Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 28 Mar 2001, B4

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B4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday March 28, 2001 (BridalSdozvcase M onday April 9, 2001 7:00 p.m. COMMUNITY UPDATE Please fo rw a rd announcem ents fo r Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4; call 845-3824 Ext. 250, Fax 337-5567 or em ail to blokhuis@ haltonsearch.com B EF O RE NO O N Monday to be included. Notices are listed free o f charge. Calling all artists: Art & Artisans by the Lake is looking for artists to participate in 4th annual show at Appleby College May 5. Juried show of high quality Canadian hand crafted goods and original fine art. Call May Court Club of Oakville, 905-634-0641. W E D N E SD AY M A R C H 28 Holy Family New H igh School Info Night, 7:30 p.m.. Holy Family School, 1420 Grosvenor. Meeting being held because chances Holy Family students attending high school in own community are slim despite new high school being built. M en's Drop-In Group, peer support and transitions, information and referral, 7 to 9, Hopedale Mall, Ste. 210. No cost. Call for information 905-847-5488. To God With Angels workshop, at All is Well Bookshop, 242 Ken; 7 to 8:30 p.m. Call 905-849-6868. Oakville African Violet Society meets 7:30 p.m.. White Oaks Secondary School, North Campus, 1055 McCraney, NEW LOCATION - Room B140 (Horticulture room used for special education). Use west side entrance. Speaker: John Brownie, hybridizer o f African Violets. He will bring plants for sale. Call Barbara Post, 845-1550. Halton C ARP - Canada' s Association fo r the Fifty Plus, 7:30 p.m., Burlington Seniors Centre, 2185 New St. (Central Park), Burlington. Speakers: Ray Harry and Bill Stewart of ARS Security Inc., home and personal security and emergencies. Guests welcome, coffee. Harry, 905-335-5717. TH URSDA Y M A R C H 29 E ast O akville C om m unity A d u lt Centre, 1 p.m., M aple Grove United Church. 346 Maplegrove, cards and refresh ments. Call Thelma Perras, 905-844-5584. Assertiveness - learn techniques to build self-esteem and com m unicate more assertively. Women's Centre, Hopdale, Ste. 210, March 29 and April 5, 7 to 9 p.m. Cost: $10 ($15 non-members), 905-847-5520. F R ID A Y M A R C H 30 Have you lost a loved one? B ereavem ent Group, Trinity United Church, 1250 McCraney, Fridays 9 a.m. Call Babs Hodgson, 905-844-0573. SA TU R D AY M A R C H 31 D affodil Tea & Fashion Presentation, 2 p.m., Q ueens Avenue Retirem ent Residence, 1056 Queens. W eekenders spring and summer fashion show, coffee and tea with dessert, $2. and daffodil bunch es $5 (10 blooms). Proceeds from sale of refreshments and daffodils to Canadian Cancer Society. Call Maria 905-815-0862. Sliaarei B eth-E l Trivia N ight 2001. Tickets $10 each, minimum $80 to book table, call 905-849-6000, fax 905-8491134, or email sbeofc@idirect.ca Spring Bake & Cabbage Roll Sale, Holy Trinity Croatian Parish, 8 a.m. to noon, church hall, 2110 Trafalgar north of Upper Middle. W om en' s Sexuality Workshop, explore, understand and honour unique sexual nature. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Women's Centre. Hopedale, Ste. 210. Cost: $8 ($10 non members). Call 905-847-5520. Incom e Tax Assistance, free to single and low income families, Saturdays March 31, April 7, 14 and 28, 10 a.m. to noon, Women's Centre, Hopedale, Ste 210. Bring papers and tax forms. Call 905-847-5520. Lions Foundation has Open H ouse at Oakville Dog Guide School, 152 Wilson at Rebecca and Kerr, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tours o f facilities, see how dog guides are trained. dog guide demonstrations, and learn about puppy program. Call 905-842-2891. Oakville C hapter o f the Heart and Stroke Foundation o f Ontario will be hold ing its CPR Training Session on March 31, at St. Ignatius of Loyola Secondary School, on Nottinghill Gate from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Registration $10 per person. Participants must be in good health and at least 12 years of age. Call 905-634-7732. Dedication for Last Days Bible Centre public reading room at Calvary-Bible Presbyterian Church, 3065 Ridgeway, Unit 34 (Dundas and Winston Churchill), 2 to 5 p.m. Call 905-608-0038. Open House at Halton Waldorf School, 2193 Orchard Park Rd., Burlington. Tour school, meet faculty, view student work, talk to parents. Call 905-331-1387. Latow Photographers G uild present Dr. W ayne Lynch, published professional wildlife photographer. Nuts & Bolts of Nature Photography, Burlington Art Centre, 1333 Lakeshore. Burlington. Call Bemie St. Pierre, 905-632-6221, or Bill Morrissey, 905-634-8590, or visit www.latow.com RBG Orchid Society 20th annual Orchid Show, March 31, noon to 5 p.m.; April 1, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. - photographers 8 to 9 a.m. Sunday only, at RBG Centre, 680 Plains Rd. W., Burlington. Admission: $6. $5 RBG members, and children under 12 free. Call 905-527-4951. SU N D A Y A P R IL 1 ORMTA (Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association) presents: A Senior Recital, evening of advanced repertoire by senior students of Hamilton/Halton Branch of ORMTA, 7:30 p.m. at Port Nelson United Church, 3132 South Drive, Burlington. Admission $10, children under 12, $5. Proceeds to ORMTA Scholarship Fund. Tickets available at the door. Call Anita at 905-469-8695. F R E E A D M IS S IO N FEATURES: Door Prizes * Fashion Show * * Special Displays * Gift Dag for Every Dride * For your free invitation please call: Lillian 337-1955 Brought to you by W E L C O M E ^ j t ^ /I/A G O N ltd . * V S in c e 1930 WWW.WELCOMEWAGON.CA Le Dom e Banquet Hall B i W ay C O R R E C TIO N N O TIC E The C u rtis B azoo ka CD AM /FM C a s s e t te fe a tu re d in o u r M a r c h 2 4 th flyer will n o t b e a v a ila b le in o u r s to re s d u e to th e s u p p lie r 's ina b ility to s h ip . A ls o , the C u r t is C o r d le s s 9 0 0 M H z P h o n e will be a rriv in g la te to o u r s to re s a n d ra in c h e c k s w ill b e is s u e d . BiW ay sincerely regrets any inconvenience this m ay cause our valued customers. SALE PRICES END SUNDAY, APRIL 1 ,200 1, WHILE QUANTITIES please mum* love our quality, love our price Come in and get all the dirt on this trio of Kenmore® vacuums inventory cleanout # TM 1 price clearance select items O a k v ille P la c e M a ll / 8 4 5 - 9 2 9 2 h KENMORE WHISPERTONE POWERMATE VACUUM The War Amps Triple filtration. Deluxe i'e rg o ' handle. # 20650. ® Sears reg. 649.99. now 199" KENMORE 12-AMP UPRIGHT VACUUM Floor brush and extension hose included. #39050 Sears reg. 349.99. A t Your Service The War Amps Key Tag Service has returned almost a million sets of lost keys since 1946. When you use your key tags, you protect your keys AND w S B S S t8 Plus, it's like there's you support War Amps programs -- like CHAMP. on all regular-priced Kenmore major appliances, vacuums and sewing machines *S ears w ill d e d u c t fro m th e item p rice th e sam e d o lla r a m o u n t as th e GST and PST you w ill pay, so yo ur to ta l purchase, in c lu d in g th e tax d o lla rs , w ill be no more th a n th e item p rice . Tax e q u iv a le n t re d u c tio n does not a pp ly to purchases m ade und e r ta x-e xe m p t sta tu s. E xcludes d e fe rra l fees, d elivery, m a in te n a nce agreem ent and in s ta lla tio n charges. Excludes ite m s in o u r L iq u id a tio n /O u tle t stores and C atalogue purchases. O ffer ends Sunday, A p ril 1, 2 0 0 1 . NO TAX ADDED Sears Oakville Place Mon.-Fri. 9:30 am-9 pm. Sat. 8 am-6 pm. Sun.11 am-6 pm. Sears Furniture & Appliance Store Mississauga Mon.-Fri. 10 am-9 pm. Sat. 10 am-6 pm. Sun.12 am-5 NP0351801 pm. Copyright 2001. Sears Canada Inc. For more information, or to order your 2001 key tags, contact The War Amps: E-ZEE ACCESS Tel.: 1-800-250-3030, Fax: 1-800-219-8988, or www.waramps.ca Charitable Registration Number: 13196 9628 RR0001 u

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