The Oakville Beaver, Friday January 13, 2006 - 27 Worship JBivtttaxp BAPTIST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN PENTECOSTAL OAKVILLE PENTECOSTAL APOSTOLIC CENTER S u n d a y Bible T eaching and W orship Service 12:30-2:30 pm (N orth R idge R oo m ) ANGLICAN T ti6 WALTON UNITED 2489 Lakeshore Rd.W. 905-827-1643 Corner of Bronte & Lakeshore Rd. W. TRAFALGAR PRESBYTERIAN 905-842-2800 W W W A n g lic a n C h u rc h in O a k v ille C H ARTW ELL BAPTIST C H UR C H 905 844 2801 Walton Welcomes You Sunday, Jan. 15 9:30 am Larger Family Service Sunday School and Nursery Care In v ite s y o u ! Sunday Worship Nursery, Childrens Program, and Global Music! 10:00 am S u n d a y W o rs h ip 228 Chartwell Road 8:45 and 11:00 a.m. C hartw ell @ K ing's 11:00 am Traditional Service Message: "Promises" IROQUOIS RIDGE COM M UNITY CENTRE G lenashton & Eighth Line Thursday Bible Teaching 7:00-8:00 pm SMdays: Epiphany .... 8:30am & 10:30am 905-827-2546 141 Bronte Road King's Christian Collegiate Minister: Rev. Kristine O'Brien "The Basics of The Christianity Faith" 528 Burnhamthorpe Road West Music: Andrew Donaldson Thursday Evenings Starting Feb. 9 10:00 a.m. From 7 pm- 9 pm Open to all Directions: Take Trafalgar Nursery, children and youth programs through high school at weekend services Call M e to Register 905-82/-1643 White Oaks Blvd, North on Christianity 101 Video Series Call for location 905 - 820-2400 - Incarnation 905-825-2851 8:30am & 10am 1240 Old Abbey Lane 416 - 995-6325 visit our website at www. JESUS IS LORD C O M M IJM T Y C H U R C H St. A idan ... 10am & 12noon FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH "Where the World comes to Worship" 1415 Trafalgar Rd. 905-842-0938 C H E C KO U T :W W W .W A L T O N M E M O R IA L .C O M fil Litchfield Rd, to the end 905-845-6111 318 Queen Mary Drive ST. JOHN'S UNITED D o w n t o w n A t D u n n & C h urch Streets O ffice :.2 6 2 R a n d a ll 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -0 5 5 1 w w w .s tjo h n su n it e d .c a KING'S HOPEDALE FAMILY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 156 fluid Line, Oakville 905-827-3851 St. Cuthbert ...................8am & 10am 905-844-6200 -Maple Grove &Oakhill email us at or visit our website at www, stcuthbertoakmlle. ca Sunday, Jan. 15 10:30 am "W hy We Desperately Need Revival" Pastor Harry Toews speaking Sunday Jan. 15 10:30 am W orship Service "God Calling?" I Samuel 3:1-10(11-20) Junior Choir Family Service, Soup Lunch Minister: The ReverendSean Foster Consider yourself invited! A vibrant, faith-filled, growing family. St. H ilda......... 905-827-3711 8am & 10am 6:30 pm Studies in Philippians. Stephen Westerholm leading tbroui church officefor more information. M o n d a y . January 16 7:30 pm Seminar "Autism: The Challenge" Dr. Peter Szatmari & Francine Landry ALPHA, ALPHA Marriage Course, Home Groups, Kings Kidz 10:30 a.m. St. Jude .... 8am, 9:15am & 11am 905-844-3972 160 William Street Meeting at: Iroquois Ridge Community Centre "Who were those Wise Men?" email or 1051 Glenashton Dr. at 8th Line visit our website at Church School · Nursery Provided Inviting all to be Alive in Christ E-mail: Sunday, Jan. 15 SEEING LIVES CHANGED! 1258 Rebecca Street visit our website at Friday, January 20 7:15 am Breakfast with Rev. Don "Forgiveness - Easier Said Than Done" Rev. Don G ibson Worship + Small Group Ministries + Seminars Pastoral Care + Home and Hospital Visitations Kim Belanger Church School, Youth Programs Nursery Care Brian Turnbull Music Ministry, Organ & Choir INFO :C hris or Rachel 905-825-8091 INDEPENDENT ANGLICAN St. Sim on.......... 8:15am & 10am 905-845-8351 1450 Litchfield Road visit our website at KNOX PRESBYTERIAN SIXTEEN (Dundas Rd. W. & Lions Valley Park Rd.) St. Luke, Palermo 905-825-3364 f- 10:30am r rrr-':. .......... 3114 Dundas St. West 905-335-3433 touG .~~" SUNDAY, JAN 15 * 5 t f*a u l's m ( J r u 't e d Q iu r c h W 454 Rebecca St 905-845-3427 10:00 The Little Church With ` XThe Big St Columba's Anglican Church I.A.C. Canada Synod, 1934 %www. niagara. anghcan. ca ) B IB L E CHAPEL a .m . Welcome Services at Grace Lutheran Church Spruce and Reynolds Streets, Oakville ON Synod Office: 905-357-3331 Series: Money Sex &Power "The Dark Side of Money" Children's Program INVITES YOU TO WORSHIP WITH US 1 0 :1 5 a .m . Ministers: Rev. Dr. Paul Crittenden Rev. Lexie Chamberlain Dir. Music: Michal Rozycki Sunday, January 15 10:30 am "The Church in the W orld w w w .k n o x l 6 . com " Sunday 12:00 pm HOLY COMMUNION EVENSONG 1" and 3r d Sunday 4:00 pm Celebrate, Worship and Renew in the Tradition of the Book of Common Prayer and maintain Scripturally-based teachings on Marriage O A K R I D G F. ' "B I 8 L £ CH AP E h ` Pr ? s Meetin9 at AMC Winston Churchill 24 2081 W inston Park Dr., Oakville t C CELEBRATING OUR 50TH YEAR! w w w .stp au lso ak v ille.c o m e-m ail: sp u n ite d @ b e lln e t.c a Knox O A K V IL L E Lakeshore Kd. at Dunn St. Downtown Oakville 905-844-3472 Our vision is to be a centre of biblicdl excellence in Oakville, teaching, guiding and supporting each other to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ U N IT E D C H U R C H "Where relevantfaith meets caring community" M U N ls P S S t. C o lu m b a ' s C hu rch su p p o rts A n g lic a n E ssen tials , C a n a d a Dundas Hwy. & 6th Line 905-257-8434 MAPLE GROVE UNITED CHURCH 346 Maple Grove Dr. Oakville 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -5 7 2 1 Rev. Morar Murray-Hayes Rev. Harry McWilliams, Rev. Mike Marsden B IB L E CHAPEL Join us any Sunday All are Welcome! 10:00 am: Coffee and Ted 10:30 am: Sunday Service ****Nursery Available**** Praise & Worship and Communion * * Children and Youth - preschool to high school - leave from the main service for a church program with their peers** Sunday, Jan. 15 Morning Worship 9 : 0 0 a .m . "Honest to G o d " Sunday, Jan. 15 9:00 am & 10:30 am Services Sunday School & Nursery at both Services "M UNN'S A LIV E " Honouring Ted Robinson YOUTH DANCE FR I., JAN. 20 - 7 pm Minister: Rev. Meg Grieve Candidate Supply: Lyn Workman Director of Music: Rita Lamplugh Director of Music: David Findlay Sunday, Jan. 15 Regular Services 9:00 am & 10:30 am in xgrn connection for Children at 10:30 am website: e-m ail: m guc@ 10:30 a.m. " A Full Service Church" STARTING Jan. 13,2006 7 p.m. ALPHA Programs Nursery and Church Schoolfor children andyouth School D r iv e Pastor: Brian Roe 2250 Eighth Line Oakville 905 849-0562. Veeklysmall Uroupsjor Youths < E v ery on e W elc o m e E -m a il: k n o x o a k v ille @ c o g e c o .n e t W e b site :w w w .k n ox o a k v w w w .cq i5 irfu a va iie y.c o m Potluck lunch every 1st Sunday