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Oakville Beaver, 30 May 2001, C05

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Wednesday, May 30, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER CLERICAL SU PPO RT/ CUSTOM ER SERVICE REP. Immediate opening available, primary responsibilities: data entry input, customer service callbacks and general office duties. Customer relations, strong or ganizational skills & working knowledge of WordPer fect/Access software are assets, however will train. Temporary F/T position which may lead to permanent employment. An excellent entry level position. Fax/ mail resume to: General Manager, Integrated M arket S o lu tio n s Inc., 99 Bronte R d ., P.O. Box 530 O a k v ille , ON L6 L 3B7 F a x : ( 9 0 5 ) 331-8411 SECU RITY P o s itio n C o ndom inium H igh-rise, Concierge/Front Desk Duty, some patrol work, suit re tired person. Rotating shift work including weekends, starting rate $9/hr w/benefit package available. Please fax resume: (905) 632-9366 or co n ta ct Don at (905) 632-3791 fo r more in fo r mation. R E S ID E N T IA L Care F a c ility lo oking for m a in tenance person full or parttim e. Please call M onique or Sherry, (905)335-3463 or fax resume at (905)3351202______________________ EASY W orkl E xce lle nt Pay! C om pany requires Data C lerks im m edia tely. PT-FT. Must have comput er. 1-888-509-237 8 Ref#607.__________________ FIRE your boss! W ork at home on line, $2000+ parttime. Call/email 1-877-4181741 www.123ezgold.com TE LEM A R K E TE R /S ales RepG reat telep hone manner/ attitude; familiarity with computers; energy and enthusiasm ! G reat p ro d ucts and a fast paced work enviro nm e nt; e x c e l lent pay structure with base salary plus bonuses; bene fit plan. Fax: Derek Swan: 905-84 7-59 91, ca ll 905847-5990 e x t.237, em ail: dswan @lasemetworks.com Automotive Apprentice F/T. Min. 2-yrsexp. TOP NOTCH TECHNICIAN Burlington's Best Customer Focussed Auto Repair Shop fo r 7 consecutive years is looking fo r another one of Burlington's Best Technicians. We otter: On-going training Exc. work conditions Competitive wages Call Rex at X302 905-336-2266 or (leave mess, after hrs.) The successful candidate w ill have a: History of Exceptional Quality; Valid Automotive Technicians Licence; History of Excellent Customer Service; High Income in a Flat Rate Environment V/e offer. Competitive Compensation; Full Benefit Program; Profit Sharing; Excellent Working Con d itions; B u rlin g to n 's Finest Technical Team; Family Based Employment Standards Please apply to: C A N A D IAN V eteransW W II, Korea and P eace keeping veterans needed to v o lu n te e r to speak to students in local schools. P u blic speaking pre p a ra tion workshops to be held Burlington, June 9th; Tor onto June 16th (travel sub sidy provided). Please call Jessica, The Dominion In stitute (416)368-9627. OVER 30 years e x p e ri ence! Concrete, driveway, patio, flagstone work, curbs, veranda s, w aterproofing, brick repair, repair of leak ing basements, concrete or wood. Free estimates. 905527-6694 or 905-689-1765. A1 R enovations, ba th room s/ w hirlpools, plum b ing, ceramic, drywall, paint ing, texture sprayin g. L i censed carpenter. R e fer ences. Ted, 905-238-3252. A Custom builder. Second Storeys, K itchens, B a th rooms, Basements. "Turn key Service" 905-272-5911 CU STO M -M AD E d ra p e r ies valances, sheers, bed/ tab le / ch a ir co-ordina tes, fabrics, in stallation. 10yrs exp. Sherry- (905)-634-6706 morganinteriors@home.com RELO CATOR S: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in clu des 2 p rofession al m overs, truck and in surance. Best rates on long distance. (905)-844-8733. To Place Your Classified Ad Call 632-4440, 337-5610 or Fax 632-8165 T E L E C O M M U N IC A TIO N S professionals professionals CONDO PROPERTY MANAGER As the largest and fastest growing c o n d o m in iu m m a n a g e m e n t c o m p a n y in th is area, G re e n w in M a n a g e m e n t is ag ain expanding and w e are looking for an e x p e r ie n c e d a n d p r o a c tiv e in d iv id u a l to m an ag e a portfolio of co nd o m in ium clie n ts in the Burlington/O akville area. Industry seeking self-motivated individuals in Sales. B ackground in CATV and c om puter s k ills an assetStudents w elcom e. (May lead to other job avenues) Call 905-548-0000 I office-clerical Mr. John Vice-Service Manager 777 Guelph Line (Fairview St. Access) Burlington, ON L7R3N2 525 office-clerical 525 offlca-ciericai Community Notices Vendors Wanted VENDORS WANTED C R E D IT D E P A R T M E N T RECEPTION IST required, pleasant tele p h o n e m a n ner, basic computer knowl edg e, fu ll-tim e , fle x ib le hours. Fax resum e: (905) 842-9483 or call (905)8423001__________________ ;___ M ATURE, fle x ib le person required for reception/ vari ous a d m in is tra tiv e duties for vacation coverage, sick day coverage & P/T work. Must be proficient in Word, very pleasant phone m an ner, outgoing personality. $10./hr. Reply Box-1839, d o, B u rlington Post, 2321 Fairview , B u rlington, L7R 2E3_______________________ SECRETARY required for local B u rlington firm . 2530hrs. a week. Must have experience with simply ac coun ting and be a team player. Casual work en v i ronm ent. Fax resum e to (905)335-4454, Attn: Steve Hibbert.___________________ R E AL ESTATE S e cre tary, experienced, required by high- profile Burlington company. Evenings & wee kends. Fax resum e: 905335-4661__________________ C ASS & Bishop seek a Real Estate Secretary with solid law office experience. Resume to (fax): 905-6329076 or e-m a il; cass bishoptuck @cgocable.net Birthday iH ftP P y 8 5 th K ` P S IT , M 'E K T .D r m ' Fax your resume to Jim Bezemer Greenwin Managem ent @ 905-547-5080 --------------- 510 general help wanted 510 R eq uires general help wanted Ludlow M edical Products Inc. F/T W arehouse/Delivery Personnel M ust p o s s e s s a valid driver's license. Driver's abstract required. Sh ipp in g/R eceiving and W are h o u se exp erien ce preferred. M e chan ica l ability required. O n-call involved. P le a se se n d resum e o r apply within to: Burlington firm has an immediate, P/T opening in it's A/R Dept., 10-3pm. Duties include dealing with trade customers, banking, account collections, assisting on reception, order desk and customer service. Excellent computer and communication skills essential. Previous exp. in account collections required. If you thrive in busy environment and are a self-confident, conscien tious, strong-willed individual, please forward your resume by fax to: (905) 634-0992 or email to kobe@kobefahrics.com. No phone calls please. GIANT a t HUN'S TRASH IS ANOTm MAN'S TKA8URB Community Garage Sale June 02,2001 8:00 am -1:00 pm Oakville Place Mall so u th p a rk in gm t Tables... $15.00 ea. op Z lo r 825.00 monies raised wU go back Into the Oakvme Community CARRIERS WANTED in A ld ershot area · S h ep h erd s Dr. >W ayn e PI C e d a r Ave · S p ring b an k C re s · M aplehurst >D o rset A v e 'N e z i o l G r o u p Insurance & financial Solutions Registration forms avanawe at INSURANCE CUSTOMER SERVICE Are you an experienced RIBO licenced Customer Service Representative with a stable work history who recently transfer red here? Is your present office being closed, moved or consolidated? We have a career opportunity for a detail-minded problem solver in our Mississauga Office. Experience on REALTIME/TABS or SIGNASSURE is an asset but not required. We offer continuing training, solid pay and benefits, and a friendly workplace. Please phone, fax or email your resume to: Michelle Gurr, the NEZIOL Group 1107 Lome Park Road, #201 Mississauga, Ontario L5H 3A1 Ph (905)274-8840 Fax (905)274-5400 email: mgurr@neziol.com O A m ifP lA tt m i concierge desk tMany warm ivishzs from every good thing the best tiind o f birthday couCdpossibly bring. or dy calling Ralph @ 905-257-5241 HKH SCHOOL STUOBVTSIGDNG VOLUNTm HOURS, W ftm i YOU Love from your famity 595 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6K 2G4 . Attention: A lliso n Young Schranz Call Bob 905-632-0588 ext 264 PREM IER Fitness Clubs hirin g F T /-P /T C leane rs/ H ousekeepinge x p e ri enced p referred. M/F. W eekda ys/ W eekend... Apply 3430 Fairview, Bur lington, fax 905-333-1414 attn: Sharon SPO N SO RSH IP & Event Planning A ssista nt- im me diately, full-time. Must have own tra n s p o rta tio n . N on sm oking enviro nm e nt. Send resume to (905)8276333._____________________ DRIVERS w ith com m e r cia l expe rience. $550. weekly. Paid training, com pany vehicle, bonuses. Ha m ilto n /B u rlin g to n area. (905)681-6748___________ BANQUET staff/ Dishwash ers/ Short Order Cooks re quired fo r golf course in Oakville. Fax resumes 905827-8997__________________ A L L -R IT E M overs-- In O ak v ille is hirin g M overs helpersE xp erience an asset but w illin g to train. Wage depending upon ex perience. Valid D.L. Call 905-847-1378 or fax 905847-6434__________________ C A R P E N T E R /la b o u r e r required full-tim e for home renovations in Burlington, O a kville & M ississauga. M ust have expe rience & own tra n s p o rta tio n . C all (905)632-9399_____________ PR O D UC TIO N M achine O perators- required by Burlington manufacturer. 2-shifts- Training provided. Send resum e to: Nixon Integ rated M achining D esigns Ltd., 3291 M ainw ay, Units 5 & 6 . Burlington, L7M 1A6________ SUBCONTRACTORS needed for evening office c le anin g in B u rlington & O ak v ille area. C all 905330-2639._________________ J IF F Y L U B E . FT/PT p o s i tions available at Burlington & Oakville's fastest growing oil change centres. Experi ence an asset but will train s uitab le candidates. Drop off resume at: 1221 Guelph Line (at Mainway), Burling ton, or 645 Third Line (at Speers), Oakville _________ Q U A L IT Y con scie n tio u s com pany seeks dep end able person fo r assem bly work with good mechanical ability and experience with hand tools. Wage depends on expe rience. (M ilton). Reply by fax only: (905)875-4729 H E R B A L M AGIC For Table Set-Up, Face- Painting, Bouncy Castle Supervision 6tc. sponsored by OAKVUf-lBAFAL6AH LIO N SC LU B In co-operation with OAKVUf P LA C E MAU y Deaths BURT, Shirley - Passed away suddenly at her home on May 26,2001. Born May 30,1925, Shirley Lawie Grant Hutcheon, beloved wife of the late James Burt. Lovingly remembered by her two daughters, Sheila Malecki and Pamela (Leon) Munoz and grandchildren Kristen, Nicole and David. At the request of Shirley, there will be cremation and no service. Friends who wish to remember Shirley, may send donations to the Oakville Humane Society, the Red Cross, Canadian Diabetes Association or a charity of choice. Shirley will be sadly missed by those who knew her as a kind and good soul. F/T Health Counsellor Position A vailable P ro v id e w e ig h t m a n ag em en t co u n s e lin g & s e ll h e r b a l p r o d u c ts in a c lin ic s e ttin g . S a le s exp . p referred , e x c e lle n t o p p o rtu n i ty for advancem ent. Host Families H OM ESTAYS/HOST FAM ILIES required for international students attending private school in Oakville. If you live in Oakville and would like to participate in this educational and cultural program by accommodating a student from another country in your home please contact: Call (905) 469-4532, ask for Sara #1: Production/Shipping: F/T DAYS: Chemical batch/ blending and packaging operation. Environmental chemicals. Mechanical aptitude. Will train. Hourly + benefits. IN SIDE Sales R e pre sen tative needed. Must be up beat, sales-oriented. likes ta lk in g on the phone and w ith excellent English lan guage skills. $10./hr., perm. F u ll-tim e / days. C all M ichelle at 905-827-8230 to apply.___________________ S A LES Rep. required for International Health Com pany. Full training provided. 905-848-0428._____________ M AR K ETIN G I need someone to learn my busi ness. Need leadership a b ility / desire fo r above a verage incom e. C all N e stor e x t.78, 905-6815515 Ann Rogers - Homestay Coordinator call 905-827-5807 Room & Board Remuneration - $720./monthly. 'A t peace at last" #2: Driver/Shipper » F/T Davs: Southern Ontario area. Must have valid AZ/DZ drivers license, clean abstract, TDG driving experience. Hourly rate + h p n p fitc therm oshell D ue to o u r continued grow th in the M ilton, O akville and T oronto - W est m arketing areas we now have openings for tw o com m issioned m arketing and sales professionals. Responsibilities include the sale o f hom e heat ing oil and equipm ent, diesel fuel and gaso line to b o th the dom estic/residential and com m ercial/industrial markets. Previous experience in dom estic/residential a n d /o r small com m ercial/industrial sales w ould be a definite asset. You m ust provide your ow n vehicle. W e offer an attractive com m ission com pensa tion package including car allowance. A com prehensive training program will be provided. To pursue this o p p o rtu n ity please forward y our resum e including salary history to: T h erm oshell Inc., 200 C ochrane D rive U n it #1, M arkham , O n ta rio L3R 8E 7 A tten tio n : M arketing an d Sales M anager Fax 905 -4 7 0 -7 8 0 7 No phone calls please. R egretfully only those being considered w ill be acknow ledged. InMemoriams DICKINSON, K e n - In lovin g m e m o ry of a d e a r H u sb a n d , F a th e r an d G ra n d fath er. W h o p a s s e d a w a y M a y 30th, 1993. F A X R E S U M E S A S A P TO: ControlChem Canada Ltd Fax: (905) 319-0438 RATTLESNAKE POINT GOLF CLUB, MILTON seeking OAKVILLE INSURANCE BROKERAGE is looking for a · BANQUET CAPTAINS · BAR SUPERVISORS Full time for year round banquet facility. Inquiries call Dallas at RIBO Licenced CSR to h a n d le s a le s & se rv ic in g of a p e r so n a l lin e s p o rtfo lio . M in . 3 y e a r s experience. Agency M anager an asset. Today recalls the memory O f a loved one gone to rest. And those who think of him today Are those who loved him best. The flowers we lay upon his grave May wither and decay, But the love for him who lies beneath Will never fade away L o v in g ly rem e m b e re d by W ife C a ro l an d c h ild re n B ria n a n d Lyn da, M a rk an d S e r e n a a n d S h a w n a n d Je n n , g ra n d ch ild re n K a yla , an d A s h le y (B.Phm., 1937 University of Toronto). On Monday, May 28, 2001 at the Bennett Health Care Centre in Georgetown, in his 88th year. Jackson, beloved husband of Helen (McBride). Loving father of Beverley and her husband Donald Peat of Oakville and Jane and her husband John Stephen of Burlington. He will be lovingly remembered by his grandchildren Andrew and Kathryn Peat and Jennifer, Geoffrey and Robert Stephen. Visitation at the Kopriva Tayior Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Thursday and from 1:00, p.m. Friday. A service to celebrate the life of Jackson will be held on Friday, June 1, 2001 at 2:00 p.m. in the chapel. Interment St. Jude's Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Alzheimer's Society would be appreciated. Condolences may be emailed to the family at: info@koprivataylorfuneralhome.com. OSBORNE, Jackson Perry - 905-878-6222, ext. 2006 Please fax resume to: (905)693-1900 PENGELLEY, Dorothy Jane - Peacefully on T he O a k y itte 'B e a v e r w illfe a tu r e a s p e c ia lp a g e o n Tuesday, May 29, 2001 at Oakvilte-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Dorothy (Crosby), beloved wife of Peter Pengelley. Dear mother of Linda and her husband Keith Shakespeare, Graham and his wife Heather Pengelley and the late Phillip Pengelley Jr. Loving grandmother of Amy, Eric and J ill Shakespeare and Stephen and Leia Pengelley. Great grandmother to Ellie Goodman. Arrangements Kopriva Taylor Commmunity Funeral Home, Oakville. A service to celebrate Dorothy's life will be held 10:30 a.m., Saturday, June 2, 2001 at the Church of the Epiphany, 141 Bronte Road, Oakville. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Wildlife Federation or Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital would be appreciated. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Contract: 12-18 months, Full-time potential. East Oakville. Experience in Customer Service, transporta tion or warehousing Computer literate MS office Wages 12-13/hr. Contact: Fax resume to: T. Stuart, 905-845-9149 Sunday, June 17 o f In Memoriams dedicated to fathers, Qrandfathers, Uncles, typftezvs and specialfriends. R ` emember that special someone at this time. C a ll C la s s ifie d 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 f o r d e ta ils J.P. Anderson & Associates careers@jpanderson.com Fax: 905-634-3850, Ph: 905-634-3222 Part-time PCA/ PSW Required day/even ing shifts for The Kensington a luxury retirement residence in Oakville. Personal Care Worker/Health Care Certificate & health care exp. required. Exp. with seniors an asset. Fax resume to: Sylvia Scott (905) 842-9229 & Re t i r erne 7tvX_C«mmMiii ties Employment Opportunity within large local building supply company. Year round outside work. Forklift certification a must, as well as the ability to operate a chainsaw/certification would be an asset. Fax resumes to 905-876-3230 D E N TA L A ssista nt re quired, full-time, Burlington office , sta rt im m ediately. HARP, reception duties. Fax resume: 905-336-0774 The "Original" Chaps Full & Part-time DISHWASHERS & WAIT STAFF LINE COOKS Top $$$ Paid to Qualified Cooks! APPLY AT 3315 Fairview, Burl. J A K E 'S G R ILL & O yster House. Join the Crew!- Im m ediate openings for en thusiastic Servers & Dish washers. Be a part of Bur lington's finest fresh fish & oyster house! G reat shifts available. Please bring re sume to: 950 Walkers Line (At Travelodge). 905-6394084______________________ GER A L D O ' S L a S a l l e Banquet Conference Cen tre requires part-time Ban quet Wait Staff, Dishwash ers & Line Cooks. Excellent wages, exc e lle n t w orking enviro nm e nt. Fax: 905631-8432, Apply 50 Northshore BlvdE., Burlington. E A S TE R B R O O K 'S R es taurant requires mature full/ part-tim e counter staff. In clu des evening and w ee kend hours. A pply in per son: 2433 New St., Burling to n _______________________ C A FE T E R IA help re quired approx. 30 hrs/week. Should be fluent in English, well-groomed, with the wil lingness to learn. Will train. Start $8/hr. Call Steve bet ween 1-2pm at 9 0 5 -8 2 9 6866______________________ TH E C o ach and F ou r is now lo o k in g to h ire e x p e rie n c e d k itc h e n (fu ll tim e) and w a it s ta ff (part time). Apply in person with re su m e 243 2 L a k e s h o re Rd. West, Oakville.________ E ASTSID E M arios Now H iring Prep/ Pizza/ Salad C ooks. A pply in person: 2000 Appleby Line, B u r lington SPLASH N IG H TC LU B , B u rlington. Now H iring: Bussers, Bartenders & Se cu rity. C all to arrange an interview 905-333-3474 Funeral Directors ^W SIM, Gil - (Founder of Halton Plumbing). On Monday, May 28, 2001 at the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, in his 73rd year. Gil, loving husband of Rita. Dear father of Katie Ferstl and Michael, grandfather to Steven Ferstl, Michael Ferstl, Valerie Sim and Derek Sim, and brother of Ernest Sim of Oakville, Maurice Sim of Burlington and Bill Sim and Barbara Fairweather, both of Scotland. Friends will be received at the Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. on Thursday. A private family service will be held in the Chapel on Friday at 1 p.m. Interment Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. As an expression of sympathy, donations to the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation or to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. T T T T T U n H o ttb H A . OAKVIEW FUNERAL HOM E. Full & Part-time DONUT & BAKERY Some experience required, will train ' Employee benefits* Apply in person or call 5051 Harvester Rd., Burlington (Appleby Line & Harvester Road) Our family serving your family 56 L A K E S H O R E R O A D W ES T O A K V ILLE Funeral Directors · D o n C la rk e ·G re g o ry S id o ra Tina Q u e n n e v ille · P a tric k M cD e rm o tt · Tam m y C o ok I sa lo n S s p a help THE OAKVILLE BEAVER te currently looking for carriers in the following areas: Old Colony Rd. Monks Passage Pilgrims Way Orsett St. Tennyson Dr. Warner Dr. Tweedsdale Cr. Glenashton Dr. Chalfield Dr. Caradoc Lane Elizabeth Place/Grand Blvd. Park Ave. Brentwood Rd. Melvin Ave. Morrison Rd/Lynnbrook Maple Grove Dr./Duncan Rd. H A IR S T Y LIS T E.Q. Hairstyles of Burlington re quire s H a irs ty lis t fu ll or part-time. Call Edd at 905333-3073__________________ SE NK A Spa & B eauty Clinic requires an Estheticia n / N ail T e ch nician, for full/ part-time, with or with out c lie n te le , Call (905)332-6262_____________ HAIR Salon for sale. Great B u rlington lo ca tio n in a busy plaza! 7 stations. Call 905-630-2244 LIFESTYLE 842-2252 TAYLOR, Norma Jean - 905-681-1841 W AN TED Experienced Carpenters(s) required for a General Contractor. Super visory skills and retail ex perience required. A pplic ant must be flexible, avail able to work out of town and have va lid driver's li cense. Please fax resume with qualifications, experi ence & hou rly rate to:(905)333-5746. RNs RPNs PSWs Needed Immediately. All Shifts Available. MANAGERS Management experience required. Benefits available Must be flexible days/ hours. Apply at FamilyServices A lc o h o lic s A n o n y m o u s If you drink, that's your b usiness If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 Instacare Call 905-338-5611 9am -5pm RE CE PTIO N IS T required part-tim e for busy Oakville m edical c lin ic . Evening & weekend hours with occa sional relief daytime hours. OHIP experience an asset. E xc e lle n t opp o rtu n ity for frie n d ly , responsible p e r son. Fax resume: 905-3383731______________________ ARE you right fo r our c li nic? Looking for energetic, vibrant assistant for Chiro practic & W ellness Centre in O akville. 30-hrs/w eek, som e evenings required . Health care experience preferred. Please fax resume to (905)465-2101 D ENTAL H yg ienist. E x perienced with exceptional people and organizational skills, to im plem ent perio d on tal m aintenance p ro gram . 3 days per week. C all 905 -87 8-98 82 or fax resume to: 905-631-5568 THREE Doctor office, West M ississauga, lo oking fo r fulltime Medical Reception is t/ V e n ip u n c tu ris t. One year medical office experi ence necessary. Fax resume 905-820-9468________ D ENTAL A ss is ta n t F/T needed for a busy Oakville office. Some evenings. No weekends. Please fax resume to: 905-842-0128 RN or RPN w/m eds, parttime evenings/ night & week end days available.Computer experience an asset. Great working conditions. Comp etitive rates, good benefits. Mail/ Fax/ Drop off resume: Christopher Terrace Retire ment Home, 3131 New St., Burlington. Fax: 905-6325074, Attn: Marie deBoer 5051 Harvester Rd., Burlington or fax 905-681-1841 attn: Robin Evans Suddenly and peacefully at her home on Saturday, May 26, 2001. Norma (Hamilton), beloved wife of Ray Taylor. Dear mother of Bryan, Wayne (Sue), David (Rose), Bruce (Sue), and Christine. Sister of Marjorie Helka, and Eileen Hamilton. Loving grandmother of Melissa, Amy, Miranda, Sarah, Ryan, Wesley and Chelsea. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home. 64 Lakeshore Road, West, Oakville from 7-9 p.m. Tuesday. Funeral Service to follow Wednesday, May 30, 2001 at 1:30 p.m. in the Chapel. In lieu of flowers, those who wish may make donations to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Heart and Stroke Foundation. A u th o r iz w ^ V In s ta lle d ' Sale of Lands Sale of Lands SH ER IFF'S SALE OF LANDS R oo tin g S e r v ic e s If interested please call Circulation Department at (905)845-9742 The Body Shaping Fitness Studio for Women is seeking P A R T-TIM E V e terin ary R e ception. O a kville lo c a tio n , w eekday s ta rtin g at 3:15 pm and som e w ee kends required . M ust be p ro fic ie n t in w ritten and verbal E nglish. D uties in clude: adm inistrative, ani mal care and m ore. Fax only to 905-257-1929 SUB-CONTRACTORS for re-roofing, competitive rates and lots of extras Also hourly SHINGLERS SHINGLE J.C . S Hot Bagels requires individuals for Counter Help F /T & P /T Apply w/resume, UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Seizure and Sale issued out of the Superior Court of Justice at Toronto, Ontario, dated July 8, 1999, Court File Number 92-CU-57581, to me directed, against the real and personal property of DAVID ONOFRE, Defendant, at the suit of NATIONAL BANK OF CANADA, Plaintiff, I HAVE SEIZED AND TAKEN into execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of DAVID ONOFRE. Part Lot11, Con 2 Trafalgar, North of Dundas Street, As in 770773 T/W 154316 Oakville/Trafalgar, Regional Municipality of Halton. The subject property is municipally known as 489 Burnhamthorpe Rd., East, Oakville, Ontario L6J 4Z2. ALL OF WHICH said right, title, interest and equity of redemption of DAVID ONOFRE, Defendant, in the said lands and tenements described above, I shall offer for sale by Public Auction subject to the conditions set out below at, The Court House, 491 Steeles Ave. E., in the Town of Milton, Ontario, L9T1Y7, on Thursday, June 14, 2001. at 11:00 A.M. 1-877-943-7663 i Fax: 416-785-8485 j Roseland Plaza Guelph Ln/New St. H ousekeeper VISTAMERE RETIREMENT RESIDENCE Part-time summer relief housekeeper. Hotel or retirement experience necessary. EXPERIENCED CHILDCARE PROVIDER 183 Lakeshore. Oak. INK Process Operator for P roduction Line. QC e x perience an asset. Shifts. $12/hr. Call Valerie at 905277-4800, ext. 222 or email valerie® worth person nel.com Tel: (905) 849-1919 Fax (905) 849-1913 EXPER IENC ED Telem arketer, part tim e, Bur lington. Evenings and Sat urdays. Approx 12 hours per week. $8 + bonus. Call T hursday between 4:30 & 9pm, ask fo r Linda (905)335-3751 M IC RO FILM Service. O akville company requires productio n help, fu lltim e days. $8/hr. plus benefits. Fax resume/ letter to: 905825-1338; C all 905-8251166 RECEPTIONIST Part-time Oakville, evenings & weekends, strong keyboarding skills, pleasant telephone manner a must. Auto Body Person Experienced body repair person for busy Collision Centre. Full unibody experience manditory. Excellent wages and benefits, call 905-577-3177 HVAC com pany looking for Gas Fitter and Rough-in P erson fo r new Homes, call 905-689-2100 M ONTESSORI school requires teachers for CASA program to start Sept./01. Please fax resume to: 905332-9777 CONDITIONS: The purchaser to assume responsibility for all mortgages, charges, liens, outstanding taxes, and other encumbrances. No representation is made regarding the title of the land or any other matter relating to the interest to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchaser (s). Terms: Deposit 10% of bid price or $1000.00, whichever is greater Payable at time of sale by successful bidder To be applied to purchase price Non-refundable Ten business days from date of sale to arrange financing and pay balance in full at The Milton Court House, 491 Steeles Ave. E., Milton, Ontario All payments in cash or by certified cheque made payable to The Minister of Finance Deed Poll provided by Sheriff only upon satisfactory payment in full of Purchase price Other conditions as announced. Please apply at 380 Sherin Drive Oakville BUSY dow ntown B u rlin g ton resta ura nt h iring F/T First Cook/ Third Year Ap prentice. Fax resume (905)-6 32-6064 or call (905)-632-6682____________ JUDGE& Jury requires a fu lltim e Line Cook with minimum 3-5 years experi ence. Hours include even ings & weekends. Call 905SI 9-1655 Fax resumes to 905-338-7452 Attn: Carol C O LLIS IO N E s tim a to rCity Automotive requires a junior estimator. Some ex perie nce necessary. Call K elly or Randy (905)3351499 R E LIA B LE , co n s c ie n tious, honest cle anin g woman available. Burling ton only. References sup plied. 905-547-8642 PROFESSIONAL - clean in g la d ie s a v a ila b le . 10 y e a rs e x p e rie n c e . R e a s o n a b le p ric e s . S u p e r vised, trained. References a v a ila b le , B o nded. C a ll Is a b e lla . C all (9 05)5416484 THIS SALE NOTICE IS SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION BY THE SHERIFF WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE UP TO THE TIME OF SALE. 'Note: No employee of the Ministry of the Attorney General may purchase any goods or chattels, lands or tenements exposed for sale by a Sheriff under legal process, either directly or indirectly. ALISON HEDDEN, Supervisor Client Sen/ices Regional Municipality of Halton (905) 878-7285

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