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Oakville Beaver, 13 Jun 2001, D05

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Wednesday, June 13, 2001 help wanted THE OAKVILLE BEAVER general help wanted D5 RF1 W A N T E D RETAIL DEPARTMENT MANAGER For large hardware department store. Requires, experienced Housewares manager. Wage & benefit package commensurate with experience. Please fax resumes to 905-689-0990, attn. Human Resources A S S IS TA N T Yard Foreman & Retail Salesperson required at Rona Cashway in O akville . C all Dave, (905)337-1533. _ SU P E R I N T E N D E NT - - Production Coordinator needed for fast-paced and growing magazine print production company. Qualified candidate must be proficient in Acrobat (PDFing), Quark Xpress, Illus trator and Filemaker programs with exceptional or ganizational skills. Please lax resume with salary expectations: Attn: Production M anager, 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -6 8 4 3 A C RO / Jazz Dance Tea cher w ho's e x p e ri enced, e n e rg e tic & lo ves w o rking w ith recre ational and com p e titive dancers. Sends resume to: P.O. Box 1478, Waterdown, ON LOR 2HO by June 22nd. ELE C T R IC IA N a v ailab le for any size jo b, w ill beat any w ritte n quo te. Call Paul, ce ll (416)434-6121, (905)873-7739.________ ___ DECK washing and s e a l ing. Custom b u ilt decks available. Great Prices. Li censed C a rpe nte r. (905) 332-9528, (905)827-5569 C o m m u n h j'N o t ic e s Deaths S 0K 0 L , K azim ierz "Bob" - entered into rest at CARPENTER specializing in fin e c a rp e n try ^ trim s , m oulds, doors, w a inscottin g , fire p la c e m a n te ls . Liviu (416) 561-7156 P LU M BIN G R epairs, New in s ta lla tio n s , a lte ra tions. B asem ent drain s, bathroom s, dryw all, fram ing, tilin g . No Job Too Small. Frank, 639-3874. LYDIAN Inc...Q uality Ren ovations, Basements, Bath room s, K itch ens, etc. Li censed Insured B uilding R enovator. W ork G u a r anteed. j905-607-0562 20% D is c o u n t- O pening S eason S p ecial. DECKM AN's P rofessional S erv ice. All decks stripped and refin ish e d to new. C edar Specialist! Free Estimates. Lim ited Bookings. Call Now. (905)632-1074 A1 R e novations, b a th room s/ w h irlpoo ls, plum b ing, ceramic, drywall, paint ing, texture sprayin g. L i censed carp e n te r. R e fer ences. Ted, 905-238-3252. Electrical Design Technician Cold W eb 2nd Press Persons Only exp'd on Ventura, 25 or Goss Community Web Press need apply. Shiftwork, benefits. Exc. working cond. Q.E. Web Printing Oakville Fax: 905-827-2308 Tel: 905-827-2306 EXPER IENC ED Body P rep Person required for Burlington shop. For inter view call, (905)634-2320. required for 57 suite build ing in O akville . Good cleaning m aintenance and interpersonal skills. Ideal for semi retired couple. Fax resumes 905-337-0913 ft C H ILD R E N W AN TED ! W om en, m en, kids, all age s/ size s fo r m ovies, c a talo gue w ork, fa sh io n / hair shows. Great $15-$90/ hr. Call 905-336-5455.___ EXPER IE NC ED help w anted: C ashiers, bakery, d eli, c a ll: M ario or Rosie, 905-639-0319 ____ SM ALL e nviro nm e ntal e q u ipm ent m anufactu rer looking for person to help in instrum ent assembly. The a b ility to produce precise work is required. This is a part time position, ideal for high sch o o l student w ith good mechanical aptitude. Call 905-634-4449. ask for Vicky._____________________ G E N E R A L help fo r B u r lington autobody/ collision shop. Clean drivers license necessary. Call 634 -23 20 for interview. H O U S E C LE A N E R re qu ire d to jo in our team . Paid training. Hourly wage. Own. ca r an asset. Days only. (No students please.) (905)336-1489_____________ SU PE R IN D E N T AN T re quired for building in O ak v ille . Fax resum es to: (905)845-4665_____________ EASY W ork! E xce lle nt Pay! C om pany requires Data C lerks im m edia tely. PT-FT. Must have comput er. 1-888-509-237 8 Ref#607. P A ID tra in in g pro vid e d Store Front help, Full/ Parttim e and also a B aker needed. No experience re quired. Call 905-257-1294, or 905-827-5200___________ EN ER G E TIC people needed to work in an auto m otive detailing shop. Full tim e positions and able to s ta rt im m e d ia te ly. Some ex p e rie n ce p re fe rre d but not essential. Please drop off resume to: Halton Auto care, 1410 Speers Rd., #4. O akville, or call 905-8278607. Experienced in PLC Programmming, Con trol Circuit Design with hands-on experi ence. Submit resume to: admin@phoenixcontrols.ca or fax 905-820-0066 Only those selected for interviews will be contacted. B O B 'S Junk Rem oval: Mattresses, furniture, brush gen era l ju n k ! Odd Jobs. Reasonable. B u rl./O ak. 9 05 -68 1-18 07, 905-6376693:905-681-0811 Funeral Director |[§ O a k v ie w FUNERAL H O M E R E LO CATO R S: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in clu des 2 p rofession al m overs, tru c k and in surance. Best rates on long distance. (905)-844-8733. A L L -R IT E M overs. M id m onth S p ecial $65 /hr. 2 men. Member of BBB. Call 905-847-1378. CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONALS Do you consider yourself to be amongst the leaders in your particular field of ex pertise in the construction industry? Do you have a proven track record, a his tory of excellence and are you committed to continued self improvement? Do you want to be part of an elite team in a high profile new home construction group building prestige homes? Do you want to work in a fast paced envi ronment for a company that is constantly expanding, that provides opportunity for advancement and that expects and re wards only the highest of standards? If so, send us your resume, as we are al ways looking for the construction indus try's best Site Supervisors, Project Man agers and skilled Tradesmen to join our team. Resumes can be emailed to: andy@invidiatahomes.com We thank all applicants but advise that we will only reply to those who meet our high standards and who have the neces sary qualifications. I office-clerical O FFIC E A d m in is tra to r for busy real estate team. Ap p lic a n t m u s t ha ve g re a t co m p u te r s k ills and th e ir ow n car. G ood pay w ith bonus opportunities. Send resumes to c21bmiller@aol. com____________ _________ S E LF M o tiv a te d O ffice Assistant- 2 days/wk, Non sm oking W est O ak v ille home o ffic e . S o lid web knowledge, accurate ty p ing, good phone m anner, fluent W indows 98', eager to learn, own transportation. Fax resume with salary ex p e ctations to: 905 -82 59257. O nly those c o n s id ered will be contacted. OFFICE Help required im mediately. Good as $$. Call 24 hours. 905-45 5-46 55. View our website www.thejobline.ca OFFICE A ssistant/ Secre tary required June 18 to August 3 in B u rlington. Must have Word, Excel and e xce lle n t typing s k ills . AutoCad an asset. May be suitable for mature univers ity student. Fax resum e: (905)633-8102.____________ A S S IS TA N T required for busy financial planning of-, fice in O akville. M ust be quick, organized, fle x ib le and a team player. Experi ence w ith M utual Funds and the Win Fund Program is required. Fax resume to Melanie, 905-849-8675__ SE CR ETA RY w anted F/T for 50w k m ate rnity leave. Quickbooks & Lotus an as set. $9.00/hr to start. Apply in person. Organic Greens, 431 Wyecroft Rd., Oakville, or call 9am -1pm 905-8440115______________________ CU STO M ER S e r v ic e Financial Services com pa ny re q u ire s Custom er Service Rep- Insurance or banking background an as set. Required immediately. Fax resum e: (905)3380977______________________ THE O akville Rehab C en tre requires a Receptionist for a fast- paced enviro n m ent. This is a p a rt-tim e m ate rnity leave position. Please fax resum e: 905845-3436 ______ IN S U R A N C E Broker seeks full time Administra tive Assistant. Computer skills include W ordPerfect, Excel etc. O nly e x p e ri enced individuals need ap ply. C o m p e titive salary. Please fo rw a rd resum e: DPB Insurance & Financial S e rvices, 2150 W inston Park Dr., Suite 210, O ak ville, Ontario, L6H 5V1 CSR required for O akville insurance broker. RIBO li cenced or ready to obtain. Fax resume 905-338-8015. CU STO M -M AD E d ra p e r ies valances, sheers, bed/ ta b le / chair co-o rd in a te s , fabrics, in stallatio n. 10yrs exp. Sherry- (905)-634-6706, morganinteriors@home.com I drapes upholstery Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay on Thursday, June 7,2001. For 55 years, Bob was the beloved husband of Gabriella. Loving father of Frank and his wife Carol-Anne of Kirkfield, Jane and her husband Rick Stieler and Maria and her husband Ronald Martell, both of B urlington. Survived by his five grandchildren, Jennifer and Kimberly; Annette and Chad; Trish and one great grandson, Brandon. A private memorial service was held on Saturday, June 9, 2001 at the Mackey Funeral Home, 33 Peel Street, Lindsay K9V 3L9. Memorial donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated by the family and may be made through the funeral home. Kazimierz: Loving Husband, Dad, Grandpa We love you, we will miss you. wiczny odpoczynek racz mci dac panie (Sleep in peace) WILLIAMSON, Audrey M a e Suddenly, but peacefully, at the C redit Valley Hospital, Mississauga, Ontario on Sunday, June 10, 2001, at the age of 63. Beloved wife of Nigel and loving mother of Vanessa and Geoffrey. A memorial service will be held at Glen Oaks Memorial Gardens in Oakville (9th Line, north of Highway 5 / Dundas Street), on Thursday, June 14, at 2 p.m. In lieu of flowers, a donation, if desired, may be made to Wellspring of Halton / Peel or the charity of your choice. O u r fam ily servin g y o u r fam ily 5 6 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE Funeral D irectors · Don Clarke ·Gregory Sidora ·Tina Quenneville · Patrick McDermott · Tammy Cook 842-2252 FamilyServices A lc o h o lic s A n o n y m o u s If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 For FAST FAX your classified ads. FAX: - service, Congratulations Congratulations Halton Business Institute Grads Enter Job Market! Halton Business Institute graduation ceremonies will be held at the Burlington Golf and Country Club on Thursday, June 14, 2001. Families and friends from the community will join the staff honouring the students from Burlington and surrounding area. The Halton Business Institute graduates have complete a 6-mo. intensive Administrative Diploma Program. Many of the students supplemented their general business training with medical, dental or legal specialties along with computer application expertise, including Microsoft Office and Simply Accounting. They are now entering the job market in the local business community utilizing these special skills. The Institute has been training in the Halton area for the past 19 years. Job search skills and placement assistance are provided to the graduates. The facil ity is located in Upper Canada Place, 460 Brant St., Burlington and is registered under the Ministry of Education and Training. Individualized instruction and limited enrolment appeal to those interested in changing careers of upgrading skills. Licensed Truck M echanic Trailer M echanics wanted for large fleet. Top wages and benefits. Apply in person: Gh JO.. / / »RANT/ -- - fj'o u ta g e ^ LTo 905 632-8165 InMemoriams 2111 Lakeshore Road West MISSISSAUGA, Ontario Currently accepting applications for General Labourers Light/heavy industrial Machine Operators Packagers Apply in person to: office-clerical 525 office-clerical In Memoriams OFFICE / ACCOUNTING POSITION Keen team player required to perform a variety of duties consisting mainly of order entry, invoicing, inventory adjustment & credit controls. Must enjoy detail oriented work and be capable of maintaining accuracy while meeting daily deadlines. Plenty of scope for you to apply your consistently high standards & excellent interpersonal skills in numerous other capacities. Proficiency in ACCPAC for Windows and Excel preferred. Please forward your resume to: A.H.R. Skill Tech 3500 Fairview St. Burl. (At Walker's) ARE you seeking extra in com e? C anda's leading food and beve rag e sam p ling com pany has im m e dia te opp ortu n itie s for In s to re D e m on strators. In store Focus requires ener g etic, outgoing, sales-o riented individuals. Flexible hours and days available. For further info, please call our National Recruiting Ho tlin e -1-888-558-0907 Burlington Post- Box 1840, 2321 Fairview St., Burlington, ON L7R 2E3 DATA ENTRY CLERK - PART TIME We are looking for an outgoing enthusiastic individual for our Burlington Office Data Processing Department. Duties include: daily keying, verifying and coding of data from stores in an accurate and timely manner. Routine account duties, general office duties ie. mail, filing, report distribution, photocopying and other du ties as assigned. 7-Eleven offers you competitive wages, a fast paced pleasant working environment and flexible hours. It you have strong verbal communication skills, a high school diploma with business/ accounting courses, data entry and calculator experience and are seeking a part-tim e position (approximately 20 hrs/wk). Send your resume to: Cathy Herod Data Processing Manager 7-Eleven Canada Inc. 3365 Harvester Road, Suite 201 Burlington, On L7M 3N2 or fax to 905-634-3841 Superintendent Couple required for Burlington highrise. 2-bedroom apartment + good wage. Fax resume: 416-482-1059 F IT T E R /W E LD E R sk ille d and labourer / driver (905) 845-4440 C A N A D A 'S la rg e st dire c t mail adve rtis in g com pany needs accou nt m anagers to m anage esta b lish e d te rrito rie s in B u rlington & Oakville. If you are highly m otiva te d , a s s e rtiv e with strong communication skills we have training, +commission, +bonuses, +benefits Fax:416-321-5286 _____ M A R K E TIN G I need someone to learn my busi ness. Need le adership a b ility / d e s ire fo r above average in com e. C all N e stor ext.7 8 , 905-6815515______________________ IN SID E S ales R e pre sen tative needed. Must be up beat, sales-o riented, likes ta lkin g on th e phone and w ith excellent English lan guage skills. $10./hr., perm. F u ll-tim e / days. C all M ichelle at 905-827-8230 to apply. I sales help & agents %emember that special someone a ` Deadline: `Thursday, June 14,2001 5pm S m ith , Jo e E . In m em o ry o f a loving h y sb a n d w ho p a sse d aw ay o n Ja n u a ry 1, 1999. N o th in g c a n ever tak e aw ay T he love a h e a rt ho ld s dear. F o n d m em o ries lin g e r every day R e m e m b ran c e keeps you near. Always re m e m b e re d , y o u r loved ones. I H AIR STYLISTS | BURLINGT0N-MILT0N I & WATERD0WN S3 sales help · 1 & agents ! »Top Pay Guaranty [·Hourly, Comm. + j Bonuses' ! »Exc. Benefit Package ! ` Equipment Provided ! *No clientele required ! j ` Advanced Updating ! · F/T & P/T Flex. Hours J ! Call Robert or Brenda I Parent Experienced Print Advertising Representative City Parent Halton Edition requires a full time experienced advertising sales representative. Compensation includes competitive salary, mileage and commission package. Please fax resume to: D irector of Advertising C IT Y i Call Classified 905-845-3824 for details Ask for Loraine [ (905)319-3155 j CH IA R E LLI H air Design requires a H a irstylist. Ex p e rie nce p referred. Busy downtown Burlington loca tion. Chair rental available as w e ll. C all Josie, (905)637-2325 _____ M'Lord & M'Lady's requires h a irs ty lis t assistan t. W ill train. No experience nec essary. call 905-632-1443 ES TH E TIC IA N required part-time for upscale down town B u rlington Salon. Please call 905-681-9601 leave c o n fid e n tia l m essage.______________________ HAIR DR ESSER w anted fo r F orte lll Salon & Spa, 3rd Line & QEW. For interview call (905)847-0706 PLANET2000 Hair- A great opp o rtu n ity fo r one expe rienced h a irs ty lis t & one e xpe rienced E sthetician. Call Robert 905-6813364 Part-time PCA/ PSW Required day/even ing shifts for The Kensington a luxury retirement residence in Oakville. Personal Care Worker/Health Care Certificate. & health care exp. required. Exp. with seniors an asset. Fax resume to: Sylvia Scott 8 You've got aright to be proud of your children's acci whether it's a Elementary, Secondary School, University or post-Secondary School diploma-let them know with a graduation announcement. I loraine in the Oakville Beaver Classified Department 905-337-5571 Deadline for submissions is Friday June 15, 2001 (905) 842-9229 PART to Full -time position available in Optom etric o f fice in O akville. Evenings and Saturdays are a must. Training available and re quire d. Past experience help fu l. Fax resum e to (905)847-5658_____________ RN, (tem porary m a te rnity p o s itio n ) part-tim e e v e n ings, fo r luxury retirem ent reside nce in B u rlington. Qualified applicants fax re sume: Mary Turnbull, Gen eral M anager, (905)3330596_________________ ·· RN/RPN r e q u i r e d for O ak v ille R e tirem ent home. Part-time schedule. Send resum e to Trafalga r Lodge, 299 Randall St., Oakville, L6J 6B4, fax: 905842-8410__________________ P A R T-TIM E Lab T e c h n i cian or P h lebo tom ist re quired to start immediately for busy O a kville w a lk-in clinic. Please fax resume to Kim (905)849-7883_________ DE N TA L H y g ie n is t re quired part-tim e for fam ily d en tal o ffic e in O ak v ille C o nta ct M arg a rita 905845-5851 DE N TA L A s s is ta n t re quired, full-time, Burlington o ffic e , s ta rt im m edia tely. HARP, reception dutie s. Fax resume: 905-336-0774 M ATU RE seriou s p ro fe s sio nal S ervers and Bar tenders required for British pub, East Hamilton 10 mins from Brant/ Lakeshore. Fax resume to: 905-573-9480 HO STESS, perm anent pa rt-tim e po s itio n . Days, nights, weekends. Apply at Sonoma County 3135 Har vester Road, Burlington. R e t i r e m e r t ^ Q o m m u n it ie s LIFESTYLE LICENSED Body R epair Tech nician required . Ex perience in Unibody/ co lli sion repairs necessary. Call for interview (905)6342320.___________________ W ELD ER / FITTER w ith several years experience in reading prints & assembly rqr'd by O akville safe mfr. Apply in person to: Access S e curity P roducts, 610 South S ervice Road W est Of Call 905-337-7874 AU TO BO D Y TECHNICIAN: Busy collision shop repairing all makes and sizes, requires licensed Autobody Technician. Would be willing to train suitable candidate. Contact Lance Stevens at: 905-878-6919__________ _ _ C A B IN E T M akers--- - -- required fo r w oodw orking shop. Modem facility. Top wages. Minimum 5 years experience, call 905-3338222, fax 905-333-2822 F/T Waterdown Dental A ssista n t required im m e d ia te ly . E xp erience p re fe rre d , w ill c o n s id e r new grads! Days, limited even ings & alternate Saturdays. Please fax resum e (905)689 -07 30 or m ail to Box 959 W aterdow n, ON LOR 2H0_______________________ R .N .'S, RNA's and Lab Techs required to complete insurance medicals in Bur lin g to n , O ak v ille and s u r rounding areas. Must have blood drawing abilities. Car essential. Make your own hours! Fax resum e: (905)335-0979 M ED IC A L A ssista n t/ Re ceptionist, for busy clinic in North O akville, p art-tim e, e ven ings and weekends. M ust have e xpe rience in V enipu ncture, ECG, PFT, Reception. Fax: 905-3383144 TUttW otfcrn Full & Part-tim e D O N U TS BAKERY Some experience required, will train 'Employee benefits* Apply in person or call 5051 Harvester Rd., Burlington (Appleby Line & Harvester Road) 905-681-1841 SP LAS H N IG H TC LU B , B u rlington. Now H iring: Bussers, Bartenders & Se cu rity. C all to arrange an interview 905-333-3474

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