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Oakville Beaver, 10 Sep 2003, D04

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D4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday September 10, 2003 INCREDIBLE ON SITE AUCTION SALE Saturday. September 13th at 9:30 am Preview from 8:00am Selling the complete contents on site at 63 Mill St. South Waterdown A collection assembled over 60 years featuring:Earty to late 19th Century furnishings, oil and electric lighting, carpets. Viet, glass & china, paintings (incl. Frank Panabaker), Pre-Columbian artifacts. 19th c. iron, brass, copper, pewter, wooden ware, books, toys. 150++ antique dolls (incl. French musical doll), and many other rare and collectible items. NOTE: 2 AUCTION RINGS FROM 9:30 TO 11:00 WITH THE DOLL COLLECTION SELLING IN THE MAIN RING Approx. 1000 items to be sold Full list and photos at: www.auctionsfind.com/medley Terms: Cash. Visa. Interac, known cheque No buyers premium.No reserve! For fax list or further info, call: Jon Medley Auctioneer 905-878-2647 or Andrew Zegers 905-685-4643 RN MIGHT SUPERVISOR RAI's & RPIU's Full-time &Part-time Northridge Long Term Care Centre 496 POSTRIDGE DRIVE, OAKVILLE * ACTORS * Models/Extras Christmas film ing is beginning. Production is exploding. Scouting new people (no exp. needed) Different looks, shapes, sizes, (newborn to senior) for all parts of the industry. Model and Talent Bureau will be holding auditions in your area on Sept. 11th & 13th by appt only. 519-249-0700. Millwright Required We have an immediate opening for a Licensed Maintenance Millwright with 3-5 years indus trial work experience. Must have apprenticed in Ontario as a journeyman . Required for full time shift work and weekends for 7/24 opera tion - 401 & Dixie Road area - com petitive wages, and benefit plan. Your own tools are required. Please send resume, incl. references and experience. Email: bkenl@katlyn.com or fax to Barb Kent al 519-885-4525 i lVj , V * / //v Urgently R equiresR U 'S tor Full/ PT evenings to provide nursing care in the Halton Community ·Nurses to participate in flu clinics. · PSW's for the Oakville area. Please tax resume to: Fax: 905-827-3390 A tte n tio n J o a nne B axby Come home to Central` Parf^Lodges! Fax or email your resume to: 905-257-9883 Email: juliewong@cplodges.com general help wanted PLUMBING MART Here we grow again Bathroom Renovators needed Tired ol sourcing your own jobs? Fed up with esti mating and selling? Want to have consistent work everyday all year round? We require Full-time Bathroom Renovation Experts. S o d ex ho DIETARY AIDES & COOKS Sodexho has full and part-time opportunities in a NEW Long Term Care facility located in Oakville: all shifts available. Each ol these positions requires 1-3 years experience. We offer competitive wages, uni forms and benefits. Email resume to: recmifinn@sodexhoCA.com or Fax to: 905-632-7114 M ED IC A L receptionist needed Part/ Full time for busy dermatologist office Knowledge of ABELMED software and typing skills an asset Excellent re muneration tor mature. motrvated and flexible candidate. Fax resume 906-681-7832 E X P E R IE N C E D ce rtifie d Dental A ssista n t required for busy team oriented fam ily dental practice in O ak ville. Self motivated, multi ta sking in d ivid u a ls need app ly. Fax resum e: H Y G I E N IS T required fu ll time for busy Oakville fami ly practice. Conscientious, self- m otivated, interested in jo in in g our d en tal team that d e live rs high qua lity care. Fax resum e to 905844-9922 D E N T A L Hygienist required part-time for Oakville office. Fax resume 905-469-9855 E X P A N D IN G progressive dental office. Fantastic ca reerr < opportunity for export enced ed ( CDA Level 2 Able to handle fast paced environ ment. Fax r6sume 905-3321931______________________ DENTAL R e ce p tio n istpart-time (maturnity leave), needed for busy, modem, O akville p ractice starting N ov/03. Please contact Mary at 905-844-8406 MATURE, resp o n sib le , dedicated and experienced dental receptionist for full tim e positio n In O akville Dental practice. Call 905842-5051 S E E K IN G an experienced m edical secretary fo r our medical clinic. May eventu ally lead to fulltime position. Please mail or fax to 905319-6292 or mail your re sume to us. S a lary com mensurate with experience. 510 general help wanted 510 help wanted .(FORTINOS. ' F o t K y e m Fottino`s la s been committed to giving Its customers Irestl quality foods, competitive prices and unsurpassed customer service. Since 1961. the 'Supermarket with a Heart' has grown successfully to serve a variety o l communities such as Hamilton. Burlington. Stoney Creek, and toronto areas. With a team ol community-based Franchise Owners. Fortino's is leading the way as it continues to introduce innovative products and services aimed at enhancing the shopping experience. $34.50 Audition fee refundable if you do not qualify. Suprintendents Progressive co. seeks experienced couples for 80.100 & 150 unit high-rise buildings. Salary & benefits commensurate with exp. Must have own tods. Fax resume: Homestead Land Holdings Ltd. 410 trucks tor tale 420 vans, 4 wheel | drive We are looking lor an individual who derives immense satisfaction Irom a job well done.We offer excellent rates and compensations package Call Richard Storey at 905-639-7106 1998 350V8 GMC Cheyenne hail ton EXT cab automatic. P S , P.B., A ir. Astro Cap. 150k. certified, e-tested. Nice tiuck. 905-627-7760 P L A C E your vehicle lor sale ad here tor as little as S50/week- incl. Burlington O akville + Flam borough Internet' Call 905-632-4440 Van. 91.000km O riginal ow ner. P.W ., P .L., A ir. Certified. E-tested $9750 905-63 9-04 28. 905-6398141 1990 JEEP auto.. 6 -c y l.. red w/gray interior, air. cer tified. $5000. 905-464-7954 FORTINO'S (Upper Middle) Ltd., 2025 Guelph Line, Burlington, is now hiring part-time staff who are flexible to work days, evenings, and weekends for the following departments: Cake D e c o ra to rs · F loral D esig ne rs · D eli Phza-P anini · N ig h t S h ift G rocery We are seeking highly motivated and service-oriented individuals to fill these vacancies. Fortino's offers a challenging and friendly work environment with competitive rates of pay. part time benefits and a pension plan. ^ If you are interested In being a part ot our growing family, fill out an application in store or fax resume to STORE MANAGER LICENSED TECHNICIANS Class A E, apprentice Oakville & Erin Mills locations Attractive incentives - Call us for more info. Signing bonus options 1-888-220-2229 Fax: 1-519-668-7631/mike@midasauto.ca no a s ) 905-523-8858 Attn: PM FU LL T IM E sales professional Cedar Springs Health, Raquet and Sports Club requires Membership Sales professional. Mature, self motivated individuai who is health and fitness oriented, sales experience an asset. Fax resume at tention Paula Wilson 905632-4041 email: membership®cedar springsdub.com · Accounting · Office Adm inistration HALTON · Medical/ BUSINESS l>egal Assistant INSTITUTE · Dental Reception 460 Brant St. 'POLICE FOUNDATIONS Burlington 1982*^ H, 637 * 3415 CAREER^ IDIPLOMAS WEARE THE INDUSTRY LEADERS AND WEHAVE A LOT TO OFFER The Auto Service Experts "CHARTW ELLS" · Sheridan College NOW HIRING Positions Available in our MAIN CAFETERIA, PIZZA PIZZA, ROASTERS COFFEE SHOP, TIM HORTON S, HARVEY S AND 2ND CUP ENGUSH BUTLER Gifts 8 Home Decor LICENSED INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN Applicant must have a minimum of two years experience and must have the ability to work unsupervised. PLC knowledge an asset. Please send resume to: Fax: (905) 876-3903 E-mail: info®arthurelectric.com F/t, P/T & Sat. · Days & Evenings · Flexible Hours, those re-entering the work force, students & mothers with small children welcome lo apply. We offer a Competitive Wage, Uniforms, Benefits, Full Paid Training and a Fun, Happy Atmosphere! Apply in person to Luke or Mary-Lou Monday - Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm Sheridan College, 1430 Trafalgar Rd, Oakville Oakville requires Manager & Assistant Manager Fax/email resumes Q.B.'s Sports Grille & Family Restaurant Will be Hiring at the Halton Job & Career Fair, SepL 17 Oakville Conference Centre PERM . P/T S h ippe r/ Receiver, flex hours 9-12 MF, som e liftin g , d etailoriented, D.L. an asset. Fax resum e: 905-337*9711 w/salary expectations. CASH Daily. $ 12/hr, Ejqx doorto-door Oakvite/ Burlington fundraeers. Supporting people with developmental dsabifities. 416578-9428; 416-243-9690 I salon & spa help E S T H E T IC IA N required with own equipment. Hours neg otiable . W inston C h urch ill/ Dundas St. Call Cosmo. 905-828-6064 N E W E R salon dow ntown Burlington looking for Hair s ty lis t w ith c lie n te le . C all 905-634-6244 905-690-6878 englistitxitledSOcageco a J. M ich aels A Progressive Ladies Wear Chain 1 LICENSED AUTO TECHNICIAN & APPRENTICE 4 FOR BUSY MODERN SHOP IN MlLTON. Call Brian 905-875-1522 Fax 905-875-9244 1'7 )* r lU V r t ^ n>3 q u m w r The Tandet Group is a diversified transportation GENERAL LABOURER Required for homebuilding company in Milton. Experience necessary. Please call 905-693-9899 or Fax resume fo 905-693-9849 is looking for people who can provide excellent customer Service. F/T & P/T. Apply a! TheHatonJobS Career Fair Sept 17. Oakville Conference Centre D E L T A M ayfair Bingo hir ing Buffet and Floor Staff. Pay neg otiable . Start O ct. 1.2003 A p ply w ith inapplications: 483 Speers Rd. Oakville. 905-842-0876 EXP. Landscapers re quire d. Lawn care crew and Landscape crew, call .905-827-8158 N O W Hiring automotive in spectors. shop assistants and car washers. Milton lo cation. Call 905-875-3248 and fax resune to 906-875-1157 O F F IC E Cleaning Staff required . E xp erienced O a k v ille area 10-15hrs/ w eekly. 5 day/week. $8/hr (evenmgs/' night only) fax re sume 905-849-9947 P A IN T E R S wanted, must have own tra n s p o rta tio n . 905-827-7256 IN S T R U C T O R S / Life guards re-quired immediately at Ce dar S p rings H e alth, R ac quet & Sports Club.. Week days and w eekends a v a il able Please ca ll M ichele B e noit asap at 905-6324800 ext. 281 CUSTO M ER S ervice R e pre sentative. P art-tim e seasonal required for Map leview Shopping C entre. M ature person, m ust be ava ila b le days and w e e kends. Leave resum e at Customer Service. 900 Ma ple Ave., B u rlington No phone calls please!!' S A L E S P E O P L E fo r B u r lington kids store. Part-time Must be available after 2:30 pm & weekends. Twice the Fun. 3455 F airvie w . Tel:. 905-639-9105 O F F - S IT E s upe rinte ndent required for four story Con dom inium . downtown O ak v ille . 25 hou rs per week plus on call responsibility. C leaning, gen era l m a in tenance duties. Please fax resume with salary require ments to 905-540-4450. at tention Al Baker. E N J O Y C leaning? Join the M olly M aid team ) No nites, no weekends. Train ing p rovid ed. C a ll 905* 681-7484__________________ COSMETICIANS-required for evenings and weekends. Must be knowledgeable m Cosmetic products. Experience is an asset but not essential. Appfy to Shoppers Drug Mart. 520 Kerr Street. Oakville, or fax resume 905645-3407 _____________ P H A R M A C Y Assistant re quved for pharmacy located n Oakville. Mon-Fri 9-5 Good telephone manner, basic computer knowledge, self directed. French speaking an asset Fax resune to 906-8478271 or emal to: shetohOphar mexdrectcom C H E M IC A L Blender full time requred to make soap W l trarv Wage $10tour graide 12 minimum required Fax resume: 905-272-1213 T E L E M A R K E T E R S Wanted P/T to set up seminars for Financial Planner. Excellent communication /organizational skdls re-quired. $1(yhr + bonus. Cal Simon 906-206-0960 SCHO OLAGED positions & drivers to drive chidren to and from local schools required mmediatefy. Km & hourly pay. 905625-3433 Exl3 (Oakv*e) M E T E R R eader- for O ak v ille & surro unding area. Piece w ork T ra in in g & uniform provided. Benefits available. Reliable vehicle required, some traveling in volved Please fax to: 1* 905 -85 3-67 05 or e-m a il: dstrano@urb.on.ca A V O N - Join our sales team in time for Christmas. Free k it S e ptem ber 8th19th Can 905-331-6205 T E C H N IC IA N required by A ctive G reen & Ross (Oakville). We offer excel lent wages/ benefits/ train ing & opp o rtu n ity . We re quire a Licenced Technl* cian or 5th year apprentice w ith su p e rio r d ia g n o s tic sk ills . Apply in person to 667 Fourth Line or fax re sume: 905-842-5269 Bernardino's, a new gourm et food shop in Burlington, is looking for enthusiastic and responsi ble individuals to fill thefollowing positions: management company that provides integrated dis tribution services, long-term full service vehicle leas ing, truck rental, maintenance and logistics. Our head office in Oakville is currently seeking a ..... SOUS CHEF · COOKS DELI MEAT & SEAFOOD COUNTER PERSONNEL CASHIERS Fax resumes to (905) 664-2339 W A IT E R S required fu ll/ p a rt-tim e fo r busy dow n town O akville restaurant. Min. 3-yrs. expenence. Call 905-842-7737 or fax: 905842-7757._________________ P/T Cooks and P/T Dietary A ids required by nursing homes in Burlington/ Oak ville Fax resume to 905639-7259 A tte ntion Food Service Manager E X P E R IE N C E D m ature Waitstaff, Linecooks & Bar te n d e rs required im m e diately for Oakville Montfort Restaurant. Fax resume: 905-337-7045.____________ R E S T A U R A N T p o sitio n s available a.s.a.p. for new restaurant Appfy m person: 218 Lakeshore Road East. CREDIT/COLLECTIONS MANAGER This position is responsible for. · The implementation ol. and adherence to. Tandet Credit Policies and procedures. · Investigation of new customers' credit reference for issuance of credit lines. · Pursuing overdue accounts and initiating collection efforts We offer a competitive wage and group benefit package, good working conditions and career ad vancement opportunities in a growing company. Interested. EXPERIENCED applicants are invited to submit their resume in confidence to: The Tandet Group Attn: Group Controller 1351 Speers Rd. Oakville ON L6L 2x5 or by tax to 905-465-3280 + SHOPPERS DRUG MART 470 Appleby Line,Burlington Park Avenue Manor. Burlington's premier residenoe tor seniors, seeks aGeneral Manager/Nurse effective immediately Relocating to a Big Box Formal Store Positions available tor GENERAL MANAGER/NURSE Responsible lor the day-to-day operations, including marketing, while maintaining an environment ol service excellence and positive employee relations. The successful candidate will be a Registered Nurse and have a demonstrated record ol leadership combined with strong marketing skills at a senior level within the seniors' care sector. The ability lo communicate ef fectively with residents, families and health care professionals is essential. Ideally, you are knowledgeable of the operation of a seniors' residence. Kindly fax/ email your resume to: CHARTWEU. CARE CORPORATION LITTLE CAESAR'S hiring F/T & PA. all positions, lor stores throughout Halton! Apply at The Halton Job & Career Fair, Sept. 17, Oakville Conference Centre H O L ID A Y Inn Express Hotel & Suites Oakville is now hiring weekend breakfast bar attendant. F/T AM and PM porters. Send resum e to attention Paul Robbins Fax: 905-847-0032 or e-mail: ad min@vip1000.com M E X IC A L L I R osa's. 1235 F a irvie w St. B u rlington now lo oking fo r fu ll/p a rt time line cooks . Training provided. A p ply in person please between 2-4pm. B E N N Y 'S Deli, full or part-time help. Must be available weekends. Apply 8am-3pm. Lakeshore Rd.(at Brant). Excellent wages! L IT T L E C a esar's now h ir ing daytim e prep person. Mon. to Fri., approx. 25-35 hours/w eek. Please apply at 4055 New St.. (at W alk er's Line) F R O N T Desk/ Night Audit, part/ full-time position avail able. Drop off resum e at: Days Inn 2937 Sherw ood H e ights Drive. O akville. Ontano. L6J 7L3. FT/PT Cosmeticians FT/PT Photo Lab Technicians FT/PT Cashiers/ Merchandisers Please fax resume atin Laurie to 905-639-0757 " Shoppers Drug Mart regrets any inconven ience caused by an error due to an incorrect fax number on a recruitment ad placed in the Oakville Beaver and Burlington Post on Sunday Sept.7, 2003 issue. Positions available lor our expanding Burlington location Licensee fo r Sears HomeCentral · Gas Fitters/AC Mech. · Air Duct Cleaning Technicians & Helpers We serve Burl. & Oak Fax:905-681-8300 Att: Mr. Browne DELIVERY DRIVER Construction rental company requires F/T permanent truck driver (Class DZ). Some lifting required. Self-starter, responsible, mechanically inclined. Must supply driv ers abstract. Uniform/ benefits/ pension/ profit sharing. Forward resumes to: Fx:905-829-0943 Emailadmin@chartwellcare ca TRANSPORTATION CO-ORDINATOR Oakville based company requires a Trans portation Co Ordinator This position will be responsible lor arranging domestic, trans bor der. and U.S. interstate transportation solu tions for our customers. Experience an asset, but not required. Able to work in a last paced en vironment. multi-task, with superior customer service and PC skills, applicants are asked lo fax their resumes Attn: Director of Operations Re: Transportation Co Ordinator Position Fax: 905-844-844-4272 ®UcloruseinCanadaby SearsCanadaInc W E L D E R fitters with some e xpe rience in lig h t s tru c tural and misc. iron works. Also Installe rs. C a ll 905338-5852 ask for Frank or Larry ______________ L IC E N S E D A u tom otive m echanic required for fast growing general repair ga rage. Full benefits. Apply in p erson to: A u tofun 3280 Mainway Burlington. E X P E R IE N C E D P a in te r/ Prepper. Car D e ta ile r & G eneral Help required for Burlington bodyshop. Valid c le an d riv e rs licence re quired C a l 905-634-2320. N O W H iring autom otive pain tle s s dent repair tra i nee. M ilton location. Call 905 -875-3248 and fax re sume to 905-875-1157 N O W h irin g autom otive body men, preppers. paint ers and polishe rs. M ilton lo c a tio n . C all 905-8753248 and fax resum e to 905-875-1157 C A ft I OtMto._________ C h a r t \Ve l l C O R P O R A T I O N B IS H O P and F irkin Pub requires experienced W ait staff. Please drop off re sume. Ask for Todd. 1220 Brant Street. Burlington. E X P E R IE N C E D kitchen help wanted, full and parttime. Apply in person 2029 M ount F orest Dr. M ount Royal Restaurant 1363 Cornwall Rd, Oakville, O N L6J 4Z5 or Fax: 905-844-5122 or e-mail: bwarmington@directequipment.ca Watts Industries (Canada) Inc., a leader in the Plumbing, Heating, Drains and related industries, has an immediate opening for an Accounts Payable Clerk Working with approx. 1.000 active accounts you will be responsible for processing all A/P invoices lased on Company policies and procedures You will research, prepare and process all vouchers lor pay ment. while managing all vendor inquiries to ensure questions are answered Ideally, you have a minimum of 2 years A/P experience in a similar high volume environment Resumes to: H R . Watts Industries (Canada) Inc. 5435 North Service Rd. Burlington. ON L7L 5H7 Email: hrm@wattscda.com HANDYMAN/ SERVICEMAN Required for homebuilding company after sales service. Experience necessary. E C E Teacher required for S outhw est O akville ch ild care centre. Full-time/ Parttime Call 905-825-8893. O A K V IL L E IN F IN IT I NOW OPEN Oakville Infiniti is looking for motivated & dedicated people to join our winning team! H G U A L L » 1 CS«lp s t o m e r Representative re-quired for growing consulting company. Good telephone manner SpokerV whiten fluency r French' English. Word and Excel proficient Knowledge of benefit an asset Mon-Fri ftextote hours. Fax resume with salary expectation 906347-8271 C U S T O D IA N ( S ) req u ire d for re lig io u s in s titu tio n . Renovated 2-bedroom gar den apa rtm e nt p rovid ed, rent n e g o tia b le in e x change fo r c u s to d ia l and m aintenance duties. Ideal for retired couple. Call 905849-6000 ext. 10 or fax re sume: 905-849-1134 " S H O W C A S E C inem as is now hiring for part-time po s itio n s w o rk in g even ings and weekends. For details call 905-637-5678. or pick up an a p p lic a tio n at 3325 Harvester Rd. Burlington. See you at the Movies'* LANDSCAPE com pany seeking reliable person for sum m er/ winter work. Full tim e em ploym ent. E x p e ri ence an asset. Please fax resume 905-866-6234 Call 905-693-9899 or Fax resume 905-693-9849 TEACHERS It you love teaching without hassles MANAGER Required to manage a large multicultural department of approx 250 piece rate employees in the Milton area. The ideal candidate will possess managerial ex perience in a similar environment, exceptional inter personal skills, and a post secondary education Must be llexible in hours and days ol work We have opera tions located throughout North America, and our com pensation package includes a competitive salary and benefit plan Please fax resume in confidence to: 905-878-7897 VgW ATTS m W lN D U S T R IE S CHISHOLM IS FOR YOU! Elementary & Secondary Positions are available immediately Warrantee Clerk Experienced Detailer & Service AdvisorFax att: ext.4035 905-827-2349 2ND-4TH YR. APPRENTICE MECHANIC O B CLASS A lor auto electric & general service garage valid & clean drivers lie. Able lo lift 50lbs Call Sue 2-4 pm Halton Aufo Electric 281 Speers Rd.. Oak. 905-845-2878 Call Centre Manager nn W IN ALL SUBJECT AREAS With a maximum class size of 12 students in our high school and 3 students in our rem edial program, teaching can be a joy once again! Day and evening positions are available and you may work as little or as much as you wish. Apply with detailed resume: Email teachforchistiolm@aol.com Fax 905-844-7321 We regret that we cannot respond to telephone calls and thank you in advance lor your resume Dynamic Direct Sales Company is seeking a responsible individual to manage our Outbound phone centre of 30 individuals. Excellent remuneration based on your experience. A chance to grow with the Company who is on the move. Hunan Resources Fax resune 905-639-2967 www.ultramaticsteep.ccim AZ Local Driver Minimum 3-yrs. exp. Required by Oakville based transport co. Excellent command of English written/verbal Call Brett at CARRIERS REQUIRED To d e liv e r Sears c a ta lo g u e s o n ce o r tw ic e a m o n th . Sandtron Automation is looking for highly motivated people to join our Inside Seles team Must enjoy talking on the phone with a friendly, cheerful voice. Sales and computer exp required. $12.00/hour. Full-time days. To apply call Michelle at 905-827-8230 L O C A L B u rlin g to n R e si dent required for part-tim e A d m in istra tive C lerk, re quired 3-4 weekday m orn ings, 6am - 1pm. F iling & telep hone coverage . Mainway/ Guelph Ln.. Fax resume 905-335-2328 Inspectors/ Salespeople Wanted We offer: 905-465-1889 D R IV E R S w a nte d fo r Oakville, full and part time, busy delivery service. Pay weekly. Must have van. and pell Call 416*716*7555 *NOW* New in Oakville! Looking for fO local professionals to deal with newly acquired clients. 18+. Training avail. Car an asset. Call: 1-888-717-2895 P A N T O R A M A is looking for e ne rge tic, c om petitive people for F/T management and sales positions in our Burlington Stores. Fax re sume to: 905-387-4912 or apply in person to Mapleview Mall store P le a s e c a ll Burlington, l-( 8 6 6 ) 5 5 4 -4 3 4 3 P a p e r m a n D is tr ib u to r s 525 office-clerical M A INSTREAM a progressive upscale ladies wear store. downtown Oakville, requires full or part-time CANADIAN TIRE Requires Full/Part-time employees · Year Round position · Full training · Quality leads You w ilt provide: · A car · Good communication skills Licensee for Sears HomeCentral Fax: 905-681-8300 L IV E - IN c a re g ive r fo r two school age children. M in i mum wage. Monday-Friday and occasional w eekends CaB 905-637-0058 H O M E theater in sta lla tio n & s a te llite dish sales and service . C a ll 9 0 5 -8 0 8 0280 Sales Associate. Ifyou'ieanatural salesperson, understand exceptional service, are looking for a fun. last-paced environment, vw'd love lo hear fromyou. Jayn Phone905-338-7771, tax 905-338-5844 BOOKKEEPER/ Adm in A ssista nt, p art-tim e, M-F. G ood w o rking know ledge of acco u n tin g prin c ip a ls and S im ply A cco unting softw are. Telephone 9053 3 8 -0 3 3 4 . Fax 905-3380335. email ' Drivers / Owner Operators tjo -S i .76*/mi (US) Needed Immediately! · 2200-3000 mi/week . · Future dedicated! · Paid base plates & permits · All bridge tolls paid! '96 or newer w/ Tandem axle tractor w/ sleeper req'd. (800)467-6016 general help wanted · Shop Supervisor and Auto Service Advisor · Horticuituralist (spring/ summer only) · Cashiers · Autoparts Counter Salesperson Looking for great attitude, initiative and problem solving skills to be part of our team. This is a custom er service position. We otter competive compensation based on results and profit sharing. Submit yor re sume to: Attn: Dealer, 70 Plains Rd W. Burlington ®Licensed for use in Canada by Sears Canada Inc. E X T R A M ile C le a n e rs- l i cense d/ bonded/ in sured Home or office. Great rates' 905-681-9646 www.emcleaners.com M ATURE expe rienced cle a n in g lady ava ila b le Tuesdays 905-335-6160 B U IL D I N G and R enova tions. S pecializing in com m ercial office interiors and home renovations. C all for a free estimate today. Ref ere n ce s a va ila b le . B rian. 905-973-1206 I M A G E S ----I N T E R N A T I O N A L H A I R S T U D I O Oakville Transport Co. Requires PHARMACY Assistant Full-time needed for Receptionist/ Admin Assistant Excellent command ol English written/verbal. General office duties, pleasant phone manner & computer skills. Call Claudia al: JOBS AVAILABLE Apply to: HCR Sept. 17th, 10-6 The Halton Job & Career Fair Oakville Conference Centre 2525 Wyecroft Rd. P A R T -T IM E night auditor required and part-time housekeeprs. Apply within. Motel Sot 4345 Nor* Service Rd. P A R T - T IM E re c e p tio n is t to work Saturdays from 95pm, $11/hr. Fax resume to: 905-829-1300 or call 905829-1311 S H IP P E R / RECEIVER requred F/T for small mfr. n Burington. Tow motor experience required. Days only. Fax resume to Cecia w«h salary expectation. 9060193S91 Upper Oakville Shopping Centre We are seeking high-energy and talented team members. davKkOan mtdh Inaoow Estheticians · Receptionists (p t Perm) F U L L -T IM E Office Assistant / receptionist. Excellent communication skills, Word. Fax resume to 905-339-1080 O A K V IL L E o ffice requires F/T O ffic e A d m in is tra to r/ C u stom er S ervice Rep. M ulti-ta s k positio n for brig h t, e ne rge tic person. Must have strong com m u nication and interpersonal skills. Experience in Micro soft Word. Excel and Wind ows based accounting soft ware an asset. Fax/ E-mail resum e: 905-849-0001. bsmyth©pshcanada.com B U S Y fro n t desk requires full-tim e reception ist/ cus tomer sen/ice person Must have pleasant telephone m anner & excellent typing sk ills . W ill Tram Please fax resume to the attention Tina 905 -82 7-68 23 or email to ogmltd@bellnet.ca Burlington Pharmacy Hours Mon.-Frl. 9-5 Excellent wages. Previous Pharmacy & Kroll experience a must. Fax resume w/ cover letter: 905-336-8509. D E N T A L a s s is ta n t/ Hyglene C o -o rd in a to r to oversee Soft Tissue M an agem ent Program . R e qu ire d for so utheast M is sissauga office. HARP cer tified 7:00a.m. to 3:30p.m. (Monday to Thursday). En ergetic person w ith e x c e l lent com m unication skills. Fax resume: 905-897-6047 D E N T A L Asst required full tim e. C e rtified w /excellent communication^ people skills. Please forward resume to: Dundas & Neyagawa Postal O u tle t Box3001 1, 478 Dundas St. West. Oakville. Ontano L6H 6Y0 EUROPEAN cle anin g lady a va ila b le . E x p e ri enced, reliable, good refer ences provid ed, re ason able rates Call Vinka. 905____________ 567-3903. T H O R O U G H in depend ant cle a n in g lady a vailab le, honest and reliable. Refer ences available, own trans p o rta tio n . B u rlin g to n only 905-634-7249 ____________ E U R O P E A N lady c le a n ing your house, by your list of prioritie s. Years of experm ce R eferences availbte 905-633-6846 C A R O L IN E 'S p ro fe s s io n al painting, drywall repairs & finishing Attention to de ta il- quality work. Call 905681-0255. C U S T O M - M A D E dra p e r ies valances, sheers, bed/ ta b le / chair co -o rd in a te s, fabrics, in stallatio n. 1 ly rs exp. Sherry, 905-634-6706 Ip o o lt 510 For info, call Judy at 905-334-7692 or fax resume: 905-338-9561 BOOK store in Oakville re quires full-time book seller/ technical services person. Should be computer literate and able to work som e even ing and w eekend hours. Moderate lifting in volved 905-844-5501 Fax 905-844-6698 email bookers ©bellnet.ca R E T A ILS a les S taff, fu ll/ part-tim e. W ill train. Com p e titiv e wages. Bring re sume: Factory Shoe Outlet. 2394 Fairview. Burlington. 905-632-9688 905-465-1889 Fortino's Hiring at the Halton Job and Career Fair on Sept. 17th At the Oakville Conference Centre C A P T A IN J im 's - Daytime counter/ kitchen help want* ed. Ideal for stay at home mom. W ork w h ile the kid are in school. Please apply in person at 5111 New St. (Appleby Mall) or call 905633-7921 JOBS AVAILABLE Production work in the MILTON area. $11-S12/lir. All shifts available. Fax resume to: Telemarketers Permanent DayI Evening Shifts FULL/Part-time- Ski, Snow board & clothing Staff. Pteaee bring resume to 120 Speers Rd. Oak.. Ask for Devto F IT N E S S Source. O akville is seeking part/ full-time re sp on sible people to work in a high-energy and ch a l le ngin g sales position. H ighly self-m o tiva te d , strong people skills. F it ness background would be beneficial. Please fax re sume to: 905-815*0120 or Email Steve @fitnesssource.ca P O O L Heaters. Installation and S e rvice by C ity L i censed & T .S .S .A . re g is tered gasfitte rs. C a ll 905549-5116 HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 Experience preferred willing to train qualified applicant. Competitive starting wage plus excellent bonus pkgs. Fax 905-681-8300 0 1 call 905-681-8103 A -1 KRK R enovations. C om plete re novatio ns: K itch en, base m en t, b a th room , flo o rin g . Free e s ti mates Rick 905-450-7908/ 4 1 6 - 7 7 9 - 4 6 2 4 www.krkrenovations.com P A IN T IN G . C a rpe ntry R e novations. A d dition s. Kitchens. Basements. Bath rooms. Free Estimates. 15 Years E xp e rie n ce ! 905333-3272 Please See Community Notices on Page B5

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