S A L E *3688." USED PIANOS T O C H O O S E FROM A LL W ITH FU LL W A R R A N TY F R E E D ELIV E R Y F R E E TU N IN G YAMAHA KEYBOARDS List $330 S H O P O N L IN E A T www.keyboardcentre.com SALE *288." N O W O P E N S U N D A Y S 12:00 -- 4:00PM pictures for illustration only | YAMAHA GRANDS List $11000 www.brontechurch.com sale s9688." 2 3 8 8 Fairvie w St, (w e st of G u e lp h Lin e ) Burlington S T E V E LO ATES K E Y B O A R D H i n i C E N T R E 905-6 3 9 -4 4 6 5

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