34 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Wednesday, January 18, 2006 T o P la c e a n A d C a ll 9 0 5 -3 3 7 -5 6 1 0 Email: classified@iialtonsearch.com Fax:v Mon. to Fri. 8:30am-5:30pm BONUS! All classified ads also appear on www.bur1ingtonpost.com Index: Real Estate 100-135 · Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure 200-239 · Community 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400-470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION I. Call: 905-632-0588 ion, Special Feature deadlines Ad submission by mail or in person: Burlington Post & Flam borough Review, 5040 Mainway, # 1, Burlington, O N L7L 7G5 Deadlines: Mon., 5 p.m., for Wed. publication, Wed., 5 p.m., for Fri. publication, Thurs., 5' p.m., for Sun. j may vary. Payment: We accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, M asterCard, American Express. Business accounts can be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD TH E FIRST DAY IT RUNS to ensure the inform ation is correct. Contact your Sales Consultant within 24-Hours if an e rro r appears. An e rro r in a Fri. publication m ust be rep o rted no later than Mon., 5:30 p .m ._______ houses for sale houses for sale houses for sale apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent H G TV is launching a new T V series called R e n t M in to f o r O a k v i l le 's B e s t! 2220 Marine Drive, Oakville 905-825-5285 · Live^right on the w ater overlooking Bronte Harbour and the new marina! · Stroll to charming Bronte Village · Easy access to shopping, parks & GO Transit SENIOR'S RESIDENCE Rentals From $350/mo (+ up) HeatI Hydro Included HOUSE P r o p e r ty l/S n g m s We are looking for first tim e buyers who are house hunting in the GTA and want to b e o n TU I For m ore in fo rm atio n contact W endy a t 416-531-2500 x 1 4 6 , em ail propertyvirgins@ nextfilm.ca or visit http://w w w .hgtv.ca/castingcalf.asp office & business BRIGHT, cozy, new 1 bed room apartm ent, with pat io. Separate entrance, parking, u tilites included. New appliances. G uelph Line / U pper M iddle. No sm oking, no pets. A vail able March 1 or sooner, $750/mo. 905-319-4681. BRIGHT, well m aintained fa m ily building. Spacious 1&2 bedroom s. Easy ac cess to Hwy. Burlington 905-333-9846, Noon-8pm CANADIANA. Q uiet, wellm aintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1&2 bedrooms available Febru ary/ M arch. 5220 Lake shore, Burlington. 905632-5486 (No dogs) miss.... B ronte & ' Lakeshore. Large, newly renovated designer suites. New appliances. Big bal conies. Utilities & parking incl. Great Neighbourhood 1-bedroom $995/mo avail able Jan/15th or F e b lst, 2bedroom available Feb15th/ or Mar/1 st $.1145/mo 905-827-6783 DO W NTOW N B urlington1275 Elgin Street. Offer ing a rental discount! 1, 2&3 bedroom s A vailable Now. Freshly painted, (som e .with new kitchen cabinetry), spacious, well m aintained, quiet with up graded fire alarm system for safe highrise living. 905-637-0321 OAKVILLE Place area. 2bedroom apartm ent, $875. 1-bedroom $775. Heat, hot water, parking included. Immediate 905-847-1138 OAKVILLE 4th Line/ R e becca. Large updated m ainfloor bungalow. 2bdrm + den. Private en trance. Fireplace, hard wood -floors, c/a, w asher/ dryer, .parking, large yard, deck. Close to YMCA, lake, QEW, GO, nonsm okers, $1350/m o. Inclu sive. 416-788-7639. D owntown. R enovated 1-bedroom apartm ent. Very nice, small building. $765/mo. + hydro. Includes parking. Feb 1.905-469-0894 415 Kerr Street. 1 bedroom apart ments, balcony. Immedi ate/ February $825/mo, 2bdrm , $925 and bachelor $700. Call 9am-8pm, 905339-2437. D orval/ R e becca1-bedroom $740/m o +hydro. Q uiet sm all building. Available Immediately. Call 905-3383113. DON'T Bonnie Place B u rlin g to n, 905-634-0046 L ID G T K DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE H G TV.ca 1 & 2 Bedrooms from only $999 1229 Marlborough Court Oakville 905-844-7332 · Central Oakville -- steps to Sheridan College and Oakville Place · Easy access to GO Transit and QEW · Large suites w ith spacious balconies BURLINGTON 3020 G len crest Rd. 1&2. bedroom s available Jan./ Feb./ Mar. Starting $795/m o. Upscale quiet building close to ma jor shopping 905-632-0129 BURLINGTON basem ent apartm ent, laundry, separ ate entrance, parking. Q uiet professional. No pets/ sm oking.. $700/m o. inclusive. Im m ediate. First/ Last. 905-630-7709 BUR LIN G TO N clean, quiet, 2-bedroom s A vailable, Im m ediate/Feb ruary 1st, March 1. $898 Includes hydro, heat, park ing. No dogs. 905-631 1826; 905-827-4766. OAKVILLE Selling your home privately? Advertise a photo & description of your home in the 1-b e d ro o m avail. C lo s e to everything! G re a t L o ca tio n ! Call now 905-842-3859 G uelph Line/ QEW, P rofessional offices available. Including/ excluding: furniture, recep tion, internet (cable). Lots of parking. Also available co m m ercial/ office space, Stoney Creek. 905-639O ffice suites available in profes sional building. Telephone answ ering, m ail/ courier service, receptionist, meet ing room. Call Elaine, 905637-2226; e-m ail: evin cent@ autocontrolsys.com BURLINGTON, OAKVILLE, Sif- fQ klum iQ & itw i Burlington Post and The Oakville Beaver N IA G A R A / te w E E K For details call BURLINGTON. 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms from $999 minto.com O rganization of th e YearCom e Celebrate by living for F R E E your first month! 955 Warwick Court 1, 2 & 3 bedroom - from $775. ¥ U tilities & storage Locker incl. :iose to Q EW , sch o o ls and am enities. D aycare centre avail; New ly R enovated S uites HAVE A GREAT VIEW OF A GREAT LAKE BRONTE HARBOUR. · Completely new and upgraded 1 Bedroom suites with lake views. Hardwood, ceramics, window coverings. Pool. Tennis. Secure underground parking. Feb./Mar. DOW NTOW N W aterdownNew spacious 2-bedroom apartm ents, 1 parking, $1000/m o. + utilities. A vailable im m ediately. 905-690-7134 FACING Burlington mall. Lovely 1&2 BR. Refined tenants. M arble lobby. P arking/ hydro included. P rincess 905-639-8009 or Regency 905-681-8115 GUELPH Line/ W oodward. 1 &2 bedroom s available Ja n ./ Feb./ Mar. Starting $745/mo. Utilities included. Clean, quiet building. Bur lington. 905-632-4265 ASK About O ur 1 B ed room Special. B urlington Towers. Call n o w ' 905639-8583 www. burlingtontowers.com OAKVILLE, BURLINGTON Downtown. 2-bedroom . Clean, quiet sm all building. Laundry. Near parks/ recreational fa cilitie s/ lake. On bus route. Feb/M ar. 905-6349681; 905-643-8979 BURLINGTON, Brant/ Upper M iddle. G round floor, clean 1-bedroom, pri vate entrance, 2 parking, pool. U tilities included. .A va ilab le im m ediately. $800/mo. 905-319-8272 BURLINGTON- Fully renovated, 2&3 bedroom apart ment, new appliances, util ities & cable included, ex cellently m aintained build ing. C lose to downtown. 905-639-1960 2-bedroom apartm ent (1000sq.ft) Lower level of raised ranch home, lots of window s, near Appleby GO, 5 appliances, 2 separ ate walk outs, large back yard with patio/ BBQ, no sm okers/ pets, profession al couple preferred, $1200/m o inclusive, pri vate garage. February 1. 905-630-3394. 905-632-4440 RENTAL units available, W allace Rd, O akville. Unit #3 approx 810 sq.ft w/overhead door. Unit #1 approx 870 sq.ft of mezza nine w/office and overhead doors. Also 1620 sq.ft. w/390 sq.ft. of mezzanine. Days 905-827-6358, cell 905-330-7078. Village. Beautiful commercial build ing has third floor (w/elevator) office available. 720sq.ft. Call Donna, 905689-4516. OAKVILLE- bright spa cious 2-bdrm basem ent, N ear Sheridan, separate entrance, laundry, ho pets/ smoking. Feb.1. 519-722-3151. OAKVILLE. Bright new 1bedroom basem ent, large kitchenette, separate en trance, 1-parking. C able, utilities included, $800/mo. No sm oking/ pets. 905469-6066. OAKVILLERENTERS.COM For info, call www.dntim.com O A1 1-866-499-1607^ W ATERDOW N bedroom with balcony, M artha Street @ New Street. A short walk to the lake & trail. Call D ebbie 905-634-0888 BURLINGTON. business opportunities THIS franchise TIRED is the Natu ral choice, visit ww w.turflogic.ca Til TransGlob® H I H I Property Wasssemfmt Seivtess w w w .G O tr a n s g lo b e .c o m 1-BEDROOM basem ent, large, clean, bright. New kitchen/ bathroom . N e a r 1 Sheridan, Mall, QEW. Sep arate entrance. Parking/ utilities included. Feb.1. $795/m o. 905-844-7444, 289-888-1447 O a k v ille Beautiful, bright, ground level, basem ent in quiet home, 3 pc. bath, full kitch en, w /own w a sh er/ dryer, private e ntrance/ parking, inclusive w /cable $790/m o Feb.1. 416-919-3822 1MO. FreeD owntown Burlington, 1 bedroom apt. w /patio. Dishwasher, a/c, parking included. .A va il able Feb.1. 905-8429275 1MO. Free- Oakville down town 1&2 bedroom apart m ents, on Lakeshore, close to downtown shops/ restaurants/ lake. 905842-9275 3055 G lencrest Rd., Bur lington. C entrally located, quiet, w ell- m aintained, spacious- 1&2 bedroom s available now. 905-6373921 ACROSS from Burlington Mall. Spacious 2 bedroom suite's available from $875. Fantastic site staff! 640 G uelph Line. 905-6376125 AW ARDED Apt. P roperty M gm t O rganization of the Y e a rEnjoy spacious bach., 1 & 2 bedroom s from $799, utilities & stor age locker included. Close to QEW, shopping and schools. Call 310-7000, 24hrs, 7 days a week. www.GOtransglobe.com BEAUTIFUL buildings, dow ntow n ' Old O akville, w alk to lake, steps to shops. 1 bedroom from $1015/m o, 2 bedroom $1275/mo, all inclusive No lease, no last month de posit. 905-339-4645 BEAUTIFULLY renovated 2 bdrm suites. A vailable from $1020. S parkling hardwood fir. Longm oor Terrace, Burlington. 905639-1346 BRANT/ Fairview, walk to GO! 5 plex. Clean, attrac tive 1-bedroom , parking, $655/m o. +hydro. Single occupancy. No sm oking/ pets. 905-528-7520. BURLINGTON- Lakeshore & Maple. Lakefront views! Exceptional value, spa cious '2 -b e d ro o m s. . From $1050/m o. U tilities in cluded. Pool sauna. Near all am enities. 905-6325258 Speers. Renovated bachelor, 1 bdrm from $650/m o and up +hydro. W ell m aintained. Free parking. 416-635-5191 x206 KERR/ 1/2/3 bdrms from $845. 1265 6-line: 905-842-8960. 190 Kerr St: 905-845-1777. 392 Pine: 905-337-0910 re p la ce d ____ M aster b e d ro o c i ensuite. N eutral d e co r th ro u g h m j? . O pen H ouse th is Sunday a t 000 M ain St., B u rlin g to n . PRIVATE SALE. Call 000-000-0000 fo r m ore details. of businesses that don't work? If you are fi nancially m otivated, drive and want to excel in life, cali 1-800-637-1893 LAKESHORE & Bronte. 1-bedroom from $925/m o. u tilities included. Dec.1. Cltfse to B ronte Harbour and all am enities. 905825-0816 LAKESHORE elegance. W alk to Joseph Brant Hos pital, excellent Lakeshore location. Suits doctors, n u rse s,' paramedics. Quiet, secure professionally man aged, huge 1 bedroom suite from $899/m o. Call 905-637-8431 291 St. Paul Street, Burlington. 1&2 bedroom s, $780/m o, in cludes heat/hydro/ parking. For appointm ent, 905-6322661. well m aintained by Jordan & Williamson PRIME D owntown Bur lington. Upgraded suites 1&2 bedroom . New w in dows. Modernized eleva tors. Scenic views. 478 Pearl, 477 Elizabeth; 905634-9374, 905-632-1643 view- of the lake and Niagara Escarp ment. Newly renovated 1 bedroom, ideal location in Oakville. Available Feb, & M a rc h !' Free parking and collect airm iles! 1-866499-1607 Burlington Park Towers 1 Bedroom $770 2 Bedroom $840 3 Bedroom $1200 Utilities Included 2386 New Street at Guelph Line Tel: 905-639-5761 Rental Office Open 11am-7pm, Mon.-Sat. mortgages, loans uppers! These Homes Need Work. Bosley Real Estate Ltd., Realtor. V isit www.HaltonFixUps.com. Reveals the 10 Best Buys in A ny Price Range. Free Lists with Pic tures. Bosley, Real Estate Ltd., Realtor. Visit www.HaltonHome.com FIXER property outside Canada Leaf G olf & Coun try Club. Port Charlotte, Florida. 2005 hom e, fully furnished, window d re ss ings, new A/C & appli ances. $127,500. 905-6346913. $$MONEY$$ M APLE HOTLIST C onsolidate debts. M ortgages to $100% No incom e, bad credit OK! Ontariowide Fi nancial Corp 1-888-3077799 1-BEDROOM BURLINGTON. 383 St. Paul Street: 1 bedroom from $739/m o., includes heat, hydro, parking. For appointm ent, 905-6346903. W ell-m aintained by Jordan & Williamson C lean 2bedroom , sm all renovated building. Laundry, parking, security from $785/m o. +hydro. Feb/ March 905825-5539. STUNNING BURLINGTON. LOCATED at computer/ internet service Rate-, on Site & w alk-in com puter repairs. Goliant Inc., 905-919-1587 FLAT townhouses for sale RENT To Own, Townhome. Burlington. Bad credit okay. 2-bedroom, 2.5 baths. Beau tiful. $1675/m o. 416-3903060. apartments/condos for sale industrial/ commercial space INDUSTRIAL space ap p roxim ately 3162sq.ft. o f fice / warehouse with 2 loading docks, $10.75/ per sqft including TMI and wa ter. Q EW / Trafalgar 905849-3521 office & business storage, or light industrial, up to 1200 sq.ft in O akville, reasonable rates, 905-465-3051. apartments & flats for rent 1-BDRM apt., from S750/mo. 2095 Pros pect St., Burlington 905631-9748. 2-bdrm ^ apt.. $775/m o. +hydro. 2-bdrm house, $850/m o +utilities. Burlington. 905-634-4167 2 bachelor apartm ents, from $595 plus utilities. Al dershot /W est Burlington. Call 905-633-8547 NEW YEAR! NEW HOME! Start the year off right! 1 )2 ,3 BURLINGTON. Q uiet wellm aintained building on culde-sac. 384 St. Paul Street, 2 bedroom avail able M ar.1/ Apr.'l $902/m o., u tilities/ parking included. Call .·Spm-gpm, 905-639-7072. BURLINGTON~ Brand new 1 bedroom basem ent apartm ent. Seperate en trance. Private. W asher/ dryer included. Available F e b .. $950/m o 905-5929405 BURLINGTON- 1-bdrm. apartm ent, $725/m o. in cludes stove, fridge, park ing, utilities, laundry. Call Don, 905-645-4128. TRENDY 2-bedroom , Lakeshore Rd. (Burlington downtow n), $895/m o., 2bedroom Prospect St., $815/m o., 1-bedroom , $750/m o. Laundry. 905336-7207. B urlington A d dress. Large 2 bdrm avail able from $1080. Clean, quiet and comfortable. 505 Locust St. 905-333-9008. T Y AN D A G A Terrace, Bur lington. S ituated on pri vate, park-like grounds. Freshly painted with p ri vate w alk-outs to cedar hedged patios. 2&3 bed room s available now at 1440, 1450 & 1460 Tyandaga Park Drive. 905-3360015; 905-336-0016. In quire re: rental discount NO LMR deposit required D ec/ Jan/ Feb only. 1&2 bedroom s plus 3-bedroom tow nhouses w ith 5 appli ances. Close to O akville Place, QEW and GO sta tion. 905-845-7545 Towers, W alk to downtown Burling ton, lake, parks, JBM H. 1&2 bedroom available Feb/ M ar/ April (+$33. parking). U tilities included. No pets. Q uiet building. Diane, 9am-6pm, 905-6811307 TRENDY NORTHSHORE BDRM SU ITES B u r lin g to n T o w e rs 3-BEDROOM, 2-storey ground floor, spacious room s, excellent location near Sheridan College, $175,000. 905-815-1972. INDOOR 905-639-8583 burlingtontowers.com