12 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday February 3, 2006 FEB R U A R Y 3 - 6 , 2006 Two banks robbed in two hours Halton Regional Police believe a pair of Oakville bank robberies that occurred Wednesday only two hours apart were committed by the same sus pect. The first happened around 10:13 a.m. when a lone male entered the Bank of Montreal branch at 159 Lakeshore Rd. E. He advised a teller he was robbing the bank and demanded cash. He then used a newspaper to conceal the money and fled on foot. He is described as a white male approximately 30 years old, six feet tall ·with a slim build and wearing a dark blue winter coat, green pants and a hood pulled over his head. The second robbery occurred around 12:15 p.m. at the CIBC branch at 511 Maple Grove Dr. when a lone male stood in line until a teller became available, then advised he was armed and demanded money. Again, the man concealed the cash with a newspaper then fled in a northerly direction. In this incident, the suspect was described as a white male, six feet tall in his late 20s or early 30s, wearing a dark winter jacket and dark toque. Although investigators believe the two robberies are connected, they don't think this suspect is responsible for a pair of earlier robberies at Scotiabank branches on Jan. 25 and 28. Anyone with information is asked to contact Det. Sullivan and the 2 District Robbery Team at 905-825-4747 ext. 2218. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUND A Y & M O N D A Y ALREADY REDUCED RED TICKETED MERCHANDISE V a le n tin e 's FRAMES I KITCHEN GADGETS BARWARE I COOKWARE DINNERWARE I AND M O R E... ART, MIRRORS & HOME ACCENTS BATH ACCESSORIES CANDLES I TABLE LINENS WINDOW COVERINGS & HARDWARE I AND M O R E... a t M u n n 's C h u rch Celebrate Valentine' s with a High Tea, guest speakers and the opportunity to help Stephen Lewis in his fight against AIDS in Africa on Sunday, Feb. 12. Munn' s United Church, corner of Sixth Line and Dundas Street, will host its third annual Valentine's High Tea from 2-4 p.m. The menu will include scones, clot ted cream, strawberry jams and cucum ber sandwiches. The history of tea will be discussed and teas from around the world will be available for taste testing and buying. Tickets cost $5 per person and can be obtained by calling the church office at 905-257-8434. Proceeds will go to the Stephen Lewis Foundation in its fight against the AIDS pandemic and its work to support those living with or affected by AIDS in Africa. W hile su p p lie s la st. Q u an tity a n d se le c tio n m a y v a ry b y sto re. S ee S ale s A sso ciate for d etails. For a good deal more, use this coupon and receive 20% off regular priced items j f f r HiTM MS&Mtssi M any single regular priced item O n ec o u p o np erc u sto m e r. T h isc o u p o nc a n n o tb e .c o m b in e dw ith a n yo th e ro ffe ra n disn o tv a lido na n yp re v io u sp u rc h a seo rto w a rd s th ep u rc h a se of K itc h e n ,P e rso n a la n d < a ll H b cO ly m p icM erch a n d ise o rG ift R eg istryitem so n lin e. Now through February 17,2006. FOR A H O M E O U T F I T T E R S S TO R E N E A R E S T YOU, V I S I T W W W .H O M E O U T F I T T E R S .C O M