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Oakville Beaver, 22 Aug 2001, C 3

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Wednesday, August 22, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C3 Kick off your back-to-school season at Horizon Taekwon-do By Kym Funnell ADVERTISING FEATURE ' orizon Taekw on-do will be cel ebrating their grand opening on . Saturday, A ugust 25, and would like to invite everyone dow n to enjoy some traditional taekw on-do fun. "Board and brick breaking dem on strations will be going on throughout the day, w hich is alw ays exciting for students and spectators alike," com m ented H orizons m anager R affaella De Thom asis. You'll find many fun things to do at the H orizon Fun Fair G rand O pening on Saturday, including cupcake decorating, a balloon giveaway, an air bouncer, face painting, a fish pond and o f course a free barbeque and cotton candy. A nd d on't m iss Jeannie "Jelly Beans" the Clown, m aybe she'll have a few tricks o f her own! Oakville Aquatics Music for Young ChildrenTM Piano / Keyboard - Singing Rhythm - Theory - Ear Training A unique Canadian program presented in parent / child group classes. Starting ages 3-8 years. H O A K Come Swim With Us Tryouts / placement dates Sept. 5,10,12,17,19 5pm to 7pm Glen Abbey pool New Studios Open For more information and to reserve a place for your child please call: Horizon Taekwon-do The Fun Fair offers a unique opportunity to see inside the club, and to get a feel for the instructors and classes. The club has been open since June 4, and the class sizes are continually growing as people leam o f its recent opening. If you ask w hat m artial arts gives to students, the answ er invariably w ill be confidence, patience, self-control, and self-esteem . Not to m ention developing and enhanc ing your concentration, physical fitness, balance and coordination as well. W hether y ou're young or old. Horizon Taekw on-do has som ething to offer you. H orizon has separate children and adult classes seven days a w eek, w ith day and evening classes to accom m odate various schedules. R affaella is pleased to note that Mr. Louie Sanchez is the head instructor. This 3rd degree Black Belt instructor is w ell-know n in the m artial arts com m unity, and brings w ith him 15 years o f m artial arts training, 10 years o f teaching experience, and is a Certified N ational Coach - and great w ith kids! He is also a N orth A m erican Gold Cham pion, and loves teaching students o f all ages the tricks o f his trade - or at least the skills and technique involved in achieving their goals. T raining for her black belt for five years now, R affaella's background in psy chology gives her a great edge for w orking w ith children as well. A nd after m an aging for years and w orking w ith children and students o f all ages, decided it w as tim e to open her ow n club. T he G rand O pening Fun Fair at H orizon Taekw on-do will be held on Saturday, A ugust 25, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. H orizon is located at 1027 Speers Road, U nit 25, (on the co m er o f Fourth Line and Speers, in the Tim H ortons plaza), or call 905-844-8384 for details. O r visit them on the Internet at w w w .horizontkd.com . (905) 842-0903 D AN CE TRAINING A T IT'S BEST! Encourage your child' s natural lave o f dance with our stimulating dance classes. From tiny tots to teens, our programs help students develop dancing skills along with coordination, poise and confidence. R E G IS T R A T I O N D A T E S Every Monday morning during the month of .August from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon. 905 815-8130 - FINALLY... # .. :. A c a d e m ic P ro g ra m in g T h a t M eets Y o u r C h ild 's N eeds Year-Round Private School SaL, August 25 Tues., August 28 Wed., September 5 Thurs.. September 6 SaL, September 8 l(fc00 to 2.-00 pm 5:00 to 8:00 pm 5:00 to 8:00 pm 5:00 to 8:00 pm 10:00 to 2:00 pm STAR ACADEMY now offering After School Homework Club lor all. C A D E M Y Recreational classes in Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Aero, and Hip Hop. Competitive classes offered by audition only. premiere All classes commence September 10th. For more information about our now open A fter School H om ew ork Club o r Full Tim e Enrollment (|K - Grade 10) call D A N C E I NC (905) 891-1555 208 Wyecroft Road, Unit 6, Oakville For more information call 905-845-1221 x 1587 Cormack Crescent Mississauga (Dixie & QEW ) \a c & flip flop ·M e t* Aero ·Jazz* Lyrical·M usical Theatre* Tap · ?re Dance) We ARE ENTERING OUR NINTH YEAR IN OAKVILLE IN OUR NEWLY RENOVATED PREMISES. NOW ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS FOR OUR 2001/2002 SEASON. C l a sses for children aged 3 and up , at a l l levels from recreational through c o m p e t it iv e . A dult c la sse s also a v a il a b l e . Gler^burnie School A T h e« A private co-educational day school Pre-School to Grade 8 Limited Plaeement(s) Available for fiept/2001 Preschool A M , P M : Grades 1, 2. 4. 7, 8 Full S ch o o l Facilities Individual S p eciality C lassro o m s E n riched M usic, Art, D ra m a P ro g ram m es S ta te of th e Art M u ltim e d ia T ech n o lo g y S c ie n c e Lab * Full S iz e d G ym n as iu m C hoirs * B an d s * S p o rts * E lectives S u m m e r P ro g ra m m e E x te n d e d H o u r S u pervision Entrance Testing By Appointment (9 0 5 ) 3 3 8 -6 2 3 6 2 0 3 5 Upper Middle Road, East Oakville (Ford Drive/QEW) www.glenburnieschool.com A * o s i c M A * e i f e , " E s ta b lis h e d 1 9 6 7 T H A T S A Y S A LO T! CREATIVE MUSIC for CHILDREN (3 to 9 years) B a s e d o n th e O R F F M E T H O D u s in g X Y L O P H O N E S , R E C O R D E R , T Y M P A N I D R U M S , e tc. O rig in a te d & d ire c te d b y B a rb a ra L a n g h o rn e , B .A ., A .T .C .M . C e rtifie d O R F F T e a c h e r A n a ffilia te o f th e R o y a l C o n s e rv a to ry o f M u s ic o f T o ro n to F O R IN F O R M A T IO N OR BROCHURE Open House August 20 - 24 August 27 - 31 S a t., August 25 S a t., September 1 9:00am 4:00pm 10:00am 10:00am - 4:30pm - 9:00pm - 5:00pm - 5:00pm S e e our s t u d io s an d m e e t t h e f a c u l t y , or p e r h a p s t r y one o f our c o m p l im e n t a r y c l a s s e s . P l e a s e c a l l th e s t u d io to c o n f ir m your s p o t ! R Dancewear Direct Come v i s i t us for a l l your dance n e e d s . We carry a w ide range of shoes a s WELL AS THE LATEST STYLES IN DANCEWEAR FROM LEADING SUPPLIERS. Back to c u s s s p e c ia l s from S a t., August 25 through S a t., September 1. 637-3016 or 634-3291 A LEARNING PROGRAM in an atm osphere of FUN and SPONTANEITY Glen Abbey - 4 th Line & Upper Middle Rd. ·Southeast - Maplegrove Drive · Also in Burlington & Milton_____________ J / UP TO 40% OFF. 2 8 6 1 s h e rw o o d Heights Drive, Unit 39 (S. of QEW, W. of Winston Churchill) Oakville, Ontario (905)829-1610 V STEPPING STONES Childcare Learning Centre A. OPEN HOUSE Saturday, August 25 10 a.m. 2 p.m. Every year, the 5000 volunteers of the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary (CCGA) participate in more than 1700 search and rescue missions, resulting in over 200 lives saved. To reach all those that need help, we need your financial support. Offering the Highest Quality of Care! · 16 months - 6 years · Tours Welcome Diploma Progmm - Registered Holistic Nutritionist Caring/Qualified Staff, Educational Programs, Computer Lab, Nutritious Meals For more information, call (613) 991-5714 or visit us at www.ccga-gcac.org Professional Designations General Interest Courses Full/Part Time/A.M. & P.M. Nursery School Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary 200 Kent St, 5^ Floor, Ottawa, Ontario K1A0E6 Registered Charity 87029 8494 RR 0001 M ISSISSAUGA (905) 891-0024 Septem ber classes 580 Argus Road, Oakville (near the Oakville Go Train Station) NEXT INFORMATION SESSIONS AUGUST 29, 7-9 P.M. 905 - 842*6280 Let your creativity soar to new heights fW R(Z0« n e m o n - o o Saturday, August 2 5 10:00am - 4:00pm ART & P O TTER Y *4 CLA SSES ADULTS · CHILDREN T he Oakville A n Society' s experienced instructors offer a wide variety o f programs. From beginner to advanced, you're sure to find a dass best suited for your skill level and busy schedule. Classes commence September I5th and are held mornings, afternoons or evenings. Children' s classes are held after school or Saturday mornings. Grand Opening Special 3 months for only $99 plus GST & a FREE UNIFORM! (Limited time offer) We offer: · Separate Children & Adult Cl · Day & Evening Classes · Classes 7 Days a Week CLASSES BEGIN SEPTEMBER 15TM WATERCOLOUR - OIL PAINTING - ACRYLIC PAINTING - SCULPTURE - POTTERY CHILDREN'S ART AND POTTERY Register today! Give us a call or drop in to the OAS studiosfor a descriptive class brochure. Join our FREE Fun Fair Balloon G ive -A w a y Cupcake Decorating Raffle Prizes A ir Bouncer Cotton Candy Face Painting Free BBQ Fishing Pond ^ ie Oakville Art Society Teaching art in your community for 35 years Meet the Clown - Jeannie "Jelly" Beans O C IE T Y 56O B ro n te R d . 8 2 7 -5 7 1 1 1027 Speers Rd. Unit 25, O akville (Corner of 4th Line & Speers Rd.) (905 ) 844-8384 O ffice H ours: M o n . to T h u rs. 10 a m to 4 p m · www.oakviUe-ait-society.com *

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