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Oakville Beaver, 17 Nov 2016, p. 2

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w ww.insideHALTO N.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, N ovem ber 1 7 , 2 0 1 6 | 2 OLD MAN WINTER WILL GIVE YOUR FURNACE A BEATING THIS YEAR. UPGRADE TODAY. Last year he took a bit of a nap. But the forecast calls for Old Man Winter to return this year, which will hit older heating systems hard. A new system will help keep your family safe and comfortable on the coldest days of the year, plus save you serious money on utility bills. So when Old Man Winter comes back with a vengeance this winter, make sure the Experts at Abbey Air Service Experts are in your corner. NEW SYSTEM SAVINGS IH E_SH O W D O W N Youth facing raft of charges by David Lea Oakville Beaver Staff Get up to $3,250 in rebates and a FREE Furnace Upgrade!* when you purchase a new high-efficiency Lennox1 Home Comfort System. Call us fo r a free in-hom e analysis and w e can determ ine w hat rebates your home qualifies for-- we are here to help YOU! · Save up to 5 0 % on energy b ills** _______ m A 16-year-old Oakville boy is facing multiple charges following a break-in to a home on Lakeshore Road West near Solingate Drive ear ly last Friday morning (Nov 11). At around 3 a.m., the homeowner of a Lakeshore Road townhouse was alerted by the sounds of someone trying to force open their front door, said police. The attempt failed and the would-be intrud er fled the area. Police arrived at the scene a short time later. A police investigation soon resulted in one arrest. Police also located stolen property which they allege was taken from another home in the area during a successful break-in moments earlier. In that incident, the intruder is believed to have entered the home through the garage. The 16-year-old, who cannot be named be cause of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, has been charged with two counts of break and en ter, one count of trespassing at night, one count of possession of property obtained by crime and three counts of breaching recognizance. Pip ^ OFFER ENDS NOVEMBER 25, 2016 TUNE-UP SAVINGS llu inside today's Save $15 Bean/eir www.insideHALT0N.com 6 41 42 A rts S ports C lassified 43 45 on a Furnace Precision Tune-Up S potlight · Save energy and money · Help avoid costly breakdowns · Written 100% Satisfaction Guarantee OFFER ENDS NOVEMBER 25, 2016 Abbey Air H E A T IN G & A IR C O N D IT IO N IN G A Service Experts Com pany CALL US TODAY Health B eaver T r a ils 289 .813.4637 AbbeyAir.ca U A -I Ashley Furniture, Pharmasave, Metro, 3 for 1 Glasses, Cynthia's Chinese, M&M Meats, IDA, Palma Pasta, Rona, Real Canadian Superstore, No Frills, Lowes, FreshCo, Food Basics, Terra Grocer, Top Choice, Bob's Cruises, M ichael's, 2001 Audio Video, Terra Greenhouses, Gerrie Electric, Ren's Feed and Supplies, National Sports, Home Outfitters, Fortinos, Staples, Brick Mattress, JYSK Bed & Bath, Longo's, Shoppers Drug Mart, The Brick, Centennial Windows, McKesson, Rexall Pharma Plus, Shoppers Drug Mart, Sleep Country, Walmart, Linen Chest, Goodyear, Home Depot, McDonald's, Sheridan Nurseries, M ark's Work Wearhouse, Hudson's Bay Co., Loyalty Group, Canadian Tire, Leon's Furniture, Sears, Best Buy, Toys R Us, Sobeys, Transat, B.H. Magazine WE SERVICE ALL MAKES AND MODELS, 2 4 /7 © 2016 Service Experts LLC, Service Experts Heating & A ir Conditioning name, logo and design are registered and/or common law or licensed tradem arks o f Service Experts LLC and SE Canada Inc. Offers not valid on prior purchases and cannot be combined w ith any other offers. Some restrictions apply. *M aximum rebates valid only on qualifying Lennox6 high-efficie ncy heating and air conditioning equipment packages purchased on or before November 25, 2016. **Potential savings may vary depending on age and condition of equipment, personal lifestyle, system settings, equipment maintenance, and installation o f equipment and duct system. ` Free furnace upgrade does not include a free therm ostat upgrade. Call fo r details. PROMO CODE: 34462-26 For home delivery & customer service call 905-631-6095,5300 Harvester Rd., Burlington NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS call 905-631-6095 or subscribe online at www.oakvillebeaver.com *A ll flyers not necessarily delivered to all hom es lower food p rice s' nofrills Won't Be Beat If you find a cheaper price, simply show us and we will match.* Now get data, talk and text for less. · 3GB o f full-speed data on the W IND home network · Unlimited cross-Canada calling · Unlimited global texting · Low international calling from 1<t/minute 35 fo r 10 m o n th s `- 4 0 r r /m o W IN D AUTHORIZED DEALER O ffe r e n d s so o n windmobile.ca F L Y E R P R IC E S E F F E C T IV E IN O N T A R IO S T O R E S O NLY. FR ID A Y , N O V E M B E R 1 8 T O T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 2 4 , 2 0 1 6 . (e x c lu d in g : G e r a ld to n , K e n o ra & T h u n d e r B a y O n ta rio ) true mobile freedom (3 nofrills.ca 5- Oakville Smart Centre Walkers Line Appleby Village 261 Oak Walk Drive 3505 Upper Middle Road 5111 New Street Unit J2, Oakville Burlington Burlington 289.291.3261 289.427.5260 905.635.0584 FREE ($30 value) W ith a n y n e w a c tiv a tio n o n a $ 4 0 + Pay A fte r p lan . M u s t a c tiv a te a t store s listed . O ffe r e n d s so o n o r w h ile q u a n titie s last. Colangelo's NoFrills Van Spall's NoFrills 125 Cross 1395Abbeywood Avenue Drive ? nafr|ILs I £ 1§ i i? QEW Learn m o re a t w in d m o b ile .c a . O ffe r sta rts O c to b e r 4, 201 6 , a n d is su b je c t to c h a n g e w ith o u t n o tic e . To b e e lig ib le fo r th e $ 5 0 b o n u s, y o u m u s t a c tiv a te a n e w Pay A fte r lin e o n a p la n w ith a m o n th ly ch a rg e o f a t le a st $40. A $5 m o n th ly c re d it w ill b e a p p lie d t o y o u r a c c o u n t fo r u p to 10 m o n th s t o a m a x im u m o f $5 0 . M a y n o t b e c o m b in e d w ith any o th e r in -m a rk e t offe r, w ith s o m e e x c e p tio n s . A ll services s u b je c t t o W IN D 'S Term s o f Service, F air U sag e a n d In te rn e t T raffic M a n a g e m e n t P olicies. A p p lic a b le ta xe s e x tra . Sam sung a n d S am sung G a la xy S7 e d g e are tra d e m a rk s o f S am sung E le ctro n ics C ana da, Inc. a n d /o r its re la te d e n titie s use d w ith p e rm is s io n . Screen im a g e s s im u la te d . W IN D a n d W IN D M O B IL E are tra d e m a rk s o f W in d T e le c o m u n ica zio n i S .p .A a n d are use d u n d e r lice n ce in C an a d a b y W IN D M o b ile C o rp . © 20 1 6 W IN D M o b ile . OAKVILLE

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