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Oakville Beaver, 8 Dec 2004, D08

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D 8 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday December 8, 2004 Metroland s a v in g s Your hom etown new spaper and M etroland BonusPak are connecting you! POW ERFUL PUNCH LOOK FOR YOUR W INNING NUM BER AND BALLO T COMING IN YOUR DECEM BER ENVELO PE inserted in your new spaper for a chance to win one of two Grand Prizes! ----- = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -- = - _ _ _ _ ^ - ^ W c M W O U R P A K C O M IN G D E C E M B E R -------CUAHIH6 c*rP *l A furnituH ·lr duct cleaning This Months Winning Number is 445730 . W i % -- . I Marian I ESTABLISHED 1 98 9 1265 Heritage Way Oakville, Ontario Call 905.827.8125 to schedule your introduction to Marian Montessori School | M O NTESSO RI SCHOOL W hy send your children to Marian M ontessori School? Because you w ant the best for your children. We specialize in: ·Birthday Parties ·Beading ·A rt Programs ·Camps If you are looking for a M ontessori S chool that is located in a beautiful hom e environm ent, M arian M ontessori S ch ool is simply your best choice. S in ce 1 9 8 9 . M arian 'M ontessori S chool's experienced and dedicated group of teachers has been m olding the lives of young children. v M arian M ontessori School concentrates not only on the highest m. a c ad em ic standards, but also focuses on establishing spiritual f* , a nd moral standards of students. C ourtesy, consideration, prayer and the need to share are all essential elem ents of the curriculum. A I m jtm d* M arian M ontessori School's m eets the diverse needs W of children b e tw ee n the a g es of tw o and si*. ______________ T w o Medium 12" Pizzas One 3 Topping, One Pepperoni I unc h ItuiTet K ID S E A T FREE' TUESD AYS Monday! 2 for 1 PASTA NIGHT* ^ | Canada's New No. 1 Indoor Playground 9 0 5 -6 0 8 -Z O N E (9663) IN DO O R PtAY Mondoy - Friday lOani - 2pro Toddlers 3:15 - 6pn»: All Ages PARTIES Monday - Friday* Y - 9pro Saturday - Sunday. lOani - 9pn NOW IN M ISSISSAUGA Sponge Bob Bouncer _ -- Little Mermaid Bouncer U Slides P f lv Obstacle Courses Separate Toddler Area Video Games, T«vble Games Characters Available for Your Special Tarty DRY CLEANING & ALTERATIONS High quality service in dry and wet cleaning 4 (Splderman. Cinderella, jasmine. Little Merm aid. Barbie) $10.00 Off your Funzone Birthday Party Package. Free Face Painting for the Birthday Child. Monday - IndijrptnlnoBlv. (i p m Inuiy HAM ARrpains ^Hrtdran - (E n v irm A R e a so n a b le Priiinc O A K V IL L E ] cxprfartl w w w .fu n 20 n e p a rtg c e n fre .c 0 · 9Q5-6Q8-ZONE (9663)» 3165 Unity Dr. (Jnit 2. Mi33is3ai)qa River Glen M e w s Plaza · 2530 6th line, Oakville Present this a ^·Coupon and ^ Receive m on Every 905-257.3500 W e h a r e ... $10 Spen ^ Expiry Dec 15/04 Konitz Mugs · UJustoff Knives We olTer a great selection ol · S q c c o spresso Machines kitchen gadgets and tools and a wonderful variety of gourmet and spicy mixes to · Cuisinox Pots & Pans ` f mj suit your favourite recij>es. · Krups Coffee Makers · Tlie Spice is Kit»ht ;ct Spice Vonr Kitchen. O n e stop shop lor \t)tir hobditN entertainm ent a n d m a n y m o r e fiailgela a n il e q u ip m e n t to ... T im itn lt th e nurdu nte ..f any jjiH Im ikcl vnhietl nl 840 o r m ore. C titln m i/e you r own gift hu%l»et to *tiil you r occimioti D is c o u n t o n C e r t if ic a t e C o u r s e s w it h th is C o u p o n A FRANCES F ;! W EDLAKE £ Sales R e p re se n ta tiv e KEN W EDLAKE ales K eprescnU tJvi ^ 1 4 1 6 .5 4 3 .8 3 8 5 ww w .francosw edlake.coM ^ . Splco Your ftltcftsn fjj There's No Place Like Howe' TOP 1% C A N A D A ROYAL LEPAGE Hours: Monday - Friday: 10am - 8pm · Saturday: lOom - 7pm · Sunday Closed £ £ | 905 845.4267 . Is your claw situation getting out of paw? pREE NAIL CLIPPING Come in for a trim on the p e m zo il D o g g ie * D e t a il in g 2387 Trafalgar Rd. Trafalgar Ridge Plaza · 905.257.3811 · www.doggiedelailing.com · M ond ay to frld a y T 3 0 - 4 3 0 pm 3 0 T 0 D -afatyar R d , OakvrtU Check us ou t a t vnw .barknRy ca BR/NG T H /9 C O U P O N IN T O R E C E IV E * 4 . 0 0 O f f Y O U R F IR S T VISTT December 1st mot mm Y O U R N E IG H B O R H O O D G R O C E R Y S T O R E wrtiKB · *w i · mkte · · muni tomckc&cs · oucwatumumi HOLIDAY SEASON SPECIALS SELECTION · QUALITY · VALUE · SERVICE O m forG iJiie EKiH rO KM etct/ Fruit Jero 4 RnouH ul ic« Cream HctfOTMl Sw Fry Noodles S ectio n of Stu fry BBO Port Rite « Port Dunging Sptcy, Swsn & Soya S u Fry Mut& Onctum Bata Chicken Wings & Soar* M n (}e t(}r e a £ R e su lts F a st/ A w o m en s club with w eig h t b e a rin g m ac h in e s O n ly 2 9 -m in u tc circui training fits into you busy schedule Pressure-free, lad ies en v iro n m en t w ith 'personal tra in in g 159 CAMOLITE* C o o k ie s All Daals Onions Basmati Rice LUNCH BUFFET £ 4 TAKEOUT Q )Q , I DINNER BUFFET $ C O C TAKE-OUT 3 .3 3 W ITHA FRlt FOP OR SOUP « M tndtf Stim liy ( J D tft · Meek) Atkins Present this coupon-to receive | M u ffin & Bread M ix Assorted flavours Ashers Bars Assorted Flavours EXTRA 10 OFF 'B e e f**1 . Vegetates Start R <« 'C rtw e s e C h w U e r · Cnidcfr Fred Rce ll) EXTRA 10- OFF rnCC WvUr as (je w as 3 w eeds/ C D C E C A I I D with a purchase of any meal. O n e c o u p o n p er customer. E xp iry date D *c. 31/04 ---------------------- " | w § O LD A N D N E W O VO s SPECIAL O NLY $3.99! A L S O F E A TU R IN G A G R E A T S ELEC TIO N O F L O W CARB FO O D S W itti A n yPHiap O rd e rO w f S20MMi»Cisfe p q ntx nt 2427 Trafalgar Road, Oakville in the Trafalgar Ridge Plaza Prices in effect Nov 27.-Dec 31/04 905-257-2578 LO W CARB FOODS For Advertising Information Call Marie Gallagher at 905-845-3824 ext 273

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