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Oakville Beaver, 22 Oct 2003, C 7

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The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday O ctober 22, 2003 - C7 ODEA wins First Place for Web site The Oakville Econom ic D evelop ment A lliance (O ED A ) was honoured recently by its peers for winning First Place in the 2003 M arketing Canada Awards com petition. The First Place aw ard w as received in the category of E conom ic D evelopm ent W eb Sites for the new design o f its Web site: w w w .oeda.ca. The objective o f the new O ED A Web site is to prom ote the Town o f Oakville as a prem ier destination for both businesses and visitors alike. The site w orks in conjunction with the Town o f O akville's new Web site, w w w.oakville.ca, to provide detailed inform ation about the community. The M arketing Canada Awards are given out annually by the Econom ic D evelopm ent A ssociation o f C anada (EDAC). T he Association recognizes that m ar keting a com m unity is an integral part o f the Econom ic D evelopm ent profes sion, therefore it provides the M arketing C an ad a A w ards co m p etitio n as an opportunity to critique, exchange and review prom otional literature and other m arketing m aterials pro d u ced by m unicipalities across the country. T h is aw ard program is o pen to organizations that prom ote and market Canadian provinces, territories, regions, cities, tow ns and areas with a view to im proving the econom ic well-being o f Canadians. ED AC is C anada's national organi zation o f econom ic developm ent pro fessionals, representing every province across C anada with m ore than 500 m embers. O ED A is a non-for-profit corpora tion that was created in 1999 to prom ote econom ic developm ent in the Town o f O akville and area w ith the cooperation and participation o f the com munity. Festive Special charitable donation APPRECIATION NIGHT: O a k v ille 's A lte rn a tiv e s M a rk e t Jill Kitchener · Special to the Beaver w as a b eeh iv e o f ac tiv ity recen tly , n o t w ith c u sto m e rs, b u t w ith a lte rn a tiv e h e a lth c a re p ra c titio n e rs . T h e A lte rn a tiv e P ra c titio n e rs A p p re c ia tio n E v en in g b ro u g h t a n a r r a y o f q u alified p ro fe ssio n a ls to g e th e r to m eet ea ch o th e r, n e tw o rk a n d le a rn m o re a b o u t th e a lte rn a tiv e h e a lth in d u stry . Sw iss C halet's Festive Special is back starting Nov. 10, this tim e with a charitable gift in addition to five Lindor chocolate truffles. On Nov. 12 and 13, Swiss Chalet will donate 50 cents from the sale o f each F estive Special and Q uarter C hicken D inner to local charities across Canada. Swiss C halet's head office will also m ake a m atching donation to C hildren's M iracle Netw ork, a national non-profit organization that supports a netw ork o f children's hospitals from coast to coast. A " M u s t - A t t e n d " Free S e m i n a r Conservation Halton in Macleans' Top 100 Conservation Halton, the com m uni ty based environm ental agency, has been selected as one o f C anada's top 100 em ployers for 2004 by the editors o f M acleans magazine. T his is M acleans' fourth edition of the best selling book that has becom e a benchm ark with the business com m uni ty and jo b seekers. A fter an extensive review o f over 5 1 ,0 0 0 com panies, 6000 invitations w ere sent to selected com panies and organizations w hich were asked to com p lete a com prehensive application detailing their operations and hum an resource practices. T he selection criteria involved the review o f seven key areas: physical w orkplace; w ork atm osphere and social; health, financial and fam ily ben efits; vacation and tim e off; em ployee com m unications: perform ance m anage ment; and training and skills develop ment. W ith the com petition for quality staff, com panies are looking to differen tiate them selves by how they m anage people. T he selected best businesses have dem onstrated this com m itm ent and are recognized as great places to work. C onservation H alton shares this achievem ent w ith high profile com pa nies such as the Bank o f M ontreal. C anadian B roadcasting C orporation (C B C ), D ofasco Incorporated, IBM C anada, IKEA C anada and the TD L G roup Lim ited (Tim Hortons). C onservation Halton C hair Jean W illiam s stated, "We are very pleased that our environm ental agency has been selected as one o f C anada's Top 100 Em ployers. `T h e Board and staff have worked hard during the past few years to im prove our hum an resources practices. "We know how important it is to attract and keep quality staff dedicated to protecting the environm ent." she said. C onservation H alton is a com m uni ty based environm ental agency that is responsible for flood control, wetland protection, environm ental planning and the developm ent o f conservation areas for recreation and education. T he agency has approxim ately 75 p erm anent sta ff and 300 seasonal em ployees. PLe a s e FILL F IN A N C IA L S U R V IV A L FO R T H E 2 1 st C E N T U R Y Presented By: Tim Trim , CFA SewVfce PVttxJent, Associate Portfofco Manager and Laura Trian, CA. CFP, Assistant Brancti Manager and Investment Advisor k C o b b le S lO N E m b e rS "Masonry & Fireplace Design Specialists * D esign & installation o f gas, electric & conventional fireplaces: · stone & brick facings · built-in · wood surro u n d s cabinetry i · cast stone m antels QUALITY BRAND NAMES GAS & ELECTRIC FIREPLA CES AVAILABLE G U E S T SPEAKER B.comm., f c s i , c f p Join G ra yd o n W atters Cana da 's p re e m in e n t Financial Educator, Retirem ent Specialist, Life C oach, Author, and Inspirational S p ea ke r as he show s yo u : . H o w to build a P o rtfolio t h a t le t's y o u sleep at n ig h t . T h e 5 M ust D o T a x T ip s before 2 0 0 3 is o v e r. Gravdon W atters m a Iestic VERMONT elecdr · T h e 6 M a jo r R esou rces fo r R e tire m e n t a nd H o w to Use T h e m . H o w to M ana ge V o la tility in T u r b u le n t T im e s A ll types o f masonry work & restoration: · chimneys · stairs · walkways · patios · planters · tuck pointing FREE S E M IN A R W e d n e sd a y , O cto ber 29th, 7:0 0 p.m. Hilton G a rd e n In n 2 7 7 4 S o u th S h e rid a n W ay O ak ville , O N (W in s to n C hu rch ill & Q E W ) Dundee Securities Corporation 200 - 2908 S outh Sheridan Way, Oakville D U N D E E *i f S E C U R ITIE S CORPORATION! 406 Speers RcL, Oakville (across from Kona Lansing) 905-337-2066 V ISIT THE SP EC IA LISTS TO SEE THE DIFFEREXC E T o R e g i s t e r C a ll ( 9 0 5 ) 8 2 9 - 0 6 0 0 S e a tin g is L im it e d ! ! E v e r y o n e W e lc o m e ! Weekends Get the Saturday Star and Sunday Star for just 99 cents a week (plus GST)! G e t t h e S a tu rd a y a n d S u n d a y S ta r d e liv e re d to y o u r d o o r fo r o n ly 9 9 c e n ts a w e e k (p lu s G S T)! T h a t's 6 0 % o f f h o m e d e liv e ry o f T o ro n to 's m o s t re a d n e w s p a p e r fo r 2 6 w e e k s . A c t s o o n to e n jo y o n e lo w p ric e a n d tw o g r e a t p a p e rs . O ffe r e x p ire s N o v e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 0 3 Call 416-367-4500 or visit www.thestar.com/99centweekends QUOTE PROMO CODE: WKND STAR THE TASTE OF TORONTO ^Eves' plea {to Tories: (D on't [give up \\.W Y > WLLi*>T jStar poll: ILiberals head for im ajority Delivery w ill continue a fte r the 26-week introductory period a t the regular home delivery rate o f $2.62 per week (plus GST;. O ffer lim ite d to new subscribers who have not had home delivery fo r at lea st 30 days. O ffer not .ivailable in all delivery areas. Pricing may be higher in some delivery areas. O ffer expires Nov. 30. 2003.

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