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Oakville Beaver, 11 Jul 2001, C3

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Wednesday, July 11, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C3 Shop complements its framing business with a new art gallery C a card or a gift w ith a m usical them e, K err Fram es either has it or w ill create ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR it. In fact, M agda w ill create a gift from any im age - a n eed lep o in t reativity abounds in a little design, for exam ple. And she enjoys shop on K err Street. From doing "creative m atting and unusual the artistically hidden pipes and m etres in the new ly ren fram ing" for oddly shaped pictures or objects or for keepsakes that need pre ovated basem ent to the artistic-yetserving. She even uses her creativity functional gifts created from original paintings, K err Fram es is a hotbed of to fram e m irrors or other household item s to m atch or blend w ith a cus creativity. O w ners M agda and G arth K err (it's to m e r's decor. "I do som ething that will m ake it strictly coincidental that the Kerrs operate a shop on K err Street) had a different, but not distract from the art w ork or object," she says, noting that successful fram ing business in South A frica and sim ply continued to do she cut a m atte to resem ble A frica for an A frican needlepoint design. Some w hat they do best w hen they arrived in 3-D items, such as old tools or golfing O akville a few years ago. A lth o u g h they o p ened their paraphernalia, are fram ed so that the O akville business a year ago, the cou fram e opens to access the items. "B ut it also looks artistically pleas ple has recently restored the old stair in g ... Fram ing is my art. It's not ju st case leading to the basem ent, and opened a gallery on the low er floor o f sticking a picture in a fram e." A fter 12 years o f success in South the shop. A frica, it's no surprise that the small "We cut open the floor and put the stairs b a c k .. .and m oved the hot w ater business in its out-of-the-w ay com er heater, so we could utilize the base o f K err Street is doing well. But then, P h o to by P e te r C. M cCusker m ent," says M agda, the creative half o f it's w ord o f m outh, says M agda. "It's Garth and Magda Kerr of Kerr Frames on Kerr Street (yes, it is a coincidence) recently renovated their framing shop to getting know n for w hat you do. You the pair. "Then suddenly, I had all this accommodate a gallery on the lower level. Although the gallery features mostly their daughter's art work - both originals space to put the artwork. The space ju st need to get your service or your and reproductions, the couple is open to having other artists display their work in the small gallery. Framing, comple particular niche know n. The art and w as there, and now w e can use it." mented by Magda's creative flair, remains the staple of the business. Her specialty in creating music-themed items, such the m usic stuff is unique to us." M agda's ow n needlepoint designs as gift cards, from her daughter's artwork also draw a loyal clientele. are fram ed and hung on the w alls that lead to the dow nstairs gallery. But it's her daughter T anja's w ork that is fea tured in the new gallery - large, origi nal paintings, and a few lim ited edi tion (150 m axim um ), giclee reproduc tions. M ost o f the paintings are colour ful, w him sical portrayals o f m usicians or m usical instrum ents. A nd som e o f the rep roductions even incorporate Major Appliances are available at som ething original into the picture, a the following Greater Toronto locations: piece o f mirror, for exam ple. "They are not litho-prints...T hese North are printed one at a tim e. They will Bolton Dealer Store (905) 857-4390 never fade," says M agda. "T hey're Markham Furniture, Appliances alm ost exactly like the original." & Home Improvements Store Don Mills & Steeles (905) 881-6600 Potential buyers are encouraged to brow se around the new gallery or sit Markville Shopping Centre (905) 946-1866 on com fy chairs and ju st enjoy the art. Promenade Shopping Centre (905) 731-3388 Upstairs, the shop ow ners continue Richmond Hill Furniture & Appliances Store to show case their fram ing expertise Hwy. 7 and Yonge St. (905) 762-0870 and the "artistic gifts" they create from Upper Canada Mall Newmarket (905) 898-2300 their d au ghter's artw ork. For exam ple, Woodbridge Furniture & Appliances Store gift cards, clocks, coat hooks, key Hwy. 7 & Weston Rd. (905) 850-6406 hooks, and even serving trays are East m ade from co m p u ter im ages o f Oshawa Shopping Centre (905) 576-1711 Tanja's art. Pickering Town Centre (905) 420-8000 "It's a unique gift and a lot o f it has a music connotation." says M agda, Scarborough Furniture & Appliances Store Kennedy Rd. & 401 (416) 332-8577 explaining that her daughter studied Scarborough Town Centre (416) 296-0171 music before she becam e an artist. "Her art developed on that them e sim Central ply because people w anted it, request Fairview Mall (416) 502-3737 ing a card or a poster for special Gerrard Square (416) 461-9092 SAVE $300. KENM0RE® 18.1-CU. SAVE $200 KENM0RE events," she adds. Woodbine Shopping Centre (416) 798-3800 The gift cards in the P erform ance REFRIGERATOR WITH TOP FREEZ CENTRAL VACUUM PACKAGE Yorkdale Shopping Centre (416) 789-1105 Series portray individual m usicians #67872. Sears reg. 1099 99. #34677. Sears reg. 899.99. from the custom ary pianist, violinist Allen Rd. Furniture & Appliances Store Allen Rd. & Sheppard Ave. (416) 398-9947 and drum m er to the rarer accordion player, choir and com poser. "I m ake West all these cards myself. We d o n 't have Ancaster Furniture & Appliances Store them printed. We m ake them ," says Golf Links Rd. & Legend Crt. (905) 304-1440 Magda. "T hey're selling quite w ell in Bramalea City Centre (905) 458-1141 Roy Thom son H all." Brampton Furniture & Appliances Store The Piano Series, w hich features 535 Steeles Ave. E (905) 455-1255 children playing a variety o f instru Burlington Furniture & Appliances Store ments, is popular w ith parents. And, Plains Rd. East & Brant St. (905) 631-9655 she adds, because so m any m usicians Erin Mills Town Centre (905) 607-2300 seem to like cats, the m usical-instruGeorgetown Dealer Store (905) 877-5172 m ent-w ith-cat cards are also good sell Hamilton Centre Mall (905) 545-4741 ers. Umeridge Mall Hamilton (905) 389-4441 So, if y ou're looking for a painting, By Carol Baldwin Sears stores close to you, close to home LOWEST PRICES Mapleview Centre Burlington (905) 6324111 SE W IN G M A C H IN E STO R E R E P A IR S T O S IN G E R a n d a ll other makes < d r models Milton Dealer Store (905) 878-4104 Mississauga Dealer Store (905) 848-3882 Mississauga Furniture & Appliances Store Hwy. 5 & 403 (905) 820-6801 Oakville Place (905) 842-9410 Sherway Gardens (416) 620-6011 Square One Shopping Centre (905) 270-8111 E X PE R T P IN K IN G SH E A R S & S C IS S O R S H A R P E N IN G 19 8 SPEER S R D . 8 4 2 -2 0 3 3 In sid e O a k v ille V acuu m Major appliances E t CANADA IN C 1ST IN PERFORMANCE CONCRETE · Supercrete" toi all of your homeowner needs. Patios, Driveways, W alkw ays, etc. for the homeowner's outdoor needs 4 H A LF-W ID TH 'S P IL L P R 0 0 F GLASS SHELVES 2 CLEAR, H U M ID ITY CONTROLLED CR1SPERS 4 ADJUSTABLE 0 0 0 R BINS CURVED EDGE DOORS AND FREEZER LIGHT Available in W hite and Bisque Concrete from Sears are Canada's BONUS GARAGE HOSE W ITH COMBO BRUSH 3-STAGE MOTOR EXCLUSIVE INNER MOTOR PROTECTION HOOD For homes that are not roughed in. vinyl tubing is required at an extra charge Installation extra. Details in store. Bonus must accompany any returns OPEN SATURDAY SEASONALLY. ORDERS M U S T BE PLACED BY 5 P M THURSDAY Collect yo ur A ir Miles here Bestsellers Based on independent national surveys current at tim e of advertising preparation * D o n 't p a y u n til J u ly 2 0 0 2 , on a p p ro v e d c r e d it , o n ly w ith y o u r S e a rs C a rd . M in im u m $ 2 0 0 p u rc h a s e . $ 4 5 d e f e r r a l fe e a n d a ll a p p lic a b le ta x e s a n d c h a rg e s a re p a y a b le a t t im e o f p u rc h a s e . E x c lu d e s ite m s in o u r L iq u id a t io n /O u t le t s to re s a n d C a ta lo g u e p u rc h a s e s . O ffe r e n d s S u n d a y , J u ly 2 9 , or w h e re S e a rs is c lo s e d , S a tu rd a y , J u ly 2 8 , 2 0 0 1 . A sk fo r d e ta ils . M a jo r A p p lia n c e s D e p a r tm e n t e x c lu d e s v a c u u m s a n d s e w in g m a c h in e s BURLINGTON: (905) 637-5607 MILTON: (905) 876-4728 GEORGETOWN: |905) 873-0254 The art of Joe Smith One M an Show July 14 to 25 at th e S o v e r e ig n H o u se , 7 West River, Bronte n a Ia n r ir .A * e n ri \ n n r t a v lu lv 1 h o r w h flr p Sears is d o s e d , S aturd ay, July 14, 2001 Landscapes & More original watercolours Plus, use your Sears Card and don't pay for one full year" on all major appliances N P0720401 M a jo r a p p lia n c e s o n lin e a t w w w .s e a rs .c a SEARS. SELECTION. SERVICES. REWARDSTM. Opening Reception S u n . J u l y 1 5 ,1 -5 p m Reg. Hours: Sat., Sun., Wed., 1-4 pm S e ars O a k ville P la ce M on.-Fri. 9 :3 0 a m -9 pm. S at. 8 a m -6 pm. S u n .11 a m -6 pm. Sears Furniture & Appliance Store Mississauga Mon.-Fri. 10 am -9 pm. Sat. 10 am -6 pm. S un .11 am -6 pm. C o p y r ig h t 2 0 0 1 . S e a rs C a n a d a Inc 827-6634

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