Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 5 Apr 2006, p. 28

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28 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Wednesday, April 5, 2006 apartments & flats for rent houses for rent BURLINGTON 3 - b e d room bungalow, 4th bed ro o m o r d e n , by p a rk , $1120/m o.; C entral Bur lington 3-bedroom , semi, 1 .5 b a th s , re c ro o m $1125/m o.; Appleby Mall: 3 -b d r m + d e n , s e m i, -2 baths, garage , recroom . $1135/mo. 905-632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd. Re altor. B U R LIN G T O N , 2 - b e d room, 5 appliances, family h o u s e , n e a r M a p le v ie w Mall, close to all amenities, la rg e fa m ily ro o m , a v a ila b le A p r iM s t $1400/m o -4-utilities, 905920-6435 townhouses for rent shared accommodation O AKVILLE- near U pper Oakville Shopping Centre. Share large house, heated pool, a/c, bus route. Suit w o rk in g m ale. $46 0/m o. 905-337-3848. health & homecare LIVE It! New health & well ness m ag a zin e 25 0 ,0 0 0 copies. C o st-effective d i rectory ads, word ads. Call today to book for the June is s u e 4 1 6 -4 9 3 -1 3 0 0 ext 2 7 6 s d u g u a y @ m e tr o land.com R E L IA B L E , c e r t if ie d Health Support Worker, 10 years exp. A va ila ble for personal care, light house k e e p in g , e rra n d s & a p pointm en ts. References a v a ila b le . V e ry r e a sonable rates. Call Diane 905-336-5848 seniors services BEST of British Home Ser vices for seniors, ie shop ping, cleaning, doctors ap pointments, meal prepara tion. 20 years experience w ith s e n io rs . 9 0 5 -3 1 9 1086. articles for sale CARPET I have s e ve ra l 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do living room & hall for $389. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 y a rd s ) S te v e , 9 0 5 -6 3 3 8192 articles for sale MOVING: Leather couch w/m atching chair; cherryw o od g la s s to p ta b le s ; Ikea Bedroom suite incl. armours (2), storage unit, queen bed, mattress, night sta n d , end ta b le s ; Ikea Kitchen table w/4 chairs, ap p lia n c e s . A ll fu rn itu re under 1 yr. 905-632-6909 MOVING: Washer, Dryer, Fridges, S tove, Freezer, Dehum difiers, couch, sin gle bed, dressers, kitchen set,- misc. Must Sell!!! 905637-5813 ORGAN, Antique Thomas, 100+ yrs. old., refinished; $ 1 ,0 0 0 . o b o . 9 0 5 -6 3 2 5339 ORIENTAL rugs, 10 'x 1 4' a n d 3 'x 5 ', 1 0 0% w o o l, h a n d k n o tte d $ 6 0 0 /b o th ; s o lid o a k e n d ta b le s ' $400/both. 905-315-1775. articles wanted BUYING Canadian/ Euro pean art, fine furniture, chi na, g o ld / silver, costum e je w e lr y , a r c h it e c t u r a l p ie c e s . L o c k e S tr e e t Antiques. Voted Hamilton's Finest- 7 years. 200 Locke S tre e t S o u th , 9 0 5 -5 2 6 6553., COLLECTOR buying gold /s ilv e r coins, go ld / silve r jewelry, coin collections, Moorecroft Pottery, collect ibles 905-633-7531 cars for sale P R IM E D o w ntow n B u r lington. Upgraded suites 1&2 bedroom . New w in dows, Modernized eleva tors. Scenic views. 478 Pearl, 477 Elizabeth; 905634-9374,905-632-1643 STUNNING v ie w o f th e la k e a n d N ia g a r a E s ca rp m e n t. N e w ly re n o vated 1 b e d ro o m , id eal l o c a t i o n in O a k v ille . A v a ila b le im m e d ia te , M ay, J u n e ! F ree p a r k in g s collect A ir Miles! 1866-499-1607 TYANDAGA Terrace, Bur lington. low rise building s it u a t e d -on p a r k - lik e grounds w /w alkout cedar h e d g e p r iv a t e p a tio . Freshly painted. All rooms w /in d iv id u a J th e rm o s ta t controlled heating. Rental discount offered. 2&3 bed ro o m s . 1 4 4 0 , 145 0 & 1 4 6 0 T y a n d a g a P a rk Drive. 905 -33 6-00 15; 905-336-0016 BEAUTIFUL & SPACIOUS TOWNHOUSES 2&3 bdrm. Patio, laundry in suite. Fireplaces. Close to Shop ping. Great on site staff. 1420 Tyandaga Pk Dr. 905-335-3001. MILLCROFT, e x e c u tiv e , 3+ 1 b e d ro o m , fin is h e d basem ent, 2.5 bath, gas FP, hardw ood, ceram ics, C/A, C/V, 6 a p p lia n c e s , backs onto gre e n s p a c e , g a ra g e , $ 1 5 0 0 /m o -4-utilities, a v a il. M ay 1. 905-336-1616. SHARE Oakville executive townhouse. $550/mo, nonsmoker, prefer no pets, or c hildren. Prefer woman. Immediate. 905-469-8267 lost & found FOUND: Black cat, Pearl & Jam es St., B u rlington. We call "Sunshine". Please call 905-637-7325. 1980VW RABBIT CABRIOLET Yellow wI black roof. Excellent condition! Black leather interior, 5 star rims with low profile tires, 5 speed manual trans. CHILDREN'S outdoor play centre, wooden, includes all accessories $650. 905257-8259 COMPUTER IBM, black, P e n tiu m 4 , 1.8 g H T Z 4 0 G B H D , 5 1 2 M B ra m , speakers, XP, 17" monitor, like new. $280; ` 905-821- SAXAPH O N E W a n te d . A lto o r te n o r. 9 0 5 -3 3 6 3055, or email gora@sympatico.ca WANTED- Upscale furn iture, loveseats, occasional tables, leather, curio cabi nets, chandeliers, dining room, antiques, bedroom. Other quality pieces. Trad ing Places 905-815-1949. www.tradingplacescanada. com WANTED: Counter-top or p o r t a b le d is h w a s h e r, apartm ent sized. Must be in good condition. Please email kalamitykate@gmail.com. Great Summer car! Asking $2500.00/obo Call Janna, 905-510-1191 TAKE O ver Lease. 2004 M azda 6 sport, black on black leather, fully Loaded 5 spd manual, winter and su m m e r tire s , B e a u tifu l c o n d itio n , b a b ie d sin ce day one. 35,000 km. Take a d v a n ta g e of my $2000 down payment. 32 months remaining. Steve 416-7376942. BURLINGTON, bungalow, m ainfloor 3-bedroom, eatin kitchen. 5-applian ces, shed,- ample parking, great e a r and lo c a tio n . N o nsmoker, $1325/mo, utilities in c lu d e d . A v a ila b le May 1st; 905-301-8554. FOUND: grey & white old er cat, Drury Lane. We call "A x e l". P lease c a ll 905637-7325. COUCH & S o f a - n a v y blue corduroy, good condi tion. Sofabed, Ikea. Best offers! 905-332-5533 C R IB & d re s s e r , M o rigeau-Lepine 6200 Series Maple Sleigh Crib, match ing 3 drawer dresser with detachable change table, natural stain. Converts to toddler bed. 4 years newno d a m a g e . A s k in g $1000, includes crib, matCall Sharon 905-339-1438 Available in May/June. WATERDOWN- C e n tra l location, walk everywhere 1 & 2 bedrooms $785/mo.; 75 John 905-690-4454; 50 John 9 0 5 -6 8 9 -1 6 4 7 ; waterdownrenters.com BU RLIN GTON ~ 3 - b e d room , 1.5 baths, P rivate Road South of Lakeshore, 5 a p p lia n c e s . $ 1 750/m o -4-utilities. Immediate. 905681-8837 LOVELY 3 bedroom bun galow, main floor, central, Oakville, quiet street, yard, garage, laundry, sunroom $1225. inclusive. Available Im m ediately. Also 2-bedroom basement apt. $800. A v a ila b le J u n e .1 . No Smokers. 905-825-3568 · O A K VILLE, 3 -b e d ro o m b u n g a lo w . N ear Y M C A / schools, 2-baths, finished basem ent, 5-applian ces, garage. No sm oking/pets preferred. $1450/mo. 905845-5995 FOR le a s e ~ c o m p le te ly renovated 2 bedroom de tached home (Burlington), everything upgraded, large d r iv e w a y , c lo s e to a ll am enities. $1000-$1100. C o n ta c t P e ter Maj, 905333-3500 Re/Max WEST Oakville 3 bedroom close to all amenities. No pets. 905-827-2025. NEW E x e c u tiv e T o w n home available for lease June 1/06. Beautiful new 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths, with m a n y u p g ra d e s . S o u th O a k v ille /B u rlin g to n lo c a tio n , clo se to lake, easy a ccess to QEW in L ake shore W oods com munity. $ 1 7 0 0 /m o + u t il it ie s . References required. 905847-3168 NORTH Burlington- 1,2&3 bedroom townhouse m ai sonette, outsidte parking, c lo s e to s h o p p in g & s c h o o ls . From $72 0 /m o +utilities. Immediate/ June 1st. 905-319-9104. LOST C a t: lo n g h a ire d Black/ White, Male, Marine Dr. Area, "Shay" Reward. 905 -46 9-03 41, 905 -92 86900 24hrs. LOST: C o ckatiel, yellow / grey. "B irdie Boy" Dearly m issed. W a lk e rs / U pper Middle. Reward. 905-3350350 bargain centre GOLF C lu b s - m en's le ft hand set with bag & cart. $100. 905-637-6130 PIANO, fu ll size upright, antique by Gustav Walderm ann, B e rlin. $750. C a ll. 905-332-0750. PIANO, good c o n d itio n , a p a rtm e n t s iz e u p rig h t, "H eintzm an". $1400/obo. Moving. 905-332-8478 POCKET B ik e - Z e im in i Racing, Brand new. 49cc, 45,,mph top speed. 240 lb capacity^ blue and white, excellent for the young and old rider. Picture via emait $400. obo 905-639-971 < 4 trucks for sale 1997 Chevy Blazer LS 4x4 a/c, p w /p s, 1 9 7 ,km, Etested, excellent condition $ 4 4 5 0 o .b .o . 9 0 5 -8 4 7 7574 articles for sale 2003 KTM 65 SX 2-stroke, 6-speeds, low hours, wellm aintained, rfeady to ride! $2300 firm. 905-659-0010. furnished apartments C le a n , spacious 1&2 bedroom fur nished suites at much de sired location... Burlington T o w e rs . 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -8 5 8 3 www.corporatesuites.ca CURIO C a binet for sale, $185.00 Firm. Please call 905-844-9626 DINING room suite, oak, table, 2 captain +4 chairs, buffet, hutch. Good condi tion. $1200.obo. 905-6472731 )ets, supplies, warding CATS Free to good home. B ro th e r & s is te r 13 y.o. Sam m y, m ale d o m e s tic b la c k ; A b by fe m a le d o mestic tabby. Very healthy, all shorts, lap cats, very af f e c tio n a t e . W o u ld lik e hom e to g e th e r, b u t w ill separate for rig h t family. New baby a lle rg ic . 905257-3412 SHOR T-TER M 2003 D o d g e R am S L T Quad C a b~ 4x2 fu ll-tim e position, 5.7L Hemi, trailer tow package, tonneau cov er, box liner, 20"aluminum rim s, new tire s , brakes, freshly tuned up, ready for spring. Very clean truck, $21,000 ce rtifie d or take o v e r le a s e - $ 4 5 0 /m o . 9 0 5 -6 3 0 -3 8 2 1 , 905 -65 93821 ARE you our M ary Poppins? Family in QEW/ Miss RD area looking for experi enced Nanny to care for o u r ^ young boys. Driver License required, vehicle would be an asset. Com petitive Compensation. In q u ire at 9 0 5 -2 7 1 -0 7 0 4 . Live in or live out. 3PC sofa set $100, 3 3-pc coffee tables $450, $100, $100; 2 tv c a b in e ts $50eah, brand new snow board $70, air hockey ta ble $30. High-chair $25. All obo. Call 905-332-4845. TRAVELSUITES.NET... Log on!!... "New" Luxury C o rp o ra te R e s id e n c e s , 1-4 bedrooms/ baths. Fully furnished! 48++ locations! D a ily, W eekly, M o n th ly ! F ro m $ 4 9 .9 5 * / n ig h t !! M /C a rd - V is a - D in e r 's " G u a r a n te e d Low est R e n t!" Page Us 2 4 /7 at 905-681-7355 O AKVILLE, " L a k e s h o re W oods". New e x e c u tiv e lu x u ry , end u n it, 3 -b e d rooms, 6 appliances, gar age, bea utifully finished, $1600/mo. +utilities. 416998-4071. O AKV ILLE , T h ird L in e / U p p e r M id d le . 3 - b e d rooms, c/air. Available im m e d ia te ly , $1350$ 1 4 9 9 /m o . N e ar p a rk s / schoo ls. 905 -82 5-57 52; 905-616-8896. 7-PIECE R o x to n m aple, diningroom suite, $1500. View on sellit365.com, call 905-465-1833 DINING room suite, solid oak ta b le W/3 le a v e s , 6 W in d s o r c h a irs $ 2 0 0 0 . obo. 905-335-3309 DRUMS for Sale Like New, Beautiful Mapex 6 piece pro M series w ith 3 sym bols. Cherry Wood finish, Pearl Double kick pedal and many e x tra 's. Paid over $4000, less than 2 years ago,, need to sell fast. $1800 o.b.o. 647.272.4403 POOL Table, Professional S e r ie s , S o lid W o o d , 1"S late, All A cce ssories. N ew , S t ill B o x e d , C o s t $6,200, Sell $1,950. 905POOL- Above ground, 21ft diameter, all accessories, good condition, new heat er, best offer. 9 05 -84 91556 QUEEN bedroom set, din ing room set, brand new. Free goodies! Call Kayla 905-319-1445. SAUNA, 2/3 p erson, inhom e, w /c.d. pla ye r and lig h ts. Never used. Cost $5500, S ell $2750. 905304-7775 S E C T IO N A L s o fa and pine dry sink, diningroom suite, 905-632-0365 after 6pm SKLAR-PEPLER olive velv e t s lip c o v e r e d c o u c h , paid $2200, sacrifice $800 obo. 416-557-2751, must sell. cars for sale 1970 Chevelle red/ black s trip e s $ 80 00 9 0 5 -6 2 7 2873 FULL-TIME live-out nanny required for 4-children in H e a d o n F o re s t H om e. Must be experienced, kind energetic. Must have own vehicle. May start. Cheryl 905-319-8174 7-PIECE Vilas diningroom $400, 9-piece antique oak diningroom $500, 7-piece antique w a lnut bedroom $ 5 0 0 , frid g e and s to v e $400/both 905-335-9847 condominiums for rent + A tr iu m Condo. Underground park in g, gym , sq u a sh , poo l, 24hr security. 5m to lake. $1200/mo includes utilities. 905-639-1903 1-BEDR O O M OAKVILLE- 3&4 bedroom t o w n h o u s e s a v a ila b le April 1st through June 1st. 4 a p p lia n c e s , H o pedale M a ll a re a . L a k e s h o r e M a n a g e m e n t 9 0 5 -8 7 6 3336 LIVE-IN caregiver for Oak v ille e ld e rly la dy, ligTithouse keeping and shop ping 9 05 -46 9-45 76 a fte r 6pm LIVE-IN / o ut nanny f u ll tim e fo r O a k v ille in fa n t twins. Looking for a kind, honest, accom m odating, flexible individual. Exp. with multiple newborns re quired. Fax: 905-465-3418 NANNY/ Caregiver w/own car available for young fami ly, 17-yrs. experience. Liveout. Excellent references. Call 905-319-6677. townhouses for rent A diningroom, cherrywood, dou ble ped estal table , 8 chairs, buffet, hutch, dove tail construction. New still i'n boxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-567A King pillow-top mattress set. New in plastic. Cost $ 16 00. S a c rific e $45 0. 905-567-9459. Can deliv- GAZEBO, 11x11', 3 y.o. e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n w /2 sliding doors, privacy/ wind b r e a k e r p a n e ls , W as $3750, asking $1600. 905465-0568 GE P rofile, black side by s id e f r id g e / g la s s to p stove, $1700; microwave; lo v e s e a t; o ak ta b le , 4 chairs, hutch; area rugs; b ik e s . C a ll M o n -T h u rs 905-335-2174 1980 VW Rabbit Cabriolet. Yellow with blapk roof. Ex c e lle n t c o n d itio n ! Black leather interior, 5 star rims w ith lo w p ro file tire s , 5 speed manual trans. Great S u m m e r c a r ! A s k in g $2500.00 o.b.o. Call Janna, 905-510-1191. 1992 Chev C o rsica w ith remote star, good running condition, emission passed 2005, lo ts of new parts, asking $999 or obo. Call 905-332-4845. 1994 Bonneville S E - pow er options, leather, alloys & spoiler. $850. 905-5204495 1995 Civic LX- 4dr., auto, air, new brakes/ exhaust. C e rt/ E -T e s te d . 2 3 6 K . $ 3 3 0 0 . 9 0 5 -3 3 2 -3 3 0 3 evenings 1995 Ford Escort Wagon. 149K. Very clean, certified, e - te s te d . 4 c y l, a u to . $2400 obo. 905-399-5621. 1994 Ford E xp lorer 4x4As is. A/C n o t w o rkin g , best guess is $2000 to cer tify, valid E-Test til June. $800 obo. 905-639-7409 Leave message please. 1998 Suzuki Sidekick 4x4, Convertible, 122,000 kms, 5 speed manual transmission, Black, Alloy Wheels, New. soft top, tires and battery. G reat c o n d itio n and w ell maintained. Safety and ETested. $6500. 905-8443762 BURLINGTON. Spectacu lar View. LuxiJry, spacious 1 &2 b e d ro o m s , + sola riu m , 24hr s e c u rity . Great location Samenities. Philoria Lau, Salesperson, Sutton Group Results Re ality Inc. Broker 905-3324111 philorialau@cogeco.ca BURLINGTON- luxurious lakeview condo, spacious 2-bedroom , acro ss from Hospital. Nicely Decorat ed, new carpet. $1250/mo. Call Gary 905-920-0320 or519-753-8423 EXECUTIVE Corner unit, Burlington. Gorgeous lake and city view. 2-bedroom, 2 bath, + larg e solarium . H ardw ood flo o rs , e a t-in kitchen, 24hr security, con c ie rg e , p a rk in g , lo c k e r. G re a t fitn e s s fa c ilitie s . Utilities included. 905-9779772. REA LSTA R www.realstar.ca WE REALLY CARE WHERE YOU LIVE. Realstar offers a full breadth of apartments, penthouses and townhouses, plus application approval within 24 hours. No appointment required - Drop in TODAY! A1 Beds! New Orthopedic s e ts , 2 0 -y e a r W arran ty, D o u b le $ 2 4 0 .; Q u e e n $260. P illow top Platinum Queen $385. Futons +Wate rb e d p a r ts . D e liv e r y Available. 905-847-2020; 905-563-6903 GOLF C lubs, Ping G2, 3 iron to 9 iron, less than 1 year old, $500. 416-896- ____________ _ w Georgian Court Estates 905-632-8547 (townhouses) 611 Surrey Lane (King & Plains) 3 -B D R M , c e n t, a ir, on W estm inster PI., B u rling to n . A v a il. A p r. 1. $1250/mo. +util. More in fo. call 905-333-3400 ONTARIO E m p lo y m e n t Agency offers certified live in nannies for child care/ e ld e r ly / s p e c ia l n e e d s . 416-699-6931 HOT Tub (S p a ) C o v e rs best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Call 1866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca ALL Steel ^Buildings; many c o lo u rs , 2 0 'x 3 0 ' $55 00. 2 5 'x 4 0 ' $ 8 7 0 0 . 3 0 'x 4 0 ' $10,500. 32'x50' $14,000. $ 4 0 'x 6 0 ' $20 ,0 0 0 . m any o th e rs 1 -8 0 0 -5 0 4 -7 7 4 9 www.pioneerbuildings.ca m attre s s sets, sofa & chair, 905-689-9133 SIXTH Line/Upper middle R o ad 3 b e d ro o m , 2 .5 bath's, 4 a p p lia nces, air, garage , $ 1 350/m o. 416- rjfm I mother's helpers HOUSEKEEPER required fn O a k v ille , M o n d a y th ru Friday, 9-5, driver's license preferred. 416-966-4456, between 4 pm -10pm. HOT Tub. 2006', 12 h.p., 45 jets, waterfall, ozonator + n e c k je ts . A ll o p tio n s , never used, still in w rap per. Cost $12,400, S acri fice $6,300. 905-971-1777 LEATHER! 3 piece Italian set. Sofa, lo ve se a t and c h a ir. New, in p la s tic . Cost $6900. Sell $2500. 905-304-4873. SOFA & Loveseat, SklarPeppler, Pine Armoire, A.rcesi Bros, Solid Oak Dr, set, table & 2 extensions + 6 chairs + matching hutch/buf fet. Solid Oak Sofa table, 1 coffee table + 2 end tables. Excellent condition, Prices negotiable. 905-469-6484 # TH O M AS V ILLE C o ffe e Table, round 42", sm okeglass inlay $275; 2 Queen Anne s id e c h a ir s $325/pair; Rattan sofa ta ble $60; All best offer. All e xce lle n t C o nditio n 905823-4267 TREADMILL, Proform LS, 6 years old, $150. Colonial so fa -b e d and c h a ir set, $150 obo. 905-639-5659. |IP 455 510 garage & storage space SELF Storage 6- Indoor/ Outdoor units/ RV's/ boats. Call 905-689-1665 435 motorcycles 1995 Taurus Wagon - wellm a in ta in e d , e m is s io n s te s te d , n e w b ra k e s , 268,000km , $1100 or best offer, 905-257-3129 AT Trafalgar Road/ QEW Oakville. Spacious 3-bedrooms, 5 appliances, gar age, C/A, im m ediate oc cupancy. $1225/m o. Call Gail, 905-338-7482 ANTIQUE ta b le s , OAKVILLE- Luxury 2-bedroom w ith attached bath rooms. Steps to GO com m ute rs d e lig h t. C lose to up sca le shop s g re a t fa cilities + sfcurity. $ 1 ,750 /m onth. C all 905601-5552. AVAILABLE N o w - $500 Cash Back! N ewly re n o v a te d , 2 bed roo m to w n h o m e fro m $ 1 1 0 0 + u tilitie s , close to M aple view Mall & QEW. New en ergy saving washer & dry er. C a ll. 9 0 5 -3 1 0 -7 0 0 0 , 24hrs 7 days a week. Win ner of the Apt. PM of the Y e a r! w w w .G O tra n s globe.com SOUTH West B u rlin g to n Spacious 3-bedroom townho m e w /g a ra g e , a p p li ances, w/o to deck. Walk in g d is ta n c e to a ll am enities. Including GO. Just seconds from QEW. A v a ila b le im m e d ia te . 905-638-1789 TYANDAGA area, Burling ton, 3-bedroom, full base ment, attached garage, in small well kept townhouse com plex. C lose to s h o p p in g , s c h o o ls & g o lf course. Available May.1. 6 905-336-0015; 905-336001 . TYAN D A G A A r e a - 3bdrm , fu ll basem ent, a t tached garage, small well k e p t c o m p le x , c lo s e to s h o p p in g / s c h o o ls / g o lf course. Available Mar. 15. Call ' 905-336-0015; 905336-0016. APPLIANCES: Kenmore general help daycare available DAYCARE a v a ila b le by loving mom FT/PT spaces. 14 years experience. Non sm oking, caring e n v iro n ment. Nutritious meals in cluding dinner. Kid friendly court and references. Call Lori 905-332-9997 R efrigerator, Dishwasher, Range & hood, $1500. 27" JVC TV, $250, trad itiona l lo v e s e a t, c re a m , $ 4 0 0 905-465-1696 APPLIANCES: Thermador c o n v e c tio n o v e n / stove, $ 1 2 0 0 . E u re k a c e n tra l vacuum system, all. attach m e n ts in c lu d e d , $ 4 0 0 . 416-528-5935. LOVESEAT, cream color w/green & burgundy, ex c e lle n t c o n d itio n , $150. Call 905-336-5003 after 5 pm. MAGIC chef, w h ite , gas stove & hood, self clean, d ig ita l, g oo d c o n d itio n , $450 obo. 905-338-3998 ULTRA-MATIC, single adju s ta b le bed, o rth m a t tress, massage, remote, 6 mo.old, Paid $3400, ask ing $1000. obo. 905-3372462 1996 J e tta G L S , R e d, UTILITY trailer 4x6, steel fra m e , f u lly e q u ip p e d , good condition, $250 obo. 905-842-8595. 4 d o o r, 5 s p e e d , a /c , e-tested, certified, clean. Bargain $3000. Lome 905827-7440 1996 Mazda MX6, Excel le n t co n d itio n , auto, V6, A/c, p/w, sunroof, cruise, am/fm radio, alloy wheels. 193K, $4900. C * ll 905847-7907 $$$$ paid w e ekly!! Com pany needs part-tim e/ full tim e help processing un c la im e d ban k a cc o u n ts . C a ll 1 -8 6 6 -8 8 3 -0 7 8 0 ext.121 A m eaningful career! Get paid fo r h elpin g fa m ilie s solve fin a n cia l problems. High e a rn in g s p o te n tia l. Set yo u r own hours. For more information call LoriAnne at 905-592-9332 OAKVILLE- Glen Abbey 1 b e d ro o m + d e n c o n d o , g ra n ite k itc h e n , ja c u z z i tub. $1200/m o. 416-8415997 TH IR D L in e & Q EW ground floor condo, AprilM ay 2 b e d ro o m , $1200/mo. Call Pat 416910-0158 BURLINGTON 3 bedroom tow nh ouse, q u ie t n e ig h borhood, close to Go/Hwy. 5 ap p lia n c e s , c/a & g a r age. Available immediate ly. $12 5 0 /m o + u tilitie s . 905-635-3411 FULL/ Part-time. All ages, n e a r D r. C h a rle s B e s t S c h o o l. C e n te n n ia l/ d ue lph Line. References/ Receipts. 905-336-9495 HOME Daycare Available, La k e s h o re / D o rval, ECE _p r o v id e r , p ro g ra m d e signed to prom ote loving environment, healthy/ nu tritious meals, CPR/ First Aid trained. 905-337-2596 BED, a m a z in g b a rg a in , queen o rth o p e d ic p illo w top set, new in plastic war ra n ty . $ 25 0. 9 0 5 -5 6 7 4042 s e t, 7 0 's stere o unit, TV, 10 chair d in in g room set. P lease contact 905-845-5195. BEDROOM New O rthopedic Double $235, O rthopedic Queen $255., King $400. Memory-Foam Beds Available. Free Local Delivery. 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -B E D S (2 3 3 7 ) , 905-616-1700 MATTRESSES++++ VELOUR couch and chair, burgundy. $500. 905-3350078. WASHER, D ry e r, Law n m o w e r, S t r o lle r , B a b y Basinet, bathroom basin c o m p le te w ith f a u c e t, desk. 905-257-4436 AQUADAM Pool Service is lo o k in g fo r m o tiva te d and experienced in dividu als for fu ll-tim e seasonal work. C om petitive wages. Fax resume 905-633-7265 email service@ aquadampools.ca WALKERS line 1+ 1 con d o , b a lc o n y , e x e r c is e ro o m , p a r k in g , lo c k e r, $925/m o +hydro, no pets preferred. 905-827-5935. BURLINGTON M a ll, 3bedroom condo, 1.5 bath, recroom $ 1 050 /m o.; A p p le b y M a ll~ 2-b e d ro o m condo, rec-room , cable included. $1020/mo.; Near Burloak, 3-bedroom con do, 1.5 ba th s, re cro o m , garage $1085/mo. Albert M cD onagh Ltd. R e altor, 905-632-5690 VERY large 3-bdrm townhom es, M ay/ J u n e / July. P e a c h tr e e R e s id e n tia l Properties. 905-681-0070 www.rentaltownhouses.ca ORCHARD m om h a s 2 spots available, warm lov ing environment, nutritious m eals, fenced yard, o u t ings and activities, pick up fro m E liz a b e th S e to n School, 905-331-9728 houses for rent BRANT/ Dundas executive 3-bedrooms, garage, recro o m , fe n c e d y a rd , $ 1500/mo +utilities* imme diate possession. 905-9734112 BEDROOM s e t, c h e r r y wood. B e d , c h e s t, d re s s e r, m irro r, 2 n ig h t stands. Dovetail construc tion. Never opened. Cost $8000. S a crifice $1900. 905-567-4042 C ANADIANA Pine bedro o m f u r n it u r e : M ens +womens ( tri-fold mirror) dressers $400/both; Solid rosewood oval diningroom table w/4 chairs (leaf ex tends to 68") $1200; Birch c h ild 's 3 - d r a w e r d e s k w /c h a ir, m in t c o n d itio n , $250; 905-335-8455 MOVING Sale. Everything m ust go! Loveseat, sofa, diningroom/ bedroom sets, pool table etc. Sim i 905829-9734. articles wanted 1996 Olds 88- 132K, very clean, certified, E-Tested, new tire s. $6000. 905681-2210 1997 Blue Honda Civic Lx, 213K, e-tested & safety, 4 w in te r tire s , $3600 obo. 905-510-2673 ARE you e n e rg e tic, de p e n d a b le ? M o lly M aid seeking F u ll-tim e people 8 :3 0 -5 p m , M o n -F rid a y , p a id t r a in in g , b e n e fits available, car provided li cence required. 905-6817484 (Burl./Oak) MOVING Sale: Everything must go!, dining room set, c ouch es, bedroom sets, k itc h e n se t, e tc , e m a il: bush8333 @rogers.com MOVING: Frigidaire fridge $370, stove $35 0; d is h washer $150; quality kids b e d ro o m s e t $ 4 7 5 ; ba r fridge $50; microwave $50; free weight gym set $350. 9 0 5 -3 1 9 -2 2 7 7 ; 905 -33 97811. U O G fK BEST C a $h$ P a id - A rt, Antiques, Collectibles, Chi na, C r y s t a l, S ilv e r , Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Glass, Pottery, Etc, E sta te S p e c ia lis ts , Top Cash. Call John/ Tra cy 905-331-2477 OWN y o u r o w n h o m e ! R ent to ow n. 100% F i nancing. No Money down. S e lf - e m p lo y e d . N e ed c r e d it r e s tr u c t u r in g . C h o o s e y o u r p ro g ra m . C a ll N a p o le o n W ils o n Sales Rep. Sutton Group I n n o v a tiv e R e a lty In c . 905-681-2800 BU R LIN G T O N , 3 - b e d room, eat- in kitchen, large g arden patio , near lake, a v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly . $ 1 0 2 5 /m o + g a s / e le c tricity. 905-320-8299. BURLINGTON. R enovat ed 2-bedrooms, full base ment. Nottingham Avenue. Q u ie t a re a .* $ 8 7 5 /m o . A v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly / June 1st. 905-574-9180. B U R LIN G T O N - M a p le v ie w m all. N o n -s m o k e r, F urnished p riv a te room , executive home, pool, Ja cuzzi, bath, parking. Refer ences. $475/mo. 905-333- WEST Oak T ra ils (e a s t s id e ) c lo s e to s c h o o ls . Flexible, reliable and very experienced. Call pat 905847-3587 1997 VW J e tta T re k , 5 speed, Black, 99,000 kms, sunroof, power m irrors & lo c k s , g re a t c o n d itio n . $5900. 905-484-4844 2000 Hyundai Tiburon- Ex ce lle n t cond ition. Silver, 5-speed, 130K, a/c, power window s/ sunroof, cruise, Am/Fm/CD, leather interi or. $6,500 905-208-7354 daycare wanted REQUIRED in our O ak CRAFTSMAN 10' ra d ia l arm saw w ith stand $350; 3 /4 'thick x 42w'x 72' long beveled glass dining table with beige marble supports $475 905-257-2711 after 530pm LOOK BEST Ca$h. We buy it all. Antique furnishings, Royal Doulton, Humm el, M oorcroft, dinnerware, crystal, s ilv e r , c lo c k s , m ilit a r y items. Partial/ full estates. Ed, 905-634-6300 BURLINGTON area- parttim e h e lp fo r S a tu rd a y s d u rin g s p rin g , sum m e r, fa ll, at priva te residence near W alkers & Mainway. Wash cars, yard work, odd jo b s . 4 - 8 h r /w k , $1 0 /h r cash. Please call Kim 905304-6459 x228 to apply.. BURLINGTON Landscap ing company is looking for a fu ll-tim e m a in te n a n c e worker. Experience neces sary. 905-319-0690. OPTIWAY S c o o te r, fo r seniors, deluxe model, 3oversized tires, mint con d itio n , $2200'.obo. 905 878-5690 OAKVILLE room for Rent $ 4 0 0 /m th . S e p a r a te entrance, kitchen & bath, First/Last 905-901-4753 v ille hom e, fo r boys, 11, 12. M o n -F rid a y . 1-6pm . D rivers license required, 905-825-9009. 2001 C h rysler Neon LE, 2.0 L. Excellent condition, 69K, $8500 obo. 905-8252382 or 905-403-4000.

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