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Oakville Beaver, 22 Oct 2003, A 5

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 22, 2003 - AS Artists wants new centre for displaying their work Group wants to convince Town that exhibition space is needed She added that she w ould w ant the exhibition space to be about the size o f C entennial, but w ith a low er ceiling, w ith exceptional lighting and m oveable w alls. Several disgruntled O akville artists are putting T he exhibition space in the new building their heads together to com e up with a new arts w ould be the centrepiece o f the project, but the centre to better serve the public. The artists say they are unhappy with the cur building w ould prim arily be used as a place for rent spaces offered to them, w hich, though appre art groups to m eet, w here w orkshops and classes w ould be held and w here artists and visitors ciated, usually have poor lighting and ugly walls. w ould m eet and socialize. They are also dissatisfied with the w orkspaces in M usic and art lessons w ould also be an im por schools, for w hich they have to pay user fees. The tant part o f the cen tre's m ission. group is hoping to convince the Town that a new " It w ould be used to give lessons, especially to centre is necessary. young people since the school curriculum is m ore Still early in the process, the O akville Arts lim ited than it used to be," said C oryell, a form er Council (OA C) has subm itted a request in its art teacher. "T here are few opportunities for kids budget to Town Council to conduct a feasibility to be learning in arts. In that sense, the art centre study to find out w hat kind o f structure is needed, w ould supplem ent w hat they learn in schools." w here it could be built and w here exactly would T he early, tentative plans are based on other the m oney will com e from. local co m m u n ity arts cen tres in T he request for funds was subm it B urlington and E lora, w here that ted in S eptem ber and the O A C to w n 's new arts centre, located in a expects to hear back in early 2004. "Our role would be to form er elem entary school, is taking once the new Town Council is sworn shape successfully. bring the voices in follow ing the N ovem ber m unici T hough the organizers w ant the pal elections. together. In surveying new arts centre to be fiscally self"O ur role would be to bring the our membership to su fficien t, C o ry ell has proposed v o ices together," said G race date, it is the most sev eral w ay s to g et the m oney D eLottinville, executive director o f needed to build the centre or to ren the OAC. popular request." ovate a closed school. The O A C is hoping to save the · Grace DeLottinville, O f the 16 p o ssib le funding Town from dealing with several dif Executive director avenues, one idea proposes draw ing ferent proposals by heading up the o f the OAC on the assets o f the OG. "Since the process on behalf o f all the guilds Tow n ow ns the galleries and its and groups w ho w ant to take part. assets, then they m ust legally be " In surveying our m em bership to available as capital and principal," says her list. d ate, it is the m ost p o p u la r req u e st," said Further dow n the slate, C oryell states that the D eLottinville, w ho has also sought advice on how new centre should "share the public tax dollars best to approach the proposal from Regional C hair currently allocated to the O akville G alleries, Joyce Savoline and M ayor A nn M ulvale. w hich receive considerable governm ent grant T he m andate o f the O akville G alleries (O G ) is m onies." another reason Jane C oryell, w ho is leading the A lso listed are ideas such as nam ing the centre p ro ject's public relations efforts and rallying local and its room s after donors, charging m em bership artists and guilds, thinks there should be an arts fees and running a gift shop. centre. A fter having her request that the OG play T he ideal spot for the centre, according to a large role in the 2005 Fibre A rts Festival reject C oryell, w ould be w here the baseball diam ond ed, C o ryell's notion that there is a need for a new currently stands at K err and R ebecca Streets, centre w as crystallized. * beh in d the L ions F o u n d a tio n 's dog g u id es C om m unity artists used to use the O akville school. G alleries buildings, w hen they w ere run by T he site w ould be perfect as it is on a bus route, T ow n-appointed groups. O nce the C entennial and G airloch G alleries w ere am algam ated in 1980, near com m ercial and recreation areas, she said. C oryell is getting ahead o f herself, though, the m andate o f the spaces changed, reducing tim e dream ing large before even finding out w hether for local am ateur artists. the m oney for a feasibility study wiH be offered. N ow fin d in g space w here they can, in S overeign H ouse in Bronte and the M unicipal T hat isn 't uncom m on for C oryell; she has already B uilding on T rafalgar Road, as w ell as other ven decided that the building will feature stained glass w indow s and a clay relief sculpture near the ues, they d o n 't have a gallery "that does justice to entrance, created, o f course, by local artists. the w ork on display," C oryell believes. S PE C IA L T O T H E BEAVER BRAKES I ALIGNMENT / SHOCKS I EXHAUST I OIL CHANGES I SAFETY INSPECTIONS By Craig MacBride For everyone who manufactures success In today's fast-forward business environment, the best strategy is to stay ahead of the competition. That's why BDC offers you unconventional financing and specialized consulting services that support your innovation and expansion projects, and help you boost your productivity and compete successfully both here and abroad. 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