6 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday March 17, 2006 OPINION & LETTERS The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville Ont. L6K 3S4 (905) 845-3824 Fax: 337-5567 Classified Advertising: 845-3824, ext. 224 Circulation: 845-9742 Editorial and advertising content of the Oakville Beaver is protected by copyright. Unauthorized use is prohibited. 13 Audit Board Member Canadian Circulations THE OAKVILLE BEAVER IS PROUD OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: Recognized for Excellence by H a lto n Ife .ik h c .irc jp c n a Ontario Community Newspapers Association Canadian-Community f Newspapers Association | S K Suburban Newspaper of America ATHENA Aw ard . The O akville, M ilto n Si M etro la nd P rinting, P ublishing & D istrib utin g Ltd., includes: A ja x/P ickering News Advertiser, A lliston Herald/Courier, A rthu r Enterprise News, Barrie A dvance, Bram pton Guardian, Burlington Post, Burlington Shopping News, Caledon Enterprise, City Parent, C olling w oo d/W a sag a C onnection, East Y ork M irror, Erin A dvo ca te /C o un try Routes, E tobicoke G uardian, R am b oro ug h Review, Georgetown Independent/Acton Free Press, Harriston Review, Huronia Business Times, Lindsay This W eek, M arkham E c on om ist & S un, M id la nd /P en eta ng uis hine M irror, M ilto n tetowFdrlffe; OW.v:itf. .... , · fetafepourlavfe: IAN OLIVER Publisher NEIL OLIVER AssociatePublisher JILL DAVIS Editor in Chief RODJERRED ManagingEditor KELLY MONTAGUE AdvertisingDirector DANIEL BAIRD AdvertisingManager TERI CASAS MAN UEL GARCIA ProductionManager RIZIERO VERTOLLI PhotographyDirector CHARLENE HALL DirectorofDistribution ALEXANDRIA CALHOUN Circ. Manager Canadian Cham pion, M ilton Shopping News, M ississauga Business Times, M ississauga News, Napanee Guide, Newm arket/A urora Era-Banner, N orthum berland News, North York M irror, Oakville Beaver, Oakville Shopping News, Oldtim ers Hockey News, Orillia Today, O shawa/W hitby/Clarington P ort Perry This W eek, Owen Sound Tribune, Palm erston Observer, Peterborough This W eek, Picton County Guide, Richm ond H ill/Thom hill/Vaughan Liberal, Scarborough M irror, StouffvilleAJxbridge Tribune, Forever Young, City o f York Guardian In the news - unfortunately W e w is h P a u l B e rn a rd o w o u ld j u s t s h u t u p a n d slip q u ie tly aw ay -- fo rever. W e w is h fo r th e fa m ilie s t h a t th e r e w e re n o m o r e h e a d lin e s a n d n o m o r e n e w s o n th is in d iv id u a l w h o re c e iv e s fa r to o m u c h a tte n tio n . H e is n o th in g m o re th a n a n oxy g e n th ie f, a b lig h t o n so ciety , w h o is n o w b u sy m a k in g ja ilh o u s e a d m is s io n s a b o u t a d d itio n a l h e in o u s c rim e s. F irs t th e r e w e re re p o rts t h a t h e h a d a lleg ed ly c o m m itte d 10 sex u a l a ssa u lts b e tw e e n 1 9 86 a n d 1991. N ow t h a t fig u re is alleg ed ly 17. W e s u s p e c t h e e n jo y s th e in te r e s t a n d c o n tro v e rs y h e is s tir r in g u p . B e rn a rd o , w h o is se rv in g a life s e n te n c e w ith o u t p a ro le fo r th e b ru ta l ra p e a n d to r tu r e d e a th s o f s c h o o lg ir ls L e slie M ah affy a n d K ris te n F re n c h , h a s o n c e a g a in g o t p o lic e in v e s tig a tin g h is a lle g e d h a n d iw o rk . T h e p o lic e , a n d w h o c a n b la m e th e m , feel it is in c u m b e n t u p o n th e m to in v e stig a te th e c o n v ic te d k ille r's la te s t c la im s. A c c o rd in g to P e el p o lic e s o m e o f th e re fe re n c e s B e rn a rd o p ro v id e d to th e m w e re so v a g u e t h a t th e list w a s re p o rte d ly m o r e o f a s ta te m e n t th a n a c o n fe ssio n . B u t still th e p o lic e feel th e r e is a n e e d to in v e stig a te f u r th e r. H a lto n c o p s w h o h a v e b e e n in c o n ta c t w ith t h e i r c o u n te rp a rts in P e el a n d T o ro n to sa id th e y w e re a w a re o f in fo rm a tio n ajbout a p o te n tia l ca se in th is re g io n . W e s in c e re ly h o p e t h a t B e rn a rd o is n o t le a d in g p o lic e o n a w ild g o o se c h a se a n d c o s tin g ta x p a y e rs y e t m o r e m o n e y . W h a t w e a re s u re of, h o w ev e r, is t h a t h is v ic tim s a n d v ic tim s ' fa m i lies a re fo rc e d to re liv e th e ir h o r r o r e v e ry tim e B e r n a r d o o p e n s h is m o u th . T h is n o to r io u s m u r d e r e r w a s d e s ig n a te d a d a n g e ro u s o ffe n d e r in 1 9 95 . T h is m e a n s h e is su p p o s e d to b e k e p t b e h in d b a rs in d e fin itely . I t 's j u s t to o b a d h e is n 't o u t o f th e p u b lic eye in d e fin ite ly . The Oakville Beaver welcomes letters from its readers. Letters will be edited for clarity, length, legal considerations and grammar. In order to be published all letters must contain the'name, address and phone number of the author. Letterjs should be addressed to The Editor, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON, L6K 3S4, or via e-mail to editor@oakvillebeaver.com. The Beaver reserves the right to refuse to publish a letter. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Responsible development required for Bronte I want to congratulate those council lors who voted to reject the Bronte Quadrangle developer's application. They listened to the citizens who came out to speak and at the same time sent a message: Oakville council in con junction with the citizens will decide what type of development is appropri ate, not developers. A truly "made in Oakville solution." Does the Quadrangle need to be redeveloped? Definitely. Does it need a 10-storey high-rise? No. Responsible development is what is required. That is, development that satis fies both the residents and the developer. If all parties are not happy, then we will not have development that is good for our town. What we need is to ensure that theOfficial Plan and all zoning are updated and cohesive. That way a developer will be certain what type of development can take place. Believe me, developers are not stupid. If they can redevelop a site at a profit, they will. Strict guide lines will only make the process easier for everyone. Again, thanks to those councillors who voted for their citizens. Ala n j o h n s t o n BRONTE RESIDENT Bylaw not being rammed through I was pleased to see you printed Renee Sandelowsky's fine letter in Friday's issue, as I was extremely disturbed to read your editorial regarding the private tree bylaw 0Oakville Beaver, March 3). Speaking as a Ward 4 resident, I have found both Councillors Sandelowsky and Elgar extremely transparent and hardworking; and who were indeed elected on an environmental platform and are now doing the job they were elected to do. This bylaw was first introduced in early December at a public council meeting, which I attended, so it has been around for some time. It was not passed at that time. I-simply don't know why you would think this bylaw is being rammed through deliberately with very lit tle public input. I've personally sent in comments to the town, and surely there is plenty of time for public input in the next several months before next November? One fact cannot be denied, our air quality has become steadily worse with far too many smog alerts, and we simply don't have the luxury of losing more trees. Maybe it's time to start thinking about what kind of environ ment we want for our children? What we have now is simply unacceptable. I fully support council's decision to introduce the bylaw. And thank you for all the hard work all our council lors do. They deserve our full support. ROSEMARIE GREEN Pud BY STEVE NEASE snease@haltonsearch.com