| 649 FOURTH UNE, OAKVIUi. FOURTH U N E AUTO ' good/ y e a r Skinless, Boneless Chicken B reast Sm » V Sff ftNMt-endfuppr tor more specials F o n is # Glowing luminaries of hope 905-815-8444 Official Media Sponsor For All Your Car 's Needs Drive Clean Emission Testing Government Safety Inspection Tunc-Ups · Brakes · Exhaust ·Cooling System? CAA Approved Shop 559 Speers Road (905) 842-3001 v_______________I______________/ Editor: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 250) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com \Vl-:i >NESDAY. II 11. 2<x>.i · pstge C l Relay fo r Life raises $380,000 By Wilma Blokhuis O A K V ILLE B E A V E R S 'lA F F Luminaries lit the way around the track as walkers and runners took steps towards finding a cure for cancer. Every once in a while, participants stopped to look at a luminary, burning in memory of a lost loved one or in honour of someone who is currently battling can cer. Inside each of the 4,500 luminaries was a piece of wood, cut to fit exactly into the bag, with a routed out hole to fit the candle. These pieces of wood, which can be used year after year, were a dona tion from Peter Menger and his family Lynn. Andre and Adam. This contribution is just one of hun dreds of gifts that helped O akville's sec ond annual Relay for Life, a 12-hour overnight event held Friday and Sunday, raise $380,(XX) for cancer research. "And. if last year was any indication, the money w ill trickle in for the next few weeks and we have a good shot at hitting S-MX).(XX)." said Glen Herring, who is retiring as Relay for Life co-chair after two years. The relay is a fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society. " I'm thrilled. It was such a huge suc cess," said Mary' Ellen Frederick. Relay for Life coordinator for the Oakville Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society. " It was a meaningful event that raised a significant amount of money, and it was wonderful seeing the faces of the sur vivors in the Survivors Victory Lap." (See Luminaries' page C2) Photos by Harrison Smith · S pecial to the B eaver A t O a k ville's second annual Relay for Life, eight-year-old M ackenzie Sm yth leads the Surv ivors Victory Lap. Starting from top right, A very W illiam s of Pine G ro ve School juggled with his classmates as part of the event's entertainm ent; the Halton Regional Police Pipe and Drum Band led survivors around the track at Appleby College: Halton Region C h a ir Joyce Savoline reads the names of the 140 survivors; M arcia Barro n and A n n H errin g from the team Flow er Pow er light some lum inaries in preparation for the Lu m in a ry Cerem ony; Isobel Johnson pauses on the track to look at a lum inary as runners and walkers pass by; and young cancer survivor Shayna M cD onald brought her friend M egan Hooper to the Relay for Life.