A 8 - The Oakville Beaver, Tuesday D e c e m b e r 30, 2003 W E ' V E G O T G R E A T T O W E L S F O R L E S S COMPARE AT *12** Egyptian Cotton Tow els A fa n ta s tic d e a l on w ashcloths, h a n d a n d b a th rowels. For $6.99. yo u g e t a b a th to w e l o r 2 h a n d tow els, o r 3 w ash cloths. A va ila b le in assorted colours." Home Outfitters Solid and Jaquard Bath Towels R alph Lauren Tow els First quality Egyptian cotton towels in assorted colours. Available in washcloths, hand and bath towels * (Towel Stand $49.99) Available in w ashcloth, h a n d a n d b a th tow els. S olid colours also a va ila b le in b o d y to w e l a n d tub m at: A ssorted Bath Tow els COMPARE AT *18' Soft, flu ffy to w els w ith fa m o u s labels, in c lu d in g Fieldcrest. A ssorted colours: N e w L o w e r P ric e G rand Patrician Towels L uxurious E gyp tia n cotton rowels by W estpoint Stevens. A va ila b le in 2 0 a m a z in g colours. (F in g ertip S tand $ 9.99) 100% Cotton Hand Towels This g re a t value assortm ent includes E gyp tia n a n d Supim a cotton to w e ls: From beautiful dinnerw are sets to exquisitely-designed duvet covers and tasteful home decor items, Home Outfitters has everything you need to refresh the look of your home. And at great prices, too, Breathe some new life into your home. Drop by Canada's largest kitchen, bed, and bath superstore kitch«n |bed , bath | SUPERSTORE · Availability of colours, patterns, and styles may vary by store. Thickson Ridge Power Centre Heartland Town Centre Pickering Square One 1 650 V ictoria Stmt E ast. W hitby Eglinton Town Centre 765 B ritannia R oad W est, M ississauga Erin Mills Centre 1300 K ingston Roadlrickering Crossroads Centre 100C ityC entre D rive, M ississauga Bramalea City Centre 1 9 0 1E gH ntonA venue East, Scarborough Yorktown Plaza 3050 V eg aB oulevard, M ississauga Limeridge Mall 2625 W eston R oad, N orth Y o rk The Queensway 60 P eel C entre D rive, B ram pton Molson Power Centre 50 D avis D rive, N ew m arket First Markham Place 999 U pper W entw orth Street, H am ilton Kitchener 1880 T he Q ufensw ay, T oronto West Gate Pro Centre 436 B ryne D rive, B arrie U any single item ____ I 3275 H ighw ay 7, M arkham 245 Strasburg R oad, K itchener 3135 A rgentia R oad, M ississauga N o w th r o u g h J a n u a r y 11, 2 0 0 4 . One coupon p e r customer. This coupon cannot b e combined witfi a n y other otter a n d is n o t valid on a n y previous p urchase or tow ards the p urchase of Nautica. Tommy Hilfiger. J.A H enkels. KitchenAid. Cuismart. Tiha. Saeco. OUR SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE CONTINUES See s t o r e for d e t a i l s . Microwaves. Hbc Gift Cards o r Gilt Registry items online.