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Oakville Beaver, 5 Apr 2006, p. 30

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30 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Wednesday, April 5, 2006 office help office help office help office help sales help & agents sales help & agents hotel I restaurant I V P/T Receptionist/Secretary NIBLICK Pub now hiring CLOSERS/SALES AGENTS $100,000+ Earned by Top Agents Last Year f G E R R IE Cerrie Electric, one o f Canada's largest independent distributors of electrical, automation, lighting and data communication products, is an ISO 9000 company with a reputation for service, quality and great careers. Our Oakville Branch currently requires a n ... Flexibly hours include evenings, weekends & day shifts. Successful candidate will possess, the ability to handle a busy multiple-line switchboard, excel lent verbal communication & active listening skills, strong organizational & problem solving skills, ex perience in a windows based environment. Mature, positive attitude with strong teamwork ethics. Real estate/marketing experience an asset. Forward resume: Re/Max Garden City Realty Inc. Attention: Sue Edwards ADMINISTRATOR Capable of multi-tasking in a fast-paced environment, you will deal with data entry, answer a multi-line phone system, maintain the filing system, and provide top-notch customer service. Your demonstrated clerical experience is backed by proven computer, keyboarding and communication skills. At Cerrie Electric, we offer a culture of inspiration and challenge, job security, wages/incentives commensurate with experience, a full benefits package, and continual training. Please apply, in confidence, to: Human Resources Manager, Fax:905-333-3616 E-mail:susane@remax-gc.com WALLACE PONTIAC BUICK CADILLAC LTD 801 MAIN ST E MILTON We seek top-notch professional closers and sales agents to present our Vacation product to invited qualified clients at our luxurious West Metro Sales Centre. Successful appli cants can expect to earn an exceptional, above-average commissioned income. ** Enthusiastic ** Motivated ** Professional Appearance ** Excellent command of English language ** Willing to work Weekday Evenings & Weekend Days (5 day work week) FULL TRAINING PROVIDED NO PROSPECTING OR SOLICITING! Call Linda between 10:00 am & 4:00 pm Mon-Fri. (416)490-0222 Ext. 234, After 4:00 pm and Weekends Call Rudy (416)213-8960 Ext. 24 or fax resume (416)213-8977 E x p a n d in g M a rk e tin g c o m p a n y is lo o k in g fo r reps to b u ild s u c c e s s fu l accounts. Training starts A p ril 6 th - 9th. 9 0 5 -8 4 4 3648. full-tim e / perm anent parttime and summer help, for Servers & Kitchen. Experi e nce re q u ire d . A p p ly in person w/resume 8th Line/ U p per M id d le , O a k v ille . Serious applicants only. SERVERS & cooks, fu ll tim e or part-tim e, all day breakfast, O akville, 7am4pm, call Peter 416-709- domestic help wanted REQUIRED, live-in house keeper (prefer Filipino) for Burlington home. 905-3367247 OAKVILLE domestic help available DON'T have time to clean your house? D o nt worry, I w ill h e lp y o u , I am available at the end of the week. References upon re quest. 905-580-6975 MAID~ European, experi enced. Mon-Sat 905-5618670. Requires ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Full or Part time hours available. Must have excellent data processing and computer skills. Must also be able to compose letters and have proficient typing skills. Moving/ Demolition Sale Apr. 7-8-9 Fri. 8am-8pm Sat/Sun 8-3pm 2114 DundasW (West of 3rd line) Indoors Antiques, Appliances, tools, french doors, etc. horse equip, household, +More. CERRIE ELECTRIC WHOLESALE LIMITED, 4104 South Service Road, Burlington, ON L7L4X5 Fax:(905) 681-1774 e-mail: HR@gerrie.com Committed to Quality . Dedicated to Customer Success \Ne thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Please send resume to: Bill Wallace President Fax: 905-878-0960 hospital / medical dental_________ RN part-time for cosmetic laser center in Burlington. Experience an asset. Ap p ly in c o n fid e n c e to sue@laserit.ca or fax 905332-6023 home improvements HANDYMAN- ap p lia nce, window and door installa-. tions, carpentry, trim work, c ro w n m o ld in g , t ilin g , sharpening. 905-827-6580. P A IN TIN G , p lu m b in g , b a s e m e n ts , b a th ro o m s , kitchen s, decks, fences. Insured. Bonded. 30 years in b u s in e s s . No jo b too small! 905-638-6300. R ENO VATIO N, B a s e ments, Bathrooms, Kitch ens. Window and door re placements. Insured. Call (4 1 6 ) 8 3 7 - 5 2 4 2 o r v is it website: www.hqusetuneup.ca The Oakville Beaver The Oakville B eaver is looking for carriers to deliver the new spaper on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays for the following streets. RECEPTIONIST Hours Mon.-Thurs. 7:30am-4pm, Fri. 9am-6pm Must have good telephonerfiSnner and be able to handle new car department clerical duties in our busy dealership. Experience necessary. F U L L-T IM E C u s to m e r Service/ Inside Sales Posi t io n . F o r d e t a ils s ee www.mgchemicals .com/jobs www.gerrie.com TAYLOR Moving and Storage, established since 1959, currently has a position open in the role of C a ll today (905)845-9742 Postmaster Dr. Heritage Way Playter Place Monk's passage Lumberman Lane Forward resume to: retail sales help retail help . ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK Experience not required, but a good work ethic and attention to detail is a must. This is a full-time posi tion, 35-40 hours per week, with the starting pay at $12.00 to $13.00 per hour depending on experi ence. Please send all resumes to the attention of Mr. Rick Taylor by Email rick@ataylormoving.com or By Fax (905)632-8130. Volvo t>f Oakville 770 Pacific Rd., Oakville, ON L6L 6M5 Fax:905-825-8802 Call Chandelle @ ext 275 Swansea Dr. Saridlewood Rd. Swann Dr. Eddie Shain Dr Springfield Cres. Patricia dr. NipigionDr. Hampstead St. Forest Hill Ct. Bronte rd. Seabrook Dr. B O O K KEEPER / CONTRO LLER Full time position required for " Oakville retirement home. Please fax resume to: 905-847-9349 or e-mail to: jkp@pathcom.com BOOKKEEPER (FT p e r manent) required for Bur lin g to n based, e n tre p re neurial company. This po sition requires strong com puter skills combined with a minimum of 5 years ex perience with A/P, A/R and p a y ro ll. P le a s e fa x r e sume to 905-632-4675 FULL AND PART TIMEDAY ASSOCIATES Apply within at: 290 North Service W est. Oakville Ontario L6M 2S2 Or Fax #905 824-0164 Attn: Kathy STRUCTUBE C ontem po ra ry F u rn itu re , O a k v ille . Hiring full tim e sales/stock a s s o c ia te s . H o u rly plus commission. Email resume lauren.shapka @hotmail.com Call Tina @ ext 271 Amber Cres. Kingsway Dr. handyman HANDYMAN and Remod eling. Prom pt & reliable. No job too small or too big. Mark (905)815-2589 Call Matt @ ext 261 Queens Ave Bayshire Dr. Administrative Assistant, Oakville Position entails general office tasks, filing, typing, data entry; general correspondence; & other duties. Candidate must possess strict `attention to detail; follow defined office procedures; communicate ef fectively. Strong MS Office required. Adobe, Pub lisher, & marketing exp. preferred, but not required. Qualification Requirements: Min. high school diplo ma. Proficient in English (written/verbal). Strong typing skills. Be well-organized, able to work with minimal supervision. Send resume &covering letter by April 10,2006: MORTGAGE U nderw riter required full-tim e immedi ately for busy Oakville of fice. Commercial/ industri al/ construction/ residential e x p e rie n c e is e s s e n tia l. S a lary plus com m ission. Email: admin@profunds.ca or fax 905-842-7241 hospital I medical dental_________ moving & storage Call Naomi @ ext 272 hospital I medical dental_________ BUSY C hiropractic Clinic looking fo r a people per son with computer skills to help bring wellness to the community. · Send resume A tt: D iane at N o rth o a k C h iro p ra c tic , 243 N o rth Service Road West. Suite 203 , O a k v ille , On, L6M 3E5. DENTAL Hygiene Coordi n a to r- O a k v ille , 4 d a y s / week (2 evenings), no Sat urdays. Computer experi ence a must. Assisting ex perience an asset. Fax re sume to: 905-827-0309 D ENTAL h y g ie n is t r e quired for m aternity leave Oakville practice. 3 days a w e e k ( in c lu d e s 2 e v e n in gs) no S a tu rd a y s . Fax resume 905-827-0309 DENTAL H y g ie n is t r e quired part-tim e for O ak v ille O ffice, Thursdays & S a tu rd a y s . C a ll C arm en 905-257-4910 MEDICAL Receptionist re quired for medical practice in Oakville. Position is full tim e and the s u c c e s s fu l candidate must have medi cal office experience. For ward resume to km hum anresources@ aol. com. GOOD Move. Your re s i RN p e rm anent p a rt-tim e d e n tia l M o v in g E x p e rt. for oral surgery practice. Apartm ents- H ouses- Of O p e ra tin g room or O ral fices. Reliable- Quality- Insurgery experience an as ^ s u r e d s e rv ic e . 4 1 6 -3 1 2 set. Call 905-333-5601 5534 hotel I restaurantA G A B I R e s ta u r a n t in O akville requires e x p e ri enced Wait staff, full / part time for upscale restaurant Fax resum e to: 905-338COOK required fo r Pepperwood Bistro. Apply in person: 1455 Lakeshore Road, or fax resume: 905EXPERIENCED Bartend er, w a it staff, and d is h w a sh e r re q u ire d by fin e dining restaurant. Burling ton. Fax resume: 905-3197494 J A K E 'S G r ill & O y s te r House. Join The Crew !Grill, Prep. & Line C ooksfull-time. Part-time evening dishw ashers, com petitive w a g e s, u n ifo rm s & g ra tuitie s. 950 W alkers Line (beside QEW Travelodge) 905-639-4084 Nutemp Mechanical Systems Ltd, Office Mgr. Fax: 905-338-6677 Email: hrmanager@nutemp.ca Bilingual (English/French) Order Administration Canadian Subsidiary of a U.S. Company requires a detail-oriented bilingual O/A Clerk. The company has a history of growth and continued commitment to developing new, innovative products for chemi cal analysis. O/A Clerk will be responsible for tak ing, processing, preparing and entering customer orders into Oracle system. Matching customer or ders to order confirmations, handling of Returned Goods Program, handling of customer inquires, which may include tracking/expediting and commu nications with Corporate office. Maintain con sumable inventory. One year college in business administration, or equivalent with 2-3 years experience in customer service/order processing environment. Ability to type 45 wpm, detail oriented, well organized and communicate well with others. Previous Oracle Or der Management experience preferred. BOOKKEEPER req u ire d for Burlington based, out sourcing company. QuickBooks experience a must. P o s itio n re q u ire s -s tro n g c o m p u te r/ m u lti-ta s k in g skifls combined, minimum 3 ye a rs e x p e rie n c e w ith A/P, A/R, p a y ro ll. 1-year c o n t r a c t f o r m a te r n ity leave, p o s s ib ility to be come perm anent. E-mail res u m e / s a la ry e x p e c ta tions payroll1234@hotmail.com. B U SIN E S S M a n a g e r. D e alership requires exp. help for maternity leave. 6 m onths to 1 yr c o n tra c t. Volume approx 1600 units. Resume to: honda@ h a lto n h o n d a .c o m or fax 905-632-7604, CASUAL RECEPTIONIST P a rt-tim e in profession al office, temporary position, w eekdays only. Friendly, m ature, e n e rg e tic , team player. Excellent comput e r s k ills a m u s t. F ax resume to Coldwell Banker Best Real Estate 905-8254064. OFFICE Administrator: Fi nancial services firm seek ing highly m otivated in d i vidual with Customer Ser v ic e b a c k g ro u n d and. ability to multi-task. Duties include data entry, filing, p r o je c t m a n a g e m e n t. Please fax resume to Jeff 905-319-7152 MAX Movers. Profession a l/ R eliable. R esidential, office, piano m overs. Lo c a l/ lo ng dista n ce . From $62/hour 416-823-9705 ·buy *sell · rent*trade · hi re Ad Subm issions Received by: gardening supply, landscaping Country Green Landscape & M a in te n a n c e - S p rin g Clean-up, Garden Maint., F e n c e s , in te r lo c k in g , Planting... Please-contact 905-330-7062- Fax: 905-632-8165 TeJ: 905-845-3824 Email: classified @haltonsearch.com OFFICE Manager required fo r a L a n d s c a p e D e sign/Build firm in Oakville. Simply Accounting, payroll, reception, etc. Compensa tion based on experience. F a x : 9 0 5 .3 3 8 .3 1 2 7 o r email: soliver3@cogeco.ca RECEPTION/ A d m inistra tor required Full-T im e at m u lti-franch ise o rganiza tion. Exceptional adm inis trative, organizational and com puter sk ills required. E-mail resume to johnladds@ weed-man.com Fax: 905823-4594 PARAMOUNT LandscapingWant your lawn and garden to look immaculate this year? Commercial and Residen tial contracts available: call fo r s p rin g /fa ll cle a n u p s, seasonal lawncare quotes and eaves trough cleaning, among other services, and availab le d iscount rates. 905-616-5053 massages NEW oriental massage, re flexology and more. Bene fits a c c e p te d . 630 Ford drive, Unit 2, Oakville. Call 905-339-0988 Sell your · unwanted items in the Classifieds. Your ad wjll reach ov3 70,000 potential buyers every issue! The Oakville Beaver SECRETARY A s s is ta n t r e q u ire d fo r w o rld w id e company opening in Oak v ille b e g in n in g o f May. G uaranteed growth if ca re e r m in d e d . C o m p u te r skills a must. Fax resume to 856-768-4011, or email re s u m e to s te v e m - s u n n y g r o u p @ hotmail.com DEERFIELD GOLFCLUB F-T/P-T Food and Beverage staff CLASSIFIED DEADLINES MONDAY AT 5PM for Wednesday WEDNESDAY AT 5PM for Friday THURSDAY AT 5PM for Sunday. Please call 905-337-5610 or 905-632-4440 fax: 905-632-8165 C L A S S IF I E D E -M A IL classified @haltonsearch .com IN T E R N E T : www.burlingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.com Apply by e-mail to announcements GRAND Opening April 7th & 8 th , B ro n te O u td o o r F is h in g & T a c k le . 254 4 S p e e rs R o a d /B ro n te in O a k v ille . C a ll 905-827.4009 Dionex.Canada@dionex.com (mark subject "Resume") CUSTOMER Service Rep resentative required fu iltime immediately. Internet, MS Office, Computer, Typ ing and Accounting skills r e q u ir e d . B u r lin g t o n . Email: frank.posavad@ acaperformance.com SER V IC E & M A R K E TIN G We are a rapidly growing general insurance agency pro viding home, auto and business insurance. We seek a person who e'njoys working with people, is eager to learn and to advance. Excellent potential for growth. Private office, professional training & benefits. Additional lan guage an asset. Full-time, permanent position that is interesting, fulfilling and challenging. hotel / restaurant email lynn@ golfdeerfield.com Bronte Rd.& QEW Fax:905-825-9559 EXPERIENCED Office and Account Persons required by printing company. rais@ theprintmachine.com fax 905-336-5465 IMMEDIATELY re q u ire d Part-Time bookkeeper for small law firm, experience r e q u ire d w ith PC Law . Write Box #955, Oakville , .Ontario, L6J 5E8 sales help & agents ADMINISTRATIVE/ Sales position needed for O ak v ille / B u rlin g to n s h o w room . C u sto m e r s e rv ic e and Computer skills an as set. Contact info@ oakvillequarry.com or fax 905-8150978 SQUEEZE CLUB (located on the Mississauga /Oakville border) is hiring all positions for our new nightclub/ restau rant. If you are an energetic and entertaining per son who wants to work in a fast paced environ ment bring your resume with work references to: SQUEEZE RESTO- LOUNGE on Tues. April 4th & Thurs. April 6th between 4pm-8pm We are located 1 block north of the QEW off Wins ton Churchill Blvd in the AMC theatre complex. Squeeze's entrance is located directly across from the AMC theatre's front doors work! call 905. 632.4440 Kelly Culln Insurance Agency Ltd. State Farm Insurance 1175 N. Service Rd. W Suite 206 Oakville, ON L6M 2W1 Fax: 905-827-7429 IMMEDIATELY required , part-time law clerk, for Liti g a tio n . E x p e rie n c e r e quired. Please respond to Box #955 O akville, O nta rio, L6J 5E8 BURLINGTON window re tailer requires Show Room T e le m a rk e tin g P e rs o n . Afternoons only! Indepen dent. Fax resum e: 905681-9970

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