FORD 12-The Oakville Beaver. Wednesday June 11, 2003 FORDfacts ·Th«` Ford Wofoi Company employs 5,231- Oakville's lop employer. · 0<ik\ He is home lo over 40 companies in the automor\e sector. · I ord employees inject $5,000,000* a vear inio Oakville's trconomyl Your Community Salutes You! Congratulations on 50 Years in Oakville no/eco SMS group Consultants, Designers & Manufacturers fo r the Strip Metal Processing Industry C o n g ra tu la tio n s on y o u r 5 0 t h A n n iv e r s a r y f r o m y o u r frie n d s at P R O -C C O i PRO-ECO Lim ited 2775 Coventry Road, Oakville, Ontario L6H 5V9 Tel: (905) 829-2888 Fax: (905) 829-5001 M o r r is o n H o u s e Congratulations Ford on 50 years in Oakville from UU & Spas JOHN D. THOMSON GENERAL MANAGER HURON SERVICES GROUP LIMITED MH 283 L a k e s h o r e R d E Co r n e r Congratulations Ford · Do w n t o w n O a k v il l e of "Quality service to the distribution industry since 1969". 418 NORTH SERV IC E RD. EAST, UNIT 3C OAKVILLE, ONT. L6H 5R2 cjq / v - OUR NEW ADDRESS: 2427 Trafalgar Road, Unit 5A \ .jssc^^Diinoasjitfie'TfaigafWgeSnoooing C entre On · 9 0 5 ' 8 4 9 1822 L a k esh o r e ano Tr a fa lg a r 905-842-8346 TEL: (905) 845-4075 FAX: (905) 845-4802 D o you wont ffie W hole packoge? M a nicu re, Pedicure, Hand A fo o t Ix f o lia tio n , Cut A Style D r-n O ,, 'S Ar>tiqufes · Heirloonjs · Gifts · Decor All for only ^ 99 H P I0 L jC J I H O 304 Lakeshore Road East, Oakville C* M I U n C ' 1 K IT T ^ I IO 450 SOUTH SERVICE RD. WEST OAKVILLE. ONTARIO L6K 2H4 TEL: 905 338-3303 FAX: 905 338-3304 A rare a n d unique selection o f furnishings, prim itives a n d design decor. Come h u n t through our treasures to discover your in d ivid u a l style. 905- 845-7671 UC'S U 's UC5 U£'s U £'s U's U £'s U KD '; 1 43 Kerr Street Com er o f Kerr & Rebecca 905-337-3394 Congratulations m Ford! from ·H ealthy Relationships ·H ealth y Communities ifOCO G O O D NEIGHBOUR GARAGE LTD. 3069 LAKESHORE RD. W , OAKVILLE, ONT. L6L 1J1 m Car D-MIIINC DtPO T Care Specialists------PROFESSIONAL SERVICE BY APPOINTMENT 905-827-1174 Licenced Mechanics G uaranteed Repairs European & A m erican M a de Cars G A S a n d DIESEL FRANK Dl CARLO NICK Dl CARLO Halton Women's Place ( risis I inc. 905-878-8555 Admin: 905-332-12000 ( Ou<ned ( Ofnif(iU>d fly TIM tlflLLS 29 lfl SPffPS POflD. O flKVLLE. OflTflPO L 6K 2 (3 1 Tfl: 905- 339- 3 / 7 7 fflX = 903- 339-539 Over 35 years of quality musical instruction. NOW ACCEPTING SUMMER REGISTRATION FOR MUSIC LESSONS COMPLETE INSTRUMENT AND MUSIC SELECTION THE MOST · Vocal · Drums · ) SUCCESSFUL MUSIC SCHOOL IN OAKVILLE Q g ·B rass ·Violin Woodbinds & Organ 131 Kerf. 6 PIANO ·THEORY ·GUITAR · BASS 1 9 0 5 8 4 5 3 7 5 1 Top B ra n d Nam es - All F ra m e s S to re w ld e | with purchase of your Rx lenses 8P M * O P T O . M on. 9 - 6 · T ues., W ed., Thurs. & F ri. 9 - 8 pm· S at. 9:30 - 5 pm 'Larges e le c tio no f fra m e s ·D octor'sa p p o in tm e n ta rra n g e d ·W ea c c e p ta ll vis io nc a rep ro g ra m s Space Optical invites you to come in and see all the new latest styles ot designer eyeglasses. Visit us for personal and prompt service. Congratulations FORD on your 50th Anniversary Irom Space Optical and Staff Trafalgar Village 125 Cross Ave. 1 0 5 -8 4 2 -2 8 2 1 Employee Appreciation Ford employs over 5,231 men and women who help to build Oakville's strong economy. A K V I L L /pss - 2 003 The following businesses say "Thank You! Discover Dynasty Baths IBRATA 3 FREE Tans Mew customers only All Ford Employees Will Receive a Come in and see the latest trends for your bathroom renovations 4 3 8 0 S o u t h S e r v ic e R d . U n i t II 2 0 % D is c o u n t On A ll R egular M in u te Tanning 630 Ford Dr. Oakville //J- 905-338-7551 > U y r io s t y 9 0 5 - 6 3 9 - 8 4 0 9 Baths l i n n h 'r i. 9-5:. S/A V///. 9 ~ i, ( lost'// S u m . C " M o n . J 'V m (b etw e en W n lk e fS Line & A p p le b y Line) __