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Oakville Beaver, 1 Mar 2000, b5

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Wednesday, March 1,2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Photos by Peter C. McCusker N ancy Tarek, right, puts all sh e's got into the rehearsal for What a Lovely Way to Spend an Evening. w hich opens at the O akville C en tre on M arch 10th. She is also seen, left, rehearsing w ith fellow C ircle o f H arm ony singer, Sherry K night, and w ith Ted Byers and Jordan Travis o f T he E n tertain ers. B oth O ak ville barb ershop choruses are pictured above. i , * p tC C c* t^- S x fie n ta from petite to full figure What a Lovely Way to Spend an Evening W hat a L ovely Way to S p en d an E vening prom ises an evening (or afternoon) o f harm ony with the tw o O akville barbershop choruses - the E ntertainers (m en) and the C ircle o f H arm ony (w om en) - at the O akville C entre for the P er form ing A rts on Friday, M arch 10th and S atur day, M arch 11th. The first act w ill see actors and m em bers o f the audience supposedly bidding on an all-C ana dian talent show. A ct Tw o w ill follow as the actu al television show goes on the air, w ith cam eras from C ogeco adding authenticity to the show. Individual quartets w ill include T he G raytones, Stop the C lock, and Fancy T hat, and the w ell-know n G oggin Irish D ancers w ill add a bit o f kick to the concert. The E ntertainers' expanded repertoire will show case such songs as M uskrat Ramble, I f You Were the O nly G irl in the World, That O ld F eel ing, C o ckta ils f o r Two, P erhaps L o v e , and Walkin ' M y B aby B ack H ome. T he C ircle o f H arm ony will jo in the E nter tainers for the title song as w ell as for the finale, L et There Be P eace on Earth. Tickets for the barbershop harm ony concerts on F riday and Saturday at 8 p.m . are $17 and are $13 for the 2 p.m . m atinee on Saturday. Tickets are available by calling Frank at 6014615 or by visiting or calling the O akville C en tre box office at 130 N avy St., 815-2021, w eek days from noon to 5 p.m . or Saturdays from 2 to 5 p.m. A B C D E F G H 845-1210 1 0 7 R e y n o ld s S t. (North o f Lakeshore Rd. E.) d o w n to w n O A K V I L L E IF YOU LOVE LINGERIE LOVE TH E BEST Dr. Brenda Chekay D.D.S., M.S.D. U pto w n O rth o do ntic s Certified Specialist in Orthodontics for Children and Adults A .s- · p WSIWj m n t -- >C a m p b e ll & A sso ciates FAMILY DENTAL OFFICE Accepting New Patients We offer: · General ir Cosmetic Dentistry · Endodontics · Gum Specialist on site · Child Specialist on site · Laughing Gas · General Anesthetic An E stablish ed P ractice in the H eart o f O ld O akville N e w P a tie n ts a re A lw a y s W e l c o m e Im m e d ia t e A p p o in t m e n t s A v a ila b le C o n v e n ie n t E v e n in g H o u r s In te ra c tiv e C D - R O M C o n s u lta tio n s C o m p u t e r iz e d D ia g n o s is C le a r B ra c e s A v a ila b le 181 Church Street, Oakville 842-4556 2387 Trafalgar Rd. Oakville, ON., (905) 25 - SMILE or (905) 257 - 6453 M aivh B reak Program s i Fun w ith Crafts Co-ed Basketball Camp 9-16 yrs. $130 Skills/Team Play/Scrimmages/Tournament Location:T.A. Blakelock H.S. Mon.-Fri. 8:30-4:00 p.m. 6-11 yrs. $14 per class or $52 for all 4 Create beautiful spring crafts Candles, Wreath, Potpourri and Flower pots Mon.-Thurs. 9:30-11:00 a.m. or 1:00-2:30 p.m. World Wide Sports Camp 6-10 yrs. $130 Sports /Crafts/Games Indoor/Outdoor Play Thursday trip to ROM Supervised aftercare available until 6:00 p.m. $25/wk. Location: St. Bernadette S.S. Mon.-Fri. 8:30-4:30 p.m. Futurekids Com puter Learning Experienced instructors Co-operative learning and sharing Cartoon Camp 5-8 yrs. Mon.-Fri. 9:30-12 noon $ 135 Robotics 8 -12 yrs. Mon-Fri. 12:30-3:00 p.m. $ 135 Keyboarding 12 yrs.+ Tues.-Thurs. 3:30-6:30 p.m. $128 Hooked on Music 7-10 yrs. $50 Learn to play the keyboard and recorder Make your own instruments Mon.-Fri. 1:30-3:00 p.m. Science Spectacular 2-5 yrs. $ 16/day YPRESCH00L Register lo r all programs at the Y M C A of Oakville 4 10 Rebecca St. 8 4 5-3 417 Experiment and learn about the world of science Mon. & Wed. 1:00-3:00 p.m.;Tues.Thurs. & Fri. 9:15 - 11:15 a.m. Babysitter Training 11-16 yrs. $54 Gain knowledge of caring for children. Learn emergency procedures, practical first-aid, and more Mon.-Fri. 10:00-noon or 1: 15 -3 :15 p.m. www.ymcaofoakville.com YM CA We build strong kids, strong families, strong communities.

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