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Oakville Beaver, 15 Mar 2000, D3

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Wednesday, March 15, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D3 Triple-A series continued last night The Oakville Rangers novice triple-A rep team evened up their O ntario M inor H ockey A ssociation (O M H A ) best o f seven series w ith Halton H ills at one apiece w ith another close gam e -- this one by a 2-1 m argin -- on the w eekend. The th ird gam e w as on tap la st night (Tuesday) in Bram pton. A fter a tig h tly p la y ed o p en in g p erio d , O akville broke the ice in the second period. M arc Borcsok started the play pinching in along the boards. Brian U rquhart grabbed the loose puck and fired it to Steven G uzzo w ho w as all alone at the side o f the net and m ade no m istake. The H urricanes evened the score early in the third period on a nice tip-in from the blueline that dropped under D ave C lem en t's w aiting glove. O akville got the eventual w inner on a pow er play tip-in by A dam D im arco o ff the point shot from M itchell Fillm an. T he set play actually began at the face o ff w ith G uzzo w inning the draw and dum ping it back to Spike M etcalfe who cross-iced it over to Fillm an. G oalie D avid C lem ent earned his keep in the final tw o m inutes as he w ithstood a H alton H ills barrage in the final tw o m inutes, in particular m aking tw o scintillating stops on point blank shots. H alton H ills w on the opener 2-1, firing the w inner w ith 30 seconds rem aining. Deaths BAILEY, W ilfred · Peacefully, with all his family at his side, at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, on Friday, March 10,2000. Wilfred, beloved husband of the late Margaret Jean Bailey. Dear father of Karen, Ken and his wife Geraldine, Deborah and her husband Jack Vlasblom, Bill and his wife Cathy, Darlene and her husband David Keddy, Susan and her husband Canon Michael Bird, and the late Carol Jean. Loving grandfather of fourteen grandchildren. Loving brother of Gordon and his wife Eleanor. Visitation was held at the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road West (one block east of Kerr), Oakville. The funeral Service was held Monday at 1:30 p.m. in the Chapel. Interment at St. Judes's Cemetery. A special thanks to the Staff and doctors for their outstanding care at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the charity of your choice. InMemoriams Florence E. Palm er In loving m em ory of m y d e ar w ife w ho passed aw a y M arch 15th, 19 9 8 . W e are sad w ithin our m em ory; lonely are our hearts for the o n e w e loved dearly. W e think of her in silence, no ey e can se e us w ee p ; but m any silent tears w h en others a re asleep . Love, Pop R em em b e red and loved by her husband Bob, children Alison & R obert, her grandchildren, g reat grandchildren, and friends Funeral Directors O a k v ie w FU N E R A L H O M E OMHAseries sweep over Burlington N ot even tw o p en a lty sh o ts, in c lu d in g one in o v ertim e, co u ld stop th e O akville Rangers atom A A rep team as th ey d e fe a te d the B u rlin g to n E ag les 2-1 to sw ee p th e ir b est o f fiv e O n ta rio M in o r H o c k e y A s s o c ia tio n (O M H A ) series. T he R an g ers w ith sto o d tw o p en a lty shots, one on a g rea t sav e by R a n g ers g o alie C had M arch and th e o th e r slid in g w id e o f th e net. Joel B rooks w as the o v ertim e h ero , c lin c h ing the series, on a nice p ass fro m M a tt B andy. A fter a sc o re less first p erio d , K evin L ee o p en e d th e s c o rin g , a s s is te d b y A n d re w A m odeo and M ark K ingston. D uring the th ird p erio d , a fte r th e ir first m issed p en alty sh o t, B u rlin g to n e v e n ed the score and sen t the gam e into overtim e. (G am e tw o) A tw o goal effo rt by Joel B ro o k s p ro p elled the B u rlin g to n E ag les to a 5-3 w in. A dding sin g les w ere K evin L ee, Ju stin W ilson K irby and A li R o b ita ille . A ssists w en t to M ark K ingsto n (3), B ro o k s, R o b itaille, M att R iddell, L ee and C h ris R eadshaw . B ro o k s ' th re e -p o in t n ig h t g a rn e re d him gam e M V P hon o u rs. (G am e one) O a k v ille o p e n e d up w ith a c lo se 2 -0 sh u to u t, outshO oting B u rlin g to n 21-8. A li R o b itaille o p en ed the sco rin g early o ff a B u rlin g to n tu rn o v e r and M att B andy p ro v id ed the in su ran c e m a rk e r early in the third. A sh arp B u rlin g to n g o alie p rev en ted a m uch h ig h e r score. FULLER, Gordon - Passed away peacefully at home with his family by his side on March 8,2000. Beloved husband and best friend of Josephine. Much loved and best father of Terri and Tim, and Randi and Dave. He will be sadly missed by brother Ronald and his wife Bev and sister Shirley and her husband Don. Cherished grandfather of Dean and Meredith, Keri, Kurt, Lindsay and Diane, Clayton, and Quincy. Dear son of of the late John and Hilda Fuller. A Memorial Service will be held at Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville on Saturday, March 18,2000 at 11 a.m. In lieu of flowers donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated by the family. GONNEAU, V a le r ie Lynn (n e e D o n o v an ) Passed away peacefully, with her family at her bed side, in the Ian Anderson House on Sunday, March 12, 2000. Beloved wife of Gary and proud loving mother of Shawn and Jenna. She will be sadly missed by her mother and father Roslyn and Bud, her sister Laurie (Claude Mailloux), Kathleen (John Quinn), Arlene ( Bill Podolsky) and her brother Bruce (Charlene), her nieces Michelle and Nicole, nephews Dylan and Devon, as well as her many relatives and friends. The family would like to thank Dr. H. Hirte, Dr. D. Leslie and the staff at the Henderson Cancer Centre and the staff and volunteers of Ian Anderson House, 430 Winston Churchill Boulevard, Oakville, On. L6J 7P5 where donations in Valerie's name would be appreciated. A Memorial Service in celebration of Valerie's life will be held at the Strathcona Presbyterian Church, 505 Walkers Line (at New Street), Burlington Thursday, March 16th at 2p.m. Visitation at the D0DSW0RTH & BROWN FUNERAL HOME, Burlington Chapel, 2241 New Street, Wednesday 6-9 p.m. LARSON, Gordon Lawrence - Peacefully passed away on Monday March 13, 2000. Survived by his loving wife Mary and his 7 children, Dianne (Ron), Liz (Dick), Bonnie (John), Margaret, Joe, Michael (Paulette), Gord (Jane), 15 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. Survived by sister Mary. Visitation at Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9 pm Thursday. Funeral Mass 11:00am Friday at St. Dominic's Church, 2415 Rebecca Street, Oakville. In lieu of flowers donations to Ian Anderson House would be appreciated by the family. O ur family serving your family 56 L A K E S H O R E R O A D W E S T O A K V IL LE Funeral D irectors · Don C larke ·G reg o ry Sidora ·T in a Q uenn eville ·John M urphy 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2 Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, th at's yo u r busin ess If you w ant to quit, T h at's O urs! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 OMHA triple-A peewee playdowns (Continued from page D1) (Tournament Summary) GAME ONE: O akville 6, Y ork-Sim coe 2 Goals to Tyler Donati (2), N ick D odge, Andy M acD onald, Justin D onati and C harlie Giffin. Assists to D odge (3), D aniel H annigan-D aley (2), M acD onald and Brett Lain. MVP: N ick D odge Com m ents: O akville scored tw o tim es on the pow er play and D odge scored w ith O akville two men short. C hris R ow an stopped 18 shots. GAME TWO: O akville 6, Peterborough 5 Goals to Brad M cK enzie (3), N ick D odge, Daniel H annigan-D aley and Tyler Donati. A ssists to Justin D onati (2), N ick D avis (2), B rett L ain, C o n n o r F arris, C h arlie G iffin, Ringwald and Tyler Donati. M VP: Brad M cK enzie Com m ents: Brad M cK enzie (M V P) led the attack w ith a natural hat-trick in the second and third periods. O akville cam e back three tim es from deficits before taking control. GAME THREE: O akville 2, Richm ond Hill 2 Scoring: Justin D onati scored a nifty goal dek ing out from behind the net and N ick D odge con verted on the pow er play from G raham Tough and Charlie Giffin. M VP: both goaltenders, including O akville's Chris Rowan, w ere aw arded gam e MVP. Com m ents: O akville secured a berth into Sunday's O M H A cham pionship game! GAME FOUR: W indsor 3, Oakville 2 G oals to Tyler Donati and Brad M cKenzie. A ssists to Tyler Donati, G raham Tough, N ick D odge and N ick Davis. M VP: Oakville goalie M att Pike who allowed only tw o goals and sm othered rebounds in quick fashion. Com m ents: By winning their first two matches on Friday, 6-2 over York-Simcoe' and 6-5 over Peterborough and draw ing Richm ond Hill 2-2 on S aturday the R angers had already am assed enough points to qualify for the gold medal game before even taking to the ice for their final round robin m atch w ith the W indsor Spitfires. C oach M cK enzie w as challenged with a diffi cult decision: D o you go all out for basically a m eaningless gam e (for O akville)? T he gam e w asn't m eaningless for W indsor or for all the players and parents from Peterborough w atching the match. W indsor needed a victory or a tie to pass Peterborough in the standings. M cK enzie pulled a rare m ove late in the third, w ith the gam e tied at 2-2, pulling the Oakville goalkeeper to go for the victory. A lthough W indsor notched the em pty-net goal, M cK en zie ex p lain ed his strategy that the w in/loss/or tie m eant nothing to Oakville, and he felt it only fair to the Peterborough team for O akville to do their utm ost to win them the game, w ith the view that he w ould expect Peterborough to do the sam e (or W indsor for that m atter) should the circum stances be reversed. Employment STUDENTS W ANTED D E L IV E R Y C R E W & W A R E H O U S E W O R K W ed n es d ay ,F rid a y A fter School S atu rd ay 1 0 - 4 M ust be 15 ye ars of a g e or older If interested apply to: Andre at THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 844-0577 · MUST HAVE SAFETY SH O ES O a k v il l e B e a v e r Legal Notice LAND TITLES ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ABSOLUTETTLE (SUBSECTION 46(2) OF THE ACT) Re: PIN 24924-0002 (LT) TO: OLIVE HUGHENA STEWART RE: PART LOT 2 2 , CONCESSION 1 , TRAFALGAR, SOUTH OF DUNDAS STREET DESIGNATED AS PARTS 1, 2 , 3 , 4 AND 5 ON PROPOSED PLAN, TOWN OF OAKVILLE, REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF HALTON. The said plan is available for inspection at the law office of Jaskula, Sherk, Flaherty & Weston, 302-135 James Street South, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 2Z6. TAKE NOTICE THAT 1371975 ONTARIO INC., herein referred to as the applicant intends to make an application to be registered as the owner with an absolute title to the above described land. AND TAKE NOTICE THAT any person claiming to have any title to or interest in the said land or any part thereof is required on or before April 4, 2000 to file a statement of objection, which sets out the nature or extent of the interest claimed in the objection, verified by an affidavit, which sets out all evidence, documents or legal provisions and precedents relied upon in support of the objection, directed to the Land Register at the address of the solicitor at the following address: JASKULA, SHERK, FLAHERTY & WESTON 302-135 JAMES STREET SOUTH HAMILTON, ON L8P 2Z6 If no such statement of obligation is filed by April 4 ,2 0 0 0 ,1shall proceed with the application and any interest you may claim in the subject property may be. thereby extinguished and you may be not be entitled to receive any further notice with respect to the proceedings. Dated at Hamilton the 10 th day of March, 2000. R E Q U IR E S A D U L T CARRIERS to d eliver the O akville Beaver door to d o o r . P lease call The C irculation D ept. (9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -9 7 4 2 Legal Notice N O T IC E O F I N T E N T I O N (Repair and Storage Liens Act) TO: TO N Y DE SILVA (also know n as TO N Y DA SILVA) of u n k n o w n ad d ress THE OAKVILLE POWER BOAT CLUB (the'Claimanf) intends to sell one coin operated pool table on or before the 30th day after the last date that this notice is published. Any person with an interest in the Article may obtain further information from the Claimant by contacting the Claimant's solicitor. This information is available pursuant to section 15 (2) of the Repair and Storage Liens Act. The Article may be redeemed by any person entitled to receive this Notice of Intention. Dated at Oakville, March 8th, 2000 O akville P ow er Boat C lub by the C laim ant's solicitor, W ayne S. G ray 517-710 D orval Dr., O akville L 6 K 3 V 7 Tel: 905-338-6968, Fax (905) 338-6961 Filane fights later this month in Honda (Continued from page D1) get the spot on the team ." A nd Filane, the wily veteran, will gladly take that spot -- even if it's handed to him on a silver platter. And why not, he certain ly doesn't have to prove him self at this stage o f his illustrious career. "I w ouldn't say it's a let down," he said. "I was ready to fight him. You know, he beat m e and I'm pretty bitter about that so I was really looking forward to fighting him. "But my goal is to go to the Olympic Games so now I'm one step closer." Actually, he's ju st one step away. W ithout throw ing a punch over the w eekend, he again became Canada's O lym pic con tender in his light flyweight divi sion. But it doesn't guarantee him a trip to Sydney. First, he has to get through a regional box-off involving more than 30 countries from north, south and central Americas. The first tournam ent will be held in Tam pa Bay, Florida at the end o f this month. "G old and silver m edalists autom atically qualify for the O lym pics," he said. The Canadian team, after a tw o-w eek training cam p which kicked off M onday in Sudbury, is slated to arrive in Tampa Bay on M arch 24th, but Filane does n 't know yet the exact dates o f his bouts.. "W e've just got to hope for the luck o f the draw and hopeful ly everything goes w ell there. If we d o n 't do it here they have another qualifying tournam ent in M exico and I think that's in April." Altogether, he said the region, in his division, "has five spots to go to the O lympics." H e's less sure what to expect this tim e around as the format has changed. "The last two Olympic quali fying tournaments, it was only North America we had to worry about and the top four guys in North Am erica would go to the Olympics. "Now, they've added an extra spot but then they've added an extra 20 countries so it's a lot tougher to qualify. But w e're up for it. W e're ready for it." Outside the ring, Filane oper ates a Schreiber-based spring w ater and sports em broidery business, although he's recently expanded them into O akville which he has now also called home for about a decade. RONALD J. WESTON solicitor for 1371975 ONTARIO INC., Applicant SPRING IS COMING!!! Clean ou t you r closets! M ake room in you r garage! Sell those unw anted item s! H m ® m Gmm. Put your Garage Sale ad in thespecial Garage Sale section of Fridays Oakville Beaver and receive your Complete Garage Sale Kit with signs and information on how to have a successful Garage Sale. Call Classified Advertising Hornets grab gold in their own tournament (Continued from page D 2) ting out Mississauga 3-0. Charlotte Capaldo earned the shutout. Traci Galbraith iced the victory with two sec ond period goals after Roxanne Johnson had opened the scoring in the first period. Assists went to Kaitlyn Wheeler, Sarah Grigor, Megan Wanless and Monique Kahnert. Feb. 22: host Oakville held the edge in scoring opportunities but played to a rare 0-0 tie against Burlington Barracudas with both goaltenders excelling, including the tandem of Charlotte Capaldo and Stefanie Wilson for Oakville. Feb. 23: a rematch back in Burlington found Oakville finally break the ice in a 3-0 win, with the tan dem of Capaldo and Wilson again earning the shutout. Kaitlyn Wheeler had a hand in all the scoring with a goal and two assists. Other goals were scored by Roxanne Johnson and Sarah Grigor. Johnson also had an assist. Feb. 24: their last provincial playdown game saw the Hornets drop a 3-2 decision in Mississauga. Traci Galbraith and Monique Kahnert scored with Megan Wanless picking up an assist. REGULAR SEASON Feb. 19th: the Hornets saw their 15-game unbeaten streak end as they suffered their first loss o f the new century, 2-1 to Durham West Lightning. Melissa Snedden converted a cross ice pass from Stephanie Secord early in the 3rd period to knot the score at 1-1. Erin Mitzel also picked up an assist. However, a goal by Durham with just over three min utes left proved to be the difference. With their goalie pulled, the Hornets buzzed the Lightning net, but could not pick up the equalizer. TOURNAMENT PLAY In tournament play, the Hornets have had some suc cessful runs. In the Brantford girls hockey tourney they made the playoff round, unfortunately bowing out in their semifi nal match 4-0 to Bluewater, a team they had beaten in the preliminary round (3-2). Oakville's best game came perhaps in the prelimi nary round final game where they needed to win by at least two goals over Burlington Barracudas to secure a playoff berth. Oakville had the required lead by the end of the middle frame at 3-1 and then added a third peri od insurance goal en route to a 4-1 win. Goals were scored by Kaitlyn Wheeler, Stephanie Secord, Sarah Grigor and Roxanne Johnson. Grigor's goal was the prettiest o f the tourney, one-timing a perfect cross ice pass from Roxanne Johnson past a surprised Burlington goalie. In addition to Johnson's assist other helpers were earned by Traci Galbraith, Melissa Snedden and Bianca Mirabelli. Oakville dropped their opener 2-0 to Sarnia Spitfires. Oakville rebounded in their second game for a 3-2 win over Bluewater Hawks, scoring all of their goals in the first period and then holding on for the win. Melissa Snedden assisted on the opening goal by Kaitlyn Wheeler and then scored the next two goals her self. Wheeler and Stephanie Secord assisted. (Oakville tourney) The Hornets grabbed gold in their club's huge tour ney held Feb. 25-27th. After a 3-0 loss to the Hamilton Hawks in the pre liminary round, the Hornets turned the tables in the championship game with a goal by Kaitlyn Wheeler, assisted by Roxanne Johnson and Jackie Szarka, stand ing up for the 1-0 championship win. Charlotte Capaldo and Stefanie Wilson shared the well-timed shutout. Oakville was dominant from beginning to end, limiting Hamilton to just one shot on net. Oakville opened up the tournament with a 3-1 win over Brampton Canadettes. Kaitlyn Wheeler had a hand in all the scoring, with two o f her own and an assist on Sarah Grigor's. Other assists were picked up by Grigor, Taylor Laughlin, Roxanne Johnson and Megan Wanless. Following their second game 3-0 loss to Hamilton (the last two goals into an empty net), Oakville secured a must-win game, 4-1 over Buffalo Bisons. Kaitlyn Wheeler had a pair of goals with singles from Stephanie Secord and Roxanne Johnson. Assists went to Sarah Grigor, M elissa Snedden and Kaitlyn Wheeler. 845-3824 Announce the Graduation of a member of your fam ily in the Oakville Beaver Milestones; Call Loraine at 845-3824 for details .

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