Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 23 Mar 2001, p. 38

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38 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, March 23, 2001 help wanted Group Managers, Audit $ 5 7 ,4 2 3 - $ 7 0 ,8 3 9 join the M inistry o f Finance, regional tax office, in one of two opportunities to manage audit staff conducting field audits under the Retail Sales Tax Act. You w ill: recruit, train, develop audit staff; allocate audit assignments; evaluate job performance; resolve complex audit issues; provide technical support. Location: Mississauga. Qualifications: management skills/experience in an auditing environment; ability to provide leadership, co-ordinate activities, motivate staff; thorough knowledge of principles/practices of accounting/auditing techniques; successful completion of CA, CMA or CGA designation, or successful completion of a recognized university degree, plus/including courses in introductory/intermediate/advancea financial accounting, auditing, taxation, cost/management accounting, and one additional course in auditing, taxation, cost/management accounting or finance; demonstrated ability to interpret related legislation; knowledge of CAAT; strong interpersonal, communication skills. Note: Proof of designation or academic qualifications must be attached to your resume in order to be considered. Applicants must clearly indicate on their transcripts which of their courses meet the position's academic requirements. Applicants who obtained their qualifications outside Canada must submit proof that these qualifications have been recognized as equivalencies in Canada. Resume and covering letter must be received by April 6, 2001. Quoting file 1025, send to: Ministry of Finance, Human Resources Branch, 33 King St. W ,, Oshawa, ON L1H 8H5. Fax: 905-433-6588. RENOVATIONS PLUS NOW HIRING - FULL-TIME LONGTERM EMPLOYEES Must be capable o f: Full basement apartment conversion. Must be experienced in all the following: Good tapper, Framer, plumbing, drywall, painting. Must have own transportation, Orivers. Lie, and 10 years verifiable experience. Start immediately Call (9 0 5 )-84 7-0 619 LA N D S C A P IN G in te rlo c k c o n stru ctio n com pany re quires Crew Leader/ Fore man -3-ye ars expe rience, hardworking, clean cut pro fessional w /excellent "peo ple" s k ills . $ 1 2 .to $ 1 6 ./h r. General Laborer- 1-2 years exp e rie n ce , hardw orking clean cut w/excellent "peo ple" skills. $9.to$12./hr. Fax: 905-844-2983, M ail: Forestview Landscaping, 5423 B rita n n ia Rd, M ilton, L9T2Y1. FO STER HOM ES required to care for physically and developm entally chal le nged ch ild re n on part time basis. For more infor m ation, c a ll (9 0 5 )-3 3 3 4441 ext. 260._______ R E LIE F S u p e rin te n d e n t required for luxury Burling ton cond om iniu m . Duties include: G eneral cleaning, m inor m a intena nce and a d m in is tra tiv e dutie s. Days/ Saturdays/ Sundays w ith som e fle x ib ility . Please fax all resum es to W ilson Blanchard manage ment 905-540-4450, Atten tion: CM PA C K E R S Light p la s tic s plant, West Oakville, Full time night shift. Applicants must have good eye/ hand coordination and be fluent in English. Fax resume to 905-847-3126______________ M YSTERY shop pers needed in Burlington. Apply on-line at www.secretshopnet.com DEMONSTRATORS wanted for Sushi company. M ississauga, W oodbridge, Burlington. $9.25 to start. Please call Dave 416-5359933 or fax 416-535-4995 SE C R ETA R Y O a kville firm seeks individual for en try level position to perform general office duties. Must be pro ficie n t in MS W ord, highly organized, and able to m ulti-task. Forward re sume to fax: 905-847-6255, email: jlamb@mollymaid.ca A T H LE T E S W anted! For Commercial/ Film Work. No e xtra s, no fees. M ust be a th le tic ! C all (4 1 6 )7 3 3 1888 for screening. F U LL-T IM E e xpe rienced req u ire d fo r busy lu m be r building m aterials distribu tio n y a rd / w a reh ouse in M ilton. M ust be able to w o rk in o u tsid e e n v iro n ment. Lift truck certification an asset. Please fax resumes to: (905)876-3230. R E A L Estate T elem arke t er. Licenced or Phase 3. No e x p e rie n ce required , tra in in g p ro vid e d . 12.5 hours/ week minimum , ex c e lle n t re tu rn s. O a kville based. C a ll 905 -46 99 6 9 4 ..e x t.13 leave nam e, number, brief bio. WANTED Part Time Cleaners for evening work in Burlington area. Mon-Fri. Ideal for a couple S A LO N 612 (D ow ntow n Burlington) is looking for a Hair Stylist with clientele to rent a chair. 905-631-0103 BA RBARO SSA Hairstyling requires M en's H a irstylist needed, fu ll tim e. A sk for P e ter o r D o ris (9 0 5 )8 4 4 3952 C ivello S alo n -S p a, one o f Canada's leading Beauty and W ellness C entres, has excellent career opportunities for dedicated and ambitious individuals to join our team. Call 333-9537 Leave name & number M ATURE people required for full & part-time positions in O akville & west M issis sauga garden centres. En e rg e tic, re sp o n sib le , w ill train. Start $11- $14/hr. Fax resume: (905)693-8734 J U B IL E E F ru it M arket, downtown Oakville, has im m edia te o p e nings fo r fu ll tim e, m atu re, produce c le rks. Please a pp ly in person w ith resum e to: K atherine or Don, 104 A l len St. (corner of Lakeshore and Allen), Oakville. O UTG O IN G m ature and s e lf m otivated tele p h o n e p ro fe s s io n a ls required . Earn up to $13./hour calling established leads. Burling to n / perm anent even ings, c a ll M rs. East, 905 -33 30282______________________ JO B S .... F U LLT IM E & P a rt-tim e + C o m pu ter Training Schools + Hourly Sem inars + Free Draws... all at The Halton Job & Ca reer Fair on April 17, 2001, at The Burlington Conven tion Centre LA D IE S & M en's Locke r Room Attendants required pa rt-tim e or fu ll-tim e . Ex perience an asset, how ev er, we will train. Shift work includes w eekends. Apply at: C edar S p rings H ealth, Racquet & Sports Club, 960 Cum berland Ave., B urling ton; Fax resume: Attention Cindy (905)632-4041________ O A K V IL L E com pany re quires Receptionist/ W are house w o rke r. D u tie s -- answering phones to stock p re p a ra tio n . $9/hr. Fax 905-842-2623 O A K V IL L E Lan dscapin g Com pany hiring fo r spring season. D rive r's lice n ce required. Fax or e-mail re sume to 905-338-2621 qaKtenwizardffca, inter.net LO O K IN G fo r f it fem a le p a rtn e r w ith a h ea lth or business backg rou nd fo r sta rt-u p m o tiva tio n a l spea king b u siness. Paul (905)-633-7512 · F/T & P/T ESTHETICIANS (Oakville) · REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPISTS WE OFFER: Competitive salary, a compre hensive benefits package and extensive training and growth opportunities. Auto Body Person Experienced body repair person for busy Collision Centre. Full unibody experience manditory. Excellent wages and benefits, call 905- 689-9812 FRENCH TR A N S LA T O R re q u ire d by B u rlin g to n com pany. Your experience and e x p e rtis e w ill be in technical fields. This is an in-house position. If q ua li fied, please em ail your re sum e to: pjo dry @ idirect.com or fa x to: (905)336-5215. Please in c lu de c o ve rin g le tte r in French A E R O S P A C E tra in e e in m etal fin is h in g w anted. R o tatin g s h ifts in 24/7 w o rkp la ce in O akville . $ 1 2 ./h r. Fax P lacem ent Plus S h erid a n C o lle g e / Sue 905-815-4115 ___ ____ E L E C T R IC IA N - R e g is tered apprentice, 3rd or 4th year, m otivated, excellen t customer service and com munication skills, skilled in tro u b le s h o o tin g , c o n d u it b e n d in g and in s ta lla tio n . Fax re su m e (9 0 5 )3 3 7 8198. Please send your resumes to: S. Cozzetto, (416) 754-2484 or e-mail: scozzetto@collega.com r A n equal o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo y e r www.gojobs.gov.on.ca Ontario n n general help wanted PART TIME MENTOR $221.65 PER 24 HOUR PERIOD To provide supervision, support and ad vocacy to young people 16-21 in semi-in dependent living environment. General knowledge of adolescents; Child & Youth W orker diploma or equivalent combination of education and relevant experience. Valid driver's license and road worthy vehicle. Please submit a resume by 5 p.m. Friday, April 6 to S. Crook, Halton Adolescent Support Services, 720 Guelph Line, Su ite 301, Burlington, Ontario L7R 4E2 Fax (905)-333-9849. general help wanted 510 general help wanted 510 general help wanted Fresh Opportunities! Ultra Food & Drug Upper Middle Rd. & 8th Line We are looking for candidates who recognize that Customer Care is the most important skill they bring to our business. Work while your kids are in school! FOOD SERVICE PROVIDER IN OAKVILLE HIGH SCHOOLS REQUIRES: S E A M STR ESS needed. Part-time and full-time, Bur lington area. C all Laura 905-632-8081 skilled & technical help Flexible working schedules: weekends, days, evenings or night shifts The following part time positions are available: Short order cook & G eneral w orkers Full and part-time · Benefits Plan Uniform supplied · Competitive wage Call for interview 416-255-6131 Ext. 491 M A C A R T IS T Oakville publishing company requires a fulltime Mac Artist to work on magazines and ad layouts. Experienced in Quark, Illustrator and Photoshop. · DAYTIME CASHIERS · NIGHT CREW GROCERY CLERKS · HEALTH & WELLNESS CLERKS · GARDEN CENTRE CLERKS (Pay rates based on experience for the above positions) Invoicing/Stock Control Supervisor & Entry Level Invoicing/Stock Control Clerk Wholesale distributor in Campbellville, is accepting resumes for Invoicing/Stock Control Department. Must have previous experience in computerized environment, preferably in lumber/flooring industry. Own transportation required. Fax resume to: (905) 842-6843 Attn: Art Director T RADES Graham Packaging Canada Limited, is seeking an · Ontario Certified Industrial Electrician - 1 · Licensed Millwright - 1 for its Burlington fa cility. Duties include tro u bleshooting problems on various types plastic pro cess machines and related equipment. Our seven day continuous shift operation, offers a competitive hourly rate, comprehensive benefits package and the oppor tunity to apply your technically advanced skills with one of the world's premier manufacturer of custommade blow moulded plastic containers. Please apply in confidence to: GRAHAM PACKAGING CANADA LIMITED 4041 North Sen/ice Rd.,Burlington, ON, L7L 4X6 E-mail: brian.resch@grahampackaging.com INSTORE JOB FAIR W ednesday 28th, Thursday 29th, Friday 30th 1pm - 5pm Please apply in person with resum e and bring related references Fax resume to Coooie (905) 854-6104 fo o d & d ru g The Great Atlantic & Pacific Company of Canada Limited The Burlington Post, a division of Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing Ltd. is accepting resumes for the position of U \tia THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Requires Youth and Adults to join our delivery team as carriers. Delivery Days are Wednesday, Friday & Saturday For more information please call Circulation Department = £ SHOPPERS X DRUG MART in Oakville Place requires F/T Dispensary Assistant Fax resumes to 905-842-3732 attn: Arthur Cheung PET G roo m er w a nte d at M rs. Paw 's M obile. S u b contractor or employee po sitions available, call Sue 905-336-8898 The Shoe Company Accepting Applications for Managers in Training Sales Associates Cashiers Apply at Booth #121 April 17 at The Halton Job & Career Fair GENERAL ACCOUNTANT: Immediate. Manuf. envir. a must: automotive ideal. CGA (or finalist); 2 yrs. min exp. Strong problem solving, email: Q iQ liQ Q trans-united.net or fax: Alice G iglio 905-6325777 LA N D S C A P E com pany O ak v ille based requires e x pe rienced help in c o n struction, maintenance, etc. Fax resum e to 905 -84 90077. M O B ILE W ash co. re quires neat, reliable, hard working personnel. Must be w illin g and able to work flexible hours & weekends. Fulltime for the right person. Call (905)633-9373 office-clerical SPECIAL FEATURES WRITER Reporting to the Director of Advertising, the Special Features Writer is responsible for the editorial content and layout of in-paper features, as well as any publication created by the Burlington Post. The ideal candidate will have strong writing and editorial skills with a proficiency in both Microsoft Word and Quark. Familiarity with a Macintosh-based platform is preferred. This position requires a personable individual with excellent organizational skills and the ability to manage multiple tasks while on deadline. A flair for corporate communications and familiarity with print ad vertising would be an asset. Creative input is encouraged. The ability to work with minimal supervision, as well as in a team en vironment is essential. Please fax or mail resumes before April 6. 2001 to the attention of: SALES Must be articulate, well groomed, knowledge of fitness an asset. Hand deliver resume: The Body Shaping Fitness Studio For Women 183 Lakeshore Rd. Oakville Tel: (905) 849-1919 525 office-clerical Secretary/Receptionist Person Friday Database Marketing company located in west end Mississauga requires a secretary to perform the following duties: data entry; telephone answering; filing; database updating; report generation. Skills in Microsoft Office products an asset. Fax resum e: (9 0 5 ) 5 6 9 -2 2 8 6 o r em ail: jo b s @ d b c o n .n e t Only those being considered will receive response. ( 905 ) 845-9742 LA N D S C A P E C o n s tru c tion Foreman: Experienced in all aspects of construc tion. Fax resume to: (905)331-3292_________________ LA N D S C A P E C o n s tru c tio n Lab ourers required . Drivers licence/ experience an asset. W age com m en surate with experience. Fax resume: (905)631-7848 LA N D S C A P E c o n tra c to r lo oking fo r expe rienced help. G reat wages. Excel lent grow th potential. Fax resum e in c o nfid ence: (905)335-7102 LA N D S C A P E help required in the Oakville area. C all A lb e rt at 905 -33 70855 LA N D S C A P E R w anted, experienced in construction and m ain te n a n ce . Good wages for the right person. Fax resum e to: (905)6343411. H E A LT H & S A FE TY C o ordinator ~ Immediate: Ma nuf. envir. a must; automo tive pref. 5 yrs. min. exper. in cl. c u rre n t le g is la tio n . em ail:QiQlio® trans-united.net or Fax: A lic e G ig lio 905632-5777. BLOSSOMS UP Shop @ Home Home Party Reps Needed Top Commissions Paid Decorative Home Accessories... Wrought iron, linens, gifts, etc. Call: BILINGUAL CLIENT SERVICES Our client, a Burlington based leasing company, requires a fulltim e Bilingual (Fr./Eng.) Client Services Rep. This position requires an energeticv individual that is able to work in a fast-paced environm ent. Please forward resumes in confidence to: Kim Slessor N ew H om es & R eal Estate M a n ag e r c/o B urlington Post 2321 F a irvie w S treet, Burlington ON L7R 2E3 Fax: (9 0 5 ) 632 -1 1 21 (905) 813-7324 ATHAY SERVICES INC. Fax: (905) 338-1225 · E-mail: athay@idirect.com

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