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Oakville Beaver, 16 Feb 2000, D4

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D4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER W ednesday, February 16,2000 YOUR MISSION: SUCCESSFULLY ORGRHIZE YOUR SPRCE UITHOUT EXCESSIVE FORCE Halton cop wins Ont. police toumey then shocks Middaugh in Nokia Cup T hree m em bers o f the H alton R egion P olice S ervice, backed up by one m em ber o f the O ntario P rovincial P olice (O PP), M o u n t F o rest D etachm ent, cu rled as a team at the recent O ntario police cham pionships. T his event, held at the Tam H eath er C u rlin g C lub in T oronto earlier this m onth, saw 14 team s from across the pro v in ce com pete. W hen the sw eeping stopped and the snow se ttle d , the H alto n te am c o n s istin g o f C on stab le P eter C o rn er (skip), C on stab le T roy Izlak ar (lead), In sp ecto r D an O luloski (second) and O PP C o n stab le D on Shane (vice) cam e aw ay as the provincial cham ps. T his hon o u r en titles the team to rep resen t O n tario at the C an ad ian ch a m p io n sh ip s in H alifax, b eg inning M arch 19. T he H alton R egional P olice S ervice is very proud o f its te a m 's effo rts an d w ishes them w ell in the finals in H alifax. N O K IA C U P P eter C orner, a B u rlin g to n resid e n t, w as also in action last w eek, sk ip p in g an o th er team , o ut o f H am ilton G len d ale, to a v icto ry in an o th er p ro v in c ia l c h a m p io n s h ip , o f so m e n o te. N am ely the N o k ia C up m e n 's p ro v in cial c h a m p ionship, w hich is said by som e to be on e o f the to u g h est to u rn am en ts in the w o rld to w in because o f the stren g th o f cu rlin g in O n tario . A lo n g sh o t to ev en m a k e the p la y o ffs, C o rn er m ade it all th e w ay to the p ro v in cial final w here he p u lled o ff an u p se t o v er his co u sin , h eav ily fav o u red W ayne M id d a u g h , 64. C o rn er is now o ff to the L ab att B rier, M arch 4-12 in S askatoon. Leachman'andArmstrong make national all-star team Ju st to w rap up o u r co v erag e o f the 2000 K archer C an ad ian Ju n io r W o m en 's C u rlin g C h am p io n sh ip w hich w rap p ed up Satuday in M o n cto n , a co u p le o f O ak v ille C u rlin g C lub p lay ers m ade the n atio n al all-star team . Ju lie R ed d ic k 's O ak v ille C u rlin g C lub team c o n s is tin g o f K aren V achon (B u rlin g to n ), L eig h A rm stro n g (M ilto n ) an d S te p h a n ie L eachm an (O ak v ille), fo r the seco n d c o n sec u tive year, fin ish e d up w ith an 8 -4 re c o rd , ju s t on e w in shy o f m ak in g it o ut o f th e p re lim i nary round. O a k v ille 's S tep h an ie L ea ch m a n m ad e the Ju n io r W om en first team as lead an d L eig h A rm stro n g o f M ilton m ade th e s e c o n d te am as second. S ask atch ew an w on th e n a tio n a l c h a m p i o n sh ip 7-5 o ver P.E.I. O ur designers will help create the perfect closet for you! Our versatile components and many accessories offer · flexibility in design and price. Challenge us to be creative with your space An opening round OMHA series sweep over Bram pton H ere's the recent action for the Oakville Rangers atom double-A re p team . D ec. 18: A goal by M ark Kingston gave the Rangers a 2-2 tie with the visiting Burlington Eagles. Frazer M illigan had the other goal. A ssists to Justin W ilson Kirby, Brett T hom pson, K evin L ee and Joel Brooks. Dec. 19: the Rangers dropped a 5-2 decision in Fergus. D ow n 2-0, the Rangers evened it up at 2-2 before Fergus scored three unan sw ered goals. Joel Brooks m ade a nice deke and the second goal was a two-way play by M ark Kingston and Joel Brooks. Dec. 27-29 (Bram pton toumey): Oakville m ade it to the sem ifinals w here they lost 4-1 to the M ississauga N orth Stars. M ark Kingston scored from Joel Brooks. In the prelim inary round it was 2-2 against H am ilton, 3-2 over M ississauga Braves and 7-2 over A urora Tigers. Jan. 4: Oakville w on 5-0 over visiting Brampton. Goals were as follow s. F razer M illigan (B rett T hom pson and Justin W ilsonKirby), K evin Lee (from M ichael Lorenz), W ilson-K irby (unassisted), Joel Brooks (Kevin Lee and Mark ...or lack o f it! residential · commercial · industrial Closet Maid Heavy Duty, Vinyl Coated Steel Shelving S I® ^ installation aiwavs available Kingston), Ryan Sim chison (Chris Readshaw). Jan. 9: O akville defeated visiting Fergus 6-4. T he scoring was as fol low s ... F ra z er M illigan (B rett Thom pson), M ichael Lorenz (unas sisted), R yan S im chison (A li Robitaille), Justin W ilson -Kirby 2 (Thom pson, M jlligan 2 and Lorenz), Joel B rooks (K evin Lee and M ark Kingston). Jan. 17: O akville lost their last league gam e 3-1. M att B andy scored. Jan. 19-23: Oakville reached the finals o f the Peterborough tourna ment, played w ithout body checking due to the presence o f A m erican teams. O akville won all their prelim i nary gam es -- 8-1 over Scarborough, 7-1 over C anterbury and 4-2 over North Cum berland. B rett T hom pson scored w ith less than a m inute left to give O akville a 2-1 w in in the sem ifinal gam e, assisted by Kevin Lee and Chris Readshaw. Joel B rooks scored the opener from M ark K ingston and Lee. The Rangers lost the cham pi onship m atch 6-2 to Quebec. Still, the R angers w orked extrem ely hard and played som e skilled hockey to reach the fin als. G oals by Joel B ro o k s (K e v in L ee ) and B rett T hom pson (Justin W ilson-K irby). Jan, 25: the R angers opened up their T ri-C ounty playoffs w ith a tough 4-3 loss in the last seven sec onds o f the gam e. O akville scoring ... Frazer M illigan (Justin W ilsonK irby), B rett T hom pson (M illigan) and W ilson-K irby (M illigan, T hom pson). Jan. 28: the Rangers had a better result in their opening round O M H A playdow ns, doubling host B ram pton 4-2 . R an g ers sc o rin g ... A li Robitaille (Ryan Sim chison), K evin L ee (M ark Kingston), M att B andy (R obitaille) and K evin Lee. Feb. 1: the R angers w on the sec ond gam e w ith an identical 4-2 score, O akville's last goal into an em pty net. O akville scoring ... M ark Kingston (Brett T hom pson), M ark Kingston (Joel B rooks and Kevin Lee), Justin W ilson-K irby (Frazer M illigan and T hom pson) and Kevin Lee. Feb. 5: O akville w rapped up their opening round O M H A play dow ns w ith a 2-1 win. Justin W ilson K irby o p e n ed the scoring from Frazer M illigan. Joel B rooks m ade it 2-0, assisted by W ilson-K irby and Chris Readshaw. & `W tat& i & CZCeovuutee £ > a£ e ^ tU Jm H aQ (Fslboraasiir^ f& D aB a Featuring Wood California and Plantation Shutters Complete wardrobes fo r newborn to 12 years, fo r children at surprising affordable prices. 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