14 - Real Estate: The O akville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y J a n u a ry 18, 2 0 0 6 5 YEAR MORTGAGE 4.95% MORTGAGE SPECIALIST HLC EXECUTIVE RENTAL $ 2 ,0 0 0 ./m th 2 bdrm, 2 bath, lakefront condo. Overlooking Bronte Harbour, new carpet, new appls. (5). Double garage with door opener. Call Dale. V IE W PICS @ W W W .A LEX X.C A Prudential ANGELO LOGRANO (905) 338-6550 DALE A T H A Y (905) 338-6550 tgthayd1@gmail.com OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 2-4 50 OLD M ILL #410 OPEN HOUSE * V E R Y MO TIV A TE DS E ILE R !! SATURDAY 2-4 50 OLD M ILL #606 t MORE PICS @ WWW.ALEXX.CA MORE PICS @ W W W .AIEXX.CA $ 2 6 4 ,9 0 0 . Bright oper suite features 1008 sq ft, fireplace & rare 2 side by Glen Abbev. Living/dir side parking spots! OWNER SAYS SELL IT FAST!!! Close to schools & sho| $ 2 5 9 ,9 0 0 . Best Value! 2 bdrm 2 bath comer MAIN FLOOR LIVING! NORTH SERVICE RD. W . @ DORVAL DRIVE $ 2 1 2 ,0 0 0 . New bungalow style townhome in mature neighbourhood. Spacious kitchen w/brealcfast bar. Hrdwd T/0 Prof fin L/L with lam rm bath extra rm Ideal location GORGEOUS 1 BDRM + DEN BY THE LAKE RELAX & ENJOY YOUR NEW HOME MOTIVATED SEILER: 2 BDRM BY THE GO! 1425 ABBEYWO $ 2 1 9 ,9 0 0 . Spacious 1 bdrm + den by the GO. $ 2 5 3 ,9 0 0 . Spacious nearly new 3 bdrm all brick Professionally decorated. Built-in bar & more townhome waits for you. It's all done inside and out so upgrades. Very rare: 2 parking spots, 2 lockers! all you need to do is move in & enjoy all of its features, COMMUTERS DELIGHT! N A D A PAVLO VIC (905) 338-6550 A LEX X COELHO (905) 3 3 8-6550 V ie w pics at nadal23@sympatico.ca alexx@alexx.ca IA N HALLFORD (905) 338-6 5 50 w w w .ian ha llfon l.com M ANUELA COELHO/ALEXX COELHO (905) 3 3 8-6 55 0 alexx@alexx.ca MURRAY MCDONAi murray-mcdonaldt NEW Prestigious Oakridge Heights! Nestled high on a ridge overlooking 16 Mile Creek! Steps from the "GO" Train & easy access to QEW, 403, 407, shopping and downtown Oakville. Excellent recreational facilities: indoor pool, exercise room, sauna, billiard and card rooms, party room, hobby room. Great security system, resident superintendent couple; gatehouse. Upscale condos: 9' ceilings, sunny spacious design & superb finishes! OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-4 HWY- 50 NORTH f 0 ll0 W T H Esigns Desirable plans to choose from: · $219,000. 1 bdrm + den. Prof. decor. Built-in bar & more. 2 parking spots, 2 lockers. ENNISCLARE - SUPER MASTER BDRM LUXURY CONDO $ 3 8 2 ,5 0 0 . 2 bdrms plus a den in a nicely decorated unit. 1507 sq. ft. Some lake views. Downsizers will appreciate the space on a lower floor, ENNISCLARE - GREAT LAKE VIEWS lo o k in g 10 GRACE CRT., BOLTON $ 4 1 9 ,9 0 0 . Sought after quiet court on ravinewith stream .P ie - BEAUTIFUL BROI $ 4 2 9 ,9 0 0 . Upgraded at y o u r $ 4 1 2 ,0 0 0 . Corner unit with 2 bdrms + den. own flowers, the p la y in g fields of Bronte, the Deautiful treetops & Fireplace in living room. 1557 sq. ft. Ideal the fa ra w a y escarpm ent. Your 6 -ro o m co n d o has EV E R Y TH IN G ! for aownsizer. $ 4 1 0 ,0 0 0 . Sit on y o u r Ennisdare ba lc o n v shaped m ature lot w ith 2-tiered decking &w alkout bsm t, 4+ 1 large mature lot. Hardwood bdrm s, enorm ous ensuite& unspoiled low er le ve l tofinish toyour sp e c s , and baths, spacious de · $259,900. Best value! 2 bdrm, 2bath corner suite. 100 8 sf, FP & rare side by side parking spots! MUST GC>! PETER H O IB A K (905) 3 38-6550 ahoi@sympatico.ca HEATHER FENTON (905) 338-6550 heatherfenton@sympatico.ca PETER H O IB A K (905) 3 38-6550 ahoi@sympatico.ca PETER SANG5TER (905) 338 -65 5 0 peter@realestatetorontowest.com TA M M Y V A N BALK (905) 338-6550 · $267,000. Brand new 2 bdrm, 1008 sf corner unit. Never lived in. No neighbours. · $274,900. High upgraded 2 bdrm, 2 bath corner suite. Newest beilding. Must see. MORE THAN 45 UNITS SOLD! Please call The Oakridge Heights Specialists MANUELA COELHO (905) 338-6550 ALEXX COELHO (905) 339-8707 w w w .m a n u e la .c a KENSiNGTON H jB j bigger than if looks. streets! Prime location, charc backyard! This one won't las A LEX X COELHO (905) 338-6 5 5 0 w w w .a le x x .c a ANDREA SEVENTIKID www.MihonAreaHomes, VIEW PICS @ WWW.MIKEMORETTI.COM OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 2-4 MIKE MORETTI* PATRICK NEWMAN* NADA PAVLOVIC JEFF PEARCY* ***Broker **Assotiate Br<