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Oakville Beaver, 27 Jan 2006, p. 13

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The Oakville Beaver, Friday January 27, 2006 - 13 Registration deadline for delegations is Jan. 31 Continued from page 1 to see become a waterfront park began Jan. 9. Since then, developer Palm Place Developments has had expert witnesses on everything from migratory birds to traffic and architecture testifying. Palm Place has challenged the Town of Oakville' s refusal to allow the 370-unit condo on the west half of the nearly eight-acre lakefront property in west Oakville. The plan represents a scaled back version of the orig inal 1,000-unit, four tower version of the plan first applied for at the Town. Palm Place has said it would hand over the east half of the property to the Town if it gets to build the 370-unit, three building complex. The Town had previously, in the subdivision agreement for Lakeshore Woods, the community by New Province Homes north of Lakeshore Road, given approval to credit parkland dedication on the first 300 units applied for on the property south of Lakeshore in return for an. overdedication of green space in Lakeshore Woods. However, the subdivision agreement was conditional upon the proposed develop ment for the former Shell House lands going through the development approvals process. Palm Place appealed to the 0MB before the Town formal ly took a position on the appli cation. The Town's position is that while it prefers the property to be a park, it would look at allowing 27 single-family homes no higher than three storeys. The 0MB is hearing argu ments from Palm Place, the Town, Conservation Halton and the Bronte Village Residents' Association (BVRA), which formed as a result of the condo plan. * At the hearing's outset, the evening of Feb. 1 was set aside specifically to hear from the public. The session starts prompt ly at 7 p.m. at Town Hall at 1225 Trafalgar Rd. The BVRA distributed door-to-door flyers this week to inform the neighbourhood of the public night. Those wishing to speak must register their intention with the Town Clerk by 4:30 p.m. on Jan. 31 with their name, address and a brief out line of what they intend to speak about. Peace o f M in d .. the most Valuable Service we Provide · · · · · Financial Planning Investm ent M anagem ent Insurance M ortgages Estate Planning Hear the Digital Difference for Less! 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