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Oakville Beaver, 23 Mar 2001, Classified, p. 36

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36 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, March 23, 2001 Plan to attend the Hatton Job & Career F a ir2001 o n Tuesday, A p r il 17 9 :3 0 a m - 6 :0 0 p m at the Burlington Convention Centre, 1120 Burloak Dr. (at QEW),Burlington · Free Admission · Free Parking · On Bus Route T he O akville B eaver BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. C o m p an ies w ho w ish to p a rtic ip ate c a ll 6 3 2 -4 4 4 0 £ o akvilleb eaver.co m Circulation: 845-9742 The site your community clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 161 FAX: 632-8165 161 franchises MON . - F Rl. 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. *Real Estate 100-165i ·Rentals 170-196 ·Leisure Living 200-265 ·Merchandise 300-375 ·Auto 400-465 ·Help Wanted 500-599 *Announcements 600-675 ·Services 700-800 houses for sale 100 houses for sale 110 apartments condos for sale franchises 170 apartments & flats for rent 170 apartments & flats for rent 170 apartments & flats for rent 185 houses for rent OPEN House, Mar. 24&25, 1:30pm - 4:30pm , 1451 W a lk e r's Line, U n it 112, Burlington, (at Upper M id dle). 1-1/2 year new. Sunny N/W expo sure , 3-bedrooms, 2 fu ll baths, ground flo o r w /o to garden patio, upgrades, neutral decor, 2 u n d erg roun d parkin g. $163,900. (905)331-2268 PALACE: 2-bedroom condo, 5 appliances, tennis court, pool, exercise room. First time home buyers..no money dow n. $12 5,50 0. (905)632-5895 WE sp e c ia liz e in C o ndo m inium S a les & R entals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., R e altor, (905)333-4347_____________ Franchise Opportunity Jewal International Mobility and Health Care Division, Hamilton location, has franchise available in Burlington. This is one of the fastest growing markets and wilt compliment our existing 17 locations in Southwestern Ontario. For more information, contact us at W ALK to GO! 5-plex, Brant/ Fairview. Clean, attractive 1bedroom. $610/mo.+ hydro. M a y ls t. N on-sm okers, no pets. Heat, parking included. (905)633- 7961____________ SP AC IO U S 1,2&3 B e d room s. F reshly painted, b rig h t. C o m p e titive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo c a tio n . (9 0 5 )3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm APR.1ST. 1-bedroom base ment apartm ent separate entrance, 3-pce. bath, Kitch enette. NearYMCA. $500/mo. 905-337-9126 (leave message). 2-BE D R O O M s pacious apa rtm e nt, 2-b a th s, fu r nished, la keview , pool, ava ila b le M a y ls t., $417/ room /mo. includes utilities. Sara, (905)337-0825. BRONTE: $850, 1-bedroom, la undry en s u ite , private entrance. Spic & span clean! A va ila ble now. C all Joan Procher, Re/Max (905)8427000. _____ S615/M O . Im m aculate 1bedroom in 5-ple x, F a ir view/ Brant. Walk to GO. No sm oking/ pets. Heat, park ing included. (905)528-7520 2-BE D R O O M apa rtm e nts a v a ila b le A p ril/M a y from $79 5/m o.+ parkin g . C o n v e n ie n tly lo c a te d W ood ward/ Guelph Line, Burling ton. (905)632-4265 A IR M ILE S ® C o lle cto rs Wanted. Points awarded for rental d o lla rs - 1.2&3 Bed room S u ites on one ye a r leases. Call for availability: (905)639-8583 _______ LA RG E 2-bedroom , clean quiet adult building, central Burlington. Parking. Laun dry. $ 1 100/m o. A va ila ble June 1st. (905)634-0697___ O A K V IL L E . Q EW / T ra fa l gar. 1-bedroom from $799/ mo.; 3-bedroom from $989/ mo. W ell maintained building. Nellie, (905)339-2028. BU R LIN G TO N D ow n town. Duplex, 2-bedroom ground flo o r, basem ent, parkin g . $73 5/m o. A lbert M cD onagh Ltd., R e altor, (905)632-5690_____________ S.W . B u rlington, brigh t 1bedroom basem ent, la u n dry, cable, parking, utilities in clude d. Q uiet, m ature, non -sm okin g fem a le p re ferred. References. $675. (905)-339-8315____________ P R O S PEC T/ B R AN T. Immediate: 1-Bedroom from $740/m o. 2-Bedroom from $ 84 0/m o. C lean, quiet b u ild in g . C all S andra (905)631-0033 E M PLO YM EN T O PPO R TUNITIES... Skills Upgrading Courses....Hourly Seminars... P rize D raw s... A ll at The Halton Job & Career Fair on A p ril 17, 2001, at The Burlington Convention Centre B A C H E LO R B asem ent Suite- Private entrance, all inclusive $600 per m onth. No s m o k e rs . A v a ila b le M arch 1st (9 0 5)844-0150 after 6:30pm. ____________ S P A C IO U S basem ent a p a rtm e n t s u ita b le fo r 1 p ro fe s s io n a l m a le . F u ll size kitchen and 4 rooms, hydro and cable included, telephone extra, parking 1 car. $550/per month . Call (905)338-5254____________ S P A C IO U S 1 b e d ro o m b ase m en t apa rtm e nt, p ri v a te e n tra n c e , p a rk in g , la u n d ry , n o n -s m o k e r, no p e ts . $ 7 5 0 /m o C a ll (905)845-1313.____________ M AY 1, O a k v ille , la rg e 3 b e d ro o m in c le a n , q u ie t b u ild in g , $ 9 8 5 /m o . C a ll (905)845-8812. $ 18 50/M O N TH .Jun e 1st. W est Oak Trails. Large 3bedroom, 6 mos. old. 2.5 baths, fa m ily room , high ceilings, gas fireplace. En suite. Double garage. A1 references. No animals. No smokers. Laurice Albert, A sso c. B roker, Re/M ax Aboutowne 905-257-2414 H O P E D A LE area. 3 -b e d room bungalow, full base ment, 2 bathrooms, garage, fenced lot, $1,200/mo. Available Apr. 1st. (905)849-0769. 2-BEDROOM condo, Third Line/ QEW, also 2-bedroom exclusve home, downtown Oakville^Cali(41 §1936-1263 O A K V ILLE Place Area: 4bedroom home, 2 fu ll baths, frid g e , stove, den, playro om . Im m ediate. $15507mo. (905)847-0841 EXEC U TIVE 3-bedroom ranch, Aldershot. Sunroom, double garage, 5 applianc es. Near golf course. W alk to lake. Lawn maintenance. No pets/ smoking. Available im m ediately. $1650/m o. + utilities. References. (905) 627-7325. ~ PRIVATE SALE ~ 212 Pinecove Road, Burlington, Near Lakeshore Rd Custom b u ilt, b rick, 3 bedroom , 2.5 baths. Large lot 60'x16 1 Main floor family room with gas fireplace, double garage. June clo sin g $279,000. call Rick Solwicki at (905) 632-6252 or cell # (9 0 5 ) 541-9777 Phone (905)-318-8818 or Fax(905)318-2489 apartments/flats for rent K kw l lots & acreages A IR M IL E S 9 · A IR M IL E S 9 OPEN HOUSE* SAT. 1 - 4 P.M. 5270 Woodhaven Drive · (905) 333-9558 SC E N IC : 10 acres, fenced estate building lot. M ilton e scarpm ent w ith stable. 905-878-3486 or #2204. MANAGER'S SPECIAL 1 Bdrm Suites May 1 occupancy * * * ONLY 3 LEFT * * * (at time of publishing) TYANDAGA 2 Bdrm Available April (Some 2 Level) New appliances Freshly Painted Low-rise buildings Large, private patios 1440TyandagaPI(Dr. i-- i I industrial /commercial space IN EX P E N S IV E W ARE HOUSE or lig h t in d u s tria l space O akville, near QEW 4 5 ,000 s q .ft. or less. S p rin k le re d , overhead doo rs, o verhea d crane, truck level doors. Joe Luyk, Ext.242, (905)845-7597 Burlington beauty, near Oakville border & Apple by GO. Cottage-like setting, street of mature trees. B eautiful 3 -b d rm , 4 -le ve l h i-s p lit w ith basement walkout to backyard with in-ground pool. Hardwood floors in LR/DR. Recent new roof, high-e furnace, A /C , 2 updated bathroom s (1 w ith Jacuzzi tub). Partially finished rec.room with gas F.P. Walking dis tance to Catholic & Public schools. $216,900. SC EN IC Dundast C usto m -b u ilt, m int c o n d itio n , architecturally stunning in terior, every imaginable ex tra: sprinkler system, inter lock drive, lacquer kitchen, Corian counters, triple sink, custom French doors, por ce la in doo rkn o b s, pool table, vaulted ceilings, cus tom flo o r jo is ts , app rox. 3,000 sq.ft. Court location. $329,900. (905)541-5684. N IA G A R A -O n -T h e -L a k e . Looking for a place to retire and su p p le m e n t yo u r in com e w ith o u t undue stre ss? C h arm in g 2-bdrm bun galow w /a d jo in in g 1bdrm B&B suite, large fami ly room. 1/2 block from the aters, shops, ye t'secluded. M any extra s. $29 9,00 0. Doug R em pel, S a lly McGarr Realty, 905-468-9229 OPEN House Sun. M arch 25/01. 2-5pm . 331 M artin S tre e t, M ilto n , O nta rio . B e a u tifu lly upg rad ed d e tached hom e. Extra large lot with inground pool. New A /C. C e n tra l vac., huge kitchen. M inutes from Nia gara escarpment and Hwy. 401. Spotless. New private listing. $269,000. 905-8788577. __________________ O A K V IL L E . B e a u tifu lly decorated 4-bdrm home, on pice q u ie t s tre e t, across from park. 2600 squ.ft., ce ramic tile s- foyer, kitchen, powder, laundry room. Up graded b roadloom . Huge eat-in kitchen, fam ily room w /gas fire p la ce . Save on Real estate fees. No agents please. $29 9,90 0. 905659-4214.________ M ATTA M Y ` O rcha rd on Bronte Creek". Brand new 1900 s q .ft. " R o yale". 3bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, Up grades throughout, neutral decor. Prem ium 3 7 'x H O 'x 4 5 ` (at rear) lo t backing onto pond. S u perb lo c a tio n . $ 20 ,000 less than O akville. $256,900. In q u i ries, (905)331-2268 CORE BU R LIN G TO N . O pen House, Sat. & Sun., 2-4pm , 363 Pepper Drive. 3+1 bedroom bungalow , 2 fire p la c e s , C /A, C /V. $214,900. (905)639-9768 WATERDOWN. Open House Sun. 2-4pm. 15 Elgin Street. 3-bedrooms, separate dining room, livingroom, den, eat-in kitchen, 1.5 baths, 70x140' lot. Gas furnace, fireplace, garage. $198,900. (905)6896928.______________________ DREAM Home: M illc ro ft, g o lf co u rs e com m u nity in Burlington. Arthur Blakely 280 0 sq. ft. C u m be rland hom e. E x q u is ite kitchen and upgrades galore. Pri vate sale. View by appoint m ent only. 905-33 1-23 60. No agents please.__________ P R IV A T E Sale by owner. 3097 Swansea Drive, Oak v ille . W as $25 9,90 0, now $249,900. (905)465-2539; (90 5 )3 3 4 -0 3 3 0 ; edoyle20Qhome.com _______ STO N EY C R E E K , e x c lu sive Newport Marina loca tio n , 3 y e a rs old. Losani built, 3-bedroom, c/a, pre m ium lo t. P rice d to sell $211,900.905-643-6099 BU RLING TO N: furnished 3-bedroom home, short or long term le ases. $2200/ month. 905-332-3542 BEST in dustrial condo in vestm ent in O akville. Con do fee o nly $72/m o. Speers/ Third. 1200 sq.ft., overhea d door, s k y lig h t. Sale. Sandy, (705)6848258 or ssbl@netcom.ca * * * * * B O N U S A IR M IL E S CLEAN S P A C IO U S UNDERGFIOUND PARKING IN C L l F R IE N D L Y C O M M U N IT Y 2 & 3 Bdrm Also Available HOMES to RENT w / Option to BUY or Creative Financing Availableto facilitate purchase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Assoc. Broker (905)639-5258 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor E-mail: creative opts@quickclic.net DOW NTO W N O akville . $2 ,300/m o. Near hospital. S p o tle ss 2-bedroom b u n galow. Great kitchen! Fire place, sunroom , lo vely tree d property. M a y ls t. (905)845-5137.____________ R E N T A LS : A p pleb y M all 3-bedroom , 2-storey semi. Fenced yard. $950/m o.; 5bedroom e levated ranch, garage, C /A, fa m ilyro o m , fireplace, $1375/mo. Albert M cDonagh Ltd., R e altor, (905)632-5690____________ LA R G E 3-bedroom , w ith frid g e , stove dishw ash er, fenced yard. Brant/P lains Rd. area. $1500/m o plus utilities. (905)-332-3542 (905) 336-0015 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905)336-0016 | WE HAVE FURNISHED ACCOM MODAVON Minimum 1 month stay - From $58/day BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court 1 Bdrm Apt Avail. May 1st - $700/mo. Includes utilities. Parking Available Downtown TO VIEW CALL (905) 639-8583 Downtown Burlington Torrarice Street Burlington 1-Bdrm: Aoril/Mav 2-Bdrm: April Freshly painted, some with new kit. cabinetry! Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shop ping, Hospital & Lake! Call (905) 637-0321 BURLINGTON TOW ERS DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE Lakeshore/Trafalgar available to share with established Oakville lawyer. 3 offices, kit., reception, 2 wash rooms, filing area. 1&2 Bdrm Apts. with lake views. Freshly painted, new windows, hardwood floors, Outdoor pool! A P A R T M E N T ONTARIO STREET AT MAPLE S| (905) 690-1896 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted 1-BEDROOM « 2-BEDROOM » GARDEN SUITES · All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths · Indoor pool & saunas · Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. · Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access B R IG H T one bedroom base m en t apa rtm e n t in Central Burlington. Parking, la undry, cable, heat and hydro. All inclusive, $765/ mo. A p ril 1. C all a fte r 5pm. 905-319-1681_________ S P A C IO U S 1-bedroom apartm ent above store on Kerr St. $600/mo. Parking a v a ila b le . M a y ls t occupancy. Kathy (905)337-7448. O AKVILLE, Kerr/ Elmwood Rd. N ew ly renovated 2bedroom . Large, spacious apartment! Available Apr. 1st $900./mo. inclusive. Parking. (905)338-0491._____________ 1-BE D R O O M base m en t apartm ent, downtown Bur lington, available May 1st, Parking. $590/mo. all inclusive. (905)631-8259 BURLINGTON- 1 bedroom basement apartment, separate entrance, laundry, parking, all utilities included, $675. April 1st.639-- 1065,leave message From $869./mo. (905) 637-6701 HEART of Bronte. 50 East St., close to lake & Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom avail able im m edia tely. $ 97 5/ mo.+ parking; 2-bedroom s a v a ila b le A p ril and June. Call (905)825-0816_________ A P A R TM E N TS a va ila b le from $875/mo. Indoor pool. Q EW / T ra fa lg a r area. (905)844-1106.____________ BRONTE: W alk to lake 2bdrm s. M ay1, $860/m o. + u tilitie s ; O a k v ille Place area, 2-bdrms. Apr./ May $925/m o. Heat, hot water. Parking. (905)847-1138. SM A LL beautiful 1-bdrm, 2nd floor. Large windows. Professionally constructed ensu ite to la rge house. S e parate entra n ce . Sixth Line/ Dundas. One person only. No pets, non-smoker. $800/m o includes utilities, parking, unlim ited storage. 905-257-3973 B U R LIN G TO N Tow ers: $ 87 8/m onth. 1-bedroom , in clude s u tilitie s , in d o o r pool, gym , und erg roun d parkin g. Im m ediate. C all 905-541-8989. Call Daniel @ (9 0 5 )3 3 7 -0 3 3 7 E S T A B LIS H E D o ffic e availab le at G uelph Line/ Harvester Rd. for financial planner. $500./m o. Free Parking. 905-634-^944 FU R N ISH ED B u rlin g to n Luxury! 1&2 bedrooms from $1,295/m o. utilities includ ed. Immediate. Short/ long term . (905) 632 -83 54; (905)632-6189._____________ LUXURY "New" 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos/ Homes. TV, VCR, 6 app lia n ce s, ste re o , 1-3 baths, health centre, security. Pets okay. D a ily, W eekly, M onthly. $1295-2995/ m onth. Visa, MasterCard, AmericanEx. Call 681-RENT (7355) L/M B U R LIN G TO N SQUARE (9 0 5 )6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm LARGE 2-bdrm & den base m ent. S p aciou s kitchen , living area. 4 appliances. S e parate entrance. O ffs tre e t p arkin g. Nonsmokers. $900./mo. plus 1/ _ 3 utilities. 905-842-1660_ NORTH Burlington 3-bed rooms, kitchen, livingroom, laundry room, appliances, parking. $895/m o. + u tili ties. Available immediately. 905-627-5252 LARGE basement fo r rent. Gentleman: mature, reliable, non-sm oking person. Call 905-632-2460 after 6pm. C A N A D IA N A . Q uiet, w ellmaintained lakefront build ing. V ery s pacious 1&2bedroom s a va ila b le A p r./ May. 5220 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. (905)-632-5486. O LD O A K V IL L E . We are simply the finest. Buildings are very quiet, very clean. Lovely fellow reside nts to live with. J ust steps to all shop s dow ntow n. 1-b e d room, $985. No lease. Call (905)845-8254 (message) W ATE R D O W N : John St. W alk to E v e ry th in g . New Appliances, Windows. Com plete ly Renovated. 1,2 &3 Bedroom s from $725/m o. (905)690-4454, (905)6891647______________________ A LD E R S H O T 5 -ple x, 2bedroom, all inclusive, no pets. First & last $845/mo. (905):632-9663 2-B E D R O O M S : $8 1 0 ./ mo. (U tilitie s in clude d). 2386 New Street at Guelph L ine. O ffice Open 9-4pm , Mon.-Sat. (905)639-5761 O A K V IL L E : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca. Renovated, Large suites. W alk to Everything. 2-B ed roo m From $925. (905)845-1777 O A K V IL L E . N ear all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Drive: Bachelor, immediate, $ 73 5/m o.; 2&3 bedroom s available Apr. 1st, (+ parking). (905)844-9006________ O A K V IL L E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks G olf Club. Large R enovated 1&2Bdrm . New a pp lia nces, w indow s. From $825/m o (905)844-5474 LA K E S H O R E Rd., C e n tury hom e, U pper D uplex, Private entrance, sun room, 2 bedrooms, D/R, L/R, New bathroom and gourm et kitchen, 4 new appliances + s kylights. C /Vac. F irst/ last, $1,125/month includes heat, two car parking. Nonsm okers preferred. S a tel lite TV available, call 905639-7205 evenings 3-B E D R O O M to w n h o u se fo r re n t $ 1 ,7 0 0 a ll in c lu sive. Marine Dr., available immediately. Call (905)8443671_____________________ LUXURY Townhome. Lovely 3-bdrm, with a plethora of extras & up-grades. $1650/ mo. Call (905)-528-4944 UPPER M id d le / 8th Line: Im m aculate 3-bdrm to w n house; ceram ic foyer, fin ish ed basem ent, 2 -1/2 baths, 5 app lia n ce s, A/C, garage. Close to schools/ shopping. Available im m e d ia te ly . $15 00/m o. C all (416)5i 5)505-9] 5-9779 to view BRONTE VILLAGE MALL Well est. indoor shop ping mall in W. Oakville with 35 stores incl. Sobeys, Pharma Plus, TD Bank. Retail space for lease suitable for discount dept, store, sportswear, leather goods or professionals. AAAAA O A K V IL L E - new luxury condo, steps to GO! 2-Bed rooms, 2 baths, 5 applianc es. parkin g . Im m ediate , $ 16 00/m o. C all Joan. (905)338-2800_____________ | ! u | houses for rent ESTATE Sale. S pacious 3-bedroom end unit bunga low tow nhom e in p re s tig i ous "Books Landing" condom in im um com m unity. N e stled on the shore of Lake O n ta rio in G rim sby. $209,900. D etails/ viewing ca ll S teve B a ile y, Assoc. Broker, Chambers Hall R.E. Inc., (905)525-5991, Ext. 248 A R B O R L A N E 1 4 0 0 s q .ft. sunny end unit. Dram atic one floor plan. Palladium window s, gas F/P, French doors to large deck, 3 bed room, 2 baths. $164,900. 5.9% assumable mortgage, O pen H ouse- Sunday 24pm. 905-921-8495________ GLEN Abbey. Executive 3bed roo m s, la rge e at-in kitchen, ceram ics. Custom Levelor window coverings. Many upg rad es. Backs onto greenspace. $168,900. (905)469-9932.____________ W ATE R D O W N . E xc e lle n t central location, quiet cres cent. 3-bedrooms, finished base m en t, c /a ir, c/v a c ., built-in dishwasher, $151,000. (905)689t8668. GEORGIAN APARTMENTS 1,2& 3 BEDOOM SUITES Tel: (905) 825-0719 Avail. Mar/Apr/May Heat/Hydro Included Parking extra. No pets Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW 1-Bdrms from $829* Bachelors trom $729* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Liz: (905) 845-9502 '(2% disc, included) BURLINGTON Downtown. 3bdrm. Apt. in quiet building. Heat, hot water, fridge, stove, parking, $930/mo. (905)3158999. _____ S P A C IO U S 2 b e d ro o m basement apartment, large kitch e n , livin g ro o m , fire place. Separate entrance. N e a r S h e rid a n C o lle g e . (905)849-0991. G U E L P H L in e - 5 b e d room + s e p a ra te in -la w , z o n e d r e s id e n tia l/ c o m m ercial $3100 Call Adnan (9 0 5 )8 2 7 -3 4 3 4 or (905)465-0093.____________ ^ for rent condom inium s 3-Bdrm 2-Level Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr.. Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. M A IN T E N A N C E / S ervice/ Repair company, (since 1987) fo r sale. E xc e lle n t clientele with cash flow in excess of 400K. Must sell due to d e c lin in g hea lth. (905)516-2992 Burl · 639-0456 M-F: 9-4 & 6:30-8 W EST B u rlin g to n , near B ruce T r a il- 1-bedroom , M a y ls t. Private laundry, C /V ac. A larm ed . Patio. Close to GO, $700/mo, utilities included. 905-690-4707 W HITE O aks, O akville . S p aciou s 1&2 B edroom + den, from $1090/mo.; April. W ell- m aintained complex, full rec. fa c ilitie s including indoor pool, sunken livingroom... some with fireplace! Call (905)815-1628 DOWNTOWN Oakville. Fully renovated 1-bedroom apart m ent, sm all building, very nice, $758/mo. +hydro. (905) 469-0892. STUNNING Lakefront, se cluded estate home, 2 bed room , livin g ro o m , d in in g room , 30' sunroom , deck, la ke v ie w s a ll room s, all a p p lia n c e s . $ 2 3 0 0 /m o . (905)849-9996. ADORABLE 2+1 bedroom house, garage, 2-baths, 2livin g ro o m s, porches, on Northshore Blvd. First/ last. $1200/mo. (905)318-3119. NEW B U N G A LO W / C o n do. open conce pt, 4 -b e d room s, 3 baths, gas fir e place, neutrals, double ga rage. South Burlington. Immediate. (905)335-7078 HE AD O N Forest. 4 -B e d rooms +den, finished base ment, upgrades, fireplace, ceram ics, A p r.1st. $2000/ mo. -t-utilities. (9 0 5 )3 3 6 -- 2718 after 6pm. Call 6 39-9212 BURLINGTON. 3-bedrooms, full basement, 2 car parking, near Burlington Mall. $940/ mo.+ utilities. May 1st. (905) 336-7187__________________ GLEN Abbey. 3-bedrooms. M inute w a lk to schoo ls, shop p in g . P layground in complex. $1575/mo. Kevin, 905-825-0947; 416-936-3744 PARK like setting. 3-bdrm, M a y ls t. Near T yan daga Golf Course, Burlington. 11/2 b aths, fire p la c e , fin ished basement, hardwood floors, 4 appliances. (905) 335-3001 , . ^ business services I personals CO M PUTER Hardw are and S o ftw are repairs and upg rad es, done at your hom e. Free e stim ates. Call 905-632-8403 ap a rtm e n t in well-located, quiet building near downtown Burlington, buses, etc. C all (905)6343635. 1 bedroom UPG R AD ED 1,2&3 Bdrm Apts with scenic views avail able at two prime downtown Burlington locations.Beautiful grounds. New elevators. 477 Elizabeth St., (905)634-9374; 478 Pearl St. (905)632-1643

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