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Oakville Beaver, 6 Dec 2003, A35

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The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday December 6, 2003 - 35 /^ THE OAKVILLE BEAVER BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. C la ssified - oakvillebeaver.com The site your community clicks on! E-mail: classifie d @ haltonsearch.com TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905 845-3824 OR 905 337-5610 FAX: 905 632-8165 MON. ·FRI. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Circulation: 905-845-9742 Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-1% · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 A d sub m is sio n by m a il o r in p e rs o n : O a k v ille Beaver, 467 Speers R d.. O a k v ille , O N l.tiK 2S4. Deadlines: M o n ., .r> p .m ., fo r W ed. p u b lic a tio n . W ed., 5 p .m ., lo r F ri. p u b lic a tio n . T h n rs ., 5 p .m ., f o r Sun. p u b lic a tio n . S p ecial Feature de vary. P a ym en t: W e accept cash, c h e q u e . In te ra c . V isit. M a s te rC a rd , A m e ric a n F.xpress. Business a c c o u n ts can be o p e n e d w ith an a p p ro v e d c r e d it a p p lic a tio n a v ailab le fro m y o u r Sales C o n s u lta n t C H E C K Y O U R A D T H E FIRST DAY IT RUNS to e n s u re th e in fo r m a tio n is c o rre c t. (Contact y o u r Sales C o n s u lta n t w ith in 2 4 -H o u rs i f an e r ro r appears. A n e r r o r in a F ri. p u b lic a tio n m ust be re p o rte d n o la te r th a n M o n ., 5:3 0 p .m . houses tor sale ROSELAND bungalow, up grades galore, new roofs, new eave stroughs. new doors, professionally finished basement. $469,900. 905333-4434 THE Brow nstones. 3-bed room tow nhom e condocorner unit. D iningroom , fam ily room , fire p la ce . 6 appliances etc. $169,900. 905-528-4944 WANTED TO PURCHASE.. Profitable Business in Halton area Either involved with printing and publish ing or d e p e n d a n t upon p ro m o tio n and publicity or delivery to homes in area. In te re s te d in b u s in e s s c le a rin g m ore than $200,000 in annual profit. All inquiries treated in confidence. Please forward information to: APARTMENTS STARTING AT ONLY $875. Studio, 1 bdrm, 1+den, 2bdrm & Penthouse Convenient location near 6 0 Stn · Gorgeous views · Indoor pool & sauna · Newly renovated suites · Tenant controlled Heat and A/C · Security · Includes all utilities and cable. LA K E S H O R E / Maple Dec.1. 1, 2. 3-bedroom s available $825/mo- $1050/ mo. Parking extra. Heat, hydro included. Lakefront view. Indoor pool. Bus stops at door. Near Mapleview Hospital. Great high way access 905-632-5258 W A LK to G O 1 5-plex. Brant/ Fairview. Clean, a t tractive 1-bedroom . $628/ m o.+ hydro. Im m ediate Non-smoker, no pets. Park ing. 905-5287520 FRESHLY painted, hard wood flo o rs ! 2-Bedroom a v ailab le Dec./Jan. from $949/mo.+ parking. Clean, quiet Brant/ Prospect. Near GO & Malls 905-639-7805 OLD O akville - Park like settin g , very w ell m a in tained building, 1 block to fine dining and shopping. 1 bedroom $975/m o 2bedroom SI 175/mo No le ase, or last m onth pay m ent required. C all 905330-2770. GUELPH Line/ Woodward. 1& 2 bedroom apartments available Dec/Jan/Feb. from $795/m o. Clean, quiet bmkJing. 905-632-4265 MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE! 3055 Glencrest Rd. Burlington Centrally located, well- maintained, spacious O A K V ILL E RENTERS - 3 9 2 Pine. 905-337-0910. upgraded 2 bedrooms from $995 -- 190 Kerr. 905-8451777. Large 2 bedroom s from $945 -- 1265 6th Line 905-842-8960 1,2,3. b e d rooms from $845 www.oakvi 1 1 erenters.com EXTRA large 2 bedroom suites available in beautiful O akville building. Large balconies. Close to schools & p rofession al services. Easy access to QEW & 403. Very reasonable. 905-8442646 BURLINGTON SQUARE 760 Brant St. (a t G hent Ave.) Call us a t 905-639-4677 Ask for Manager Special PREM IERE Executive Suites. Short/ long term fur nished 1-3 bedrooms con dom inium s and townhouses throughout Mississauga, O a kville and B u rlington. G reat da ily weekly and m onthly rates a vailab le 905-469-3330 www.premieresuites.com 2-Bdrm. Dec. 905-637-3921 Downtown Burlington DOW NTOW N O akville, prim e o ffic e / com m ercial space. Approx. 1100 sq.ft. S1125/mo. (-futilities.)/ Ap prox. 1250sqft.. $2500/mo (futilities). Cal 905-337-7135 OAKVILLE office for lease. Top unit available. Wilson & Lakeshore area 1000 & 2000 s q .ft. Parking. Reasonable 905-844-4161. OFFICE space approx 1 .OOOsqft . C/A. C entral heat, Bronte area, call M ario between 8am -3pm 905-825-3535 Box 2133, c/o Oakville Beaver. 467 Speers Rd. Oakville. ON L6K 3S4 Overlooking the Lake 2220 Marine Drive Enjoy the view in this immaculate building in south Oakville. Short stroll to local shops & minutes to Waterfront Trail. Bright Spacious renovated 1 & 2 bedroom suites from $1025. Quality Living in Oakville Affordably priced 1 & 2 Bedrooms Call today1905-825-9616 W EOFFER.... Clean, well-maintained, secure home for you; Large suites witti balconies. Laundry & parking Easy access lo QEW,GO. shopping & schools; On-sile mgrs. Call today - No appt necessary A Minto Managed Comm unity .-- 1297 "v. /M arlborouoh C r t\ ( Wh te Oaks B d ) Luxury Living Exlremely large suites www renleis.news.ca/go/ 1297marlboroughcourl 1275 Elgin S t 1 Bdrm Avail. Jan. 2&3 Bdrm Avail. ImmedVDec. Freshly painted, (some with new kit. cabinetry). Spacious, quiet, well maint. Upgraded fire alarm system insures safe highrise living. TWO bedroom condo funrished- short term rental. 3-4 months North Burlington $15007month inclusive 905331-5131 Im Lake Plus Park! Spencer Smith Park Spacious, bright suites Renovated Kitchen & baths Hardwood floors Quiet building 1.2 & 3 Brs From $ 949 steps to hospital & Hwys. Call Lucille 905-637-8431 1363 Lakeshore Road KERR/ Lakeshore: Ground flo o r, 2-bedroom , base m ent $850/m o A lbert M c Donagh Ltd. 905-632-5690 1st M onths Rent Free* Live In D ow ntow n B u rlin g to n Stunning Views, Walking Distance to Lake, Parks & Shops. Outdoor pool, walking trails, renovated, spacious 1,2, & 3 Bedroom Suites Call 905-637-0321 A V A ILA B LE now lo r rent Burlington Downtown 431 M artha S treet. 1+2-bed rooms. Including heat, wa ter. and parking $795 and $85Q/mo.+hydro. First/ Last. C all 905-297-9039. Leave message BU RLIN G TO N 3020 G lencrest Rd. 1 & 2 bed room available December/ January from $845./month U pscale quiet b uilding clo se to m ajor shopping 905-632-0129 BU RLING TO N Dow n tow n. 2-bedroom s $750/ mo. hydro. C lean quiet sm all building. Near all am enities, on bus route. Immediate 905-643-8979 905-634-9681 BURLINGTON Downtown. 1-bedroom , second floor, parking. $660/mo · Kerr/ Lakeshore Second floor. 1bedroom. newly broadloom S695/mo Albert McDonagh Ltd Realtor 905-632-5690 BU RLING TO N Basem ent apartm ent. Q uiet p ro fe s sional. No sm oking /pe ts Utilities, laundry, and park ing included S700/mo. Im mediate 905-971-9731. BU R LIN G TO N - Large. 2bedroom (825sq.ft.) Clean quiet building near dow n town. $750/m o. in clude s parking C all A nnie. 905634-5885 BU RLIN G TO N Brant/ Prospect. 2-bedroom adult lifestyle 6-plex. Parking. No pets. Walk to GO. Available Jan. 1st. $850/mo. inclusive. 905-639-6920.___________ B U R LIN G T O N - St. Paul S tre e t- 1-Bedroom apart m ent ava ila b le February ls t . $743/m o. (includes utilities, parking). Call 905639-7072, 5-9pm BR IG HT spacious 2bdrm suite from 730/mo. +hydro to qualified tenant, parking included, no dogs, Burling ton. 905-631-6778 O AKVILLE Glen Abbey 2bedroom s, 2-baths, 5-appliances. A/C. garage, fit ness. ground flo o r/ patio. Immediate. $1325/mo+utilities 905-815-2828 S100/HR Earn in cred ible incom e from your hom e! PT/FT Job O pportun ity. Send S.A.S.E to: PO Box 21148. Jane -F inch Mall 3975 Jane S treet. Downsview M3N-3A3 M ARK ET your B usiness Opportunity with Metroland Com m unity Newspapers. D istribution of over 4 m il lion! Call today tor informa tio n on weekly word ad rates 416-493-1300. ext 276 ANOTHER year? Same old job? Earn U S $20,000 per month from home. Part/ fu ll-tim e . S e rious O pportunity. Call 1-888-554-3313 Beautiful Lakefront From $899 call 905-637-6701 5346 Lakeshore Burlington 1-Bedrooms From $880. /mo. Available JanVFeb. Quiet building. New appliances. Laundry on each floor. Parking. $800. Burlington Park Towers 2-BEDROOMS Beautiful 2-bdrm apts from $800. util. incl. 2386 New Street at Guelph Line Tel: 905-639-5761 Open 11-7, Mon.-Sat. LA K E View & Park V lew l Old Oakville, close to lake. Shopping just outside front door! Jr 1-bedroom.$900.; 1-bedroom from $985.; 2bedroom from S1200./mo. in clusive. No deposit, no lease 905-844-6952 A ll The Advantages ot Condo Living 2-Bedroom Available Now! Rec. facilities. 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! A Minto Managed Community *some conditions apply (^S te w a rt S tre e t^ ) V jM 5 - 8 4 4 - 4 2 9 ^ y Great Location! www rentersnews ca/go/ 75stewartst ( 297 s. Queens Avenue ) V g 0 5 -8 4 2 -8 3 3 8 y New basketballAennis court & pool! www rentersnews ca/go/ 297queensave Lakeshore Rd., Burlington Stunning lake Views make this one ol the most de sirable addresses in Burlington. Located minutes lo Branl Street, walking trails & shopping. Enjoy the fitness centre, outdoor pool & billiards room. Renovated 1.2 & 3 bedroom suites *905-315-8993o 2-BEDRO O M U pper Middie/ Walkers. 5-appliances, underground parking. A va ila ble im m edia tely $900/m o u tilities. C all 905-319-7648 BURLINGTON, Lakeshore/ Maple Spacious bright 2bedroom . 2 baths, dining room / hom e o ffice. 5 appliances, locker, parking. S1400/mo 905-335-9490 LUXURY condo 2-bedroom. 2 bath, downtown Burlington 5 appliances, quiet building, no smoking/ pets $ 1250/mo includes u tilitie s / parking 905-547-9604_____________ llW l houses for rent Call 9am-5pm: 905-639-3301 IMQURE ABOUT OUR MOVE-TJ ALLOWANCE $$ M oney $$ 100% 1st. 2nd and 3rd M o rtg a g e s Bad credit OK. Call Ontario Wide 1-888-307-7799 BU SINESS Finance Specialist. Business loans for all purposes. From pnme *1% 905-690-9875 TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT A GREAT LAKE! BRONTE, ON THE LAKE. S pacious 1-B edroom su ite s w ith lake vie w s and upgrades a vailable Ja n u a ry. H a rdw ood, ce ra m ic s, w in d o w co v e r ings. Underground parking, pool & tennis incl. 0 1 . 905-827-9169 w w w .ontim .com HEART of Bronte. 50 East St.. clo se to la k e / Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom , im mediately $925/mo. (park in g) 2-bedroom av a ila b le Jan. 1st. $1095/mo. (park ing). 905-825-0816 O A K V IL L E Downtown R enovated 2-bedroom apartm ent. Fam ily/ senior building. N ear am enities. Free rent for December. Immediate. $850/mo. 905339-0823: 905-3380580 BR O N TE: H ixon/ Nelson area 2-bedroom . $89 5./ m onth; 1-bedroom $70 0./ month. Parking included Available Immediately. 905847-1138 O A K V ILL E Kerr/ Speers 2-bedroom apartment. $911/ mo. includes utilities.; Immedale*. Jan 1 9058494782 DOW NTOW N O akville 2storey apa rtm ent, 2 bed room. $1075/mo. fu tilitie s , parking, appliances, wash er/ dryer in clude d). C all 905-337-7135 O A K V ILL E spacious re furbished bachelor 1 and 2bedroom available. Minutes from QEW. GO S tation, shopping, dining. U tilitie s included Please call 905845-7545 to inquire about our lim ited tim e rental in centive. NORTHSHORE Towers. 1&2 bedrooms. Dec./ Jan./ Feb. (+$33. parking). Utili tie s included. No Pets. Quiet Building. Diane. 9am7pm 9 05 -68 1-13 07* Bur lington Starling trom $970 including Utilities Call Today 905- 333-9141 Spectacular Lake Views 5200 Lakeshore On the Water Appleby & Lakeshore · Freshly painted suites · Mature treed setting · Recently renovated corridors · Galley kitchens · Sparkling hardwood · Outdoor pool & patio 2 BEDROOMS Avail. Dec. & Jan. from $980/mo. A Minto Managed Comm unity PROSPECT Park- adult liv ing, 1 & 2bdrm includes utili ties. parking, view starting $795-$875/mo. Burlington. 905-631-9748 C A N A D IA N A Q uiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing Very spacious 1. 2 & 3 bedrooms available im me d ia te ly / Dec./ Jan. 5220 Lakeshore. B u rlington. 905-632-5486 (no dogs) SirStMard , INTERNET PC $24 99/m o Rent To Own. Complete In tern et ready Pentium III computer No Credit Check. Call Re-Compute Toll-Free: 1-877-795-9433 1 BURLINGTON TOW ERS 1,2&3 Bdrms In d iv id u a lly c o n tro lle d he a t! Spacious and Freshly Painted 1-Bedroom Apts. From $800. for Dec. Sparkling hardwood floors. Easy QEW access, walk to schools & shopping. 4067 Longmoor Dr. Burlington 905-639-1346 N.BURL. 2-bedroom, park ing. laundry, fireplace, dining room , eat-in kitchen , a/c. non-sm oking, backyard. S95Q'lmo ndusve 905-9782149 O A K V IL L E ^ between Winston Churchill and Ford; 1-bedroom basement apart ment; on bus route, dose to Go. QEW & 403: u tilitie s / laundry included. No smok ing/ pets. $700mo, available Jan/lst 905-829-4139 TYANDAGA Terrace. Bur lington. Situated on private, park-like grounds. Freshly painted with private w a lk outs to cedar hedged pa tios. 2-Bedroom. Immed.; 3Bedroom . Dec.. at 1440, 1450 & 1460 Tyandaga Park Drive 905-336-0015; 905-336-0016______________ REGENCY & Princess Lovely & spacious 142 B .R Steps to B u rlin g to n M all R efined tenants, m arble lobby. Parking & hydro in cluded. 905 -68 1-81 15 or 639-8009 LIK E new. spacious 1bedroom lower unit in per fect north Burlington loca tio n . O ffe rs priv a te e n trance. parking, laundry, full kitchen, and cable A va il able Jan. 1st, $850/month includes utilities. Please no sm okers/pets. C all 905630-8482 O A K V ILL E . 1-bedroom apa rtm e nt a v ailab le. No pets. References. Speers R d./ Kerr St. area. 905842-2153. O A K V ILL E . 199 Queen Mary, near all amenities. 1,2, 3-bedroom available Dec.1 $925/mo -$1295/mo Park ing extra. Heat and hydro included 905-844-9006 BRONTE on the lake! Breathtaking views. Spa cious 1-bedroom available January Newly renovated, hardwood, ceramics, wind ow coverings. From $1042/ mo. parking included. 9058 27-9169 o r v is it www. ontim.com SURREY LANE APARTMENTS 695 Surrey Ln .Burl NEW MANAGEMENT NEW APPROACH FULLY RENOVATED 9 0 5 -6 39 -8 5 83 www.ontrn.com 905-681-7126 ALDER SH O T {W est Burlington) new ly renovated bach elor apts. w ith full kitchen , a vailab le im m e diately $625/m o. hydro. 905-633-8547 Major Upgrades 1,2*3 bdrm. avail. from $705/mo utilities included $500 move in bonus on select units Call our On-site office M APLEVIEW . B achelor New brig h t, quiet ba se ment. laundry, cable, park ing. $600/mo. inclusive. No smoking/ pets. 905-633-6871 PRIM E Downtown B u r ling to n . Upgraded suites 1.2&3 Bedroom . New windows. Modernized ele vators. Scenic view s 478 Pearl, 477 Elizabeth: 905634-9374 DOW NTOW N heritage building, 1-bedroom apt. u tilitie s and parking in cluded. January 1st. $875/ mo. No smokers/ pets. 905844-8581 BURLINGTON/ off Brant- 2bedrooms, Near amentites. schools. Free parking Avail able im m edia tely $850 in clu sive 905 -631-1826 416-665-9573 GLEN ABBEY: two-bedroom, private walk-out; laundry; one parking only; jacuzzi bath. No sm oking/pets. A va ila ble immediately Call (905)8476831 2 lovely bungalows, both 3 bedrooms, main floor only (basem ent rented), near la ke / shopping, garage, yard, laundry, u tilitie s, no sm okers/pe ts. One on Florence Drive, w/sunroom $ 1 195/mo. a vailab le im m edia tely. the other on Third Line near Hopedale M all, w /a/c $ 1250/mo. Jan. 1/04 905-825-3568 OAKVILLE Downtown 2 bedrooms. Freshly painted & renovated. Near am eni ties. Free rent for Decem ber. Immediate, $1150/mo. 905-339-0823: 905-338-0580 OAKVILLE Kerr/ Speers. 3bedroom bungalow, parking, la undry. Im m ediate, no pets, very quiet area, close to schools/shopping. $1050/ mo utfces Cal 9058134905 RENT/ Buy: North Burling ton. 3+2 bedroom s. 3.5baths, m ain flo o r fam ilyroom . fire p la ce , laundry. Large fenced yard, single garage, Short-term rental: $1900/m o. ( u tilitie s) or buy: $254,900. Immediate possession available. 905689-0443 BEAUTIFUL newly renovat ed Century house on Montsberg Lake and Conservation area. 3-bedrooms, all ap pliances included. S1400/mo utilities. Available immediatety 519-822-5485 RENT to own options. Or free dow npaym ent to buy your home now! O.A.C. call Jay Nelligan assoc, broker 905-639-7676 Re/Max E s carpment Realty Inc.. Rltr or e-mail jaynelligan® remaxescarpment.com 905-639-0456 www homestead.on ca Ground Floor Across from Lake & Park Fabulous 1-Bdrm, w/ renovated kits. & baths, O/D pool parquet floors from $949 W a lk t o G O 2067 Prospect at B rant St. 1&2 Bedrooms Immed./Jan. From $825* 1 parking t Comer Suites Avail t Gleaming parquet flooring » Over-size balconies I Undergound parking and outside parking » On-site customer service.... 905-631-0033 O A K V ILL E B ronte area. 1-bedroom $930/mo. all in clusive. 1 parking included. Available Dec. 1st. 905-4647849; 905-465-3428 ENJOY liv in g dow ntown O akville in this 2-bedroom rem odeled suite. Q uiet bu ild in g , m ostly seniors. $1250/mo 905-842-5815 r *fS905 Downtown Burlington B R O N TE M A R IN E Large, very clean, secure, 2-bdrm, balcony, quiet well maintained building Available Jan/Feb No Pels 1-Bdrm, Immed. Call Lucille 905-637-8431 2-BEDRO O M apartm ent. Harbourview Plaza, corner of Lakeshore & Bronte Rd., O akville C all 9 0 5 -8 2 5 1261 Between 9am- 4pm. 2-BEDRO O M apartm ent availab le January 1st. 83 Wilson St., off Lakeshore. close to downtown Oakville. $900/mo 905-845-0751 1,2-bedroom (reasonable rates fo r 1-bdrm) & P ent house apartm ents. Pool, weight room , saunas. 24 hour video surveillan ce. Oakville 905-815-8965 1&2 Bedroom apartm ents a v ailab le now. Speers/ Kerr 905-339-0668 Come See the Difference! 6 4 0 G uelph Line, Burlington 2 Bedroom Immed. S975/mo Very spacious freshly painted suites with hard wood flooring. BASEM EN T apartm ent Shared accom m odation $600/m o A va ila ble immedately 905-332-1379 O A K V IL L E B ronte/ Lakeshore. 2-bedroom s, balcony, six-plex $800/mo. hydro R eferences and credit check. JanVlst. 905827-3316.______________ O A K V ILL E Newly reno vated 1& 2 bedroom, close to all amenities. From $850/ m o .t hydro. 262 Reynolds Street 905-3388876 905-337-2722 905-469-1357 OPEN concept apartment, S.E. Burlington. Immediate occupancy. Close to lake. Includes heat, hydro, park ing. m ust see! $750/m o. 905-516-0584 QEW / Trafalgar. S pectac ular views. Large, bright 1,2 &3 bedrooms. From $820/ mo. parking. O n-site management. Indoor pool, saunas, ravine settings. Im m ediate occupancy. 905844-1106 905-637-9725 NEWER duplex, North B u rlington, 1-bedroom , 2 baths, w/i clo set. 4 ap pliances. main level. Excel lent condition. W/O to large patio , landscaped yard $895/mo. inclusive. Imm e diate No p e ts/ sm okers. 905-331-8180 SHORT-TERM Clean, spacious 1&2 bedroom fur nished suites at much de sired location ... Burlington Towers. Tel 905-639-8583

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