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Oakville Beaver, 11 Jul 2001, A8

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A8 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday July 11,2001 Teen cycling Canada for kids' rights C la y to n G iles w a n ts children of d iv o rc e treated m o re h u m a n e ly By Angela Blackburn OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF If you could walk a mile in Clayton Giles' shoes -- or tread in the 6,000-km he's cycling to bring awareness to kids' rights in custody matters. Clayton, 14, is from Calgary. His par ents divorced when he was 4-years-old. Last January he said he went on a hunger strike in front of a Calgary court house because his father had been denied custody of him. Shortly afterward, his dad Eric, won sole custody o f Clayton. During that hunger strike, w hen social service agencies were threatening to force-feed Clayton, he said he knew he wanted to pursue his cause. He cycled into Oakville M onday after appearing on the Roy Green Show at Hamilton's CH M L radio -- nearly two months into his Journey For Kids. After travelling along the Lakeshore, Clayton was Toronto-bound yesterday in a trek that's garnered him national televi sion spots -- on Canada AM, Global TV, and even Sally Jessy Raphael. "My goal is to make everyone aware that kids are humans, not property. We want a say in what happens to us when our family breaks up," said Clayton. Giles hopped aboard his street bike in Calgary on May 27 and began pedaling. "I 'm really not a big cyclist," admit ted the youth who hopes to coast into Ottawa on July 18 and then pedal on to arrive in W ashington, D.C. on September 6. "I didn't have enough time for a walk because o f school. I'll return to school as soon as I'm done," said the Grade 10 stu dent. He wrapped up his Grade 9 studies last spring via the Internet. "I'm going on to the States because I know the same type o f problems exist in the U.S. It's an international problem," said Clayton. "Kids seldom have any control over their lives when their parents divorce. We become property to be awarded," Clayton said. On his trek, the Alberta youth is accompanied by his dad and a support team riding along with him in a mobile home. His 12-year-old sister will join them in August. Clayton has a full agenda meeting local officials along his way and cycling T he Oa k v il l e B e a v e r M y nam e is Krista!. I a m 1 2 y ears o ld , a n d g o to F a lg a rw o o d Public School. I h ave been w o rk in g fo r The O a k v ille B eaver fo r 3 1 / 2 years. I love to p la y soccer a n d the position I p la y is g o a lie . A lso I e n jo y sw im m ing in m y pool in the sum m ertim e. Winning Carriers receive a large 3 topping pizza courtesy of: O c t a v i o ' s # 7 P i z z a s? To join our delivery team call 905-845-9742 OVER 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 WOMEN IN CANADA SUFFER FROM LOSS OF BLADDER CONTROL P h o to b y B re n t F o s te r Clayton Giles cycling through Oakville: bringing a message that children of divorce need to be treated like people, not material possessions. between 50 to 140 km or 4 to 8 hours per day. "I don't think I've heard one negative comment, everybody is supportive of my idea," said the teenager who maintains a Web site of his efforts at www.legalkids.com. "There definitely needs to be some thing done with the laws. The courts are listening to the parents talk, but not the kids," said Clayton who said his own parents' custody battle has raged on for a decade. "The principles o f equal access, joint custody and children having a voice in proceedings that affect their lives are fundamental," said Giles. Clayton said he first lived with his mom and was visited by his dad. Later, he lived solely with his mom and now, lives solely with his dad. He said he prefers the latter. The hunger strike was "what I needed to do to get the court's attention so they'd listen to me," Clayton said. D espite his preference in living arrangement, Clayton said he loves both his parents very much. "Prior to all that has happened, I just wanted equal time with both my parents and for them to make decisions together. The court made that impossible with their adversarial approach. It's too late for my family, but I hope to make some changes for future families," said the teenager. The youth is collecting signatures on a petition en route to O ttaw a and Washington where he hopes to present the petition to Prim e M inister Jean Chretien and President George W. Bush, respectively. With many com m ercial sponsors, Giles has also received support through the Canadian Council For Children's Rights, a citizens' group interested in custody matters and in favour o f getting custody contraventions made crimes under the Criminal Code rather than under the Family Law Act. Physicians in yo u r area a re cu rren tly conducting a research study to te s t th e safe ty and e ffe ctive n es s o f an in ve s tig atio n al drug b e in g s tu d ie d for th e tre a tm e n t o f SUI. If you are a w o m an 18 years o f age o r o ld e r a n d th in k you m ay have SU I, you m ay w an t to c o n sid e r p a rtic ip a tin g in th is research study. 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