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Oakville Beaver, 15 Mar 2000, A8

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A8 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday March 15, 2000 Form er OTMH patients w ill be asked for treatm ent critique If y o u 've recently been a p atient in the E m ergency D epartm ent at M ilton D istrict H ospital (M D H ) or O akvilleT ra fa lg a r M e m o rial H o sp ital (O T M H ), th e re 's a good chance y o u 'll soon be asked fo r your opinion about you r visit to the hospital. P atien t satisfaction surveys from H alton H ealthcare S ervices (H H S), the am alg am ated corporation o f M D H and O T M H , w ill soon be delivered to a ran d o m selection o f patients w ho re c e iv e d e m e rg en c y tre a tm e n t in O ctober, N ovem ber o r D ecem ber, o f last year. " K n o w in g o u r p a tie n ts ' p e rc e p tions o f the quality o f service and care they received can really help us," said R oger Sharm an, president & C EO o f H alto n H ea lth c are S erv ices. "T he results w ill provide us w ith a better understanding o f w hat w e are doing w ell and w here w e are not m eeting patient expectations. T his inform ation w ill help guide our future directions and im provem ents." T he patient satisfaction program is part o f H alton H ealthcare S ervices' quality im provem ent program . "The adm inistration o f the survey program at both sites w ill be overseen by HHS O m bud L isa D roppo w hose m andate includes the identification o f opportu nities for im provem ent," continued Sharm an. The survey will be m ailed to a ran dom selection o f 400 people. T hree hundred o f the surveys w ill be m ailed to those w ho have visited O TM H , an additional 100 w ill be sent to those w ho v isited the M D H E m ergency D epartm ent. "T he em erg en cy q u estio n n a ire asks people to evaluate item s includ ing w aiting tim e, registration process, physician and nursing care received, co m m u n ic atio n , d isc h arg e and billing," said D roppo. "T he q uestion naire also allow s for personal co m m ents to be included." T he m ailing, collection and analy sis o f the surveys w ill be com pleted by Solution Point, a com pany that specializes in custom er satisfaction tracking for healthcare organizations. "W e w ill re c e iv e c o m p re h e n siv e reports that w ill allow us to ben ch m ark our services against the best in the field and, over tim e, w ill indicate trends occurring w ithin specific ser vices," continued D roppo. A sim ilar survey is used by H H S to collect inform ation from those w ho have spent tim e as a patien t in the hos pital. T h at survey ev alu ates sta ff co u r tesy, the adm ission p rocess, nursing staff, p h y sic ia n s, c o m m u n ic a tio n , h ospital care, retu rn in g hom e, staff skill, and the clean lin ess o f the facili ty In q u iries reg ard in g the survey or any o th er asp ect o f hospital services m ay be d irec ted to: L isa D ro p p o , H alton H ealth care S erv ices' O m bud at 338-4433. H alto n H ealth care S erv ices w as form ed fo llo w in g the A ug. 1st, 1998, a m a lg a m a tio n o f M ilto n D istric t H o sp ita l an d O a k v ille -T r^ fa lg a r M em orial H ospital. The B reakYouVi itin g F or! Pick-out everything you need for your home and you'll QEWat Guelph Line. Toronto Direct Line 825-0760 201 Britannia R d. South of 401 EastofHwy 10 Gordon MacKay off Jane St. South of Wilson Ave. Leon's New Era 2872 Danforth Avenue 10875 Yonge St. North of Elgin Mills Road Markham Rd. at McLevin 1500 Victoria Street East North of 401 South of 401· W est of Thickson [905] 335-1811 C a n a d a 's [905] 501-9505 [416] 243-8300 (4161699-7143 [905] 770-4424 [416] 291-3818 [9051430-9050 O nly F u r n it u r e SUPERSTORES "O.A.C. Total purchase including all applicable taxes and a processing fee of S45(Eg. S1500 purchase with $45 PF equals an APR of 3.0% ) is due one year from date of purchase. All items available while quantities last. Prices, terms and conditions may vary according to region. Selection may vary from store to store. Pick-up discounts not available on some items. See store for delivery included areas. Not applicable to previous purchases and markdown items. See store for other convenient payment options. Custom orders require 25% deposit.

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