FORD 10-The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday June 11, 2003 G e / e f i r a f m i j a ( f e / t / t t w j o / I ittc c c ^ s a m / i/h y V /e a /w i / i ( y \r /o i//c (£& Monte Carlo Inn O akville Suites * At Ford, family comes first On February 24, 1956, the Ford Motor company went public 350,000 and new had about video series for Ford Motor "Your H o m e Away from H o m e " YOUNG DRIVERS of Canada c om pany jn t h e y .S . titled Your licence to survive. S&55.' ,,,, "Real World Driver" (RW u). ................. stockholders. <££# RWD has been distributed to Benny Meffe and staff o f M o n te Carlo Inn and P om odoro Ristorante G o n g m /a /a te . / o n / o /t t / e i r Henry Ford ll's keen perception of political and economic trends in the 50 s led to the global expansion of FMC in the 60's, and the establishment of Ford of Europe in 1967, 20 years ahead of the over 20,000 U.S. high schools explaining the 4 main causes of teen crashes and providing counter-measures to avoid these situations. Young Driver's in Canada is dis cussing with various gov S O t/ ,, {rt/i/oe/'.sam in Q a /to tZ /e European Economic Community's arrival. The company established L I N C I O L N ernment representatives on how best to distribute the RWD product in its North American Canada. Young Drivers is Canada's largest driver training company with 165 classroom locations and 500 instructors nationally. Book O n -lin e N o w 374 South Service Rd. E. (Q.E.W. & Trafalgar) Oakville Automotive Operations in 1971, consolidating U.S., Canadian, and Mexican operations more than two decades ahead of the North American Free Trade 905-849-9500 · Toll Free 1-877-849-9500 · MERCURY Annually, Young Driver's trains close to 50,000 novice drivers and anoth Agreement. Ford Motor Company started the last century with a single man envisioning er 3,000 licensed drivers under its CollisionFree brand of performance H APPY 100th A N N IV E R S A R Y Ford Motor Com pany of Canada and C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S for 50 safe years in Oakville from your personal protective equipment commodity management supplier ! products that would meet the needs of people in a world on the verge of high-gear industrialization Today, Ford Motor Company is a family of automotive brands consisting of: Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Mazda, Jaguar, Land Rover, Aston Martin, and Volvo. Besides its affiliations with such suc cessful car manufacturers, Ford is also dedicated to the safety of young drivers. In September 1999, Ford purchased ' ^ J A G U A R riculum improvement programs. Young Driver's proprietary cur "CollisionFree Approach to Driving" teaches to drive and survive and not just to pass a government road test. "Young Drivers of Canada is proud to be affiliated with Ford Motor Company as it marks its 100th anniver sary and its 50th year since the -ROVER l AMO- opening of the Oakville Assembly Plant," says Rick Rigby, President & CEO, Young Drivers Young Driver's of Canada to help it pro mote the Ford brand and products to young Canadians and their fam ilies. As a result of Ford's purchase of International, Ford Motor Company of Canada. « Thp rn m n a n u ic h o n in n in n itc c o r - ond century of existence with a IN D U S T R IA L · S A F E T Y · F IR E · P A P E R · J A N IT O R IA L S U P P L IE S R a n s o n In d u s tria l a n d S a fe ty S u p p lie s Inc. 1166 M ic h e n e r R o a d , S a rn ia , ON N7S 4B1 T e le p h o n e : (519) 332-2220 / F ax: (519) 332-3542 E m a il: in fo @ ra n s o n .o n .c a W e b : w w w .ra n s o n .o n .c a ASTOVI M J U T IS . worldwide organization that retains and expands Henry Ford's heritage by developing products that serve Young Driver's, more than 40 Ford Dealers across Canada now host Young Driver's classroom training sessions in their dealerships. V O LV O community. the varying and ever-changing needs of people in the global Young Driver's has also written and filmed a W e've both been maki nq news We salute ioo years Congratulations from Oakville s CommunityNewspdper for over Ford of Canada in honour of 50 years as a valued corporate citizen and community partner. G> OAKYIL LE " roots from the 1800 ' s yy