Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 4 Jun 2000, p. 30

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30 Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday, June 4, 2000 T he O akville B eaver Classified houses for sale P R IV A T E . B e a u ty hom e backing onto park & pond. Upper Glen Abbey. W a lk out basement, large kitch en. 2nd floor fam ilyroom , lots of u pg rad es. 3-bedrooms. approx. 1,800 sq.ft, on premium lot. 1-1/2 years old. Serious inquiries only. $274,000. (416)898-6720. B O N U S ! A ll cla s s ifie d ads a p p ea r @ WWW. H a lto n S e a ir d . p m The site y o u r co m m u n ity click s o n ! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 OR 3 3 7 -5 6 1 0 FAX: 6 3 2 -8 1 6 5 MON. - F :RI. i3:30 a.m. - 6p.m. · Real Estate 1 0 0 -1 6 5 · Rentals 1 7 0 -1 9 6 · Leisure Living 2 0 0 -2 6 5 · Merchandise 3 0 0 -3 7 5 · Auto 4 0 0 -4 6 5 Help Wanted 5 0 0 -5 9 9 · Announcements 6 0 0 -6 7 5 · Services 7 0 0 -8 0 0 Be Your Own Boss - Tire Store A g r e a t A c tiv e G re e n + R o s s f r a n c h is e o p p o r t u n it y is a w a it in g t h e r ig h t p e r s o n in B u r li n g t o n . C u r r e n t d e a l e r r e t i r e m e n t is m a k in g t h e s t o r e a v a il a b l e J u l y 1 s t. If y o u h a v e a u t o m o t iv e e x p e r ie n c e , a s t r o n g w ill to s u c c e e d a n d t h e n w e w o u ld a b o v e - a v e r a g e s k i l l s in and c o m m u n ic a tio n , lik e to t a lk to y o u . C a ll c u s t o m e r s e r v ic e O A K V IL L E : 190 K err, at Rebecca. Renovated, large suites. W alk to everything. 142 bedrooms from $795. 845-1777_________________ 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur lington. 142 Bedroom s Available June/ July/ Aug. From $795/mo. (905)632-0129 R E F U R B IS H E D A p a rt ments. Downtown Burling ton. Elizabeth Manor. 477 E liz a b e th S tree t. 1,243 Bedroom Apartments with spectacular view. 634-9374 C A N A D IA N A .Q u ie t, w ell m a in ta in e d la k e fro n t building. V e ry spacious 142-bedrooms available. 5 220 L a k e s h o re Rd.. Burlington. (905)632-5486 2-B E D R O O M S u ite s among refined tenants in lu xu ry b uild ing s close to Burlington Mall. C all 'The Princess', 639-8009 or T h e Regency' 681-8115. O A K V IL L E - 1-bedroom basement apartment. Park ing. No pets. First/ last. July 1st. $750/m o. inc lus ive. (905)849-8061____________ D O W N T O W N O akville. 1bedroom, available imme diately or Ju ly 1st. $825/ m o.-*-. Call Forbes 416-4203952, (905)842-9275 G E O R G IA N Apartm ents. July/Aug/Sept. 1,243 Bed rooms. Heat/ hydro included. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm 4 6:30-8pm TYANDAGA 2& 3 Bdrms - June New appliances Freshly Painted Low-rise buildings Large, private patios O A K V IL L E . D o rva l & Speers Detached 3 bed room sidesplit, treed lot, garag e, lo w er le v e l rec room. Appliances. July. 1st. $ 1 ,4 0 0 .-Futilities. George Kloet, Re/max, 905855-2200__________________ BURLINGTON- Main floor2-bedroom s, den, a p pliances 4 parking. N on smoking, adults only. No pets, $ 1,025. inc lus ive. (905) -637-8682___________ EXEC UTIVE 4-bedroom. 21/2 baths, 5 appliances, C/A, 2-car garage, woodburning fireplace, hardwood 4 carpet, landscaped lot with gazebo, playhouse and deck, $1800/mo.+ utilities. Active Management, (905) 333-5506, E x t.50. C a ll (906) 333-1706, Ext.29 for details on other executive rentals R E C E N T L Y ren ovated 3 bedroom house available for rent June 15. Close to downtown Oakville. $1,900 monthly plus utilities. C all 847-5374 for viewing. L O V E L Y 3-bedroom bun galow , C e n tra l O a k v ille . W alk to lake 4 shopping, large fenced yard, garage, la u n dry, a ll u tilitie s for $1150/mo. for m ain floor only (basement separate), non-sm okers, no pets, available Ju ly 1/00. 8253568. F a m ify Im 'tT p / CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 B edroom s · 3 appliancess · E at-in Kit. B asem ent · P la yground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited O A K V IL L E - 2 ,3 4 4 Bed rooms available July 1st. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, (905)876-3336 ___ O A K VILLE : See and fall in love. Executive townhome. nearly 2200 sq. ft. Excep tional tenants needed for expeptional home. $1995 / mo. p lu s u tilitie s . C a ll (905)659-7046 for appoin tm ent_____________________ M IL T O N Townhouses, 3bdrm. $ 860./mo. 4 bdrm $904./mo. Plus utilities. For application call (905)8762581.______________________ B U R LIN G TO N - Luxury 3 4 4 bedroom townhouses with family room and 3 ap pliances, 1300 4 1600 Sq. Ft. plus basement, fenced backyard. $1100. 4 $1200. plus utilities, parking, $40. (905)639-0950.____________ B U R L IN G T O N : 3-bedroom from $1029/mo.-F u tilitie s . Aug. 1st. 3 appliances. 1.5 baths. One o uts id e p arking . N e a r schools, shopping. Park-like setting. 333-1190.__________ FALG ARW O O D 3 bedroom townhouse, corner unit, 5 appliances, indoor parking. $1250/mo inclusive. 3380283______________________ E X E C U T IV E Condo townhouse, North Oakville, 2300 sq.ft., 3-bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, fam ilyroo m , 5 a p pliances, fireplace, air. ga rage. July 1st. $1675/mo.+ utilities. Trafalgar Property Management, W arren Hill, (905)338-1130_____________ LU XU RY Burlington condo/ town home, 3 bedroom, 21/2 bath, walk out to deck. A/C, fireplace, 5 applianc es. Available immediately. $ 1 l0 0 /m o . plus u tilitie s . Call (519)894-5803. P P J J shared accommodation F R E E E s tim a te s ... Got w ob bly c h a irs ...w e a k springs... tired looking wood finishes? W e do it all! Cus tom wood refinishing/ furni ture repairs. Fields Custom Furniture, 9-9, daily! 6329090______________________ 4 bottles- 4 L itre each of premium Motom aster out board motor oil. Sell for only $45 845-6137____________ AN TIQ U E S 4 Collectibles, Great deals! Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service, Burl. W/ Th/F-12-8pm;Sat-9-5pm; Sun-12-4pm. A N T IQ U E w alnut d in in g room suite, 9-pce. Im m a c u la te c ondition. $3500.; 2 Victorian chests of d ra w e rs , e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n $850/ea. (905)847-1128, after 6pm; (416)974-1563, days B E D S , New- C o m p lete: D o uble. $ 220; Q u ee n, $240. Complete with frame. F ree D e livery. (905)6819496______________________ BIKES', toys, garden tools, furn- Sofa's... Cottage spe cials- records/ books/ mag azines. Great deals! Reuse C e n tre , 3 335 N .S e rvic e. Burl. W/Th/F-12-8pm;Sat9-5pm; Sun-12-4pm._______ B O L E N S 17hp lawn trac tor, re b u ilt K o le r engine, hydrastatic drive, 4' mower d eck, good condition. $1900. Phone 632-0068 after 6pm._________________ S IT O n It- Don't Sit In It! R e p la c e m e n t foam for c u sh io n s . R e s id e n tia l/ c o m m e rc ia l. F ield s U p h o ls te ry, 9-9, 7 days/ week! 632-9090___________ C A R P E T - I ha ve several 1,000 yds. of new Stainmaster 4 100% nylon car pet. W ill do livingroom 4 hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad 4 installation (30 yards). Steve, 639-2902 DARK wood, la rg e rep ro d u c tio n tra d itio n a l dining suite. Table, buffet, hutch, 6 chairs (2 captains), beige upholstery, $700/obo. (905)639-9578____________ D E S K , 6 0 ' m eta l, office desk with green top. $40. 829-1494._________________ D IN IN G R O O M suite- A n drew Malcolm Provincial w/ light cherry finish, table + 2 leaves, 6 chairs, buffet, chi na cabinet w/hutch. Good condition. $1200. (905)8451658______________________ D IN IN G RO O M Suite, circa 1950, teak. Table, 5 chairs, buffet. h utch. $400. (905)331-6874_____________ D R APER IES: living/ dining room, sateen Meroco stripe tone-on-tone b urg un d y, 160.5* panels w/3 swags. 131' wide. 8 5 .7 5 ' length panels w/3 swags, 82*wide. 5-yrs. old. $750/all. Kings ize brass-p lated headboard, frame. $50. S ta in less steel kitchen sink $25. (905)847-7574.____________ E M P T Y N e s te rs H o u s e c le a n in g . D e sks, $50.$300. Rosewood dining room table, with 4 chairs. $1200. Plus more. 6399089______________________ K ENM O RE upright vacuum c le a n er approx. 4yrs old. Asking $55. 632-4436 M O D E R N D in in g Room Suite, some water damage to hutch. New $5,000, Ask ing $1,800 OBO. (416)6061818______________________ O FF IC E Furniture- quality mahogany-look veneer for professional/ home office. Desk 60x30 double pedes tal $300; table 60x30 $75; rolling 3 draw er file $150; computer table 24x60 with 2 slide-out shelves $200. Like new. Four for $600. g.j.duffy@sympatico.ca for pictures or 905-827-1601 RANGE, Viking, self-clean ing oven, $200. Crib and change table, $100. Phone 829-5171 MUST SELL!!!- Burlington. Brand new small complex. Located Kings Rd/ Plains Rd. n e a r Q E W / 403. 1.355sq.ft.- 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths, garage. Approx tax es $ 200/m onth. $95./ m onth condo fees. $183,000. call 905-330. 7902.______________________ BURLINGTON- $85,000 2 bedroom, walk to lake, GO & 3 m a lls. $255. m a in tenance fee includes taxes. (90 5)63 4 - 4 4 9 9 , le a ve message. W E sp e c ia lize in C o nd o m inium Sales. Lin d a D a vies Real Estate Ltd., Realtor, 333-4347, 827-7728 I L r J /commercial space P e t e r a t 4 1 6 - 5 8 0 - 0 2 5 6 f o r d e t a ils . A p p r o x , i n v e s t m e n t o f $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . r e q 'd . N o s t o r e i n q u ir ie s p le a s e . 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905)336-0016 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr. 170 apartments & flats for rent 170 apartments & flats torrent (905)336-0015 W a te rd o w n 50 & 75 John St. W. Large 1 , 2 , 3 Bdrms All Renovated New appliances, etc W alk to everything Util. incl. from $695. (9 0 5 ) 690 - 4 4 5 4 (9 0 5 ) 6 8 9 - 1 6 4 7 M IL LC R O F T . M ature per son to s h a re la rg e e x e c u tiv e hom e. P riv a te e n s u ite , a ll fa c ilitie s $500/mo. inclusive. (905) 319-7987 5 2 0 0 L a k e s h o re , B u rlin g to n S p a c io u s 2 - B e d r o o m A p a r t m e n t s w it h m a g n if ic e n t v i e w s o f t h e la k e ! (90 5)681- 7126 Professionally managed by L T. Greenwin Property Mgmt IN E X P E N S IV E warehouse space for lease. I600sq. ft., Call Luyk 845-7597 B U R L IN G T O N C e n tra l. 1600 and 3000sq.ft. units available. Offices, lots of power, overhead door. Very clean. (905)849-6770 T R A V E L Trailer, Argosy by A irs tre a m , 26'. M ic h e lin tires, A/C, TV, microwave, tub 4 show er, elec./ gas frid g e 4 furn a c e . M a n y extras. Good shape. Hitch inc lud ed . $ 6 ,0 0 0 firm . (905)335-1104____________ 1981 Pop up C a m p e r tra ile r. M in t c ondition. Sleeps s ix $2500.00 C a ll 842-6751 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted L o tts » Studios » 1 -Bdrm * 1 -Bdrm +Den«2-Bdrm · A ll 2-Bdrm. units w ith 2 full baths · Indoor pool & saunas I rentals YYYYY F U R N IS H E D Luxury! 1-3 Bdrm C o rp o ra te Condos Homes. 6 appliances, TV, V C R . stereo. 1-3 baths, h ealth centre, security. D a ily. W e e kly, M o nthly. From $1295-2795 month. Visa, MasterCard, AmEx. Call 681-RENT (7368) L/M LOOKING for an Executive R e n ta l in the $ 1500 to $5000 range? We can help! S e v e ra l to choose from. (905)847-5095, E x t.70. Kathy Murray, Salesperson, A c tive P ro p e rtie s Inc. (Broker) __________________ BU RLIN G TO N Retail: 8503200 sq.ft. O ffices: 8001500 sq.ft. C a ll D a vid Johnson, Assoc. Bro ker, Re/Max (905)333-3500. O F F IC E Space for Rent. * · P la in s Rd./ M a p le Ave. area. R e nt e xc h a n g e for s e c reta ria l services. C a ll Terry. (905)541-2343___ M O D E R N office for rent 1,500 sq.ft. Speers/ Third U n e . O a k v ille . C a ll Joe Luyk, (905)845-7597. tX J W N T O W N O akville for lease, 2 units, $550/mo. & $625/mo. Call Forbes 416420-3952 or (905)842-9275 1870SQ.FT of prime mod ern office space. Clean, at tractive. ground floor ac cess. free parking. Dorval/ Q E W $12 all inclusive. By Owner (905)338-3444 · Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. · Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access B U R L IN G T O N S Q U A R E (9 0 5 )6 3 9 - 4 6 7 7 Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm LA R G E 1-bedroom, 2 bath rooms in residential triplex. M aple/ Lakeshore. Q u ie t fam ily home, suit m ature adult(s). Includes parking, laundry, A/C. a ll utilities. $795/mo. J u ly 1st. (905) 634-1999 after 6pm_______ L A R G E 2-bedroom- close to lake. G uelph Line/New St. area. J u n e ls t. $760/ m o .+ h ydro . No dogs. (905)634-0865_____________ N O R T H O a k v ille . U p per le v e l of house, 3-bed rooms, 4 appliances. 2.5 baths, fam ilyroom , 2 fire places, c/air, garage, avail able July 1st. $1,100/mo. 8 4 5 - 8 6 8 5 .______________ W H IT E O aks, O a k v ille . S p a c io u s 2-bdrm+ den, $1190- $1290/mo.; Im m e d iate. Well- m a in ta in e d complex, full rec. facilities in c lu d in g ind o or pool, sunken livingroom... some w ith fire p la c e l C a ll Jeannette, (905)815-1628 BEAU TIFU L, Newly Reno v a te d 1 ,243 Bedroom Apartments. Some with lake views! Refurbished, P res tigious Burlington Highrise. Immediate. From $875./mo (905)637-6701____________ BURLINGTON, Downtown. 1366 Elgin Street. Large 1 bedroom. July 1. $650/mo, B rant/ L a k e s h o re area. 681-3495._________________ BURLINGTON. 2-bedroom, sm all building, A va ila b le July 1. Stove, fridge, large eat-in kitc h en , no pets, parking. 905-637-9333. A P P L E B Y Line/ Fairview. Light, clean, extra large. 1 bedroom apartment. W alk to G O. A/C, FP, fridge, stove. S u it sin g le nonsmoker, no pets. July 1st $750. (905)633-9601 S PAC IO U S 3-bdrm, newly ren o va ted , clean. A l dershot. $970. inclusive, parking, utilities. Available July 1st. 333-3720, Jeff O A K V IL L E . Q E W / Trafal gar. 1-bedroom from $779.; 3-bedroom from $959/mo. P a rk in g included. W e ll m a in ta in e d b uild ing . (905)338-2276_____________ 2 bedroom n ew ly re n o v ated- main floor in sm all building, Central Burlington, a v a ila b le June 1st. $920/mo. (905)336-7742 1 bedroom g ro und flo o r apartment- private home, own e n tra n c e, parking , laundry facilities. Suite sin gle, non-smoking, working person. $595./month. References. (905)333-4978 D O W N T O W N , Burlington A v a ila b le : O ne 2-bed room, July. Freshly painted with new cabinetry. W e ll maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake. 637-0321____________ BU R LIN G TO N Downtown. Wellington Place, 478 Peart Street. N ew ly decorated 1,243 Bedroom Apartments with scenic views. 632- 1643 L A K E V ie w s . $950/m o. modern 1-bedroom den. Bronte V illa g e area. C all G ary Reed, Broker, Coldwell Bankei Home 4 Family, (905)825-7777_________ L U X U R Y a p a rtm e n ts in downtown Hamilton, start ing at $750./mo. 142 bed rooms, available June 1st. A/C, fridge, stove, d is h washer, security, exercise room, above/ underground p arking . Q u ie t, clean, newly renovated. Call 905523-7794. N O R TH Burlington. Rent/ sale. 2-bedroom, parking, $850/mo. +gas, hydro in cluded, S a le $ 89,900. A v a ila b le im m ed iately. 631-9989._________________ N O R T H Burlington- J u ly 1st. Executive 1400sq.ft., air, fireplace. 3-bdrms. 2.5baths, garage. $1300/mo.+ utilities. No pets/smokers. 335-6172__________________ B R A N T - 2-bedroom with la rg e b asem ent, fenced front yard, new windows/ bathroom. $800/mo -Futili ties. 905-332-0935 BEAUTIFUL, lakefront cot tage. N e a r H a lib u rto n . Sleeps 8. great for children, $785./wk. Call Steve, 8476844. ( | y M items under $100. k L IT T L E Tykes basketball stand, $20. (905)842-4697 BB Q , Sunbeam with side b u rn e r, good c o nd ition , $75. 336-0689.____________ C A P TA IN S Bed. single 4drawer w/mattress 4 sup port board. $75. W ill deliver. 257-0696.______________ C H AIR S - secretarial desk on rollers. Black, multi-posi tio n, $50/pair. (905)336-6335____________ C O F F E E 4 end tab le s. M editerranean style, solid wood, $75. (905)842-4697 C O F F E E and two end ta bles- oak with doors and shelves. $100 .637-7230 Walk to Spencer Smith Park on the Lake & JBMH Spacious 2 & 3 Bdrm Apts From $825/mo. A ll freshly painted & carpeted w ith new windows and baths. No pets please. 480 Maple Ave., Burl. Tel: (905) 639-5079 O L D O akville- B e autifu building, very quiet, step out to shops, lots of seniors. Bachelor. $725./mo.; 1-bed room from $ 925./mo.; 2bedroom from $1125/mo. C all (905)845-8254, leave message.__________________ 2-BEDROOM- quiet, clean adult building, downtown B u rlin g to n . A v a ila b le A u g .15th . $ 7 2 5 ./mo in c u de s u tilitie s . (905)6310191 or (905)643-8979 2 bdrm, J u ly 1st, Bronte, excellent condition, pool, tennis court, underground parking, $1200./mth utilities includ ed , B rad M ille r 21 M ille r R e a l E s ta te Ltd., (905)845-9180.____________ 1 bdrm, J u ly 1st, Bronte, excellent condition, pool, tennis court, underground parking, $950./mth utilities included, Bill Miller 21 Miller R e a l E s ta te Ltd., (905) 845-9180._________________ BRONTE-ON-THE-LAKE: O a kville, imm aculate, 1 bedroom, all inclusive: ca ble. parking, brand new ap p lian c e s. $ 1,050./mo. Evenings (905)827-2266. L A R G E , luxury basement apartment. Walkers/ Upper Middle (Burlington). $8507 in c lu d e s u tilitie s . 4-ap pliances, cable, parking, s to ra g e included. C re d it check/references. July. 1st. (905) 330-3211, (905)-3365341______________________ Q U IET, Convenient, WellMaintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd., Burlington. V ery spa cious 1-bedroom. One avail able July 1st. (905)637-3921 N O R T H O a k v ille townhouse. 3-bedrooms, 1.5 baths, finished rec.room, parquet flooring, attached garage. Avail. June15thJ u ly ls t. $1300/mo.+ u til ities. L. Davis R E.(905)3334347 ^ 12- condom inium s torrent 3-Bdrm 2-Level Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) A ll The Advantages of Condo Living IC E C re a m P a rlo u r, S/E Oakville, also specializing in S ub s & S oup s. F u lly equipped. G reat location. $ 29,000. C o nta c t T e rry Hutchison, Assoc. Broker. R e /M a x A b o u to w ne , (905)338-9000____________ ' S$ Government Funds $$. Grants and loans informa tion to s ta rt and exp a n d your business or farm. 1800-505-8866. I franchises 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, BDRM + DEN & painted, full basement. BDRM SUITES C a ll w/solarium! Rec. fac., 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! Avail. Ju ly & Aug. 6 3 9 -9 2 1 2 w416-390-6279n HIGHRISE near Lake, (Bur lington), harbour view, Im mediate. 2-bedroom+ den, 5 appliances, all amenities. $1295/mo. includes utilities 4 parking. (905)333-5506, X53, Active Management BURLINGTON, 1276 Maple Crossing- 1-bdrm. July 1st 5 a pp lian ces. $925/m o. Phone (905)639-3789 1-BEDROOM condo- ample a m en itie s. 'E m p re s s ' across from Burlington Mall. Near Go/ Hwy. 24-nr securii. Underground parking. nsuite washer/ dryer, fire place. Heat/ hydro/ cable included. Available August 1st. F irst/ Last. $975/ m onth. Fra n c esc o 6348678 or leave message TALLEST BUILDING IN OAKVILLE! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelors lro m $ 6 8 9 .` 1-Bdrm trom $779.* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Nellie: (905)845-9502 N EW LY RENO VATED 3-bedroom townhouse mai sonettes. 1 parking. June/ July. Starting $9000/mo.-F utilities. North Burlington. (905)319-9104____________ L A R G E 3 4 4 bedroom s, Aug. 1st. From $1129/mo. (+ utilities). 5 appliances, garage, park-like setting. Longmoor Dr, Burlington. (905)681-0070 AUG UST 1st, Oakville bet ween Trafalgar and Fourth Line. S. of Q E W . A ffo rd ably-priced, p riv a te bachelor basement/ ground level apartment. Seperate enterance preferred, laun dry, private bath/ kitchen, utilities/cable included. For single, responsible, non smoking. employed female without pets/children. Ref erences/ security clearance available. (905)339-3389. C O M P O S TO R by Rubber maid, like new, $75. 3358622______________________ D IS H W A S H E R , built-in. w orks. $ 200. firm . 319-6308_________________ D R A P E S - A n tiq u e sa tin lin ed , p ale m oss green, 120x94, $100 637-7230 FREE Rocks You pick up. Call (905) 319-6308________ K E N M O R E D ryer, h e a vy d uty in good w o rkin g condition $75.00. Call (905) 465-0438 after 4 pm K E N M O R E w as h e r good working condition $75. Call (905)465-0438 after 4pm S IM M O N S , sofa-bed, tan stripe, excellent, clean condition. $75 (905)681-1827 STOVE, Almond, good con dition, GE. $100/obo. 3316202 STO VE- G eneral Electric. Alm o n d, good condition. $100. 336-0946___________ STOVE, 2 burner with oven, in good working condition. $75. C a ll (905) 465-0438 after 4 pm_________________ W H IR L P O O L w a s h e r 4 dryer, good condition. $100/ both firm. 637-1762 m shared accommodation C A N D Y Bouquet 4 Fresh Fudge. B u rlin g to n . F a b u lo u s, fun b u s in e s s. A ll equipment/ stock included. '-Quick sale needed- leaving province. Days: (905)3335707; After 6pm. (905)3158080 mortgage, loans A C C E S S Money -Private F in a n c ia l A s s is ta n c e , req u ire d to be a pp rove d $10,000 and up financing. R.R.S.P., Lira, Rif. Pension fund from Ex-employer. Call ` toll free; 1-888-657-1062, T o ll F ree Fax 1-888-7031492. We act as consultants on your projects. 7 days per week. MFC ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. M all 3& 4 Bdrm from $940+ S H A R E 4-bedroom con do. Large balcony, view of lake. V e ry clean. $425/month all inclusive. 10 m inute w alk to S h e ri dan C o lle g e . M ike. (905)844-0164,________ ___ SHARED Accom m oda tion, F em ale preffered, 4 bed ro om .T o w n h o u s e , U p pe r M id d le 4 E ig h th Line $433.00/ month plus utilities. (416)576-3411 W A N T E D sh a re d hou se situation in Oakville. M an a g e m en t p ro fe s sio n a l, n o n sm o ke r, q u ie t and neat (905)630-5626. (Voi cemail)____________________ S H A R E entire townhouse, $350. inclusive, near Bur lington Mall. Non-smoker p re fe rre d , J u ly 1st. (90^)657-0010_____________ "(2% disc, included) 2 - B E D R O O M A p a rt ments $790. (Utilities in cluded). 2386 N ew St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11-8pm. 639-5761 B R A N T / U p p e r M id dle La rg e 1-bedroom, living, dining, kitchen, A/C. $750/ mo. includes utilities. Patio, parking. No pets. Aug. 1st.. 335-9870.____________. CO SY 1-bedroom in private home. Separate entrance, fireplace, ravine view. Suit single non-smoker. North B u rlin g to n . Im m e dia te. $800/mo. (905)332-8891 1A2 Bedroom Suites avail able June. Q EW / Trafalgar Road. Indoor pool. From $850/mo. 844-1106 g 795 Dynes Road Tel: 639-1748 BESTBENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Am elin Properly Mgmt GLEN Abbey 2 bedroom j-2 storey end unit main floor family room, 2.5 bath, 5 ap pliances, A/C, cent vac, sin gle garag e. Im m e d ia te, $1375 f utilities. No pets. 825-0752_________________ | ! u f houses for rent HOMES to rent w/option to buy. or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Assoc. Broker, (905)6395258 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor E X E C U T IV E hom e, fu r nished, 4 bdrm, 2-1/2 bath, a va ila b le Ju ly 1. $2500./ mo. 829-4135. A P P L E B Y / New. Large, /bright, basem ent 1-bdrm. Air, F/P, No pets. Suit ma ture adult. June 15th/ July 1st.. S800/inclusive. 634-2741 P A R K like setting. 2-bed/room to w nh o u se n e a r S H A R E H eadon F orest Tyandaga Golf Course. 1 1/2 baths, finished b ase townhouse with one other, p riva te en su ite. p arking, m ent, h ard w o o d floors, laundry, $450/m o. in c lu fridge, stove. Available July. sive . 335-8171. (905)335-3001. ^ W A N T E D : Hardtop tra iler (sleeps 6) to rent for camp ing July 1st long weekend. (905)632-5731.

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