42 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday March 12, 2004 OPEN HOUSE SA T & SU N 2 -4 2 2 1 5 G O LD E N BRIAR T R A IL E X C LU S IV E N EW LISTIN G ! OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2 -4 WOW CHARMING 4 BBRM HOME IN WEDGEW00 D CREEK! This home offers newer ceramic floors, new broadloom, finished basement, large greenhouse open concept kitchen. Large master bedroom with full ensuite featuring a soaker tub. Main floor family room with fireplace. C/A, C/V, alarm system & double garage...plus much more! e m a il: a g a rie p y @ ia tre c t.c o m 356 BROADWAY AVE., MILTON ANDREW GARIEPY Sales R epresentative You will be absolutely amazed when you see inside this completely renovated character semi! Believe me, it is beautiful. New bathrooms, new kitchen, all floors refinished, freshly painted, new electrical, even SANDY a new high efficiency gas furnace. DALTON Move in tomorrow, see it today! Sales R epresentative RAVINE SETTING IN EXCLUSIVE LOCATION- WOODHAVEN PARK Upgraded throughout with fabulous full fin. W/O bsm t. Approx. 2700 S.F. Enjoy nature and w alking trails. See it Sunday or call Carolyn to view, cawells@globalserve.net CAROLYN WELLS Sales R epresentative ROYAL LEPAGE RE SERVICES LTD. 90^338-3737/90^849-3326 K ROYAL LEPAGE REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD. 905-845-4267 RE/MAX ABOUTOWNE REALTY CORP. 905-842-7000 OPEN HOUSE SUN 1-4 PM OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 2-5 PM OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 2-4 1 2 2 3 G R E EN W O O D 1 4 2 5 A B B E Y W 0 0 D DR. # 2 8 2133 W0ODGATE DRIVE PETER BROWN Sales R epresentative Spacious end unit backing onto a mature forest with a finished basement located in small upscale complex will not last!!!!!! Give me a call or drop by on Sunday. Peter Brown 905 275-9400 Fabulous 5 bedroom executive in West Oak Trails. Im m ediate possession. Has many upgrades including ceramics, strip hardwood floor, pot lights, oak staircase, 9' ceilings, beautifully landscaped with cobblestone interlocking patio & walkway. Don't miss this one. Offered at $479,900.____________ WALK OUT BASEMENT-TWO FAMILY POTENTIAL J.D. (JACK) CLARKE Sales Representative E ast Oakville. Easy access to QEW, Hwy403. M inutes to C larkson. "GO". F o u r bedroom s. F inished b asem en t. H ot tu b , w et bar. OTHS zone. O pen concept. View ad d itio n al p icures at w w w .georgekloet.com __________________ GEORGE KLOET PAULINE SCHURINGA Sales Representatives ROYAL LEPAGE REAL ESTATE SERVICES (905) 275-9400 RE/MAX REALTY ENTERPRISES INC. (905) 855-2200 RE/MAX REALTY ENTERPRISES 905-855-2200 O P EN H O U S E SUNDAY 2 -4 2 3 6 3 GOOSEBERRY WAY S T U N N IN G L U X U R IE S H O W E ! T h is sp a c io u s b e a u ty s e t o n a q u ie t s tr e e t, w o n 't la st long! F ro m th e beveled g la ss fr o n t d o o rs, to th e 9 ' c e ilin g s, C alifo rn ia s h u tte r s , oak sta irc a se , B/I w all u n it & fire p lace in O PEN C O N CEPT fam ily ro o m /k itc h e n , ta ste fu l d e c o ra tin g th ro u g h o u t, an d m u c h , m u c h m ore! Truly a d e s ig n e r d re a m h o m e a a g r e a t v alu e. To.view call m e today!________________ MICHELLE PAVELKOVA S ales R epresentative Stunning, gracious living in this 2700 sq.ft h om e near-Bronte park. Well designed, decor colours, hardwoods, large deck, sunken bedroom. An absolute beauty! lis - e is k in e @ c o ld w e llb a n k e r . c a ELEGANCE AT ITS FINEST TRULY UNIQUE 2 STOREY LOFT PENTHOUSE SUITE! LIZ ERSKINE BARRY BURROWS Sales Representatives "Yours to design" 1250 sq.ft. Terrace w ith lake & Olde O akville views. C o m pletely rem o d elled fe a tu rin g desig n er decor, 1+1 bedroom s, 2.5 baths, g o u rm e t k itch en & so arin g ceilings. D on't m iss th is once in a lifetim e o p p o rtu n ity ! Call today for y o u r p riv ate ap p o in tm e n t to view th is hidden treasu re._________ ___ DAN I ELLA AITKEN Sales Representative RE/MAX GARDEN CITY REALTY INC. 905-333-3500 COLDWELL BANKER HOME & FAMILY REALTY 905425-7777 CENTURY 21 MILLER REAL ESTATE LTD. 905-845-9180 OPEN HOUSE SUN 2 -4 WENDY SIMPSON 1367 LIVERPOOL STREET RO YAL LEPA G E REAL ESTA TE SERVICES LTD . 905-338-3737 Don't miss the wonderful family home! 4 large bedrooms, 9' ceilings and eat in kitchen. Family room with hardwood and gas fireplace.Oak stairs. Warm decorator colors. Main floor laundry. Large lot on very quiet street Close to parks, shopping with easy highway access. For more iqfo call Wendy at 905-338-3737 PREMIUM LOT 1R WEST OAK TRAILS Beautiful home, freshly painted in decorator colors. Hardwood floors and oak Stairs. 9' ceilings. Large kitchen, family room with gas fire place. Great family area. Backs and sides onto green space and park. Please call for more info call Wendy at 905-338-3737 BARRIE & ANGELA WATTS Shies Reprcsentafi BRONTE HARBOUR · V iew s o f la k e f r o m f r o n t w in d o w s, w a lk to h a r b o u r & a l o n g s h o r e li n e . · W e ll m a i n ta in e d , a ll n e w w in d o w s, u p g r a d e d b a t h r o o m w ith ja c u z z i. · S p a c io u s w h ite e a t in k it c h e n . WESTOAK TRAILS BEAUTY · Lovely, upgraded family hom e · Gas fireplace in living area · Spacious eat-in k itchen,ceram ics · Walk o u t to custom 2-tier deck · Professionally finished basem ent · Open rec room & extra bedroom · Deep garden backs on greenspace · Double garage & double drive · W onderful buy! $ 2 8 4 ,5 0 0 v ...... ABOUTOWNE REALTY CORP. · M a r b le f lo o r i n d i n i n g r o o m . · F ir e p la c e in liv in g r o o m , a n d w a lk o u t to e x t r a la r g e d e c k . · P riv a te , t r e e d b a c k g a r d e n . $274,900 For more information about Oakville and our listings, please visit wwv.angelawatts-realestate.com