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Oakville Beaver, 8 Mar 2000, "Entertainment", B4

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B4 l H t U A K V lLLt B tA V tK weunesuay, iviaiui o, iuuu Arts & Entertainment Oakville Beaver Entertainment Editor Carol Baldwin 845-3824 (Extension 254) Fax:337-5567 P hoto by P eter C. M cCusker Yo M u sta fa h e lp s W h itn e y S m ith w ith h e r a c tin g s k ills . I Camp fosters self-confidence as well as acting and singini By Carol B aldw in ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR ids, ages 9 to 15, can explore all aspects o f theatre during Sum m er D ram a C am p 2000. Not only will they exam ine the techniques o f acting, singing and dancing, th ey 'll be able to try their hands at som e backstage skills as well and even attend a production at Stratford. "T h ey 'll get an idea o f w hat goes into a production," explains Yo M ustafa, artistic director for W est End Studio T heatre (W.E.S.T.). Sum m er D ram a C am p 2000, operated by W.E.S.T., will offer four tw o-w eek sessions beginning the w eek o f July 3rd and continuing until the last w eek o f A ugust. "W e'll be concentrating on voice, body and the im agina tion, every day from 9 `til 4, starting w ith the basics and getting into m ore detailed stu ff...p u llin g out the k id s' tal ents," says M ustafa. "I have friends com ing in to do w orkshops on set design, costum e design, lighting d e sig n ...T h e n w hen we go to see a show (at S tratford), w e 'll have a discussion afterw ard s...(ask in g ) w hat did you think o f the blocking, the set, the lighting?," he explains. "So, they can discuss it intelligently instead o f `W ell, I d id n 't like it.' W hy d id n 't you like it?" A lso, on the second last day o f each session, parents will be able to see the fruits o f their ch ild ren 's labour as they enjoy a play o f about an hour in length that their kids not only act in but have w ritten as well. M ustafa says the sum m er cam p will not be divided into different age groups but will see nine-year-olds w orking alongside 15-year-olds. "It w orks am azingly well. The older kids end up looking after the younger kids, and the confidence o f the younger kids really builds as they w ork with the older kids," he explains. "D ivision d o esn 't w ork in this instance." The older kids, especially those w ho have taken previous acting lessons, m ay even have an opportunity to direct a play or at least assist. K D on't M iss T h is R o c k 'N' Roll Ic e S p e c t a c u la r S tarrin g T h re e-T im e C a n a d ia n C h am p io n J o s e e C ho u in ard ! 4 DAYS O NLY! BY PHONE: ( 905 ) 645-5000 tlckotm astor o utlets w w w .tic k e tm a s te r.c a INFO: (905) 546-4040 GROUPS: (905) 546-4095 16-19 * MAR. Copps Coliseum TICKETS: $20 - $30 - $45 (VIP) (service charges and handling lees may apply) www.GreaseOnlce.com P r o d u c e d b y F e ld E n te r ta im n e n t a n d T h e T r o ik a O r g a n iz a tio n "Trade stocks, review shocks, order socks." H om e L m ance H ow ever, before the cam p gets under way, W.E.S.T. is offering a spring session o f acting w orkshops for kids and adults alike, beginning A pril 8th. T hese eight-w eek w ork shops do segregate by age. Stage acting is available for adult w ould-be actors as w ell as those as young as five, w hile nine-year-olds are the youngest w ho can enroll in the acting w orkshops for film and television. "A nd w e are introducing voice lessons, w ith Judith Lan der, for kids betw een the ages o f 12 and 17, and for adults," says M ustafa. "T here is a program called Voice Busters (for adults), w hich is fo r those w ho d o n 't think they can carry a tune, but they really c a n ...I t's sort o f le t's get together and play around and d isco v er that w e really do have a voice." V ocal/Singing O ne is for the u n d er-18 age group and Vocal/Singing Two is for the over-18s. T hese classes will focus on the pop singing technique, w ith each student ulti m ately having an opportunity to perfect a pop or Broadway song o f his or her choice. "I w ant W est E nd S tudio T heatre to be able to m ake a difference in the arts, and because w e are going to be doing m usicals as one o f our show s at the O akville Centre, it's im portant that w e do offer the training," explains M ustafa. "E v e n tu a lly ...w e 're probably going to start introducing m usical theatre - five w eeks o f choreography and then five w eeks o f singing (for kids). T hen w e'll com bine the two into little vignettes and choreograph it into a little m ini show for the parents." U ltim ately, M u stafa says he w ould like to start a youth theatre com pany in O akville, w hich will tap into the talent developed in the acting, singing and m usical theatre w ork shops. H e says this group w ill entertain in m alls or other public places, w ith the possibility o f even establishing a lunch-tim e theatre. "T he philosophy o f W est E nd S tudio T heatre is that we d o n 't w ant to create little stars. We w ant to create kids who are going to be happy and confident in w hat they are do ing," he stresses. N ot that h e 's opposed to seeing his stu dents go on to do great things on the stage or screen. But if they do, he w ould like it to be through choice not because he pushed them to fulfill a prom ise o f stardom he had made. T he spring w orkshops range in price from $72 for stage acting for ages 5 to 8 to $160 for any o f the voice work shops. T he fee fo r each tw o-w eek session o f Sum m er D rama C am p 2000 is $375, except for the session including the A ugust holiday M onday, w hich is $335. Fees do not include lunch. For inform ation or registration, call 845-W E ST (9378). Ants In YourPants'for kids ` C hildren and parents alike can bop to tunes from the Ju n o-nom inated album A nts In Your Pants: Volume 1, w hich w ill be perform ed live at M asterm ind, the only retail store w here A n ts In Your P ants C D s and cassettes are avail able. A nd C ush from T reehouse T V w ill be bopping along w ith them at this free M arch B reak concert at 4 p.m. on M arch 15th at M asterm ind in the U pper O akville Shopping C entre, 1011 U pper M iddle Rd. at E ighth Line. S inger D ouglas John stars in C an ad a's num ber-one preschool video program , A n ts In Your Pants, w hich is seen on N orth A m erica's only specialty channel dedicated to preschoolers - T reehouse TV. T he popularity o f the television show spaw ned the CD by the sam e nam e, a spirited collection o f ch ild ren 's songs, w hich w as nom inated for B est C h ild ren 's A lbum at this y e a r's Juno aw ards. ' : 5^AiP?w a S ^ T h e Oakville A rt Society ^ 34th ANNUAL i port**'** j^laixtoa: commerce and ART AUCTION Saturday, March 11 - 6:30 p.m. OAKVILLE CENTENNIAL GALLERY 120 Navy Street L o ca te d in th e m a in lib ra ry building a t th e c o rn e r o f N a vy & L a ke sh o re . ere's your opportunity to add to your corp rate or private art collection and join in all the thrills and excitem ent of a live art auction. Q u ic K Q u o te H Searching for an easy way to get things done this winter? COGECO@Home high speed Internet access over cable is a real find. M onitor your portfolio and trade stocks, read product reviews, order clothes online and have them delivered, and more. Best of all you can get to all this cool stuff right from the hom e page. COGECO@Home. It's the w inter break everyone can use. Give yourself a w in te r break fo r OVER 100 ORIGINAL WORKS F rom tra d itio n a l fin e a rt to a b stra ct, fu nctional p o tte ry to s c u lp tu re b y local a nd in te rn a tio n a lly re co g n ize d artists. sa only $39.95' a m onth. $10 R obert B atem an · Jack Reid · Joyce Kellock Peri Jolley · Elizabeth Pudsey · Maureen Castellar Michael Young · M arguerite Broten · Helen Hendry G ordon H are · Joyce R eynolds · R obert Boast-Cornish Tom C hatfield · Joe Sm ith · A nd m any more on. .* P review Show ing March 4 to 11 - during Library hours i n s t a t e 110" //ir w m r ,i: r A I v U iv -w 'J L v -v Home Live Auction March 11 - doors open at 6:30 p.m. High speed Internet access over cable Available at FREE A D M IS S IO N - REFRESHMENTS S P O N S O R E D IN PART BY 1-877-8-ATHOM E www. cogeco. ca/home AIC GROUP OF FUNDS in to w n g u id e .c o m T re lo a r & A ssociates 0 RadioShack. "Cable modem rental $10/m onth credited for COGECO Cable customers. Regular price of $49.95/month for non-basic cable customers ($39.95/month and $10/m onth cable modem rental). Standard installation charge of $149.95 for laptop computers and non-basic cable customers. Not available in all areas. Some restrictions may apply. Additional charges w ill apply fo r non-standard installations. THE OAKVILLE ART SOCIETY For m ore inform ation call 827-571

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