26 Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday June 4, 2000 Business To reach this section call 845-3824 Fax:337-5567 Ford Canada's May sales rise 14% Huge dem and for its new Focus model drove F ord C anada vehicle sales up 13.7 per cent for M ay com pared w ith the sam e period one year ago. LOOK On a category basis, car sales soared 26.8 per cent for the m onth while truck sales rose 7.1 per cent. Ford Canada notched its best May truck sales with 20,275 units sold, pow ered largely by a 24.9 per cent jum p in the com pany's W indstar sales and 6 per cent hike in sales o f the full-size F-Series pickups. On the car front, Ford Canada sold the m ost Taurus m odels in the c a r's 14 year history with 3,624 sales in last month. There w ere also 5,587 Focus m odels sold, the Canadian Car o f the Year. On a year-to-date basis, Ford C anada has sold 126,166 units, up 5.1 per cent over the first five m onths o f 1999. C ar sales for the period are up 23.9 per cent while truck sales o f 80,444 units are dow n 3.2 per cent for the January-M ay period. Web design firm sizzling An Oakville-based computer firm's web design team has just landed a saucy new account. "To compete for and then be award ed the A-1 Steak Sauce account demonstrates the continued strength of our great team of creative and techni cal professionals," said A C S Web Design president Andrew Caird. "Our team has over 30 sites to their credit. We're pleased to add A -l to that list." The ACS Web Design team repre sents one of four divisions of its parent company ACCESS Computer Services. With 11 years in the computer service business, the company's diversifica tion beyond servicing systems and net works has enhanced its broad reach in a competitive field. The web design team is two years young and joins the already successful on-site network ser vice, training programs, and hardware sales offered at ACCESS. "Web design and the maintenance are rapidly growing areas of our busi ness," noted Caird, a 20-year veteran in the computer field. "With clients like the Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association, the Oakville Waterfront Festival, Burlodge Canada, and Woolwich Dairies, you have to consistently deliver a quality product." `T h e ACS Web Group offers a complete package of services -- set up, design, e-commerce, database inte gration, and site maintenance, it's reaasuring for companies to know that after their launch, our web team is going to be there to support them," said Caird. ACCESS and the ACS Web Group's websites are www.acs.ca and www.acsweb.org or call 825-5666. Business Kit could be yours The Halton Region Business Development Centre has sent a survey to over 4,000 small businesses in Oakville, Burlington, Halton Hills, and Milton. The survey will ask for feedback from small business entrepreneurs on how they manage their business, financ ing needs, and technology. Halton Region Business Development Centres' corporate part ners Bell, Royal Bank and Hewlett Packard have donated prizes to create a Small Business Resource Kit. Entrepreneurs that return their survey by the June 16th return date will be eligible for the draw of the Kit. The Kit includes the following: · Bell Mobility Motorola Pager from Bell. · Idea Kit computer software to cre ate marketing materials like business cards and brochures for your business from Hewlett Packard. · Specialty paper for colour inkjet printers from Hewlett Packard. · Free Service charges for one year on your Royal Bank Primary Business Banking account for new and existing clients to a maximum value of $500 from Royal Bank. The draw for the Kit will take place on June 26th. TuSSKum 10% off party invitations pons for just about anything Go online. Print them out. And save money at all kinds of stores, services and restaurants in your neighbourhood