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Oakville Beaver, 15 Mar 2000, B2

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, March 15, 2000 "Ron is a well-known Burlington Financial Planner who provides his clients with sound investment alternatives RON ROUSSEAUX Financial Planner r SEM INAR TOPICS >· W h at Is A M utual Fund? >- W hat Is A S egregated Fund? W hat Is The D ifference B etw een a T erm D eposit and a G .I.C .? »· W h at is M eant B y "D iversified? >- W h at is Tax E ffective Incom e S plitting? > W hat D id the R ecent Federal B udget M ean to M e? >- W hat D o T hey M ean By Intem et-Business to Business High Tech-N A SD A Q > Should I look at "N ew E conom y" ? »- W hat Is O ld Econom y? >- W hat Is O ur Value A pproach? s* W hat Is RR IF Insurance? »- W hat A re D em ographics? Photo by Peter C. McCusker GREEN SLIME: G etting B ack to B asics - D id W e E ver L eave? Should We L eave? W ill the W orld Force U s to L eave? Yes, h a n dou ts w ill b e p r o v id e d a n d no, y o u r n am es w ill n o t b e a a d e d t o ^ n a i l i n ^ i s t ^ S am antha R oblin, Em ily R ugole and K elsey Y oung show o ff the green slim e they m ade from polym ers at the O akville C entral L ibrary's Slippery Science D ay on M onday, the first day o f the lib ra ry 's M arch Break program s. A ll four O akville P ublic L ibrary branches are running M arch B reak p rogram s this w eek. - S E M I N A R March 23 7:00-9:00 pm Burlington Art Centre, 1333 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington, (Fireside Room) Nominate Women ofthe Year The call for nom inations is underw ay fo r H alto n 's third annual W om en o f the Year aw ards presented by the W om en's Inform ation and S upport C entre o f Halton. The aw ards will be presented at a reception and cerem ony on Tuesday, M ay 2nd, at the G len A bbey G olf Club. `T h ere are many w omen in Halton w hose exem plary service to others raises the bar on leadership, responsiveness, action, perseverance, and social awareness. T hey are our neighbours, relatives and colleagues -- w om en w ho ex em p lify obstacles she has overcom e; integrity and determ ination," how she has m ade a differsaid M elvina W alter o f the ence; and how she has W om en's Centre. dem onstrated her strength. A T hose interested in nom ipersonal profile sheet should nating an in d iv id u al are also accom pany the form, asked to d escrib e th eir and nom inations m ust be at Halton pandidate by: citing the W o m en 's C en tre by her leadership abilities; chalW ednesday, April 5th. lenges she has m et and N o m in atio n fo rm s are av ailab le at the W o m e n ' s To reserve your seat, call Paula, Debbie or Andree at (905) 336-9941 e-mail: ron@todaytomorrow.com · Web Site: www.todaytomorrow.com No, you r name will not be placed onto a mailing list and no, you will not receive tele phone calls afterwards and yes, handouts will be provided. TODAY Sponsored by: A N D T O M O R R O W FINA N CIA L SERV ICES INC. Mutual Funds License through De Thomas Financial lK n ices*if^tir.eoaiviar^nllbH7 1arch » 2 d i. >2000, Mini Roses Great selection of colours to choose from. . r ^ 4" pot. ^ C ) C GREAT BUY African Violets One of the m ost popular house plants because of its ability to bloom at almost any time of the year. Great choice of colours. Fabulous Seed Starting Supplies Peat Pots, Peat Pellets, Jiffy 7 s, No Damp, Plant Trays and more. Hibiscus These large flowering tropical plants are a fabulous addition to your decor. 6" pot. Choose from Hyacinths, Daffodils or Tulips, 4 " p o t. Potted Spring Bulbs I S r r In fo rm atio n and S up p o rt C en tre lo cated at H o p ed ale M all, Suite 210, R e b ec ca S treet and T hird Line, and by callin g The W o m en 's C en tre at 8479104. T hey m ay also be obtained from p u b lic lib raries and businesses in H alto n d isp lay ing the W om en o f the Year aw ards poster. "A t last y ear's cerem ony, we p resen ted the aw ards to four outstanding w om en in H alton -- B rain ch ild fo u n d er K athy D outhart, parent ed u cato r D ianne B an k s, L o ttie G ran t o f B reast C a n ce r S upport S erv ices, and D orothy A llen o f T ough Talk. The interest and level o f support by the co m m u n ity w as ex cep tio n al -- and o v er 200 g u ests atten d ed the event," said Walter. T h e o rg an iz ing com m ittee is ex p e ctin g a rep o rt sell-o u t audience. Tickets are $25 and may be o b tain ed by callin g T he W om en's Centre. P ro ceed s from the event are des ig n ated to sup-, port the w ork o f. the W o m en 's In fo rm atio n and Support C entre o f H alton -- a regis tered ch aritab le organization. A n g e l a 1.99 Each or... 111 J Mixed Spring Bouquets Fresh cut. Brighten som eone's day with these colourful favourites. Vase extra. QE W HOLLAND STATION ^ R K garden gallery O fs 7 DAY FLORAL DELIVERY AT BOTH LOCATIONS Earn $20.00 cash bonus certificate w hen you accumulate S400.00 in purchases. See in-store for com plete details. Visit Us At... Holland Park Jack so n , w ellknow n author o f the book Celebrating A nger, has accepted an invi tation to be guest sp eak er at the aw ard s cerem o ny. Y O R K RD. O L Y M P I C DR. H O LL A N D PARK Flowering Shamrock Celebrate the Luck of the Irish on St. Patrick's Day by decorating with a unique red or green flowering shamrock. 4" pot. Email Focus G o t new s? Y ou can now em ail it to the O a k v i l l e M A I N ST. W E S T BURLINGTON 2243 Fairview St. DUNDAS 294 York Rd. S ta r tin g F ro m M x 6 3 9 -7 7 4 0 Store Hours: Mon. to Wed. 9am-6pm Thurs. & Fri. 9am-9pm Sat. 9am-6pm Sun. 9am-5pm qrO W for the GREEN 6 2 8 -8 5 6 2 Store Hours: Mon. to Wed. 9am-6pm Thurs. & Fri. 9am-9pm Sat. 9am-6pm Sun. 9am-5pm B eav er's Focus sectio n to: b lo k h u is@ h a ltonsearch.com 1 -- - 4p l 5 each hollandpark.com j 1 \ ----------------------[ b« ! m ent N o tices for Community U p d ate can also be sent.

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