The Oakville Beaver, Friday January 13, 2006 A friendly voice in time of need ave you ever expe rienced the death of a loved one, a job loss, a divorce or par enting challenges? Imagine having to face such a stressful situation alone, with no one to talk to. Thanks to the Oakville Distress Centre, you don't have to. The centre provides a befriending, listening, cri sis prevention and crisis intervention telephone service to people living in Oakville, Milton and the surrounding area, and helps callers find their own solutions. "The centre meets the needs of so many different people in a confidential and easily accessible way," says Lori Wilson, president of Distress Centre Oakville' s board of direc tors. "People call us when they are lonely, sad, angry, distressed or even suicidal. Our volunteers 'provide a friendly and non-judgmental ear, and support each caller. Our service is critical because ·we are there for people when they are most in need." CAM P H Often callers have no one to talk to about the losses and challenges they're facing. Some callers are physi cally disabled, some are dealing with mental health issues, and some are lonely and need a friend. Others call because they're overwhelmed and in great emotional pain. The following are some comments provided by some of the Distress Centre's callers over the past year: · Calling in to the cen tre keeps me from falling into a deep depression. · Just hearing another human voice, when one is really down, can make all the difference in the world. · The Distress Centre is my lifeline. · Thanks for believing in me. · If it wasn't for the vol unteers, I would probably be.dead. I get my strength from the volunteers. · You helped more than you can imagine! · Calling the centre is like calling home. · I'll be okay... as long as I have you guys. Distress Centre Oakville is a United Wayfunded agency. To contact the centre, call 905-8494541 (distress line) or visit them online at This year, United Way of Oakville's campaign goal is $3.85 million. For more information about United Way, its agencies or about how to make a donation, call 905-8455571 or visit You can also send your gift to United Way of Oakville, 466 Speers Rd., Suite.200, Oakville ON, L6K3W9. If you're interested in purchasing tickets to this year's Final Achievement Celebration on Wednesday, Jan. 25 at the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts, call 905845-5571. -- Submitted by the United Way of Oakville. rO R O N T O S T A lil Sponsored by W iv B B * S FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO EXHIBIT PLEASE CALL DURING BUSINESS HOURS 905-815-0017 OR TOLL FREE 1-800-265-3673 W hen was th e last tim e you escaped and devoted an e n tire weekend to yourself? Finally a fun, relaxing and simply indulgent w eek en d away .for you and y our friends. G o . -Indulge is an entertaining 'and inform ative conference held, a t th e beautiful Ehfr H urst inn and C o u n try Spa. ' · \ Catch up with your friends on Friday night and unwind with som e wine and great conversation.' ~ W ake up in the m o rn in g to a m outh-w atering breakfast and fill your day w ith fascinating and fun seminars and d ecadent cooking dem onstrations, Or; simply slip away to th e Inn's Aveda Spa for a luxurious treatm ent, Finally; spend another.glorious night at th e inn and possibly dine at .the renow ned Victorian Mansion. THE ELM HURST INN AND VICTORIAN COUNTRY SPA FEBRUARY 24-26, 2006 TO REGISTER CALL: Go Indulge - this weekend is all about you* 1 .8 6 6 .9 IN D U L G E 1.866.946.3854 L IM IT E D SPACE A V & IE A ftp O N LY A F E W RO O M S R EM AIN! For m ore inform ation log on to The Hamilton Spectator Beyond Black and W h i t e ----------