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Oakville Beaver, 8 Mar 2000, B3

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Wednesday, March 8, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B3 March Break - plenty of fun for kids of all ages (C o n tin u e d fro m p a g e B1) O AKVILLE M U SEU M 8 Navy St., 338-4400 The Oakville M useum has M arch Break Fun, M arch 13th to 17th, Basket W eaving, M arch 13th, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., or 1 to 3 p.m., ages 7 and up. Cost: $15 including all materials plus snack. W oodcraft w ith Lis Laustroer, March 14th, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., or 1 to 3 p.m., for ages 7 and up. Cost: $15 including all materials and snack. International Crafts, M arch 15th, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., or 1 to 3 p.m., for ages 7 and up. Cost: $15 including all materials and snack. Puppets for Preschoolers, March 17th, 10 to 11 a.m., for ages 4 to 6. Cost: $10 including all materials and snack. Drop-In St. P atrick's Day Crafts, March 17th, 2 to 4 p.m., open to children of all ages. Cost: $6 including all m ate rials. YM CA OF OA K V ILLE 410 Rebecca St., 845-3417 Hooked on M usic, ages 7 to 10. Leam to play the keyboard and recorder. Make your own instruments. M onday to Friday, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Cost: $50. Baby Sitter Training, ages 11 to 16. Gain know ledge o f caring for children. Leam em ergency procedures, practical first-aid, and more, M onday to Friday 10 a.m. to noon or 1:15 to 3:15 p.m., Cost: $54 Fun with C rafts, ages 6 to 11. Create candles, wreath, potpourri and flow er pots, M onday to Thursday, 9:30 to 11 a.m. or 1 to 2:30 p.m. Cost: $14 per class or $52 for all four sessions. F uturekids C om puter Learning with experienced instructor. Co-operative learning and sharing. Cartoon Camp, ages 5 to 8, M onday to Friday, 9:30 a.m. to noon, cost $135; Robotics, ages 8 to 12, M onday to Friday, 12:30 to 3 p.m., cost $135; and Keyboarding, ages 12 and up, Tuesday to Thursday, 3:30 to 6:30 p.m., cost $128. Y Preschool Science Spectacular, ages 2 to 5. Experim ent and leam about the w orld o f science, M onday and Wednesday, 1 to 3 p.m.; and Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. Cost: $16 per day. TRAFALG AR VILLAGE 125 Cross Avenue D uring M arch Break, March 15th to 18th, visit Trafalgar Village during regu lar mall hours for the 8th annual Petting Zoo, hom e (temporarily) to lambs, sheep, ducks, rabbits, chickens, turkeys and a kangaroo, wallabee and llamas. The Castle Super Bouncer will also be a popular spot for the younger chil dren, and weather permitting, there will be pony rides on Saturday. A portion of the proceeds from both the Castle Super Bouncer and the pony rides will be going to local Children's Charities. And, Squeaky the Clown will be at Trafalgar Village from March 12th to 17th, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. PARKS & RECREATION 1225 Trafalgar Rd., 845-6601 C om puchild M illennium March Madness, for children 3 and 4 years old, March 13th to 17th, with morning and afternoon sessions, 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon, and 1 to 3:30 p.m., at River Oaks Recreation Centre, 2400 Sixth Line. March Break Camps will be held at the G len A bbey R ecreation Centre, March 13th to 17th, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Before and After Care, from 8 to 9 a.m. and/or 4 to 5:30 p.m. is available for $37.50 per week or $7.50 per day. Beetle Bugs, ages 4 to 6, maximum 50 participants, 1:8 ratio. Cost: $80 per week (5 half days) or $16 half days. This week will be jam m ed with theme days, character visits, painted pottery, crafts, games, and more. Daily themes include: Mystical M onday - hunt for daring dragons and fanciful fairies; Once Upon a Time (Tuesday), take a trip to the library and create a tale of your own; D isney D ay (W ednesday) - play games, sing songs, make crafts, all in the wonderful world of Disney; I Love Bugs (Thursday) - explore and leam about little crawly critters, build bug am usem ent parks; and C razy K ids' Carnival (Friday) - enjoy a day of face painting, pizza, games, songs, and more. March Break Bonanza, ages 6 to 9, maximum 60 participants, 1:10 ratio Cost: $ 150/week or $30/day. This fiveday program runs full days and is com prised of trips, a visit from Sciensational Snakes, daily sw im m ing, skating, themes, games, and more. Daily themes include: Space Adventure (M onday) From Star Wars to Rocket Science; A cting M ania (Tuesday) - L ights, Cam era and Action - leam the funda mentals o f stage perform ance (during a workshop at the Oakville Centre for the Perform ing Arts); It's a W ild, W ild W orld (Wednesday) - m eet slithering snakes and realize that nature has never been this fun; Blast from the Past (Thursday) - blast away from Glen A bbey and venture to the O akville M useum; and Crazy Carnival (Friday). If you like the unexpected, check out this day of crazy activities, com plete with a pizza lunch. March Break Out, ages 10 to 13, maximum 40 participants, 1:15 ratio. Cost: $ 175/week or $35/day. Break out o f school this spring and join the fun. An exciting agenda has been planned to keep you busy and to `Break O ut' from the everyday. G et yourself to the Glen Abbey Recreation Centre and partici pate in trips to Scooters, Laser Quest, Blacklight, Bowling, and more. Leadership Developm ent, ages 14 and 15, m axim um 20 participants. 1:10 ratio. Cost: $ 100/week - no daily regis tration option. G et the jum p on summer. This program offers a perfect opportuni ty t$ develop leadership skills in prepa ration for em ployment. This fun-filled w eek is spent discussing communica tion, group control, program planning, behaviour m anagem ent, and much more. Participants will enjoy presentations in High Five, leam about their True C olours, and becom e certified in Emergency Level First Aid. This pro gram also provides participants with hands-on experience with real children. Basic Leadership Certificates will be aw arded to successful participants. For further information about any of the M arch Break programs, call Louise Veres, Recreation Supervisor at 8456601 Ext. 3154. Registration forms can be found in the Oakville Your Town: A Guide to Town Services Including Parks & Recreation Programs. COMMUNITY UPDATE Please fo rw a rd a n nounce m ents fo r Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4; call 845-3824 E x t 250, F ax 337--5567 or em ail to b lo kiiu is@ h a lto n sea rch .co m B E F O RE N O O N Monday. W ED NESD AY M A R C H 8 O akville Fibrom yalgia Support Group meeting, 7 to 9 Tickets, $14 adults and $5 chil dren, call 416-241-7077. Proceeds distributed to various community charities throughout the Greater Toronto Area. Last year's 60th annual show raised $50,000. SU N D A Y M A R C H 12 South Peel Naturalists Club p.m., St. Dominic's Parish Hall, 2415 Rebecca, between Third Line and Bronte Road. Discussion - establishing library materials for members' use. Call Cathy, 827-0243 or Brenda, 847-2620. Oakville A naphylaxis B urlington Parent Group, has field trip to Long Point. Meet 8 a.m. at parking lot, east side of Bronte Road just south of QEW. Call 279-8807. M O N D AY M A R C H 13 H eart o f A frica, unique information and support for families living with life-threat ening allergies, 7:30 p.m., St. Christopher Anglican Church, 662 Guelph Line, south of QEW, Burlington. Wednesday Film F estival presents Mansfield Park . . . Jane Austen - romantic idealism and pragmatic reality, 7 p.m., Famous Players, Dorval and QEW. Tickets, $8 - $6 for arts groups members, at door prior to show at 6:30 p.m. Bereaved Families, Halton Peel, Share and Support Night, 7:30 p.m., at its office, 190 Britannia Rd. E., Mississauga. Topic: I Know How You Feel. Call 507-2200. TH U RSD AY M A R C H 9 Schizophrenia Society o f Ontario, Family and Friends Support Group meeting, 7:30 to African Dinner Theatre - cultur al dinner and live drama, Calvary Baptist Church, Lakeshore Road W., 6:30 p.m. Drama about Wycliffe Bible Translators and their African partners, told through the misad ventures of a Canadian family, a hidden people group, and an African who forged a bridge between them. No admission charge - freewill offering. Faith promise project to support national Bible translators and lit eracy workers worldwide. Call 827-4157 to reserve seats. Holy Word Studios, March Break program at River Oaks Community Church, March 13th to 17th, 8:45 to 11:45 a.m. Activities, songs, stories, crafts for kids 6 to 12. Call 257-3864. B reast C ancer Support Services, Oakville chapter, 7 to THE WIDEST ASSORTMENT OF BUSINESS MACHINES & OFFICE SUPPLIES! Canon COLOUR CARTRIDGE 27298 V a l ue : 2 9 . 9 9 C530 COLOUR MULTIPASS ALL-IN-ONE · 20-pg auto doc. feeder · Prints up to 5 ppm black, 2 ppm colour · Up to 42 -pg fax m em ory · Scans 6 0 0 dpi 397121 Our Price 498.92 INSTANT Rebate -50.00 Price After Rebate 9 p.m., Alternatives, 579 Kerr St. Speakers: Lynda Morrison and Helen Brent of Wellspring, 7:30 p.m. Call Jackie Miller, 845-5913. O akville O ptim ist Club 448 * 92 9:30 p.m., CMHA Halton office, 488 Kerr. Call Bonnie Grant, 815-0070. Car Care M aintenance, Oakville Seniors Centre, 263 Kerr, 1:30 p.m. Seminar covers emission testing, basic car care. Free gifts, plus door prize. RSVP, 815-5966. H ockey M O M S, 8 p.m., MOHA office, 1026 Speers, open to anyone interested in minor hockey. Call 842-3038. M E Association o f Halton and Hamilton-Wentworth, sup hosts Zone Five meeting, 7:15 p.m., at Halton Police Safety Village, 1151 Bronte Rd. Speaker: Tom Marshall, lawyer, Youth and the Law. E nterprise Centre, GUARANTEED LOWjRRICES EVERY DAY! Hopedale Mall, holds Orientation Session, 1 to 4 p.m., for Self Employment Assistant (SEA), funded by Human Resources Development Canada. Call 825-2345. B urlington Parent Watch, port group, meets second Thursday of each month, 7 p.m., Tansley United Church, 2111 Walker's Line, north of Upper Middle, Burlington. Call 905319-7966. H alton C entral Chapter, BNI, meets every Thursday at the Dynasi Restaurant, 399 Dundas W., 7 to 8:30 a.m., visi tors welcome. For information and reservations, call John Seaga, 257-9463. F R ID A Y M A R C H 10 Oakville Single/Social Dance every Friday at the 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., Brant Bible Church, 2501 Eaglesfield, Burlington, for parents of kids who are sad, truant, abusing drugs, threatening, running away, in trouble with law, or making poor choices, 319-9026. Chat a n d Play, parents and tots group (infants to preschool ers), St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca, 10 to 11:30 a.m. Free, everyone welcome. Call 845-3427. ADVANCED REG ISTRATIO N Oakville Royal Canadian Legion, Normandy Room, Church and Navy. Admission $10. Proceeds through Branch 114 to charities. Dancing 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Cash door prizes and refreshments. Dress code. Call 845-6271. SATURD AY M A R C H 11 Oakville Stamp Club holds annual Stamp Show, St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Special feature, children's stamp exhibits, prizes and contests for the kids. Also 15 dealers. Free. Call John Roberts, 845-0979. Colours o f Spring, art show and sale by Mississauga Seniors Art Club at Springbank Art Centre, Mississauga and Dundas, Mississauga, March 11th, 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; March 12th, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Beaver Bible Class of Westway United Church, Mississauga, presents annual amateur musical and sketch review at Glenforest Secondary School, 3575 Fieldgate Dr., Mississauga (south of Burhamthorpe, east of Dixie), Saturdays March 11th, 18th, and 25th at 1:30 p.m., and Fridays, March 17th and 24th, 7:30 p.m. St. Patty's Dance, March 18th, Oakville Royal Canadian Legion, Church and Navy, with 15-piece Kerr Street Big Band. Dancing 8 p.m. to midnight, buffet 10 p.m. Tickets, $10, for sale at Legion. Proceeds to Fareshare Foodbank. St. Patrick's Day Dance, March 18th, Oakville Knights of Columbus, featuring the Molly McGuires and Goggin Irish Dancers. Irish music and laugh ter, Irish stew on the house. Tickets, $20, call 845-6277 or 827-1854, or at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 1494 Wallace Rd. Achieving a Healthy Weight, March 23rd, 7 p.m., with Dr. Ronnie Aronson, endocrinologist; Mary Foran, occupational therapist; Karri Koach, registered dietitian, and Wendy Davis, kinesiologist, 707 Galaxy Banquet Hall. Call Halton Healthcare Services, 338-4379 to reserve free seats. Hurting marriage? Retrouvaille, a process designed to heal and renew trou bled marriages, with focus on communication and opportunity for couples to rediscover them selves and marriage relation ship. Call, in confidence, 8250791. Next Retrouvaille week end March 31st in Burlington. brother XEROX 480CX COLOUR |ALL-IN-ONE 30-pg auto doc. feeder Prints 8 ppm black, 4 ppm colour · 200-pg memory iie m u i y I · Pagis Pro software included 47354 MFC-7150 COLOUR ALL-IN-ONE T45 COLOUR ALL-IN-ONE · Plain paper colour fax Prints 9 ppm black, 6.5 ppm colour Full-colour co p ie r/ scan up to 1200 dpi 391903 449" 598 · 20-pg auto doc. feeder Prints 6 ppm black, 4 ppm colour · Scans 1200 dpi enhanced · Video Our Price 548.66 capture Mail-in Rebate -50.00 capability Price After Rebate 45842 93 498" . warehouse Prices OAKVILLE · 2460 Winston Churchill (at Dundas) * cs OTHER LOCATIONS: MISSISSAUGA: *1530 Aimco Blvd. *5935 M avis Road · QEW at Dorval Drive BRAMPTON: · 2 1 0 North Service Road W. ·1250 Steeles E. (E. of 410) STORE HOURS Mon-Fri 8AM-9PM ·8 0 Great Lakes Drive ·2 9 3 7 Highway 7 East Sat 9AM-6PM Sun 11AM-5PM FREE NEXT-DAY DELIVERY VISIT OUR PH: 1-800-668-6888 WEBSITE AT: FX: 1-800-567-2260 www.businessdepot.com D E p lfr Office S u p p le

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