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Oakville Beaver, 6 Dec 2003, A33

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The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday December 6, 2003 - 33 Ice Expression take over Oakville Arena, Sunday night for synchro skating show Ice E xpression, the synchronized sk a t ing arm o f the O akville S kating C lub, is taking o v e r O akville A rena Sunday night beginning at 6 p.m . for an en tertaining ice show d esigned to raise m oney for their three team s as w ell as prom ote the sport in the com m unity. A dm ission is only $5. available at the door, through any Ice E xpression m em ber o r at the skating clu b office (at R iver O aks). T h e y 'll have plenty o f special guests on the ice, w hich w e 'll get to later. B ut they also h ave a very special off-ice guest. R obert M unsch w ill be on hand in the Pine R oom from 6-7 p.m . to sign c o p ies o f both his new book (L ighthouse, A B ook o f R em em brance) and recent CD . T h e in te rn a tio n a lly re n o w n e d c h il d re n 's au th o r has also very graciously donated a classroom reading as a silent auction item to help the host clu b Ice E x p re ssio n w ith its m ajo r fu n d ra isin g event o f the season. T here w ill be num erous o th er silent auction item s as w ell as d raw s and raffles to peruse in the Pine R oom from 6-7 p.m. T h e ice show then kicks o ff at 7 p.m. N ot only w ill all three Ice E xpression team s be perform ing, but the evening will also include appearances by soloists w ith the O akville Skating C lub, C anadian ju n io r s y n c h ro c h a m p io n s G o ld Ice from B ram pton and C anadian senior synchro silv er m edalists F U SIO N , featuring C arli S pragge w ho w orks w ith the pre-novice team on technical skills. O ne o f the highlights o f the evening w ill be the d a d 's team , assem bled for this special e vening only and alw ays a crow d pleaser. Oakville Sports Board L ast m onth, tw o O akville gym nasts, w ho c o m p e te w ith G y m n a stic s M ississauga, com peted in the O ntario T our S election, the k ick o ff event for national stream gym nastics in O ntario. O n Nov. 14, in the high perform ance com petition A ly ssa B ro w n finished third overall and placed third on vault in the ju n ior category. O n Nov. 15, A n g e la S c h e m p p finished third overall and placed third on floor and first on beam w ith the highest event score o f the com petition. S chem pp qualified to represent O ntario in A rizona in February o f 2004. T he W aterdow n R aid ers 16U team , stacked w ith O akville players, w on their second gold m edal o f the sea son d e fe a tin g the W aterloo T igers R ed 25-23, 25-22 in the finals. T he R a id e rs d e fea te d B u rlin g to n B laze and the B ra n tfo rd T o rn ad o e s 29 -2 7 , 25-16 and 25-13, 25-21 in the p lay o ff round. T h is seeds the R aiders in T ier I for the next round o f regional play in the O ntario Volleyball A ssociation. T h e team is c o ac h ed by D enis L evesque o f D undas and A licia M c G ra th o f O akville. O a k v ille p lay e rs include: L in d s a y F r a n c o (L o y o la ), K a tie K a la ta (W hite O aks). C a r r ie M c G r a th (W h ite O a k s), M a rg o t R a n d a ll (O a k v ille T ra fa lg a r) and J a n in e S e r r a to r e (St. Fam ille S chool). BRAKE SPECIAL SAVE 5 0 % ON MEINEKE PADS & SHOES r-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 150% O Additional parts & service may be reuired to repair system. REGULAR PRICE M u S p r ^ ca»»n al Oro ol ea»rale I valid w with any other discount. N ofvaM Expires Dec. 15/03 F I A uto Glass' novug APPLE All Mufflers, Pipes, Labour and Hardware Must present coupon at time of estimate. Warranty work excluded. Expires Dec. 15/03 White Oaks Wildcats (Continued from page 32) WINTER MAINTENANCE CHECK-UP PACKAGE · Check exhaust · Check steering · Check lights · Inspect front & rear brakes · Test battery & service · Inspect all levels terminate if requred * Check cooling system . test · Check tune-up & belts . g 8 ^ * ! 5 R * « | a,r · Change o*l. filter & lube, pressure up to 5 litres 10W30 · Windshield washer fk id snakes and now we focus on the Tigers." S he w as referring to the B lakelock Tigers, w ho w ere their arch rivals last sea son. At the PC A national cham pionships at the H ershey C en tre in M ississauga. Blakelock earned silver w hile W hite O aks, w ho had w on the provincial cham pionship the previous w eek, settled for bronze. It ended a great year for W hite O aks w hich also included a trip to com pete at A m ericheer in Florida, and first place hon ours at the PC O C regionals and at the O ntario C h e erlea d in g P rovincial C ham pionships. T his season w as originally tagged as rebuilding with a num ber o f last y e ar's sen iors graduating o r spending this year concen trating on their studies. How ever, a num ber o f talented rookies appear to be blen d in g nicely w ith the rem aining veterans. H ead coaches N atalie Vonlanthen and Alex R obinson have also expanded the team 's brain trust by recruiting som e fellow alumni o f the W estern M ustangs cheerlead ing squad -- Nicole M yers, Josh Lindberg and C J . Pugh. T H IS S A T U R D A Y ... T he W ildcats are hosting the second annual C h ristm a s C h e er co m p etitio n at W hite O ak s S eco n d ary School today (Saturday). T his event is open to the public and although the W O SS girls are not com peting, they will have their hands full running this competition. WINDSHIELDS Our Service maizes the (Difference Factory O . E . M Ure thane Installation Stone Chip R e pa ir Safety Glass (including Heavy-Duty Equipment etc) >» Auto & Tr u ck Acce s sories Sunroofs A n ti -T h e ft De v ic e s & C a r A l a r m Auto U p h o lst e r y (S e a t R e p a i r) R e m o te C a r Starters C on vert ible To p s (B oat T o p s ) Ti nti ng Free Pic k-u p & D e liv e ry Open S a tu rd ay M o r n in g s $29 99 M . -- | ISPJJ ^ taxes NEW CAR WARRANTY APPROVED. All coupons must be presented at time of estimate. Expires Dec. 15/03 TUNE-UP Includes new spark plugs, check all tune-up components, set up & adjust engine, & service battery Platinum plugs extra. Some vans extra. 4 cyL $4 9 .9 5 + taxes 6 cyl. $69.95 + taxes 8 cyl. $7 9.95 + taxes All coupons must be presented at time of estimate Expires Dec. 15/03 ~f L u s h b f i l l c o o l i n g s y s t e m - $ 49 95 iQ Q 1Check heater operation 1Flush & Fill Cooling System TAXES Must present coupon. «· COOLANT Expires Dec. 15/03 LUBE, OIL 8 FILTER SAFETY CHECKS All c o u p o n s m u s t be p re s e n te d at tim e of estim a te . Expires Expires Dec 16/03 1033 Speers Rd., OAKVILLE *19 MOSTCARS Ontano Government Inspection. A/ry work me vafcje vawe of oi I I required for safety check over the | $250 taxes, performed | | tyfo 8 location. safety check is no charge.1 | ktaxes | | Expires Dec. 15/03 > Most carc & ligH tnicta . 40 s ? J L . . . . 905- 842-6060 VISA Oar Care Centre C o m p le te A u to S e rvice · EXHAUST SYSTEMS · ALIGNM ENT · TUNE-UPS · SAFETY CHECKS · EMISSION TESTING & REPAIR · BRAKE SYSTEMS meineke Right Service. 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