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Oakville Beaver, 20 Jun 2001, d5

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Wednesday. June 20, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D5 Needed im mediately in the Burlington / Oakville area to run coax cable insid e and o utsid e of homes. Job is p hysica lly dem anding and you must be able to lift 80 pounds. Previous computer experience an asset. Please e-mail resume to: re s u m e @ c a n c a b le .c o m Deaths CHAPMAN, Gladys (Fan) - Peacefully at Ian Anderson House on Saturday, June 16, 2001 at age 80. Cherished wife and best friend of Brian Chapman. Lovingly remembered by her Godchildren; David, Donna and her husband Rob, their parents Lil and Monty Robinson, and outstanding neighbours Maggie and Jim Patterson. Friends were received at the Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville on Monday evening from 7-9 pm. A memorial service was held in the Ward chapel on Tuesday, June, 19, 2001 at 12 noon. In memory of Fan, donations may be made to the Ian Anderson House, 430 Winston Churchill Blvd., Oakville, ON L6J 4Z2 InMemoriam F a x re su m e to : ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 2 - 8 0 1 4 O A K V IL L E 'S FIVE S T A R CHR YSLER DEALER Seeking experienced Service Advisor for a customer focused service department Contact: Chuck Poelmann/ Service Manager FU LL-T IM E A d m in istra tive Assistant required for Insurance B roker. C om p uter s k ills in clude W ord Perfect, Excel etc. Only ex perienced individuals need apply. Competitive salary. P lease fo rw a rd resum e: DPB Insurance & Financial S e rvices, 2150 W inston Park Dr., S uite 210, O ak ville, L6H 5V1, or fax 905829-3088__________________ TWO students needed for busy O akville dental office for part time positions, start ing in August through the school year. Fax resume to: 905-842-0128___________ CUSTOMER SERVICE JfT for Oakville safe Mfr.includes some genral office duties. Energetic & organizaed with several years exp., strong computer & communications s k ills . A pply to: Access Security Products, 610 S. Service Rd., O akville, L6K 2H4, Fax: 905-337-7873 PART-TIME HOSTESS Weekdays & Weekends Part-time for Monarch Construction in the Millcroft Community in Burlington Remember w ith a - donation - G lenleven C hrysler (905) 845-7575 (905) 845-9822 Please fax resumes to: Al Streit @ 905-331-7331 1 888 939-3333 toll free · 24 hours a d a y/ 7 days a week w w w .c a n c e r .c a M ONARCH MM Administrative Sales Asst. S u cce ssfu l O akville m a n u fa ctu rin g com pany looking for a dynamic person to support the sales e ffo r t. P o s itio n in c lu d e s lead g a th e rin g , a d m in is tra tiv e s u p p o rt, p ro d u c t in fo rm a tio n s u p p o rt, tra d e sh o w s. C andidate m u st have excellent w ritten and oral com m unication skills and a positive personality. Experience in sales su pp o rt a nd/or custom er service is preferred. M ust have strong com puter skills. Reply w ith resume to: DRIVER /W AREHOUSE PERSON required full-time, Monday-Saturday Qualifications include: Clean drivers abstract, outstanding customer service skills, Highly developed time management skills. Fax resume to 905-465-1822 HARTLEIB, Valerie (nee Wakeman) - Peacefully after a brief illness on Tuesday, June 19, 2001 in her 58th year. Valerie, beloved fiancee of Manfred Ernst. Much loved mother of Brice and Heather Hartleib. Dear daughter of Allan and Enid Wakeman and loving sister of Kevin Wakeman. Cremation has taken place. Private family service. Those who wish, may make memorial contributions to the Hamilton General Hospital (237 Barton St., Hamilton, ON L8L 2X2) or the Canadian Liver Foundation (301-1320 Yonge St., Toronto, ON M 4 T 1X2). Canadian Cancer Society Soci6t6 canadienne du cancer Funeral Directors O A K V IE W FUNERAL HOME Our family serving your family P H A R M A C IS T required full-time for PART TIME STAFF North America's largest chain o f party sup ply superstores with over 450 locations is continuing its expandsion in our Burlington Store located at 1250 Brant Street. We require part time staff. Day and evening work available. Shoppers Drug Mart in Oakville Competitive wages & benefits. Fax resumes to 905- 845-3407 DO you like to work in de pendently? Enjoy seniors? Com e jo in the team at Christopher Terrace Retire ment Home. RPN required, regular part-time, evenings/ nights. Fax resume to Marie deBoer, DOC, at 905-6325074______________________ R .N .'S , RN A's and Lab Techs required to complete insurance medicals in Bur ling to n , O ak v ille and su r rounding areas. Must have blood drawing abilities. Car essential. Make your own hours! Fax resum e: (905)335-0979_____________ PART to Full-tim e position available in Optom etric o f fice in O akville. Evenings and Saturdays are a must. Training availab le and re quired. Past e xpe rience h e lp fu l. Fax resum e to (905)847-5658_____________ RN /R PN , (te m p o ra ry m a te rn ity p osition) part-tim e evenings, for luxury retire ment residence in B urling ton. Qualified applicants fax resum e: M ary T urnbu ll, G eneral M anager, (905)333-0596_____________ H E A LT H C are A ides & Personal Support WorkersRequired for Mount Nemo Christian Nursing Home to c o v e r all s h ifts . M ust be able to work alternate wee kends. Please fax resume to 905-335-3699____________ M E D IC A L S e c re ta ry - 25 hr/week in fam ily practice. Telephone, com puter skills essential. Send resume to Dr. M. Robinson. 960 Cum berla nd A ve., B u rlington, L7N 3J6, fax 905-639-3448 M E D IC A L R e ceptionist req u ire d fu lltim e fo r busy Burlington fam ily practice. Start mid-August. Resumes to: Box/1843, c/o Burlington Post, 2321 F airview St., Burlington, ON L7R2E3 CDA E xp erienced, w ith exceptional people and or ganizational skills required fulltim e. Fax resume to: 1877-289-7920 or 905-6315568___________ *__________ P H Y S IO T H E R A P IS T -F/T posito n a va ila b le to work in Milton area, please fax resum e to 905-5277726______________________ D E N T A L A s s is ta n t PD A level 2, Part Tim e leading to F u ll T im e , m a te rn ity le a v e . Fax re s u m e to: (905) 896-1171____________ F U L L -T IM E den tal a s s is ta n t/ receptionist required fo r M a te rn ity le ave. New grads welcom e. Hand de liv e r re s u m e to: 2 3 3 0 Lakeshore Rd. W., Unit 3, Oakville. Box 6345, c/o The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Road, Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 Family Services A lc o h o lic s A n o n y m o u s If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, Th a t's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 56 L A K E S H O R E R O A D W E S T O A K V IL L E Funeral Directors · Don Clarke ·G regory Sidora ·Tina Quenneville · Patrick M cDerm ott · Tam m y Cook P ro p o s a l C o -o rd in a to r (P a rt-T im e ) Sodexho Marriott Services is North America's largest provider of food and facility management As we continue to expand we are in need of a sharp, well-organized individual with excellent PC skills and a flair for marketing to join our team in sales. Working with several team members you will be required to type all proposals and ensure the integrity and accuracy of data, and coordinate delivery of the proposals. Must be able to operate well under pressure and tight deadlines. Excellent communication skills (verbal and written) with MSOffice and Publisher technical skills. This opportunity is presently part-time and flexibility is needed regarding hours. Please fax or email your resume to: t * * D. MacMillan. Recruiting Manager, Join the party at Party City! Fax your resume to 905-331-1652 or e-mail US in text format only at careers@nart\cit\\ca 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2 Tender Tender REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The Diicourrf Party Super Store CONTRACT DRIVERS To deliver Flyer bundles & papers to our carriers on Wednesday, Friday & Saturday in Burlington and Oakville 8am-3pm usually Call Sodexfe M&Wf 'Mamorre a izg stered traderreric of Mamott htemaOonal he. usedpursuant to kense hotel restaurant Bid documents for the contract or service listed below, addressed to the Manager of Pur chasing, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE, ON, L6 M 3L1, will be received until 2:00 p.m. O akville tim e on the specified closing date. Bid docum ents can be seen or obtained through the Purchasing Division of the Corporate Sen/ices Department, same address as above, telephone 905-825-6000, extension 7759. If long distance charges apply, dial toll free 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866). Documents will be availabe for pick up, or through the Internet after June 14, 2001. There is a non-refundable deposit of $25.00 plus $1.75 GST. Under no circumstances will facsimile or late bids be accepted or considered. Lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. Halton Region relies on this advertisem ent to provide public notice of this business op portunity and is not obligated to notify any potential bidders in any other manner. Holiday Inn Express H otel & S u ite s O akville Immediate openings for the following positions: 905-632-4444 ext 257 (leave message) HOUSEKEEPING · BARTENDERS BANQUET SERVERS 2525 W yecroft Rd., O akville ON L 6 L 6 P8 (QEW & Bronte Rd.) Burlington Post OAKVILLE BEAVER e-mail: admin@vip1000.com · www.vip1000.com Fax:905-847-0032 teaching opportunities domestic help available 01-P-025 HALTON REGIONAL POLICE SERVICE (H .R .P .S .) FUELLING REQUIREMENTS CLOSING: THURSDAY, JULY 12, 2001 545 555 Effl opportunities A B A T he ra p is t needed in Oakville for Autistic 6-yr old boy. M ust have ECE of equivalent. M ust be energetic and fun. Will provide tra in in g . For m ore info, phone 905-637-1883. Fax resume to yuo-ooz-jyyo READY fo r an exciting challenge? Supervisor Po sition for established Day care centre in B u rlington. E xp erience an asset. Please call 905-315-8477. EN G LISH (ESL) French (FSL) Teachers / Tutors re quire d for sum m er. (905)827-6260 , Bronte Language Centre. domestic help wanted THE Best European Cleaning Service. Insured, Bonded. Commercial, Residential. Liz, res: 905-5750290, cell: 905-921-9237, www.europeancleaning.net E. ALGAR CHIEF OF POLICE HALTON www.etnbids.com www.region.halton.on.ca/bid A. MINDENHALL, CPPO MANAGER OF PURCHASING SERVICES 700 home improvements if \A /orld R E TA IL SALES R EP R ESEN TA TIV ES Cellular Concepts/Bell World is looking for d e d ic a te d sa le s a s s o c ia te s fo r it's B u r lin g to n lo c a tio n s . C o m pa n y o ffe rs co m plete co m m unication shopping w hich in cludes wireline, wireless, internet & directto-home satellite products & services. LYDIAN Inc...Q uality Ren ovations, Basements, Bath 1 rooms, K itch ens, etc. Li1 jsensed Insured B uilding R enovator. W ork G uar anteed. (905-607-0562 A1 R enovations, b ath room s/ w hirlpools, plum b ing, ceramic, drywall, paint ing, texture sprayin g. Li censed carpenter. R e fe r ences. Ted. 905-238-3252. CARPENTER specializing in fin e c a rp e n try , trim s , m oulds, doo rs, w a inscottin g , fire p la c e m a n te ls . Liviu (416)561-7156 moving & storage Graduation Graduation 550 COMPENSATION! Competitive hourly rates. Variable Compensation. Competitive company benefits. LO CATIO N Bell World - Burlington Mall Bell World - Mapleview Centre Bell World - 1100 Walker's Line L A K E S H O R E /T R A F A L G AR A rea. H o u s e k e e p er/driver wanted for 3 child ren, ages 14, 13 & 8 from 1pm - 8 pm M o n d a y to T h u rs d a y (n e g . F rid a y ) $12.00/hr. + car. Call days (905) 863-6062 even (905) 858-0355 715 555 domestic help available A-1 Cleaning. Reasonable rates. Excellent references. Phone (905)637-6974. A B S O LU T E LY Fabulous Home C leaning (Burl, a re a )- W hen you don 't have the time or the energy fo r cle a n in g call the e x perts. Family operated with 15yrs. experience. Call to day for your free estim ate. Y o u 'll be glad you did! Joyce (905)336-1045 C LEAN T w ins! 2 E u ro pean women. 10 yrs. e x p erie nce. References. New, p ow erful vacuum . Free estimates. (905)-8669437, 905-822-2636 A L L -R IT E M overs. M id m onth S p ecial $65 /hr. 2 men. Member of BBB. Call 905-847-1378. R ELO CATO R S: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in clu des 2 profe ssio n a l m overs, tru ck and in surance. Best rates on long distance. (905)-844-8733. drapes upholstery F o u rY e a rs+H a rdW o rk =P r o u dP a r e n t s You've got a right to be proud of your children's accomplishments whether it's a ientary, Secondary School, University or post-Secondary School diploma - let them know rith a graduation announcement. Q U A LIFIC A TIO N S Sales e ffe c tiv e n e s s , e x ce lle n t cu sto m e r care, com puter skills, product knowledge in c o m m u n ic a tio n s p ro d u c ts / s e rv ic e s would be considered an asset. For consideration, resume must be faxed by Monday. June 25th. 2001 ®6:00pm. M e d ic al S e c re ta ry / A s s is ta n t Experienced, required fo r busy Burlington medical office. Venipuncture skills required. Relief parttim e fo r sum m er and fall 2001, increasing to cover fu ll-tim e m aternity leave beginning Feb'02. Please fax resume to: 720 (905 ) 681-8599 Only qualified applicants will be contacted. No phone calls please. C U STO M -M AD E d ra p e r ies valances, sheers, bed/ ta b le / ch a ir c o-ordina tes, fabrics, in stallatio n. 10yrs exp. S h erry- (905)-6346706, morganinteriors@home.com For Industrial Electrician Raiston Purina Canada Inc., a leading unionized 9 0 5 -333-4131 M ATU RE, expe rienced East European cook re quired for dow ntown O ak ville delicatessen. Approx. 25-30hrs/week. Please call Mr. or M rs. O rdung, (905)844-9857_____________ PER M AN EN T F u ll-tim e wait staff required and full/ part-tim e Kitchen help im mediately. Apply in person Thistle Fish & Chips, 3455 Fairview St., Burlington LIN E C o oks- M ornings and nights. 40 hours/ week. Salary $9-$11/hour. P riv a te C lub. C all 905845-0231 x204 Eddie. C O O K req u ire d fo r O ak ville retirement home. Parttim e hou rs/ tw ice a week.' Please fax to: 905-8428410______________________ A N G E L'S Diner. 369 Speers Rd., Oakville, Now h irin g e x pe rienced W ait S ta ff, D ishw a shers & Cooks. -5p.m . at Oakville Beaver Submit resume no later than June 28/01, to: R a ls to n P u rin a C a n a d a In c . Attn: G. Stinton, Human Resources 2500 Royal Windsor Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5J 1K8 e-mail: gstinton@ralston.com Fax: 905-855-5920 your classified ads. 24 Garage Sales M a k e room in y o u r g a r a g e ! S e ll those u n w a n te d ite m s! Garage Sales We thank all applicants, however, only those selected lor interview will be contacted. AW N IN G IN STALLER Growing awning company looking to provide a career opportunity for the right applicant. Full-time position (year round) in Oakville for for an individual who is comfortable with ladder work and heights, is familiar and experienced with construction hand tools and has a clean driving record. Candidate must be responsi ble, self-directed. M ust possess leadership ability, good interpersonal and problem -solving skills and have a neat appearance. Fa x resum e to :(9 0 5 ) 847-1059 If you can't afford to be tied up on the phone, save time. Use the Burlington Post/Oakville Beaver fax line. £ [c iv & a P u t y o u r G a r a g e S a le a d in the s p e c ia l G a r a g e S a le se ctio n of F rid a y s O a k v ille B e a v e r a n d re c e iv e y o u r C o m p le te G a r a g e S a le Kit with sig n s a n d inform ation o n h o w to h a v e a su c ce s s fu l G a r a g e S a le . ECE Teacher required for T o d d le r P re-school P ro gram in n on -profit centre. Excellent opportunity for fu tu re grow th and d e v e lo p m ent. Please forw ard re sume by June 25/01 to: M. Watts, 317 Eastside Cres., B u rlington L7R 3G 8, Tel: 905-681-8615. I teaching opportunities FAX: 905 632-8165 - C a ll L o ra in e C la ssifie d A d v e rtis in g 8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 Say You S a w pet food m anufacturer located in M ississauga, is recruiting for a Licensed Industrial Electrician for maintenance and project work. We operate on a 24 hour, 5 day basis. The w ork includes tro u b le sh o o tin g , maintenance, repair and project work involving: · power & automated controls for facility, processing and packaging equipment; · PLC hardware and software for automated systems; · Power distribution, lighting, communication, monitoring and alarm systems for the facility. Candidates must be licensed Industrial Electricians with 3-5 years industrial experience. PLC knowledge and experience is essential. Licensed Construction Maintenance Electricians with appropriate industrial experience may also be considered. We offer an excellent benefit package with a rate of pay that w ill progress from $21.75 to $24.71 per hour plus shift premium, (bi-weekly shift rotation). O PENING in J u ly ... Cafete ria style re s ta u ra n t in upsca le O a k v ille office building. P erm anent part/ fu lltim e C o unter Help needed. No nights or wee kends. C all Tanya, 10am3pm, M on.- Fri., 905 -84 90931______________________ FAST FAX service, THURSDAY,JNEts12 IING SUNDAY, JUNE 24. the a d in... The Oakville Beaver. Classified Gets Results!! CABLE INSTALLERS cancable. rm Real Estate Deal Secretary required fulltime for Burlington office. Real estate experience & computer skills are essential. Resumes to: Box 1821, c/o The Burlington Post, 2321 Fairview St., Burlington, ON L7R2E3 HAAK INDUSTRIES 111 Speers Rd Oakville, Ont M ature Individual with several years' experience in accounting, banking, government fillings, required for p art time office help (3-4 half day per week, flexible hours) CommunityNotices

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