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Oakville Beaver, 12 Mar 2004, p. 47

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The Oakville Beaver, Friday March 12, 2004 - 47 INTERN ATION AL SA LE S Prestigious manufacturer of commercial building products is looking for several sales individuals. Experience in this field is a great asset. Y ou must be aggressive, professional, like sales and be free to travel Canada and abroad. Company offers exceptional opportunity for earnings and growth. Fax resum e to: (905)336-9428 S C H O O LA G EC H IL DC A R E Supervisors &Assistants Responsible/flexible individuals required to wort: in our before and after (split shifts) school age child care programs in the Hamilton/Burlington area schools. Programs provide are for children aged 5 to 12 years, before and after school on PA days, Christmas holidays and March Break. Requirements: Must be 18 years of age & have previous coaching/supervisory experience, ie. Lunch room Supeivisor, girl guide/boy scout leader, sports coach. ECE, Child & Youth or Recreation diploma applicants welcome. Training Available. E U R O P E A N cle a n in g la dy will clean your castle from top to b o tto m ! C a ll 9 0 5 - 8 1 5 0504. Celj/_41 6-529-9030 HOUSE C le a n in g la d y available. Reasonable rates. 905-844-4832 _______ IS A B E L L A 'S C le a n in g S e rv ic e o ffe rs e x c e lle n t r e s id e n tia l/ c o m m e rc ia l service. 14-yrs. experience. B onded. Insured. C all 905541-6484. C LE A N IN G lady a va ila b le w ith 1 6 -y rs . e x p e rie n c e . R e fe re n c e s . R e c e ip ts . P le a s e c a ll M a ria , 9 0 5 560-9171 or 905-512-8021. P R O F E S S IO N A L h o u s e cleaning available. Reliable, a ffo rd a b le . P le a s e c a ll Joanna for estimate 905-8752284 or 905-876-5967 w id d ih c ; W e d d in g , A t m u f t e m e t f C JBI-RT4JD4JU The Looking for a career change or just returning to the work place? No experience necessary, complete sales training & product knowledge provided. You only need a great personality and attitude, enjoy meeting and interacting w ith all different kinds of people. U nlim ited income potential and flexible work schedules are just some of the benefits of th is career choice. We are Canada's largest home furnishings, appliance, and electronics retailer, we are looking for sales consultants for the de pa rtm e nts. A lo ng w ith the m ost generous compensation structure in the industry we offer 2 weeks of paid training followed by on-going hands on support as you can learn this exciting and lucrative business. Apply in person at: The Brick 990 Fraser Dr, Burlington OftlCK. Resumes to Lynn Golfi: 500 Drury Lane, Burlington, ON L7R 2X2 Tel: 9 0 5 -6 32 -50 0 0 X6261 Fax: 9 0 5 -3 33 -17 6 7 e-m ail: lynn_golfi@ ym ca.ca Y YMCA 'W e build strong kids, strong families, strong communities, M E T IC U L O U S e q u ip p e d c le a n in g , 10 y e a rs e x p e rie n c e . R e a s o n a b le rates. Com e hom e to more th a n y o u e x p e c te d . C a ll Louha 634-4871. SPRING cleaning specialist. 1 o r 2 E u ro p e a n c le a n in g ladies. Years of experience. Excellent references. Ursula 905-339-3283, 905-866-9437 cell. BASEMENT Leaks? G uaranteed re su lts/ w ritte n w a rra n ty , p lu s b a s e m e n t/ a p a rtm e n t re n o v a tio n s , bathrooms, flooring, painting, George 4 16-274-8377 John (Janis) Garanes celebrates his 90th Birthday on March 10th Ken and Jane Silk announce with pleasure the marriage of their daughter, Amanda Jane to Rudy Jonathan Huften, son of John and Mardi Huften of Orillia. On December 27, 2003 at St. Andrews Church, Oakville. John served as an officer in the Latvian Army during the second world war. After which he immigrated to Canada with his wife and daughter. They took up residence in Oakville. John is a carpenter and became a builder. He built his first house 53 years ago. Since then he demolished the original structure and rebuilt the house on the same sight where he currently lives with his family. ^ p ain tin g & decorating C A R O L IN E 'S p ro fe s s io n a l p a in tin g , d ry w a ll re p a irs & finishing. Attention to d e ta ilq u a lity w ork. C all 9 05 -6 81 0255. A NEW Telephone Directory in the Halton Region requires C U S TO M -M A D E d raperies, valances, sheers, bed/ table/ c h a ir co -o rd in a te s, fab rics, in s ta lla tio n . 1 3 y rs e x p . Sherry, 905-634-6706. -B I-R T U Carm ine and Johanne M arino H a p p y InMemoriam F lo r e n c e E . P a lm e r - In loving memory of my dear wife who passed away March 15th, 1998. We are sad within our memory; lonely are our hearts for the one we loved dearly. We think of her in silence, no eye can see us weep; but many silent tears when others are asleep. Love, Pop. Remembered and lovechby her husband Bob, children Alison & Robert, her grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and friends 8 5 t ht S ir t h d a y are thrilled to announce the birth of their second child S A LE S R EPR ESEN TA TIVES - Salary +comm + car allowances - Sales experience required Send resume to: c/o Oakville Beaver, Box 2140, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 W IN D O W m a n u fa c tu re r e x p a n d in g in to th e H a lto n are a se e kin g e xp e rie n ce d sales professionals. Training and leads are provided, car is a m u s t. H ig h e a rn in g s potential. 1-877-479-3876 or fax resume: 416-661-2515 T E L E M A R K E T E R / In s id e sales person needed ASAP. Salary $24,000 yearly. Must have clear telephone voice & s p e a k e x c e lle n t e n g lis h . Energetic & positive person. Job duties include scheduling m e e tin g s , fo llo w -u p c a lls , travel arrangements, contact p o te n tia l c u s to m e rs b y phone, sales support. 905319-2524 Ext. 10 L X f l retail sales fc v T jij veterinary help wM a tth e wM ich ae lw on March 7, 2004 weighing 7 lbs. 10 oz. Big brother Daniel John is ecstatic to have a little brother to play with. Very proud grandparents are John & Hester Rae and Salvatore & Maria Marino. Very special thanks to Dr. Liske & Dr. Tam & the wonderful staff at O.T.M.H. Also to the proud Godparents Antonio Marino and Mary Talluto for their continuous support. Prayer May the Sacred H eart of Jesus be Adored, Glorified and Preserved now and Forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus P ray fo r us. St. Jude W o rke r of Miracles pray for us. St. Jude Helper of Hopeless Cases pray for us. Believe and say as many times as you can per day, and w itn e s s the re su lts. Publication must be promised. R.C. Jan Marcinkotvski March 13th, 1919 Love from your wife Janina, daughter Lucy, granddaughter ^ Cathy & Michael. J ANIMAL hospital (S/W Miss.) requires veterinary assistant fo r h o s p ita l m a in te n a n c e / patient care. Submit resume s ta tin g h o u rs a v a ila b le if in te re s te d in F/T o r P /T to 1659 Lakeshore Rd. W. (b/w M iss. Rd & S o u th d o w n ) o r email: vetassitjob@ yahoo.ca No phone calls please. m i T4i Proud grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Marino are happy to welcome two lovely grandchildren into the world.on Sunday, March 7th. Their D aughter Carmela Marino and Kyle Leonard welcomed baby m m HJfJiHotei restaurant G R IL L / Deli C o ok re q uired fu lltim e . S tra ig h t d a y s - no weekends. K itc h e n experience an asset. Apply in p e rso n to S ha w n a t the Cafeteria, 1151 Bronte Road (H alton R egion a l B uilding ), O a kville . 9 0 5 -8 25 -6 0 00 ext 7222 __________ L E A D IN G Fo o d S e rv ic e Com pany requires C ook for b u s y c a fe te r ia lo c a tio n , ( B u rlin g to n ) M o n .-F ri., 6:3 0 am -1:3 0p m . M ust have e x c e lle n t cu s to m e r s e rvice s k ills . Fax Jane, 905336-4921 O P E N IN G s o o n . J im m y Heroes Pizza Pub & Sports E m p o riu m n o w h irin g a ll positions. Drop off resume at 2512 Bronte Road, unit#1 or fax: 905-654-2132._________ J .C .'s Hot B a g e ls e x p e rie n c e d , F u ll-tim e , C o un ter Help, C om p etitive w a g e s . A p p ly w /re s u m e , R o s e la n d P la z a , G u e lp h L in e /N e w , F a x: 9 0 5 -6 3 1 0754 ' W A N D E L - Ron, Robin, Nicholas and Natasha proudly announce the arrival of Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 w Noah Christopher w Born Thursday, February 26, 2004. at 8:15 a.m., 8 lbs., 8 oz. Excited grandparents are David and Judy Knapp of Oakville. In our hearts always are late grandparents Stanley and Evelyn Wandel. Delighted great-grandmother is Margaret Smith. Welcomed with much love by Aunt Heidi, Uncle Tim and Aunt Brandi. Special thanks to Drs. Liske and Reynolds and the nursing staff at O.T.M.H. FLOORING Retailer requires n e w s a le s a s s o c ia te FT permanent. Responsibilities include- measuring, inventory control & w a rehouse tasks. M u s t be o u tg o in g , h a ve in itia tiv e , s tro n g o rg a n iz a tio n a l s k ills . S e rio u s p otential fo r grow th. Min 2 ye ars retail exp. E m ployer re fe re n c e s re q u ire d . Fax: 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -9 8 1 1 , s a le s d e p t @bell net.ca *¥ Bailey Adam** at 4:20 am weighing 7 lbs. 4 oz. Their Son Carmine Marino and wife Johanne welcomed baby Deatfi M IL L E R , K e n n e th M e r r ill of Princeton, New Jersey, died of emphysema on Sunday, February 29th, 2004 at the University Medical Center at Princeton. He was 73 years old. Born December 13,1910, in Lowell, Massachusetts, he grew up in North Chelmsford. He was the son of the late Marjorie Louise (Morris) M iller and the late Harry Dow Miller. He attended the U niversity of Illin o is and received his undergraduate degree from American University. Mr. M iller served 23 years as a US Army Officer. Following his retirement from the military, he began a successful business career. He was an avid reader, a life-long student of history and biography, and an enthusiastic sports fan. He long maintained a vacation home in Barbados, British West Indies, where he enjoyed spending time with his family. While active in the US Army, he graduated from the Command and General Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, from the Army Comptroller Program at Syracuse University with a Masters degree in Finance, and from the National War College at Ft. McNair, Washington, D.C. He served in Korea in 1961-62 and in Vietnam from 1966-67. He was awarded the Legion of Merit with three oak clusters, the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart. Mr. M iller retired from the Army as a Colonel in 1978. Following his military retirement, he became a Vice President at Robert Baird & Co. in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and a Senior Vice President for the Brokerage Services Division of Automatic Data Processing (ADP). During his career with ADP, he spent 14 years as a General Manager, Canadian Operations, in Toronto, Ontario. He retired from ADP-in 2000, settling in Princeton, NJ. Mr. M iller is survived by his wife Eileen (Durnin) M iller of P-rinceton and a son, Andrew, and by his three daughters from his first marriage to Jo Putnam: Debra Atwood of Fairfax Station, Virginia, Pamela Dysenchuk of Darien, Connecticut and Cami Beckman of Wenham, Massachusetts and seven grandchildren. He is also survived by a brother, Harvey M iller of Hollis, New Hampshire and a sister Lois Shockley of Nashua, New Hampshire. He was predeceased by a brother, Arthur Loring. A funeral service w ill be held at 11am on Friday, April 2,2004, in the chapel at Ft. Myer, Virginia. Burial with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery w ill follow. The Reverend Richard White of Princeton w ill conduct the service. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorial donations be made to the Canadian Lung Association or to a charity of one's choice. ¥¥ Matthew Michael vv at 7:15 am weighing 7 lbs. 10 oz. A special thankyou to Dr. Tam and to all of the delivery staff at O.T.M.H. H Y G IE N E C o -o rd in a to r re q u ire d fo r g ro w in g N orth O akville D ental office. Fu ll tim e . N e ed to be frie n d ly , o u tg o in g & te a m p la y e r. D e n ta l b a c k g ro u n d n ecessary. Som e even in gs/ S a tu rd a y s . S e n d re s u m e : Dundas & Neyagawa Postal O u tle t B o x 3 0 0 1 1 , 478 D undas St. W est, O akville , O ntario L6 H 6Y0___________ FULL-TIME chair side Dental A s s is ta n t r e q u ir e d fo r P eriodontal office. M ondayT h u rs d a y . E x c e lle n t c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills an asset. Experience preferred. CDA & HARP certified. Fax resume to 905-844-4763 F U L L -T IM E O p to m e tric A ssista n t required fo r busy optometric office. Optical lab experience required. Please re s p o n d to PO B o x 102 5, W a te rd o w n , O N LOR 2 H 0 Fax: 905-689-4285 M E D IC A L S e c re ta ry (experienced) required parttim e for O akville specialists' office. No evenings. Please fax resume: 905-844-4906. ^ teaching opportunities Mmu Big sister AIMEE LYNN announces with love the arrival of her sister M A C L A C H L A N C o lle g e re q u ire s e x p e rie n c e d ch ild , c a re w o rk e r fo r o u r A fte r S c h o o l P ro g ra m m e 3 :0 0 6 :0 0 p m , M o n -F ri. S e n d re s u m e & re fe re n c e s Attention: Mrs. Diane Finlay, H ead of Low e r S cho o l 337 T ra fa lg a r Rd. O akville , L 6 J 3H3 PH. 905-844-0372 ext. 231 Fax 905-844-9369 E ARLY ch ild ho o d edu cato r for reputable pre-school and a fte r s c h o o l p ro g ra m in O a k v ille , F re n ch an a sset. S e p te m b e r. F ax re s u m e 905-567-1307 wH a y le eE liz a b e thw Born February 20, 2004. at 2:10 p.m., 7 lbs., 6.5 oz. Proud parents are Kim (nee Roberts) & Jeremy Belanger. Delighted grandparents are Ross & Linda Roberts, Sharon McKibbon and Wayne Belanger. Many thanks to all the nurses in L&D, especially Betty & Marianna and Dr. Andrighetti. M acG regor (neeJohnston) - Gordon & Evelyn are excited to announce the arrival of their first child * * Ian Alexander w Born Saturday, November 29,2003 at OTMH, weighing 8 lbs., 7 1 /2 oz. Ian is welcomed by first time grandparents Ronald & Eleanor Johnston, and Garry & his wife Betty MacGregor. He is watched over from above by the late Sandra MacGregor. He is also welcomed by Uncle Charlie, and Uncle Glen & Aunt Jean. Special thanks to Dr. Sharma & nurses Cathy, Tanya & Sheena. rSfClSl veterinary help F/T experienced pet groomer n eeded fo r e sta b lish e d ve t h osp ital in M ississau g a. Em aii resum e to ve tg ro o m e r @yahoo.ca DO you hate to clean? Call the cleaning Queen. 23 years e x p e rie n c e , re s id e n tia l, c o m m e rc ia l. R e fe re n c e s a v a ila b le . C a ll B arb: 9 05333-4163^ B U Z Z B ee M a id s w ill p u t your mind at rest. Call 9053 3 6 -5 6 5 5 o r p le a s e v is it, www.buzzbeemaids.cofn

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