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Oakville Beaver, 6 Nov 2002, A 2

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A 2 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday N o vem b er 6, 2002 t* > t^ x e s P R E - O W N E D V E H IC L E S OAK-LAND FORD LINCOLN FALL SAVINGS SALE NO HAR AOMIN. FEE'S Town Car 4x 4 6 cylinder. Stock #A0915 S A L E $3 0 , 9 0 0 Signature series, moon roof. Not exactly as snown. S A L E *0 * 1, 7 0 U C O i t% O A Photos by Peter C.McCusker · Oakville Beaver Above, Oakville's Holy Trinity School's Arlene Sebastian, Sarah Mangano, Kevin Morris and Enzo Arnaldo take in the experience of the Junior Achievement Stock Market Challenge. Students take up the JA challenge Judging by the intent looks on their faces, it's easy to see why high school students from across the region had fun par ticipating in the recent Junior Achievement of Halton Stock Market Challenge, sponsored by Bell Mobility. The event, which took place at Carmen's Banquet and Conference Centre, involved 80 students from 12 high schools from across the region. It gave the students a chance to experience the fast-paced energy o f 60 days of stock mar ket action in a 60 minute high-tech game. This event was fol lowed in the evening by an adult Stock Market Challenge fundraiser, sponsored by GE and RBC Investments, which raised more than $6,000 for JA programs. "The event was such great fun. The Student Stock Market Challenge in particular is an incredible event for the stu dents," said Sue Suess, President of Junior Achievement of Halton. "It mixes fun with education and we saw some won derful teamwork and decision-making skills, plus some intense competition." Three Burlington high schools took first, second and third place in the competition. Students participat ing in the JA Stock Market Challenge discovered just how quickly you can make or lose money playing the market. St. Thomas Aquinas' John Jurgaitis, above, scrutinizes the numbers, while (left) S t Mildred's Lightbourne School traders Kathleen Turner, Jennifer Worboys, Claudia Marchessault and Lauren Dennis, react to the results of the competition. Station Wagon Power Group, CD. Stk.#A 0905 C l r ftftC SA LE * 1 5 , 7 7 5 Focus SE 4 door, automatic, air, CD. C 1 1 O O O S A L E^ I 1 , 0 0 0 Mustang GT V8, Trac, convertible, standard. Ford FI 50 Super Cab XLS Automatic, AM/FM cassette, cap S A L E^ 3 1 , 9 8 0 C v r w vrv a n e t " SALE S I 5 ,9 9 0 PLUS T A X E S A N D LICENSE. O a U - d ^ c w l rv&lteO'. £ )A K -L A N D r r ^ n n i i K i r r M ki FORD LINCOLN 570 Trafalgar Rdv Oakville attheq.ew. 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -3 2 7 3 T h e B o d y S h a p in g F it n e s s S t u d i o F o r W o m e n M aria & D irk are very happy to announce that: The B ody is S h a p in g F itn e s s S tu d io f o r W om en C e le b r a tin g its 2 n d A n n iv e r s a r y D irk G eb h ard t M aria K inlough on F r id a y , N o v e m b e r 8 th , 2 0 0 2 D e a r M em bers, As a th a n k you fo r your su p p o rt and encouragem ent we w ould like to offer you: · C om plim entary shakes and water all day · All guests will be able to w orkout for free (m ust be accom panied by a m em ber) A nniversary D raw : Every m em b er will have her name entered into a draw to be held every hour on the h o u r for the following services: 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 am am am am am am pm pm session o f personal training m anicure I / 2 hour massage session o f personal training pedicure session o f nutritional counseling session o f personal training I / 2 hour massage 2 :00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7 :0 0 8:00 9:00 pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm m anicure facial pedicure session o f nutritional counseling session o f personal training 1 / 2 hour massage m anicure eyebrow waxing W e a re l o o k i n g f o r w a r d t o a f u n d a y . C o m e a n d h e l p u s C e le b r a te ! ! C H A N G I N G T H E S H A P E & H E A L T H O F O A K V IL L E ! Diamond Award Winner for Oakville s Best Fitness Facility, 2 0 0 1 & 2 0 0 2 For more information please call (905) 849-1919 1 8 3 L akeshore R oad W est, O akville, O n ta rio L 6 K 1E 7 (Just E ast o f D o rv al)

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