A 2 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y N o v e m b e r 7, 2001 Join us to celebrate Thursday, Nov. I5th V R o fro c n m o n tc w ill no con/on Photo by Ron Kuzyk MADD Halton kicked off its 2001 Red Ribbon Campaign on Monday evening with everyone from dedicated volunteers to law enforcement officials taking part. Seen here (from left) are Halton Regional Police Deputy Chief Gary Crowell, OPP Burlington Detachment Inspector Bob Weekes and MADD Halton president Stephanie Dooley. ENTER T O W IN T H E A L L -N E W 2002 F O R D T H U N D E R B IR D No purchase necessary. See dealer rules and regulations for complete contest details. Team effort drives Red Ribbon campaign By Howard Mozel OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF While drinking and driving can seem at times to be an overwhelm ing societal problem, dedicated Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Halton volunteers remain effective front-line agents of change. That was the consensus Monday night during MADD's volunteer appreciation evening and Red Ribbon Campaign Kick-Off as dignitaries thanked all those who donate their energies to making the region's roadways safer. "You're definitely making a dif ference, believe me," said Inspector Bob Weekes of the OPP's Burlington Detachment. "Without you, the message wouldn't be going through as loud as it is." Allstate Insurance Regional Sales Manager Vince DeAngelis, whose industry is also wellacquainted with the toll of drunk driving, agreed. "As a parent I've realized it's everyone's responsibility to make their community safer," he said. MADD Halton president Stephanie Dooley, who with hus band Bill marks the 10th anniver sary of their daughter Janet's death later this month, handed out appre ciation certificates. "Without the volunteers who work with me, I don't know where I'd be," she said. The 2001 Red Ribbon Campaign - which started Nov. 1 and runs through to the New Year will see MADD Canada volunteers distribute four million ribbons across the country. Subtitled "Tie One On For Safety," the annual ini tiative serves a twofold purpose says MADD Canada's Paula-Marie Ferreira, namely to remind people not to drink and drive and to hon our the memory of those killed and injured. "By attaching a ribbon to your vehicle, this will serve as a mes sage to people on the roads to drive safe and sober over the holiday sea son," said Dooley. "Our hope is that there will not be any tragedies in our community this holiday sea son." That sentiment was echoed by Halton Regional Police Deputy Chief Gary Crowell who said he is proud to count MADD Halton among the service's most valuable community partners. Both parties, he explained, possess the "common goal" of making roads safe. With the festive season approaching, Crowell promised that spotchecks will be very visible and said that extra provincial funding has been received in order to con duct the RIDE (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) Program. Like Halton Regional Police, says Weekes, the OPP is committed to preventing death and injury since an officer's worst duty is to go to a home and tell a family that a loved one has perished at the hand of a drunk driver. Weekes, who said Burlington Detachment cruisers will display red ribbons, encouraged responsi ble motorists to report impaired drivers by pressing *OPP on their cell phones. "It's treated as a high-priority call by us," he said. Halton Regional chair Joyce Savoline said MADD's cause is one that is "very dear to my heart" - not because of a personal tragedy but because she can relate as a mother and as a community leader. "Drinking and driving deaths are totally preventable," said Savoline. 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