Oakville Images

Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 18 May 1934, p. 8

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Halton County Music Festival I Knobs of News well Worth ^ Reeding. I The second and last section o f the Halton county public school music festival was held in the Milton high school, on Saturday, M a y l2 . As on the form er occasion, Peter Kennedy, M inister 11 a.m. U N IT E Ds R E V . E. O . ^ W U O U R , M .A ., B.D. G reg o ry - T h eatre = 99 OAKVILLE -- This is the close season fo r hens o f Toronto, acted as adjudicator 2.30 and dogs. and, after each class, gave very help S U N D A Y SC H O O L in Lu*k H all. -- Considerable damage is-r e p o r t ful criticisms to the contestants, 7 p.m . ed to early garden crops b y the frost congratulating all o f them on the A R E LIG IO U S P L A Y during Tuesday night. high-class performances and stating E ntitled ` `The Lost Church" by the -- Announcement is made o f the that there was a decided improve U n ited church at W a terd ow n w ill be presented. annual garden party o f S t. Jude' s ment over last year. A fter each Church, to he held on July 10th. S P E C IA L M U SIC class, also, thr medals and trophies -- M r. and M rs. E . P . Lunau, were presented to the winners by Lloyd and Miss Lois were guests 0:1 Inspector J . M . Denyes, assisted b y Sunday with M r. and M rs. W . G . M rs. n . A r~ e ~ , o " A c t o n ; Canon Duke, o f M ono M ills. N afte' and P . W . Cooke, o f Mil -- M r. and M rs. J . E . Dunn left ton . A t the close the president, town last Thursday on a holiday M rs. G . C . Atkins,, expressed the tour and will visit England, Ireland, appreciation o f the association fo r Scotland, France and other poir splendid co-operation o f all who had -- Coun. John R . Byers and his helped to make the festival the fine son-in-law and daughter, M r. and success it was. Last year there M rs. P ercy Sutton, are away on a were 256 entries, this year 304. O f week' s fishing trip to W aubaushene. last Saturday's entries there were 16 choirs, the others being vocal and -- Old papers from the dump clut piano solos, duets and trios, a total ter up the streets when ever a wind 2 p m (Standard T im e ) o f 124. blows from the west, and the spec The annual meeting o l the Festi tacle presented is not a beautiful val association is being held in Bell M A SS M EETIN G A T 3 o ' clock one. school, on W ednesday, May 30, at 7 .3 0 o ' clock standard time. The Speakers: -- K ing's Plate race on Saturday will draw a num ber o f our race-lov- representatives to the meeting will W M . IR V IN E , M .P. in r citizens. I t looks like a cer include one from each rural school C A P T . ELM O RE PH 1LP O TT tainty that an Cfakville trainer will board, tw o from each town or in corporated village school board, one get the honors. and the Candidate from each separate organization A LE X. MacLAREN, President -- M r. and M rs. A . T . Harris such as W omen' s Institute, Daught and son Basil, who spent the winter ers o f the Empire, Council o f W o R. S. HEATHERINGTON, Sec months in Florida, have returned to men and Home and School clubs. their hom e on the low er middle road, 'The follow ing is the list o f win B R O N T E HOME just north o f tow n. ners on Saturday: AND SC H O O L CLU B Girls' open solo-- Joan Moreland, -- Capt. E . A . Morden left town Strathcona; Kathleen Gilbert, Bronte on Tuesday fo r Minneapolis, Minn, Betty W hite, Milton. Gold, silver The annual meeting o f the Bronte to see his sister, Mrs. Meneilley, and bronze medal donated by Home and School club was held on j who is seriously ill. The Capt. son, M ilton; Reno Braido, A cton ; Tuesday evening and election o f o f travelled all the way b y b u s . · Boys' open solo-- Hartley Ander- ficers held. C . L. Rayburn, o ffi -- Special anniversary services Georgetown public school board. cial delegate to the annual conven will be held at K nox Presbyterian Orville Page, Burlington East. Med tion o f the Ontario Federation o f church on Sunday to mark the re als b y Georgetown public school H . and S . associations, gave a splen.. opening follow ing the remodelling b oa rd . did report o f the sessions he attend B oys' duet-- Vernon Agnew and ed. and redecorating o f the church. Miss Winnie Osborne gave a Charlie Tyler, A cton ; Hobby Grey fine talk on "T h e viM e~br the Bible -- The big pumper was taken to and Ronald Gats, Burlington Cen in the home." Arrangements were the home o f E . W . Whittington, tral; Hartley Anderson and Hugh made fo r the transportation o f the John street, on Sunday evening, Evans, Milton. Medals donated by pupils to the music festival to be where a chimney was giving trouble. Milton public school board. held on May 5 and 12 in the Milton It took over an hour to overcome the Girls' duet-- Frances MacDowell high school. C . L . Rayburn and fire. and Frances Chisholm, A cton ; Mai- Mi-s. E . Cudmore being a commit -- E xam , results o f the University die Hall and Dorothy Weaver, Bur tee fo r the first Saturday and C . L. Gilbert Rayburn and E . O . Cathcart for the o f Toronto faculty o f applied science lington Central; Kathleen include the name o f H . 0 . Lawrence, and Ruth Pickard, Bronte. Medals second. M rs. W . T . Johnston, who succeeded in his fourth year in donated by Oakville board o f educa convener o f the nominations com tion. electrical engineering. mittee, presented the names o f nom Girls' double trio-- Acton, Strath inees fo r election and the election -- Blossom Sunday was a great cona. Cup donate^ b y John Milton resulted as follow s: Immediate past disappointment. Thousands o f cars chapter, I . O . D . E ., Milton. Shield president, Mrs. M . Dawson; presw traversed the Grimsby highway, but donated b y Ellis Brothers, Toronto. dent, C . L . Rayburn; 1st vice presi only cherry and plum trees were out Piano solo -- Joan Moreland, dent J . P . Joyce; 2nd vice-presi in blossom . The peach trees were Strathcona; Norma Marcellus, Mil dent, Mrs. G. Collins; secretary, backward in exhibiting their beau, to n ; Ellen Fisher, Fisher's Corners. Miss D . Crosby, treasurer, M rs. tiful bloom . Medals donated b y George Harris, James Rogers, other members o f executive, M rs. W . H . Cudmore, -- .Mr. and M rs. A lbert S . Leav Burlington (the warden' s m edal). Two-three room choir, 25 voices, Mrs. A . G . Boswell, M rs. A . E . er announce the engagement o f their Burlington Pickard, Mrs. L . L . Thurston and only daughter, Audrey Eileen, to two parts-- Strathcona, George H . W ebb, son o f M r. and East. Cup donated b y the T. Eaton M rs. W . R . Gilliam. The execu M rs. George W . W ebb, o f Oakville; company, limited, Toronto. Shield tive will meet shortly and appoint conveners o f standing committees. the marriage to take place the mid donated by Festival association. Urban solos, boys 14 years and dle o f J u n e. under-- Vernon Agnew, A cton ; Bob On Monday, May 7th, the regular -- The cells and lobbies o f the by Grey, Burlington Central; Har meeting of the Fisher's Comers town lock-up have been given a coat old Byers, Oakville Central. Medals 1Home and School club was held with o f paint. This destroys the poetic donated b y A cton school board. the president, Mrs. Black, in the al and other less charming writings Sixty-voice choir, three parts, un chair. that adorned the walls, placed there accompanied-- Burlington Central, The orchestra gave several de. Wandering W illies from every A cton. Cup donated by Robert lightful selections. Community i irter o f the continent. Simpson company, Toronto. Shield singing was also enjoyed. The six donated by Theyendenago chapter, representatives were nominated fo r --A big Scarfe truck took fire on I . O . D . E . , Burlington. the Halton Home and School clubs '"' ·borne street at 1 .3 0 o 'clock on Fifteen-voice choir, boys (1-4 County Council. W ednesday. The fron t part o f the room ), unison -- Strathcona, Bur The president spoke briefly on the truck, including the cab, was con lington East. Cup donated by A c good results our people obtained at siderably damaged before the flames ton public school board. Shield don the Halton musical festival, bringing were extinguished. A fire extin ated b y Limestone school. home the silver cup as best choir, guisher from W m . Whitaker' s gar Piano solos, 15 years and under competing against thirteen other age did the trick. -- Joe Hartley, Bell school; Ruth schools, also one gold and two Kate Rumley, bronze medals fo r solo work. Four -- McMaster University exam, re Pickard, B ronte; donated by o f the senior girls favored us with sults at Hamilton include the names Georgetown. Medals o f Dorothy Alberta Lyle, daughter Georgetown W om en's institute and a song and dance, the " Minuet," which was very pretty. o f M r. and M rs. A . H . Lyle, o f Local Council o f W om en. Forty-voice choir, two parts-- M r. Denyes gave us an interest Oakville, who won honors in English Cup ing talk on music in the schools, say and history, and Norah Agnes John Acton, Burlington Central. ston, o f Bronte, who won honors in donated by Milton public school ing he hoped that b efore long music board. Shield donated b y I . O . D . would take its rightful place as one English and French. E . , A cton . o f the most important subjects in the -- A form er well-known Oakville Thirty-five voice boys' choir, uni school, it staying with us in later horseman, Dick Moscrop, now con son -- Acton, Burlington Central. years much more than a lot which nected with the McLaughlin stables Cup donated by Heintzman comp are now given such great import at Oshawa, m et with an accident at any, Toronto. Shield donated by ance in our schools. M rs. Gordon the Eglinton horse show on Friday A cton W om en's institute. Peart gave a report on the O . E . A . last. He was riding " Thackeray' Urban solos, girls 14 and under-- convention. in the middle-weight hunter class in Jacqueline Fleetham, Burlington The meeting o f the Halton Home the triple-bar jump competition, Central; Kathleen Gilbert, Bronte; and School clubs County Council when he was thrown and received Diane Moreland, Strathcona. Med will be helJ in the Merton school severe facial lacerations and a slight als donated b y A cton public school house o i ^ ^ * t l 9 t h , at 2 . 3 0 . All b oa rd . concussion. in te r e ;t* ^ ^ ^ ^ k y ite d to attend. ll ^ T H A N N IV E R S A R Y In rcpciidsnt O rder o f O ddfellow s w ill w orship with us as ou r guests. T H U R S D A Y . F R ID A Y and S A T U R D A Y . M A Y 17. 18 and 19 "I AM SUZANNE G ood story, m usic, spectacle, novelty-- P o d re cca 's P icco li M arion ettes, co-starring Lillian H arvey. Chap. 10 " T A R Z A N " Gang com edy " Fish H ook ey." F ox News M O N D A Y , T U E S D A Y and W E D N E S D A Y , M A Y 21, 22 and 23 C _ C _ IF1NOMINATION P r i n c e Theatre M IL T O N Private Life of Henry 8th The am orous adventures o f a king w ho w on the title o f the B lue beard o f kings, starring Charles Laughton. C om edy " B ring ' Em Back tt W ife ." N ovelty " Popular C om poser.' DINNERW ARE Thursday, May 24 D uring the D aylight Saving P eriod the show s w ill start at 8 and 9 .4 5 every night but Saturday. Saturday m atinee 2 . 3 0 , night 7.45 and 9 .3 0 . On double feature night the last com plete show will start w ith the secon d feature. 'ALL PASSENGERS SAFE!* Rot onej, passenger fatally injured in ninefears of public service T ickets, T im e Tables and all Coach m ation at Travel In f or* G ibson's Restaurant Phone 600 BELIEVE IT OR NOT! YOU CAN SA V E 25 per cent of your Fuel Bill by having your Home T reat ed with Dry I n s u le x Prevents Draughts and escape of Heat. D A V IS Phone 76. <a D O TY Yards near C.N.R. Station. Blakelock Brothers Building Contractors and Builders' Supplies TR Y US PROMPT SERVICE ESTIMATES FREE EVERYTHING TO BUILD ANYTHING Cement, Sewer Pipe, Gyproc, Insul Board and all Plasterers' Materials. Sash Doors and Mouldings, Hardwood Flooring Always in Stock. Old Floors Resurfaced and Made Like New, with Our Modern Electric Floor Sander ASK FOR PRICES If you are satisfied tell others, if not, tell us. Randal Street, -- East of Temperance Hall. Phones:-- Days, 214; Night, 473-- 73 << Star" A dvts. Bring Results

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