Oakville Images

Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 18 May 1934, p. 4

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the with M r . and M rs. O . A . Law rence . The ladies are p la n in g to attend M r. and Mrs. Chas. Carpenter, ary o f Toronto, were visitors with friends the Palermo W . I . meeting on the afternoon o f May 31st at the*home were S . on in the village on Sunday. The baseball club are holding a o f M rs. W m . Hignett. Miss Blanchard, o f Appleby, is dance in the community hall on co c om M rs. A . A . Biggar accompanied The funeral o f Emmanuel Belyea the Palermo president, Mosely. Thursday evening, May 24, fo r the engaged at the school in the absence o f Miss Gibson, who is recovering T iliss Grace Johnstone, teacher o f on Friday was very largely attended, The visiting ladies presented the purpose o f raising funds to carry on Collinson's after her recent illness. singing at Coyne's school, to the sec and was conducted by Rev. A lex. program, which was presided over the season' s activities. Everyone is looking forw ard to ond day o f the Halton county music MacGowan, pastor o f the United by the Bronte president, Mrs. (R ev.) orchestra o f Hamilton, will provide church, both at the residence and at A . McGowan. the music and refreshments will be the Halton Home and School council The Scripture les festival at Milton on Saturday last. the graveside in S t. Jude's cemetery, son was taken by Mrs. A . O . Flum- served. The ball players are de meeting in the school house on Sat M r. and M rs. Hewitt and Mr. and Oakville. The pallbearers were erfelt, and M rs. F . Darlington, and serving o f support and this dance urday afternoon, when Mrs. MaltM rs. Gerald Allen, o f Toronto, eight sons: Fred, John and Bert, o f by, o f Toronto, will be the guest M rs. A . E . Pickard rendered vocal should be liberally patronised. speaker. H on . G . H . Challies will speak at w ere guests o f M r. and M rs. F . Simcoe Island; Clare, o f B rantford; solos. A feature o f the program M rs. J . Gilbert has returned to Allen on Sunday. Miss Noreen A l- Ernest and Allen, o f T oronto; Har was the address on China given by a meeting in the interests o f W. S. ry, o f Hamilton, and Vernon, o f Miss K . M organ. her home and will remain fo r the Davis, Conservative candidate, who , 4en was also home fo r the Mother's summer. Mount E lgin. Five daughters-inThe visitors were afterwards en- will also address the electors, at PalM rs. G . C . Atkins, president o f D a y week-end. law and seven grandchildren were tertained in the Sund school tea ermo on Tuesday evening, 29th inst. the Halton county music competi Harold Jewitt, o f Nant,coke, was present. ' being served from several small; ----------- ___________ tion, attended the festival in Mil -a caller at the home o f his form er j A pleasing program was present- tables which were centered wlth ` ton last Saturday, and reports a D r. and M rs. J . A . ; ed the United church Sunday ,pring flowers M e rto n M a tters n eigh bors, wonderful progress in the year. ______ H arold 1S c? ° ° ° n S,und7 afteTM>°"> " hTM >r , M rs. Hill was in Toronto fo r a Johnstone, on Saturday. o f Mother's day. F . Darlington. f e w d t h is w e e k a t t e n d i t h e J M rs. H . -- Inglehart by invitation was v" on · his from a tour o f supeim superintendent, gave m the address; n A. " » way - - v home -- ------------------------------ ieuuein, gave e auaress; . meetineT O T) T T rVinnf-pv ,-- W . W. King's big yacht, Zhe principal industrial plants in T o r -' MacGowan's and B . Darlington's |t0 whkh she belongs and which con. i "'^ n t t o Shef ^ n on Mothon to township, including the Dale boys' classes sang; Miss F . Dawson's vened in th Ki Edward on W e d - l q ,, L ,, `n ! " V ernon" has been receiving a coat o f paint and now looks spic and girls presented the exercise; nesday 0 n Thursd even Mrs. L l eW J n T n I * greenhouses at Brampton and the 0 u r A . O . Flum erfelt gave a reading; Hill attended the U -·E. " T -- j Inglehart remained fo r dinner span fo r the season's pleasure. Loyalist exP ort Credit Starch works, little Miss Joyce Belyea, o f Branti ·own T rafalgar township Sheridan f ordj play ed a piano solo, and a num hibition at the Eaton auditorium. M rs. Colin Campbell and daught ·5?urseries was also on the itinerary. ber o f the senior scholars put on a er, Miss Elizabeth Campbell o f W in This tour was arranged fo r the high very effective pageant. nipeg, are expected in Palermo this R ev. D . H . MacLennan, o f Fer school pupils o f Haldimand county by week and will incidentally attend the gus, was a visitor to the Anglican U. E. Loyalist sesque-centennial the agricultural representative in church on Sunday, where he conduc celebration which is being held in conjunction witn Peel county repre ted the evening service, having ex T oronto. M rs. Campbell purposed sentative and is an annual affair, a changed pulpits with the rector, Rev. Term s on application. Bronte Phone 2\r\^ being in Toronto fo r the opening on -^Efferent trip being taken each time. J . M . Cam eron. Monday evening, but was prevented At the music festival in Milton on There were sixty auto loads in the Kathleen Gilbert ~ party which was conducted by High Saturday, Miss j won the silver medal in the girls' , w a y tra ffic officers. The Presbyterian c h u r c h at open solo class, while she and Miss Streetsvilk, on Tuesday evening, Ruth Pickard each won a bronze medal in the girls' duet. The latter was the mecca fo r many members of won the silver medal in the piano the Sixteen Presbyterian church at solo, 15 years and under, while Miss tended the ordination and induction Gilbert won the silver medal in the service o f the new minister, R ev. girls' solo, 14 and under. The O N TA R IO - J . Y . Fraser, form erly o f Vancouv pupils in the choir o f 25 voices made j e r. A fter the service, the visitors D E P A R TM EN T O F H IG H W AYS a good showing, and although not ` w ere guests o f the members o f the MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH winning a trophy, they made 82 church in the church parlors. Among marks, while the first and second th e members, o f the Sixteen attendchoirs made 84 and 83 marks. I :* n g were Jos. Peacock and daught The first children's service to be e r Miss Myrtle Peacock, M r . and held unner the direction o f the r e - i M rs. S . McLean, Frank Ford, Clar ligious education department o f the e n c e Ford and Miss Marion Ford, Home and School club took place on M r. and M rs. J . Warden King, Sunday morning in the Baptist Miss Cora McGowan and W alter Mcchurch, when about one hundred *Gowan, o f Trafalgar, and John Macchildren attended. They form ed in ·Vherson, M r. and M rs. Alex. Portline at the public school and marched j nr and Miss M . Porter, o f Oakville. to the church, where' C. L. R aybu rn ,! Mother's Day Services were held president o f the club, took charge. lit the Sixteen church and the three Stanley Beard, a member o f the >churches on the ·Trafalgar circuit mission staff at the Bronte Fresh la s t Sunday. Air home, was the special speaker, M r . and M rs. W . A . Albertson who gave an object talk on " Hearts," -and the Misses Albertson were call and he also led the children in the ers with form er neighbors here on singing o f familiar hymns. Mrs. Sunday. A . E . Pickard presided at the piano Miss Beatrice Ryan, who has been and others addressing the cl|ilren staying in Sault Ste. Marie fo r the were the superintendents o f the three past year with her sister, Mrs. (D r.) Sunday schools in the village: F . W estman, is visiting at her home Darlington o f the United, D . W il here and in Toronto fo r a couple o f son o f the Church o f th*e Epiphany, w eek s. and LeRoy Sargant o f the Baptist. A t the meeting o f the new Liberal The venture proved so successful * d u b which was organized in OakThere has been a gratifying decrease in the number o f autom otive that it is expected a similar service ' vifle on Wednesday evening, Emer may be held in each o f the other accidents in Ontario. There were fewer deaths in 1933, fewer persons son Featherstone was elected vicechurches during the year. injured, less property damage. The decrer»e in accidents has been president. Floyd Marlatt is a mem The meeting o f the new executive substantially greater than the percentage o f decrease in registrations. b e r o f the executive. o f the Home and School club was M rs. W illard Ryan and son Doug held on Wednesday evening and the T o those drivers who helped in this improvement the thanks ox l a s , were week-end visitors with her follow ing committees or conveners this department, the thanks o f every citizen o f Ontario, is due, and .another, M rs. J . Pickering. o f standing and special committees you have mine in large measure. were appointed: Religious education, Miss W . Osborne and M rs. M . ' But, we have only made a beginning! Dawson; recreation, Miss A . CudDespite the improvement shown, there were 8,634 serious accident-? m ore; League o f Nations, Mrs. W . last year. 403 men, women and children were killed. 7,877 pers< ; i H . Cudmore; nome education, Mrs. were injured! Several o f the ladies o f W esley j W . R . Gilliam; music, Miss G. Oschurch gathered there on T u e s d a y j b o rn e ; clinic, M rs. F . Darlington, By whom? W ho were responsible for these deaths and injuries.'1 C . L . Rayburn, Mrs. L . L . Thurs m orning fo r the annualspring ton, M rs. A . G . Boswell, M rs. M. le a n in g o f the church. In the The drivers involved were, for the most part, honest, d e c e it afternoon, Mrs. A . Fish entertain Dawson; flowers, Mrs. J . Rogers, citizens; men and women who are usually careful, who only tak i e d them at her home where they M rs. Boswell, Miss E . R eid ; dram chance now and then. T h ey were o f no special class. Some o f ikun R , Thurston, A . G . Doquilted a quilt fo r the bale fo r the atic, J . live in your street, perhaps next door to you. One o f them might hav.; W . M . S . , which isto be sent to the brashian; program and refreshments, been y o u ! Every one ot these drivers is sorry now -- truly sorry -- b u t w est along with the Halton presby- M rs. A . E . Pickard, M rs. L . L , , iterial bales. M rs. Fish is the sup Thurston, Mrs. W . R . Gilliam, E. j all the regret in the world cannot restore liefe or limb. p ly secretary fo r the local auxiliary. 0 . Cathcart; representatives to the ' The habitually reckless, callous driver is a known, visible M rs. Trowbridge was a visitor at Halton Home and School- council*! M rs. J . Rogers, M rs. G . Collins, I Against him swift action can be taken. But it is to the usually caroii i -the home o f her daughter, M rs. CalC . L . Rayburn, M rs. A . E . Pickven Bentley, last week. motorist, like yourself, that this department must look for help in A shower was tendered Miss ard, Miss A . Cudmore. making O ntario's streets and highways safer for driver and pedestrian F lorence Bentley, one o f our June alike. Will you help? -- this season more than ever before! The way brides, at the home o f her aunt, is simple, the result can be far-reaching. M rs. Kenneth Skinner, in Port C red it on Tuesday evening. Her Careful driver, respond to this appeal! Remember that it only P . D . Salter is kept busy these m other and sisters from Snider's takes a moment for an accident to happen --one lapse from safew e re among the invited guests. Miss days grinding grain and selling grass Bentley was also the guest at a seeds. W m . McDonald lis erecting an shower which was given in her hon o r recently in Toronto. Miss Bent other house on his farm near here. le y has just lately resigned from the D r. and M rs. Johnstone, o f Tra s ta ff o f the Imperial L ife Assurance falgar, spent a day visiting with Mr. and M rs. Smith. '` C om pany. Beginning next Sunday the ser Miss Helen Campbell visited v ice at W esley church will be at friends in Guelph one day this week. '3 - 4 5 and Sunday school at 1 0 .4 5 . Born, to M r. and M rs. Clarence Service at Munn's will be at 11 Hall, on Friday, May 11th, a son. ·o 'clock and .Sheridan at 7 p .m ., To M r. and M rs. P . Saunders, on w hich will leave the afternoon fre e . Sunday, May 13th, a son. Con T o r o n t o , M a y 1st, 1934. -'All services are on standard time. gratulations . THE DISTRICT AROUND Trafalg,ar rom starting her journey by sand storms. Bright, Busy Bronte Cliff Speers and His Music For Dances, Parties, Banquets, Etc. TO THE CAREFUL DRIVERS O F ONTARIO: Congratulations a Request! Snider's Corners Agerton Activities

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