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Oakville Beaver, 23 Jul 2003, C6

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C6 · The Oakville Beaver. Wednesday July 23, 2003 EM auctions, sales careers professionals carters H iM professionals professionals HALTON REGIONAL POLICE AUCTION 1151 Bronte Rd, Oakville Community Notices Market Basket BUMPER CROP ' Sunrise of Burlington O p e n in g S e p te m b e r 2 0 0 3 ! Saturday, July 26th, (Indoors) Viewing & registration 8:30am-9:3Qam AUCTION STARTS 9:30 AM AUCTIO N SALE O F FOUND BICYCLES AN D ASSORTED UNCLAIMED PROPERTY 500 career training 500 career training Job Fair Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 11:00 am to 7:00 pm Lakeside Shopping Village 5353 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington (Beside the Dollar M art) If you want a career where your work makes a difference, look into our opportunities. RED & BLACK RASPBERRIES, BLACK CURRANTS, GOOSEBERRIES, SUNFLOWERS, LILLIES 3 L )> 2 ;i S W IM ? © y ;© ] «, > -Rum FREE HAY R ID ES, P LAY G R O U N D & A N IM A L CORRAL f r u it w in e r y ^ c . Hiiffcwtr POLICE F o u n d a tio n s Diplom a Applications Being Accepted for September /03 www.AndrewsScenicAcres.com w w w .scotchblock.com We are located between 3rd and 4tti Line at emergency *9365 on #10 Side Road, north of Hwy 401, between Tratalga/ Road and Regional Road 25 iHwy 25) CARE M AN AGERS CO N CIERG ES COOKS K IT C H EN U T IL IT Y PERSONS RO O M ATTEND ANTS W ELLN ESS NURSES ANDREWS SCENIC ACRES MILTON - 905-878-5807 f f M H ALTO N B U SIN ESS IN S T IT U T E Apply in person or email: Burlington.AA@sunriseseniorliving.com 0 905-637-3415 460 Brant Street. Burlington. ON Deaths MacSWEEN, Cathleen (nee Barry) Peacefully surrounded by her loving fam ily at the O akviile-Trafalgar M em orial Hospital o n Friday. July 1 8 ,2 003 Cathleen, (retired R N) predeceased by her husband Ken Beloved m other of Barry and Bev. Maria and Casey. Bill an d Bev. Margie and Duncan and Pat and Greg. Cherished grandmother ot Jen. Carrie Mike. Jeremy. Laura, M eghan Ian, Michelle, Kevin. Ken. Jessie. Rebecca an d D anielle. Predeceased by her brother Bill and her sister Ellen and survived by her sisters-in-law Annie Sinclair. Mary Barry and Marj MacSween. She will be dearly m issed by all Arrangem ents have b een entrusted to th e W ard Funeral H om e 'Oakville Chapel-(905-844-3221). D onations to th e charity of your choice would be greatly appreciated by th e lam ily. Change the world. One life at a time ^ careers V 7 T 3 professional K I « J proiwiwnai Career-Minded Accountants' Come Join The Industry Leader! F/C BOOKKEEPER............. T0S2QHR STAFF ACCOUNTANT.......... T O$18 /H R ACCOUNTING CLERKS........ T OS14HR SUNRISE A s s is t e d L i v i n g www.sunriseseniorliving.com E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer. accountemps 'Specialized Financial Slatting' Call to inquireabout our excellent benefits program Ph: 905-319-9384 Fax: 905-319-2095 burlington@accountemps.coni Pa arent Account Executive This e xcitin g and p ro g re ssive p o sition requires a self motivated, creative and experienced sales professional to con tin u e d e ve lop in g sp e cia l fe a tu re s for C ity Parent. Canada's largest regional parenting newsmagazine. The ideal candidate has both agency and client experience. Based in O a k v ille , th is p o sitio n o ffe rs com prehensive compensation package including salary, commission and mileage expenses. Please submit resume to Judy Miles at jmiles@haltonsearch.com or fax 905-337-5571 Deadline for applications is August 1, 2003 , C IT Y . m The World's Largest Hairstyling Chain Offering Opportunities for: TEN TH O U S A N D VILLAGES SALON MANAGER · F/T Exp'd HAIRSTYLISTS · F/T, P/T < OAKVILLE LOCATION < W EO FFER LOOKING FOR A JOB WITH MEANING? We are seeking an energetic outgoing $500-$!000 Signing Bonus R E C E P T IO N IS T / A s s is tan t for B urlington O p to m e try C lin ic . F u ll tim e h o u rs Include som e even in gs and S a tu rd a y s O u tg o in g p e r s o n a lity a n d g re a t t e le pho ne sk ills e s s e n tia l Fax co ve r le tte r and re su m e to O ffic e M a n a g e r, 9 0 5 -3 3 2 2164 P/T Assistant Store Manager at our Lakeshore Rd retail store. Oakville: Successful candidate's resum e should dem onstrate proven exp & training in retailing, m anagerial ability, visual m er chandising inventory control & com m itm ent to Ten Thousand Villages mission and alternative/fair trade We o tter a salary & benelit package Great commissions · Career advancement Flex, work hours · Solid benefit program TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW, please call Kym at 905-849-8808. Ext 221 RN/Home Coordinator FT PT 6 -b ed in resident canc er hospice Excellent com m unication, organi zational & assessm ent skills req'd Palliative care ex p desired Fax 905-337-8006 D E N T A L R e ce p tio n ist w ith e x p e rie n c e re q u ir o d fo r O akville d en tal o ffice . M ust p o sse ss e x c e lle n t c o m m u n ic a tio n / c o m p u te r s k ills Fax resume 905-842-6296 H A M P T O N T e rra c e C a re C e n tre in B u r lin g to n h a s im m e d ia te o p e n in g s fo r Charge N urses. RP N 'S and p a r t- tim e S o c ia l W o rk e r Fax resume 905-631 · 1824 (Volunteer a! Oaklands Regional Centre, Oakville). Suddenly on M onday. July 21. 2003 at the Brampton Hospital Theresa, dear m other ol Theresa, Heinrich, John and Trudy Lovingly rem em bered by her eight grandchildren and six great grandchildren Visitation was held at the Kopnva Taylor Com m unity Funeral H om e. 6 4 Lakeshore Road West. Oakville (905-844-2600). on Tuesday trom 7 -9 p m . with Parish Prayers at 73 0 p.m . A Mass of Christian Burial will b e held today. W ednesday, July 23. 2003 at 1:30 p.m . at St. Michael's Parish. 1 8 1 Sewell Drive. Oakville Interm ent Trafalgar Law n Cem etery In lieu ol Mowers, memorial donations m ay be made to the Canadian Food lor Children. 40 King George's Road. Etobicoke. O ntario M8X1L3 SCHOMACHER. Theresa SPICE. George - Died suddenly at his hom e on Saturday. July 19. 2003 at the age of 70. Beloved husband ol the late Vera Loving lather of Patricia (Peter) Coles. Ian Spice. Brenda (Ian) Hawkins and Michael Spice (Amy Hoslein) Papa will be fondly rem em bered by his grandchildren Christine. Jason. Danielle, Rachel and Katie. George will be sadly m issed by his extended fam ily and friends The fam ily will receive Iriends at the Oakview Funeral Hom e, 5 6 Lakehore Road West (one blockeast o f Kerr St) Oakville, on Wednesday. July 23 (today) trom 7-9 p.m The funeral service will be held at the Church ol the Epiphany t4t Bronte Road, O akville on Thursday. July 24.2003 at 1 1 a m Interm ent Trafalgar Law n Cem etery Reception tofollow skilled & technical help P/T Sales Associate tor our Lakeshore Rd retail store. Oakville Successful candidate's m u st have proven exp Straining in retailing, visual m erchandising, inventory control & com m itm ent to Ten Thousand Villages mission & alternative/lair trade M ust be able towork well with people T en ThousandVillages provides vital, lair incom e to artisans around th e world by selling their handcrafted products www.tenthousandvillages.com Fax !5 1 9 6 6 2 3 7 5 .l:Email personnel@villages.ca Ph: t-8 7 7 -2 8 9 -3 2 4 7 Ex t4 2 5 Production Supervisor- Lead Hand Required Immediately BEL general help wanted SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Now training New Drivers for September 2003 · N o Evenings · N o Weekends · M orning and Afternoon runs · Free for other activities & hobbies, golfing, shopping, o r just do lunch. · Bring your own children · N o Baby-sitting cost · Free Training · Competitive wages · O n site training · Extra W ork available ·Straight nights- 3:30 to 11:45pm ·Full Time Work, five nights per week ·Benefits. Competitive hourly rate ·Fork lift certificate required ·Supervisory experience a bonus Shipper - Reciever ·Full time straight days-8am to 5pm ·Benefits and competitive hourly rate ·Fork lift certificate required ·Experience with courier computerized shipping programs ·Computer literate a must Please reply to P.O. Box1966 Burlington Post 5040 Mainway Unit (1 Burlington.On L7L-7G5 Application deadline: July 28th, 2003. WIDEX CANAD A LTD is currently seeking a bilinaual FA candidate fo ro u r CUSTOMER SERVICE / PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT to w ork in an Olticeatm ospherewithin a m anufacturing plant for hearing aids Language tluent in French is essential CHALLENGE Product knowledge, resolving product issues, assist sales by acting as a liaison w ith the cli ent. product warranties and support for clients per taining to m anufacturing Experience with com puters and various software, dealing with clients and prob lemsolving, & excellent telephone skills a m ust ADDITIONAL ASSETS Ability to work independently and as a team player, demonstrate initiative and a selt-starter, ability to plan and organize, ability to handle m ultiple tasks sim ultaneously, excellent inter personal and com m unication skills, ability lo adjust to change within environm ent and experience in the hear in g aid industry an asset Please send resum e lo. WIDEX CANADA LTD., P 0 Box 94 0 .O akville O N L6J 2X2. attn M rM arty Butterw orth Chief O perations O tticer or to · rn.butterworthawidexcanada.com. Please no telephone calls/inquiries. For m ore inform ation call 529 | inside sales ^ G E R R I E inside sales 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -4 0 4 7 for Burlington & O akville J A K E S G n il & O y s te r H o u s e J o in th e C r e w 'Im m e d iate o pe ning s fo r P i T D ishw ashors, even in gs & w e e k e n d s E n jo y fle x ib le s c h e d u a le . g o o d w a g e s & g re a t a tm o s p h e re B rin g re s u m e to 9 5 0 W a lk e r s L in e (b e s id e O E W T ra v e lodge) 905-639-4084 M O U N T N e m o R e s ta u ra n t re q uires w a itre ss/w aite r e x p e r ie n c e d in c a s u a l fin e d in in g P le a se c a ll fo r a p pointment 905-319-1877 KITCHEN staff required fulltim e/pari-tim e for Burlington S p o rts B a r C o m p e titiv e wages CaU 905-319 0525 905-855-7771 for Mississauga only OR COUNTER SALES COUNTER SALES TRAINEE We are a respected industry leader in the electrical distribution business since 1957 We are currently seeking energetic Sales oriented individuals lor Counter Sales These positions are in the Burlington/ Oakville area Electrical knowledge an asset but nol Sssential We otter |ob security, wages com m ensurate with experience, lull benefit package & continual training. II you are interested in joining our dynam ic & grow ing com pany. Please email resume to:HR<8gerrie.com or fax to: 905-681-3221 or mail TAYLOR. Kenneth Victor (A retired em ployee o t Ross & W hitehead Inc) Peacelully at his h om e on July 9.2003. in his 82nd year Ken. h alt brother o t Frances LeBlanc and George W agner O ear uncle ol Gail, Lynda. Brenda and Carol Visitation will be held at the Kopnva Taylor Com m unity Funeral H om e. 64 Lakeshore Road West. Oakville (905-844-2600). o nW ednesday, (today) fro m 1130 a.m . follow ed b y a Service in Ihe Chapel at 1 p m Interm ent to follow al Trafalgar Law n Cem etery If desired, m em orial contributions to the Ontario H eart an d Stroke Foundation would beappreciated by the fam ily 1-888-749-1515 T Family Services Alcoholics Anonym ous If you drink, that's your business If you w ant to quit, That's Ours! "SAFETY IN MOTION", T R A N S P O R T A T IO N IN C t> I offtce-ciencal P A R T -T IM E R e a l E s ta te R ecep tio nist for busy office e v e n in g s , w e e k e n d s a n d p o s s ib le d a y tim e h o u rs C o m p u te r lit e r a t e / m u ltitaske r R eception e xp e ri e n ce p re fe rre d Fax: 905637-3781.___________________ M E D IC A L S e c re ta ry re q u ire d full-tim e fo r O a kville C a r d io lo g is t's o ffic e E x p e rie n c e re q u ire d . P le a se ta x re s u m e to : 9 0 5 -8 4 5 3996, attn Alison A D M IN IS TR A TIO N position part-time, Pediatrician office 1 year mat leave Computers an a sset. S ep tem be r start Fax resume: 905-842-9260 R E C E P T IO N IS T / S e c r e tary. Part tim e for busy real e sta te o ffice . 2 o r 3 n igh ts (4 3 0 -8 30 p m ) p lu s a l te rn a te w e e k e n d s G ood p hone m an ne r and k e y b o a rd in g a m u st F a x re s u m e to : C a ro l 9 0 5 -3 3 8 7452 _____________________ O A K V IL L E o ffic e re q u ire d F /T O ffic e A d m in is tra to r, C u s to m e r S e rv ic e R ep M u lti-ta s k p o s itio n fo r b rig h t, e n e rg e tic p e rs o n M u st h a ve s tro n g c o m m u n ic a tio n a n d in te rp e rs o n a l skills E xpe rie n ce m M ic ro soft W ord. Excel and W in d ows based a ccounting so ft w a re an asset F a x/ E -m ail re s u m e 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -0 0 0 1 . bsmyth pshcanada com B O O K K E E P E R fo r The A dded Touch Q ulckB ooks & E x c e l e x p e rie n c e d re q u ire d P /T - F le x ib le Fax R e s u m e A m u s t In c lu d e h o u rly w a ge e x p e c ta tio n s 905-338-1486 J. M ichaels A Progressive Ladies Wear Chain Is looking tor people w ho can provide excellent custom er Service. GERRIE ELECTRIC WHOLESALE LIMITED 4104 South Service Road. Burlington O nl L7L 4X5 A ttn H R/O C Please note, only those considered lor an interview m il be contacted E CE T e a c h e r W o o d la n d C h ild re n s C e n tre , B u rlin g to n L o o k in g fo r lu ll tim e teacher, e xce lle n t b en efits, w ith w a rm w o rk in g e n v i ro n m en t. S end re su m e fax 9 0 5 -3 3 6 -0 2 0 5 E m a il w o o d la n d t io n a ib n c o m call 905-336-2063 (416) 487-5591 (905)631-8784 F/T & P/T Associate Positions 509 drivers drivers D ELIV ER Y DRIVER Construction Rental Company requires F/T permanent truck driver (Class D) Some lifting required. Self-starter, responsible, mechanically inclined. Must supply driv ers abstract Uniform/benefits/ pension/ profit sharing Forward resumes to: H igh end ladies w ear experience is preferred b u t not a prerequisite. Ei* : www.jmichaels.net rta x resum e to : 416-674-7779 A ttn PatKactlur E X P E R IE N C E D c le a n e rs w a nte d fo r h e a vy and lig h t d u ty w o rk C a ll 1-8 00 -2 09 3558. ext 506._________ FRONT D esk' H o te l C lo rk - P/T afte rn oo n / night P re v io u s e x p e rie n c e required Please fax resume to 905-847-7159 D O G w a lk in g b u s in e s s (O a k v ille ) re q u ire s re s p o n sib le in d iv id u a ls . P a rt-tim e to s ta r t O w n v e h ic le re quired Call 9 05-815-9564 M A JO R car rental company re q u ir e s C o u n te r R e p r e s e n ta tiv e F u ll/ p a r t- tim e R e n ta l e x p e rie n c e . S tro n g custom er service skills Fax 905-337-9807._______________ E N JO Y C le a n in g ' Jo in the M o lly M a id team* No mtes. no w eekends Training p ro vided Call 905-681-7484 R E T IR E D c o u p le re q u ire d fo r p art-tim e housekeeping, c o o k in g a n d h o b b y fa rm m a in te n a n c e a nd g a rd e n in g P le a s e c a ll 9 0 5 -3 3 6 9984 (not after 7pm) Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of RUTH HELEN WHITEHEAD, late of Oakville, Ontario, who died on or about the 9th day of August. 2002 must be filed with the undersigned personal representative on or before the 6th day of August. 2003, after which date, the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the Estate Trustee then shall have notice. DATED at Oakville, Ontario, this 2nd day of July, 2003. MARK SMITH. Estate Trustee c/o Ruthanne Bowker LUSH, BOWKER. AIRD Barristers and Solicitors P.O. Box 734 261 Lakeshore Road East Oakville, Ontario L6J5C1 Tel: (905)-844-0381 530 sales help & agents sales help & agents 700 home Improvements TEACHING ENGLISH Thousands of new jobs monthly! The College ol Applied Linguistics is offering a 5-day intensive TESOL Certificate Course at Shendan College Aug. 20th-24th (Evenings -weekend) To register for the Open House on July 29th at 7 p.m . Call: 1-888-246-6512 w w w .IN TLcollegeof lin g u is tic s .c o m Experienced Fastener Sales Person Required A Leading Fastener Com pany is looking for a salesperson to take over a fast growing tem tory in Southwestern Ontario. Base salary, com m ission, car allowance and expenses. Renum eration based on expenence. Fax Resume To 9 0 5 8 7 8 -2 2 9 9 S A L E S a s s is ta n t, w o rk fro m h o m e 15- 2 0 h o u rs / week. High sp ee d Inte rn et, a n d m a jo r a c c o u n t s a le s experience required E-m ail Dave d d a tarsflcog eco .ca SALES A S S O C IA T E fu ll- tim e w ith e x c e lle n t W o rd P ro c e s s in g s k ills . S o m e G ra p h ic D e s ig n an asset. G ood custom er se rv ice a p rio rity Fax d e ta ile d re su m e to M a il B oxe s Etc at 905-333-0468 S A L E S P e rs o n (c o m m is sio n e d ) nee de d fo r m a n u factu re r of w ooden C a lifo r nia S hutters A d istn b uto r for H u n te r D o u g la s & L e v o lo r b lin d s O w n tra n sp o rta tio n . T ra v e l a llo w a n c e S o m e e v e n in g & S a tu rd a y a p p o in tm e n ts m a y be r e q u ire d F le xib le hou rs Call S h u tte rs U n lim ite d . 9 0 5 634-4869 for info A Z H o m e Im p ro v e m e n ts C o m p ie te B ase m e nt fin is h ing. B a th ro om re n ova tion s. D r y w a ll. C e ra m ic tile s . P a in tin g V a ld 9 0 5 -8 2 6 1552 905-301-8929 1363 Cornwall Rd. Oakville. O N L6J 4Z5 or Fax: 905-844-5122 or e-mail: bwannington^directequipment.ca AZ DEDICATED RUN Burlington/Chicago 2 years experience am ust' S50-55K Drakkar Human Resources Call 905-795-1397 cbleka@drakkar.ca K i ll general help wanted 1 M o v in g // P a c k in g d o m e s tic / In te rn a tio n a l. F ree w a rd ro b e s w h ile on s ite U rge nt jo bs w e lco m e 905829-1282. 1-866-666-1313 JOBS AVAILABLE Production work in tt> e MILTON area S11-S12/hr. All shifts available. Fax resume to: Sandtron A utom ation Ltd is looking for highly m otivated people to join our INSIDE SALES TEAM M ust enjoy talking on the telephone w ith a fnendly, cheerful voice Sales & com put er experience re quired. S12 /hr. Full tim e days. To apply call Michele 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -8 2 3 0 C U S T O M -M A D E d ra p e r tes va la n c e s , sh e e rs, b ed / t a b le / c h a ir c o -o rd in a te s , fa b ric s , in s ta lla tio n . 11 yrs exp Sherry, 905-634-6706 C U S T O M d ra p e s , a lte r a tio n s . b a llo o n s . 3 0 y e a rs e x p e rie n c e In te rio r D e c o ra tors w elcom e Enza. 905542-8230 HCR D riv e rs /O w n e r O perators I s x o o 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 T H E C le a n in g C o m p a n y re q uires dom estic cleaners, p a r t- tim e le a d in g to f u l l tim e d a y s O a k v ille / B u r lin g to n B re nt, 1 -8 8 8 -3 6 7 8204 NEEDEO e n th u s ia s tic fnendly. outgoing, individual to |oin our Colour Your World Staff Call 905-632-5255 G A R A G E d o o r M fg p la n t n ee ds fa c to ry w o rke rs, w ill tra m L o c a te d T ra fa lg a r/ O EW area Fax re su m e to 9 0 5 -3 3 9 -1 9 3 5 o r c a ll 9 0 5 339-1975 YOG A instructors wanted lor n e w s tu d io in B u r lin g to n E m a il re s u m e to bendhy 6 sym paticoca L IO N S F o u n d a tio n of Canada, dog guides,requires tw o ke n n e l a s s is ta n ts , one fu ll tim e 6 m o n th c o n tra c t, a n d o n e p a rt tim e p o s i tion W e ekend and evening sh ifts required. Fax resum e to905-642-3373 LA N D S C A P E M aintenance c o m p a n y s e e k in g e x p e r ie n c e d (m in 3 y rs ) c ro w members. Top wages, profit sh a rin g b e n e fits a fte r 1yr Fax resume to 905-823-6708 (Mississauga) N IG H T S o c u rity G u a rd re q u ire d fo r N o rth B u rlin g to n G o lf C o u rse M u st be a ble to w o rk w e e ke n d s $ 10 /h r S e n io rs w e lco m e to a pp ly Fax resume 905-319-5992 PARTS ORDER PICKER & DISPATCH tor A uto parts Dist Exp. Shipping & Re ceiving sm all pis an as set. good know ledge o f O ak, Miss, Burl, required lor dispatching drivers Able to lift 50 Ibs.Call John Bloom ,2 -4 p m H alton A uto Electric 2 8 1 Speers Rd Oakville p h . 905-845-2118 L O O K IN G to r s e a s o n a l ca sh ie r for g o lf ce n te r Im m e d ia te S om e a v a ila b le hou rs fo r fall/ sp rin g Cash e x p e rie n c e n e c e s s a ry . P lease call-K aren McCallum 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -6 1 2 0 b e lw e e n 1 0 a m -3 p m S u n th ro u g h Thursday C LE AN IN G / Restoration Su p erviso r/T e ch n icia n E xp e r ie n c e in c a rp e t c le a n in g h e lp fu l F u ll/ P a rt-tim e R espo n sib le, se rvice o rie n tated. Service M aster O ak v ille D is a s te r R e s to ra tio n 906347-0996 Fax 906647-7512 G ENERAL Contractor Seeks e x p e rie n c e d w o rk in g fo r e p e rs o n fo r n ew c o n c re te construction Duties include. S u rv e y in g , la y o u t, fo rm in g a n d p o u rin g o f fo o tin g s a n d w a lls O w n tr a n s p o r tation and too ls Fax e xp e r ie n c e a n d s a la r y e x p e c ta tio n s to 9 0 5 -3 3 1 -5 1 2 8 (Milton) N eeded Im m ediately! ,76e/mi (US) · 2200-3000 m i/w eek · Future dedicated1 · Paid base plates & perm its · All bridge tolls paid1 '96 or new er w /T an d emaxletractor w / sleeper req'd (800)467-6016 H EALTH YS N u tritio n S tores looking for outgoing, m o tiv a te d p e o p le in B u r lin g to n / M is s is s a u g a F u ll tim e . p a rt-tim e a n d A s s is ta n t M a n a g e rs In te re s t in v ita m in s , s p o r ts s u p p le m e n ts , a n a w e lln e s s p ro d u c ts a n d h e lp in g o th e rs F a x re s u m e to 9 0 5 -7 9 4 3552 attn. Personnel Dept Bridal Show tfettuyjvlfu m m BU D D S ' S ATU R N EXPERIENCED CONCRETE FINISHER with 5 years exp. forming, broom finish, stamped, exposed a must E x c e lle n t w a g e s Don't Miss Toronto's Foremost Bridal Event < Requires a Part-Tim e -- \ u fto /ia / Looking for a last paced. lun. IrjendJy environment then we want you to be part of ourteam \ ,C # /Y c /a Name____________ Address___________ City Phone Wedding Date. Fax_________ Email .Postal Code _ Receptionist evenings & w eekends Please apply in person I Dayna Yesford 5 0 7 Speers Road. Oakville. O ntario L6K2G4 APARTM ENT le a s in g c o n s u lt a n t s im m e d ia te p o s itio n s a vail, fo r e n e rg e tic p e o p le th ro u g h G TA E x c e lle n t p h o n e a n d p e r s o n a l co m m u n ica tio n skills re q u ire d M u s t h a v e ow n c a r. g u a ra n te e d in c o m e + g e n erou s b on use s, tra in ing p ro v id e d C a ll 1 -8 0 0 -8 9 8 0347 or e m a il. |b u r m an dd ala-inc.co m /r Sept. 5-7,2003 · International Centre, Airport Road W O R K fro m h o m e u s in g y o u r c o m p u te r S 15 0 0+ part-tim e S 3-5000 full-tim e. C a ll 1 -8 0 0 -2 9 6 -6 1 1 7 o r w w w .p ic tu r e y o u r fr e e d o m com MAID it Clean B urlington based hom e c le a n in g co m p a n y s e e k s re s p o n s ib le house cle a n e rs D rivers li cense prefe rred but not e s s e n tia l E x p e rie n c e p r e fe rre d- w ill tra in C a ll 9 05 634-6243 L O O K IN G f o r a fu n |o b? A von o ffe rs ju st tha t W ork your own hours. C all now to jo in a nd re c e iv e fre e $ 50 p a c k w h e n y o u s ta rt C a ll Carrie 905-331-6205 call 9 0 5 -9 7 1 -0 2 9 4 FA BR IC ATO R . Should nave e xp e rie n ce w ith ta b le saw. router, band saw, dnll press, etc. A bility to read drawings an a sset S end re su m e to B u rlin g to n P ost. B ox 1968. 5 0 4 0 M a in w a y . U n it 1. Burlington. 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