The Oakville Beaver, Friday March 12, 2004 - 41 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2 -4 2236 NORFOLK DR, OPEN HOUSE SUND AY 2 -4 #407-2301 PARKHAVEN wr "H I W.. · "M VERY DESIRABLE RIVER OAKS Quaint and charming 3 storey detached 3 bedroom home in upscale Oak Park!! Open concept kitchen/family room. Third floor loft, which could be an amazing home office. Double car garage and all appliances. MARGARET RIEFLING Sales R epresentative · · · · · E xcellent child safe fam ily n eig h b o u rh o o d O pen co n cep t design, double sided gas fireplace Irreg u la r oversized yard 4 b edroom s, co m p u ter room , finished b asem en t w ith 5 th b edroom B eautifully decorated! S p rin g possession! ROYAL LEPAGE REAL ESTATE SERVICES 905-845-4267 Call Tom or Tim Parsons, Sales R epresentatives SUTTON GROUP QUANTUM REALTY INC. 905-822-5000 Enjoy th e style of th is upscale p en th o u se apt. 9 ' ceilings, open black & w h ite k itch en w ith large p antry/laundry, breakfast b ar & upgraded cabinets. 2 baths, 2 p ark in g spots. Large window s & private balcony to enjoy th e aftern o o n su n . J u st move in & enjoy. Call Carol today. CAROL TODD SKUCE Sales R epresentative 1 ROYAL LEPAGE REAL ESTATE SERVICES 905-338-3737 S p a c io u s (4 2 0 0 s q .ft.) c u s to m h o m e o n .4 4 a c re , fa m ily frie n d ly c u l- d e - s a c in E a s t O ak v ille! M u s t e n jo y s w i m m i n g , fa m ily b a r b e c u e s o r g a t h e r in g s in f r o n t o f th e fire p la c e ! C o u ld h a v e 3 c a rs , HELEN BARKER b illia r d ta b le a n d p in g p o n g ta b le . V isit m y MARA w e b s ite a t: w w w .h e le n m a ra .c o m Sales R epresentative GREAT LOCATION WESTOAK TRAILS B right tow nhouse, 3 bedroom s, nice living area. 1.1 bathroom s, full basem ent. BARBARA McLEOD Sales R epresentative Absolutely stun n in g hom e on quiet street this is a m ust see! Bevelled glass, gleam ing hardwood, oak staircase, California shutters and so m uch m ore ... Truly a designers dream home! See you Sunday - Can't w a it... Call Helen now to view! 905-333-3500. 2363 GOOSEBERRY WAY HELEN HODGE Sales R epresentative ROYAL LEPAGE REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD. 905-845-4267 ROYAL LEPAGE REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD. 905 845-4267 RE/MAX GARDEN CITY 905-333-3500 OPEN HOUSE S U N D A Y 1-3 108 GATW ICK DRIVE PETER WITH STEVE BURROWS GLENASHTON JUSTE. OF 8TH LINE JO SH UA CREEK LUXURY END UNIT. Im m aculate Homes & Garden Decor; Amazing Open Concept, Finished Top to Bottom , Huge Family K itchen, Gas Fireplace C/Air, C/Vac Ceramics, Very Bright & Spacious End Unit - Extra Windows - You'll Love It! A Safe Com m unity of Professionals. Call PETER WITH today! LUXURY TOWNHOUSE JOSHUA CREEK - DOUBLE GARAGE. S tu n n in g S un-Filled Open P lan w ith Rare D ouble G arage. F orm al Living - S ep arate D ining. PLUS* F abulous "G reat" Room w ith S econd Fireplace. A m azing Fam ily Sized G o u rm et K itchen. C/Air, C/Vac. F in ish ed Top to B ottom . IMMACULATE! You'll Love This One. Call PETER WITH today! 1 4 ,9 0 0 UPPER GLEN ABBEY WEST RE/MAX ABOUTOW NE REALTY C O R P. 905-842-7000 Modified "D eer C reek" m odel 1836sq.ft. of open co n cep t living Crow n m ould in g s, professionally p ain ted C alifornia s h u tte rs th ro u g h o u t W alk-out w ith fren ch doors, m edia n ich e Upgraded C herry W ood k itch en cabinetry U pgraded w ith pantry, c o rn er cabinets Upgraded en su ite & m arb le co u n ters T housands in upgrades! See you there!!! 900 BRICK DETACHH) I I O M t f m 3 rd floor m a ster re tre a t U pgraded en su ite w ith large so ak er tu b and sep arate show er 2 n d floor laundry, m edia/fam ily room Large eat-in k itch en w ith breakfast bar, 2 nd fam,. rm . & gas fireplace Fin. b asem en t w ith possible 4 th bdrm . G reat v alue w ith a 2 ca r garage A .m ust see on Sunday!!!! H A V IN G AN H O U SE LET EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT IT BY ADVERTISING ON OUR " WEEKEND SHOWCASE" PAGE BOOK YOUR SPOT N O W ! DAVE PEGORER TH O R N E VILLAGE IN H ILTO N GLENASHTON JUSTE. OF 8THUNE HAW RE/MAX PERFORM ANCE REALTY INC. R EALTO R 905-542-SOLD (7653) W edg ew o o d C ree k H o m e B e a u tifu l la n d sc a p in g fro n t/b a c k P riv a te r e a r yard! F re s h ly P a in te d th r u - o u t S o m e H ard w o o d F lo o rs C e ra m ic s in fo y er t h r u m a in h a ll & K it S te p s to n ew R e c re a tio n C tr., sc h o o ls , sh o p p in g , tr a n s i t & H w y's! M a tta m y B u ilt D e ta c h e d P r e m iu m L o t a c ro s s fro m park! O p en C o n c e p t F a m /R m -K it. 9 ' c e ilin g s o n m a in flo o r L a rg e S u n d e c k in fe n c e d y ard Wood staircase m atching Hardwood floors Beautiful young com m unity near everything! Absolutely Gorgeous Exec. Home. Situated in a quiet street in Westoak T V . This home features 4 bdrms, 3.5 baths, and home office. Open Concept liv. w/thousands in upgrades, huge Gourmet Kit. & Dinette opens to a Irg. fam. rm., hrdwd. firs in principle rms. & thru-out 2nd level. Top of the line built-in S/S ART appl. Mstrbr & ensuite with his & her walk-in closets, vanities, and water closet. List goes on. Call Art & Grace today, to see JIMENEZ your future home! Visit our virtual Tour: Sales R epresentative A CHEFS 8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 e xt. 2 4 4 o r 2 4 2 REMAX ABOUTOWNE RALTY CORP. 905-842-7000